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NILAI Tanda Tangan

Orang Tua


Dedi Zulkifli S.Kom@2020
1 Answer the questions based on the dialogue below.
A : How many places have you traveled to?
B : I've visited all the provinces through out my country
A : Who do you usually go with?
B : I often go with my family sometimes with my best friends
A : What's your favourite tourist attraction?
B : That would be Venice City in Italy. I love riding the gondola along the canals while watching Italian people live
their daily lives
A : Have you ever been abroad?
B : Yes, I have I came to Italy last year for a business trip

Questions :
How many places have the tourist traveled to?

2 What's the favourite tourist attraction?

3 When the tourist came to Italy?

4 Mention the meaning of the underlined words.

I come from Sidney
5 I come here to enjoy some interest views

6 Borobudur is in Central Java

7 Rearrange these words into good sentence in English

come - I - Sidney - from
8 A - have - spare - I - time

9 Announcement
This Thursday is August 17th, the Independence day
Don't miss the Independence Day Festival
The festival begins at 08.00 in every district in Jakarta
Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal
Don't miss it! and join many contests at school
Free registration, full of prizes!

What does the text tell about?

10 What time will the festival start?

NILAI Tanda Tangan

Orang Tua


Dedi Zulkifli S.Kom@2020

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