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ProNest 2012 PA cat ton Jinxin Thanh xe

Job Summary
Utilization Summary Utilization percentages

Nest Times cut Plates in stack True Crop Plate used Rectangular
1 1 1 71.50% 71.50% 87.08% 75.77%
2 1 1 13.98% 13.98% 50.81% 25.65%
3 1 1 26.82% 26.82% 66.33% 34.02%
4 1 1 52.48% 52.48% 93.41% 58.41%
5 1 1 77.82% 77.82% 78.22% 87.21%
6 1 1 33.11% 33.11% 75.92% 36.84%
7 1 1 72.63% 72.63% 82.78% 76.97%
8 1 1 20.69% 20.69% 89.74% 21.67%

Averages: 46.13% 46.13% 78.04% 52.07%

Plate Summary
Nest Total plates Type Plate dimension Nest dimension Material Class
1 1 Rectangular 4710.00 x 1500.00 mm 3886.86 x 1492.39 mm SS 2.50 mm
2 1 Rectangular 3590.00 x 1500.00 mm 1003.42 x 1476.94 mm SS 4.00 mm
3 1 Rectangular 4330.00 x 1500.00 mm 1781.55 x 1474.19 mm SS 6.00 mm
4 1 Rectangular 6000.00 x 1500.00 mm 4918.65 x 1027.99 mm MS 4.00 mm
5 1 Rectangular 6000.00 x 1500.00 mm 5991.22 x 1494.44 mm SS 3.00 mm
6 1 Rectangular 6000.00 x 1500.00 mm 2626.54 x 1494.24 mm SS 3.00 mm
7 1 Rectangular 6000.00 x 1500.00 mm 5879.19 x 1343.20 mm SS 2.00 mm
8 1 Rectangular 6000.00 x 1500.00 mm 1957.40 x 1060.19 mm SS 5.00 mm

Total: 8

Production Summary
Nest Times cut Plates in stack Production time Production cost Material cost of parts Scrap value
1 1 1 0:44:41 $102.19 $304.21 $0.00
2 1 1 0:33:07 $97.95 $72.56 $0.00
3 1 1 0:34:28 $80.55 $251.81 $0.00
4 1 1 0:13:08 $44.11 $195.76 $0.00
5 1 1 1:57:21 $224.87 $506.18 $0.00
6 1 1 0:57:13 $136.29 $215.35 $0.00
7 1 1 1:05:40 $118.96 $314.95 $0.00

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ProNest 2012 PA cat ton Jinxin Thanh xe

Job Summary
Production Summary
Nest Times cut Plates in stack Production time Production cost Material cost of parts Scrap value
8 1 1 0:14:45 $46.26 $224.33 $0.00

Totals: 6:20:23 $851.18 $2,085.14 $0.00

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