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Illegal Drugs Kill

The picture above is an editorial cartoon that shows the effect of drugs. But first,
what are drugs? Drugs are medicines or other substances which has a physiological effect
when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Sometime drugs can cause death if
use improperly. They are called illegal drugs. The picture above shows us the effect of
drugs if used it in a wrong way. Just like using it for fun or using it because of peer
pressure. The picture shows us that illegal drugs can make us blind and make us neglect
our education and sometimes our family. It can also affect our health and it sometimes it
can result to death. Some side effects of using illegal drugs are increased heart rate, high
blood pressure and heart damage and heart attack. Stroke and increased body temperature
are also side effects of illegal drugs. A person that uses drugs can also make them kill
other people because their brain can’t function well. A student that uses drugs can neglect
their school activities and can also force others to use drugs too. Drugs can kill. Stop
using drugs.
So if you are planning to use or being peer pressure to use drugs, don’t do it
because it can affect your health and it may lead to death. Using drugs can also be a habit
or addiction so that why using illegal drugs are bad for your health. If you had a friend
that uses drugs and wants them to join you, tell them to stop because it is bad for your
health. And if are already using drugs stop it because like in the saying “quit while your
ahead” or alive, stop it because prevention is better than cure. It means that when you
stop or quit using drugs, you can live a better and healthy lifestyle.

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