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University of Bahrain

Department of Mechanical Engineering

MENG 163
Sem. II, 2015/16

Lab Report # 2
Equilibrium of a particle in

Section: 04
Submitted to: Dr. Maher Mahmood

Objective: To study the Equilibrium of a particle in space.

Introduction: A particle in any frame of reference which remains at rest or in uniform

motion with respect to that frame is said to be in equilibrium .In this experiment we will be

understanding the equilibrium condition by studying a body which is being acted upon by

several forces.

Newton's 2nd law states that the vector sum of the forces on a particle is equal to the mass of

the particle times its acceleration:

Xi Fi=F1+F2+F3+… = ma

For a particle at rest (or moving with constant velocity), the acceleration is zero, i.e. a=0.

Xi Fi=F1+F2+F3+… = 0

So the total sum of forces equals zero.


1. Arrange the system as shown above.

2. Measure the coordinates of points B and C; B (XB, YB, ZB) and C (XC, YC, ZC).

3. Add weight to the hanger A.

4. Add weight to the hanger at D so that line AD is always horizontal.

5. Record the values of W, P and tensions in the cable AB and AC.

6. Measure the x coordinate of point A, A (XA, 0, 0) and record it.

7. Calculate TAB, TAC, and P and give your comments.


A. (135, 0, 0)

B. (0, 180, -160)

C. (0, 160, 185)

W= 900 g = (0.9 Kg) (9.81 m/s2) = 9.81 N = - 8.829 j N

P= 700 g = (0.7 Kg) (9.81 m/s2) = 6.867 N

TAB (Exp) = 8 N

TAC (Exp) = 8 N


eAB= - 0.5i + 0.66j - 0.58k

TAB= - 0.4 TAB i + 0.66 TAB j - 0.58 TAB k

eAC= - 0.47i + 0.58j + 0.67k

TAC= - 0.47 TAC i + 0.58 TAC j + 0.67 TAC k

∑ Fx= - 0.47 TAB i - 0.47 TAC i + 6.86 i= 0 → 1

∑ Fy= 0.66 TAB j + 0.58 TAC j – 8.83 j= 0 → 2

∑ Fz= - 0.58 TAB k + 0.67 TAC k= 0 → 3

In equation 3, TAC= TAB0.58/0.67

Substitute (TAC= TAB0.58/0.67) in equation 1

- 0.47 TAB - 0.47 (TAB0.58/0.67) + 6.86 = 0

TAB (Theo) = 7.8 N

By substituting the value of TAB in any equation, the value of TAC can be determined.

- 0.47 (7.8) - 0.47 TAC + 6.86 = 0

TAC (Theo) = 6.8 N

Results: We have calculated the theoretical values of tensions TAB and TAC equalling 7.8
N and 6.8 N respectively. According to these results our error comes out to be 2.5% in case

of TAB and 15% in case of TAC. These results show that we have mistaken either during noting

the readings or there were problems in the apparatus.

Conclusion: The concept of equilibrium in space is one of the most important concepts.
The resultant forces acting on a body can be calculated by adding all the forces and making

them equal to zero

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