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Building Research & Information

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Stochastic Petri-net models to predict the

degradation of ceramic claddings

C. Ferreira, L. Canhoto Neves, A. Silva & J. de Brito

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Published online: 17 Aug 2018.

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Stochastic Petri-net models to predict the degradation of ceramic claddings

C. Ferreiraa, L. Canhoto Nevesb, A. Silva c

and J. de Brito c

Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal; bNottingham Transport Engineering Centre, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, UK; cDepartment of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-resources, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

A stochastic Petri-net formalism is proposed to predict the degradation of ceramic claddings over building envelope; building
time in order to understand how different environmental exposure conditions contribute to the performance; degradation;
overall degradation of these claddings. For that purpose, the degradation condition of 195 deterioration; durability;
environmental exposure;
ceramic claddings located in Lisbon, Portugal, is evaluated through in situ visual inspections. In
facades; Petri net
the first part of the study, a stochastic deterioration Petri-net model is proposed for the entire
sample. In the second part, the original sample is divided according to the environmental
exposure conditions, evaluating the influence of these conditions on the deterioration process of
ceramic claddings. Four main degradation agents are analyzed: exposure to moisture; distance
from the sea; orientation; and wind–rain action. The results reveal that Petri nets can accurately
describe the deterioration process of ceramic claddings, providing relevant information
regarding the performance of these claddings through their life cycle and according to the
environmental exposure conditions to which they are subject. These results are extremely
relevant for different practitioners: the approach allows the adoption of more sustainable and
durable solutions at the design stage, as well as improving the durability of the ceramic
claddings by performing optimized maintenance plans and strategies.

Introduction ‘when’ to intervene (Lacasse & Vanier, 1996). The

The ageing of the European building stock and the high knowledge regarding the real-life degradation phenom-
burden related to their maintenance and repair has ena, considering the simultaneous occurrence of several
increased the relevance of adopting condition-based environmental degradation agents, is extremely impor-
maintenance plans and strategies (Beer et al., 2011; tant for different practitioners in the construction sector.
Hovde, 2002; Paulo, Branco, & de Brito, 2014; Silva, de The expected service life of a given element, when sub-
Brito, & Gaspar, 2016). The decision-making surround- jected to a specific set of environmental exposure con-
ing the maintenance and rehabilitation of the built heri- ditions, is valuable information that can be used by: (1)
tage requires more economic and sustainability manufacturers for establishing warranty periods for
awareness, particularly the adoption of technical criteria external claddings; (2) designers for selecting and pre-
in the decision process of whether to intervene. However, scribing the most suitable material for a given appli-
this rational approach is only possible if a reliable under- cation; and (3) facilities managers for adopting more
standing of the durability and service life of building rational maintenance policies, optimizing the use of
materials and components exists (Aikivuori, 1999). funds and resources, as well as improving the quality
Therefore, in the past two decades various authors (Gas- and durability of buildings and components.
par & de Brito, 2008; Lacasse & Sjöström, 2004; Shohet & The present study proposes a new approach to predict
Paciuk, 2004; Shohet, Puterman, & Gilboa, 2002; Silva the degradation process of ceramic claddings over time.
et al., 2016) have developed several service life prediction The buildings’ facades are used as a case study. Facades
methodologies. These were intended to improve the are the first layer of protection against the aggressive
knowledge regarding the deterioration processes and deterioration agents, and therefore these elements are
mechanisms of building and components, as well as to more prone to degradation (Silva, Neves, Gaspar, & de
provide relevant information concerning ‘how’ and Brito, 2015). The degradation phenomena present a


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high level of randomness and uncertainly, and their sto- dynamic system (in which the maintenance actions
chastic nature should be recognized in the building man- are not considered, assuming that each cladding only
agement system research. transits from a given condition to a more unfavourable
Currently, Markov-based models are the most com- one) and a set of probabilistic distribution functions are
mon stochastic technique applied to modelling the used to model the transitions times between degradation
deterioration of assets (Butt, Shahin, Feighan, & Carpen- condition states. Compared with other stochastic
ter, 1987; Cesare, Santamarina, Turkstra, & Vanmarcke, modes, Petri nets have greater flexibility under a con-
1992; Silva et al., 2015). These models are considered sistent formalism. On the one hand, the flexibility allows
intuitive and computationally inexpensive due to the for the modelling of all aspects of the lifecycle (e.g.
memoryless property (i.e. lack of maintenance and inspection, maintenance and repair) in a consistent fra-
other records), which allows an estimate of the future mework. The use of a consistent formalism allows for
performance only based on the current performance, faster development and simpler maintenance of soft-
which is particularly relevant when limited information ware. This method allows the use of several distribution
is available (Ferreira, Neves, Silva, & de Brito, 2018). In functions to model the time of transitions between con-
this study, a Petri-net modelling technique is used to dition states, which is a major advantage when com-
model the deterioration of ceramic claddings, consider- pared with Markov chains, which only allows one to
ing the isomorphism between Markov chains and sto- use the exponential distribution. The optimization of
chastic Petri nets. Petri-net models have been the models’ parameters is performed using a Monte
successfully applied to model dynamic systems in several Carlo and genetic algorithm optimization framework
areas due to their flexibility and high accuracy in model- in which the fitness function is defined based on the
ling complex phenomena (Al-Ahmari, 2016; Chen, Li, & concept of maximizing the likelihood. The results
Barkaoui, 2014; Cheng, Li, Wang, Skitmore, & Forsythe, obtained show the relevant impact of the environmental
2013; Rinke et al., 2017; Tang, Guo, Dong, Li, & Guan, exposure conditions in the service life of external cer-
2008; Uzam, Gelen, & Saleh, 2016; van der Aalst, 2002; amic claddings. This information allows the identifi-
Yianni, Rama, Neves, Andrews, & Castlo, 2016). cation of the deterioration rate of ceramic claddings
The durability and service life of buildings, and according to their location and exposure conditions,
especially external claddings, are strongly influenced by thus improving the decision-making regarding the
the environmental exposure conditions. In this study, a design, execution, maintenance and repair of these
stochastic Petri-net formalism is also applied to analyze claddings.
the influence of different environmental degradation The paper is structured as follows. A basic back-
agents in the overall degradation of ceramic claddings ground concerning the Petri-net formalism is described
over time. For that purpose, a sample of 195 ceramic is the next section. The method proposed to predict
claddings, located in Lisbon, Portugal, is analyzed using the life cycle performance of ceramic claddings is
in situ visual inspections to quantify deterioration. The described. A one-way ANOVA test is performed. Finally,
deterioration state of each cladding analyzed is defined a discussion of the results is presented and the main con-
based on a discrete scale divided into five condition clusions are provided.
levels, ranging between condition A (with no visible
degradation) to condition E (most serious degradation
condition, corresponding to generalized degradation).
This study can be divided into three parts. In the first, The use of Petri nets has increased in the last years,
a deterioration stochastic Petri-net-based model is pro- essentially due to their flexibility at modelling dynamic
posed and calibrated using the overall sample. In the systems in different areas of knowledge (Al-Ahmari,
second, the original sample is divided according to the 2016; Chen et al., 2014; Cheng et al., 2013; Rinke et al.,
environmental exposure conditions, evaluating the influ- 2017; Tang et al., 2008; Uzam et al., 2016; van der
ence of these conditions on the deterioration process of Aalst, 2002; Yianni et al., 2016). Petri-net models provide
ceramic claddings. For that purpose, four environmental a graphical and mathematical formalism; the graphical
exposure factors are analyzed: exposure to damp; dis- representation allows the intuitive description of the pro-
tance from the sea; orientation; and the combined action blem, while the mathematical formalism allows an
of rain and wind. Finally, in the third, an independence efficient algorithmic to be developed to solve complex
analysis is performed using a one-way analysis of var- problems. Furthermore, the different variants of Petri-
iance (ANOVA) test. net models that have been developed over the years are
In the proposed stochastic Petri-net model, the all related through the basic net formalism upon which
degradation phenomenon is modelled as a sequential they are built. This flexibility allows one to meet the

needs in different application domains and the incorpor- Research objectives

ation of many rules in the model to accurately simulate
The aim of this work is to develop probabilistic deterio-
complex situations, still keeping the model size within
ration models for building facades that incorporate the
manageable limits (Girault & Valk, 2013).
impact of local environmental factors. To achieve this,
The original concept of Petri nets was developed by
the following objectives were defined: (1) propose a
Carl A. Petri (Petri, 1962). A Petri net is a particular
flexible deterioration model based on Petri nets; (2)
kind of graph with an initial state called the initial mark-
evaluate the dependence between performance and a
ing, M0 (Murata, 1989; Peterson, 1977; Schneeweiss,
set of environmental conditions using the ANOVA;
2004). A Petri net comprises two kinds of nodes: (1)
and (3) propose updated deterioration models by taking
places, which represent resources or particular states of
into account the results of the ANOVA. Finally, the pro-
the system; and (2) transitions, which represent an action
posed models are applied to the facade data set to predict
or an event changing the state of the system. Both nodes
the future performance of these facades and the impact
are linked by directed edges (arcs). An arc connects a
of different exposure classes on their degradation con-
place with a transition, or vice versa. Each place has
dition over time.
the ability to store a varying number of tokens. Tokens
represent the present state of the system, and their distri-
bution over the places is called its marking. The move- Deterioration Petri-net model
ment of the tokens between places and the evolution of
the system from one state to another is governed by The deterioration process can be modelled using Petri
the firing of transitions. A transition is enabled to fire nets through the definition of a linear sequence of places
when the number of tokens in all input places is greater and timed transitions, where each place represents a con-
than or equal to the weight of the precondition arcs dition state of the classification system adapted and the
(directed edges that link the input places to the tran- timed transitions define the movement between con-
sitions). These two elements (tokens and transitions) ditions states (Andrews, 2012; Yianni et al., 2016). The
are responsible for modelling the dynamic behaviour of position of the token in the network indicates the present
the system. condition of the element. Figure 2 illustrates the Petri-net
Figure 1 shows a basic example of a Petri net and illus- structure used to model the deterioration process of cer-
trates it before and after a transition fires. The net is com- amic claddings over time.
posed of three places (denoted by circles), one transition The model is composed of five places (P1 –P5 ) and
(a rectangle) and tokens (black dots) within the places. four transitions (T1 –T4 ). Place P1 represents the best
Places and transitions are linked by arrows that indicate condition state and place P5 the worst condition level.
the direction the tokens should move. Places P1 and P2 Since maintenance is not considered in this study, the
are the input places of transition T1 , while place P3 is condition level of the cladding deteriorates continuously
the output of transition T1 . In Figure 1(a), transition over time until it reaches the worst condition level
T1 is considered ready to fire once the preconditions defined in the performance scale. Timed transitions are
are verified. After the transition fires, the number of used to model the sojourn time in each condition level
tokens of the preconditions are removed from the (i.e. the time the element spends in condition level i
respective input places and the number of tokens of before moving to condition level i + 1).
the post-conditions (arrows that link the transition to
the output places) are added to the respective output
Timed transitions
places (Figure 1(b)).
Although not originally included in Petri nets, timed
transitions allow one to include the time dependence
in these models. The methodology used here is based
P1 P1
on the stochastic Petri nets formalism proposed by
T1 P3 T1 P3 Dugan, Trivedi, Geist, and Nicola (1984). A firing rate
is assigned to each transition that can be modelled by
P2 P2 any probabilistic distribution.
2 2
Since there is limited information on the statistical
properties of the deterioration process of ceramic clad-
(a) (b)
dings, a set of five probabilistic distributions (exponen-
Figure 1. Example of a Petri net: (a) before and (b) after the fire tial, Weibull, log-normal, Gumbel and normal
of the transition. distributions) are used to model the sojourn time in

P1 T1 P2 T2 P3 T3 P4 T4 P5

Figure 2. Petri-net scheme of the deterioration process.

each condition level. Molloy (1982) has proven there is (1985). The likelihood is defined as the predicted prob-
an isomorphism between a bounded Petri net with expo- ability of occurrence of the observed transitions:
nentially distributed transition rates and a finite Markov
process. This property can be used to validate the 
L= pij (1)
deterioration Petri-net model proposed, since Markov- i=1 j=1
based models are the most commonly used stochastic
technique in modelling deterioration. A normal distri- where i is the condition level in the initial instant; j is
bution was used since it is usually adequate to model the condition level in the final instant; n is the number
the average of several independent random variables. If of elements of the historical database; k is the number
the ceramic cladding is seen as a set of areas deteriorating of intervals between inspections; and pij is the prob-
independently, then the average condition can be mod- ability of transition from condition level i to condition
elled as a normal distribution. However, a significant level j.
drawback of the normal distribution is the non-null However, for numerical convenience, it is easier to
probability of negative values which, in the present con- work with the logarithm of the likelihood (equation
text, is not physically possible. Alternatively, the log-nor- (2)). The log-likelihood is used to simplify the compu-
mal distribution can be used to model the times of tations and improve robustness of the algorithm:
transition avoiding negative values. If, on the other
hand, the condition is mostly characterized by the 
log L = log pij (2)
deterioration of the most critical areas of the ceramic i=1 j=1
cladding, extreme distributions such as the Weibull
and Gumbel might be more adequate. The probability of occurrence of the observed tran-
This modelling technique has several advantages sitions, pij , is estimated by Monte Carlo simulation.
when compared with the Markov chains. The graphical This method allows one to obtain good numerical
representation can be used to describe the problem approximations in situations where it is not feasible to
intuitively. It is more flexible and has more capabilities obtain analytical solutions and can be used to consider
than the Markov chains; it allows the incorporation of the propagation of uncertainties during the claddings’
more rules into the model to simulate accurately com- service life. Therefore, using Monte Carlo simulation,
plex situations and it keeps the model size within man- the distribution of the final condition can be obtained
ageable limits. Moreover, this modelling technique is and, consequently, the probability of the observed tran-
not restricted to the exponential distribution to simu- sition occurring can be computed.
late the time in the system. As a main disadvantage, The procedure used to compute the probability of
there are no closed-form expressions for the prob- occurrence of the observed transitions is illustrated in
ability distribution used and simulation techniques Figure 3. To each transition observed in the historical
are required. database, the algorithm has as input: time interval
between observations, Dt; condition level in the initial
instant, i; and condition level in the final instant, j. The
Method implementation
condition level in the initial instant, i, is used to define
Parameter estimation the initial marking, M0 , of the Petri net; the time interval
The probability density function that best describes the between observations, Dt, is the time horizon of the
deterioration process is that resulting in higher probabil- analysis; and the condition level in the final instant, j,
ities of occurrence of the observed transitions. In order to is used to compute the probability of occurrence in the
identify the probability distribution that provides a best end of the procedure. The identification of the first tran-
fit, parameter estimation is required. The parameters of sition to fire is performed through the initial marking,
the probability density function are fitted to history M0 , since once the Petri net defined for the deterioration
based on the concept of maximum likelihood used in model (Figure 2) is arranged in a sequential manner,
the formulation proposed by Kalbfleisch and Lawless each condition level can only enable one transition. In

Figure 3. Procedure for computing the probability of occurrence of the observed transition.

the next step, the random sojourn time in the condition maximize the fitness function:
level is generated from the inverse cumulative density  
function of probability distribution and the Petri net log L = max log pij .
marking and time are updated. The process is repeated
until the time horizon is reached. The procedure The parameters used in the GA are:
depicted is repeated for each transition observed in the
historical database and the output of each sample is the . size of the population: 50 individuals when the num-
condition index at the time horizon. ber of optimization variables is less than or equal to
five; and 200 individuals otherwise
. stopping criteria: the algorithm stops if the average
Optimization relative change in the best fitness function value
The optimization of the parameters of the probability over 50 generations is less than or equal to 10−6
distributions is performed using genetic algorithms
(GAs). They are an adaptive heuristic search algorithm The mutation procedure was performed using the Gaus-
inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, sian algorithm implemented in MATLAB, where the
mutation, selection and crossover (Holland, 1975). mutation is generated by adding a random number
Nowadays, GAs are widely used in optimization pro- taken from a normal distribution with mean zero.
blems. This technique is very robust and efficient for
objective functions computed using Monte Carlo simu-
Statistical analysis
lations. GAs use only information of the objective func-
tion, not requiring the computation of gradients, which To ensure the validity of the models proposed in this
greatly simplifies the problem and avoids numerical study, it is relevant to examine the independence of the
errors (Man, Tang, & Kwong, 1999; Morcous & Lounis, variables considered. For that purpose, a statistical com-
2005). parison of the results is performed using an ANOVA,
In this study, the optimization of the parameters was and subsequent post-hoc comparisons are made using
performed using a GA available in MATLAB (MatLab, a Tukey multiple comparison test.
2016). The aim of the optimization algorithm is to find The one-way ANOVA test (Neter, Kutner, Nacht-
the parameters of the probability distributions that sheim, & Wasserman, 1996; Wu & Hamada, 2000)

compares the means between three or more of indepen- process over time of a sample of 195 ceramic claddings
dent variables, determining whether any of those means located in Lisbon, Portugal. The degradation state of
are significantly different from each other, where the each cladding in the data set was analyzed based only
hypothesis is defined by: on in situ visual inspections. Each place illustrated in
Figure 2 represents one of the five deterioration con-
H0: All group means are equal.
ditions of ceramic claddings proposed by Bordalo, de
H1: At least one group mean is different from the others. Brito, Gaspar, and Silva (2011) and Silva et al. (2016).
The application of the deterioration Petri-net model is
The statistical test can be validated through the compari-
performed in two phases. In the first, the complete
son of the critical value of the F-ratio with the table F-
sample is analyzed, evaluating among the five probabilis-
value. The critical F-value is given by:
tic distribution functions mentioned above. In the
SSR/(k − 1) MSR second, the original sample is divided according to the
Fcrit = = (3)
SSE/(n × k − k) MSE environmental characteristics, and the most relevant
characteristics to explain the degradation of ceramic
where SSR is the between-groups sum of squares; SSE is
claddings, namely exposure to damp, distance from the
the within-groups sum of squares; MSR is the between-
sea, facades’ orientation and wind–rain action, are ana-
groups mean squares; MSE is the within-groups mean
lyzed. Finally, an inference analysis is performed to
squares; k is the number of group tested; and n is the num-
investigate the independency between the variables ana-
ber of observations in each group. If the critical F-value is
lyzed (i.e. the environmental characteristics of the cer-
greater than the table F-value or if the p-value is smaller
amic claddings).
than the significance level considered, the null hypothesis
In this study, for each cladding considered in the his-
should be rejected. The table F-value has a Fisher distri-
torical database, only the initial and the final condition
bution with k − 1 and n × k − k degrees of freedom.
levels are known. For the first, it is assumed that, at
When the null hypothesis is rejected, it is concluded
time zero, the cladding is in the most favourable con-
that at least the mean of one group tested is statistically
dition level (level A, with no visible degradation) and
different from the others. However, the ANOVA test
the final condition level corresponds to the degradation
does not indicate which groups are statistically different
condition observed at the inspection time.
from each other. To determine that, a Tukey multiple
comparison test (Hochberg & Tamhane, 1987) must be
performed. This test is based on the studentized range Classification of the degradation condition of
distribution and it is optimal for procedures with equal ceramic claddings
sample sizes. The Tukey test compares all pairwise poss-
Various authors (Gaspar & de Brito, 2008; Shohet et al.,
ible between groups and it can be stated that the groups
2002; Shohet & Paciuk, 2004) developed degradation
compared are statistically different and the null hypoth-
scales to assess and characterize the deterioration con-
esis is rejected if the following relationship is verified:
dition of the buildings’ facades. In this study, the deterio-
|yi − yj | 1 ration condition of ceramic claddings is established by a
  . √2 · q(a; k; n × k − k)
discrete scale, with five condition levels, ranging between
1 1
MSE · − A (most favourable condition, with no visible degra-
ni nj
dation) to E (worst case scenario, with generalized degra-
where yi and yj are the mean of the groups i and j respect- dation) (Bordalo et al., 2011). In this scale, level D
ively; MSE is the within-groups mean squares obtained corresponds to the end of service life of ceramic clad-
from the one-way ANOVA test; ni and nj are the number dings, considering that, once the cladding reaches this
of observations in groups i and j respectively; and state, a maintenance action must be performed. The
q(a; k; n × k − k) is the upper 100 × (1 – a)th percentile scale adopted is based on the evaluation of the physical
of the studentized range distribution with parameter and visual condition of the sample analyzed, according
k and n × k − k degrees of freedom and a significance to the defects observed, their extent and severity. In
level of a. this study, the defects observed in ceramic claddings
are divided into four categories: visual defects; cracking;
joint deterioration; and adhesion failure. The overall
degradation level of ceramic claddings is evaluated
Results and discussion
through a numerical index (Gaspar & de Brito, 2008,
The deterioration Petri-net-based method described in 2011), called severity of degradation, which is obtained
the fourth section is applied to model the deterioration through the ratio between the extent of the facades’

degradation, weighted as a function of the degradation claddings in each degradation condition. The quality of
level and the severity of the defects, and a reference fit of the proposed model can be evaluated by comparing
area, equivalent to the whole area of the facade degraded the number of facades observed and predicted in each
to the maximum possible level: condition state (Figure 5). These results show that a
( reasonable fit is attained with all distributions, but also
An × kn × ka,n ) that larger relative errors might result for levels A and
Sw = (5)
A×k E, due to the smaller sample size.
where Sw is the degradation severity of the coating, Regarding the relative error (Table 3), in 76% of the
expressed as a percentage; kn is the multiplying factor cases the error is lower than 10% (and in 40% of the
of anomaly n, as a function of their degradation level, cases is below 5%). The extreme condition levels (A
within the range K = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; ka,n is a weighting and E) are those with the highest errors (between 4%
factor corresponding to the relative weight of the and 30%); in level A, the highest errors occur for the nor-
anomaly detected (ka,n R + ); An is the area of coating mal (24.3%) and Weibull (11.2%) distributions; in level
affected by an anomaly n; A is the facade’s area; and k E, the highest errors occur for the normal (29.1%), Wei-
is the multiplying factor corresponding to the highest bull (23.0%) and Gumbel distributions (21.3%). Note
degradation level of a coating of area A. that in the sample analyzed only 8% of the cases studied
The coefficient kn allows one to weight the severity of belong to level A and only 2% to level E. Therefore, the
the defects detected in the cladding, where the value zero model is naturally less accurate for the conditions for
is adopted for defects in condition A, 1 for defects in con- which less information exists. Analyzing the mean rela-
dition B and so on until 4 for condition E. The coefficient tive error for all condition levels, the log-normal distri-
ka,n corresponds to the weighting coefficient associated bution shows the lowest overall mean relative error
with the relative importance of each defect, according (5.4%), followed by the exponential distribution (7.7%)
to their severity, repair cost, influence in the overall and Weibull distribution (with an overall mean relative
degradation of the cladding, propensity to cause other error of 8.9%).
defects, and risk for the owners’ and users’ safety. Silva, Gaspar, de Brito, and Neves (2015) applied
Table 1 shows the defects considered in this study, the Markov chain models to analyze in a probabilistic way
qualitative and quantitative scales adopted, and the the degradation of ceramic claddings over time, based
weighting coefficients applied in equation (5). Figure 4 on the same data set used in this study. The values of
provides some illustrative examples of the visual appear- the parameters obtained by Markov chains and with
ance and some defects observed in ceramic claddings in the exponential distribution through Petri nets are rather
the different degradation levels. similar (Table 4). The highest differences occur for the
mean and standard deviation of the parameter T4 (con-
cerning the transition between levels D and E). This
occurs due to the low number of elements in level
Probabilistic analysis of the degradation of
E. The differences obtained in the other parameters are
ceramic claddings over time
due to sampling errors associated with the Monte
Table 2 shows the optimized estimation parameters Carlo simulation. The results obtained by Petri nets
obtained for the distribution functions analyzed, as confirm that there is an isomorphism between both
well as the respective likelihood value. Table 3 presents models and the Petri-net formalism is suitable to evalu-
the number of observed and predicted ceramic claddings ate and describe the degradation of ceramic claddings.
in each condition level for each probability distribution Figure 6(a) presents the mean future condition profile
function, with the relative error associated with the esti- over time for all probability distribution functions ana-
mates. The light and dark grey cells indicate the distri- lyzed. The condition profile obtained for the exponential
butions with lower and higher relative errors distribution is quite distinct from the other four profiles;
respectively for each condition level. this distribution shows a profile with a simple parabolic
One main conclusion that can be drawn, based on shape without inflection points. The probabilistic curves
these results, it is that two-parameter distributions (Wei- obtained by Weibull, Gumbel and normal distributions
bull, log-normal, Gumbel and normal) show a higher are very similar throughout the time horizon considered,
agreement to the data set than the exponential distri- and small changes of the concavity are visible when there
bution (Table 2). The accuracy of the five distribution is a transition in the condition level. The profile obtained
functions in the description of the behaviour of the his- when considering a log-normal distribution is a mixture
torical data can be evaluated through the results in Table of the two types of profiles referenced above. The profile
3, which compare the number of observed and predicted of the log-normal distribution is very similar to the

Table 1. Degradation conditions for ceramic claddings.

Degradation Percentage area of cladding Severity of
levels Groups of defects Description ka,n affected degradation (%)
Level A (kn = 0) No visible degradation – – – Sw ≤ 1
Level B (kn = 1) Visual or surface Surface dirt 0.25 ≤ 10 1 , Sw ≤ 6
degradation Small surface craters 0.60
Wear or scratches 0.60
Crushing or scaling of the borders 0.60
Change of shine and/or colour 0.60
Damp stains 0.60
Cracking Cracked glazing 0.25 Independent of the affected
Markedly orientated cracking (< 0.2 mm)b 1.00 area
without leakagea
Joint deterioration Staining or change in colour 0.25 Independent of the affected
Level C (kn = 2) Visual or surface Small surface craters 0.60 > 10 and ≤ 50 6 , Sw ≤ 20
degradation Wear or scratches 0.60 ≤ 30
Crushing or scaling of the borders 0.60
Change of shine and/or colour 0.60
Damp stains 0.60
Biological growth 1.00
Efflorescence 1.00
Cracking Cracking with no predominant direction 1.00 ≤ 30
Markedly orientated cracking (> 0.2 mm)c 1.00
without leakagea
Joint deterioration Without loss of filling material 1.00 ≤ 30
With loss of filling material 1.50 ≤ 10
Detachment Loss of adherence 1.50 ≤ 20
Swelling 1.50 ≤ 20
Level D (kn = 3) Visual or surface Small surface craters 0.60 > 50 20 , Sw ≤ 50
degradation Wear or scratches 0.60 > 30
Crushing or scaling of the borders 0.60
Change of shine and/or colour 0.60
Damp stains 0.60
Biological growth 1.00
Efflorescence 1.00
Cracking Cracking with no predominant direction 1.00 > 30 and ≤ 50
Markedly orientated cracking (> 1 mm)d 1.00
without leakagea
Joint deterioration Without loss of filling material 1.00 > 30 and ≤ 50
With loss of filling material 1.50 > 10 and ≤ 30
Detachment Loss of adherence 1.50 > 20
Swelling 1.50 > 20
Localized detachment 2.00 ≤ 10
Level E (kn = 4) Cracking Cracking with no predominant direction 1.00 > 50 Sw . 50
Markedly orientated cracking (> 5 mm)e 1.00
Joint deterioration Without loss of filling material 1.00 > 50
With loss of filling material 1.50 > 50
Detachment Generalized detachment 2.00 > 10
Notes: aWith leakage – the degradation level is increased by one.
Cracking: detectable at a distance greater than 5 m only if binoculars are used.
Tenuous cracking line: easily detectable at a distance greater than 5 m using binoculars.
Well-defined cracking: visible from a distance of more than 5 m without using binoculars.
Cracking: characterized by a thick line in which a clear separation of the borders can be seen from a distance of more than 5 m with the aid of binoculars.
Source: Data from Bordalo et al. (2011) and Galbusera et al. (2015).

profiles of the Weibull, Gumbel and normal distributions between the probability distribution functions, described
during the first transitions (levels A to B, B to C, and C to above, are also visible in these plots. Based on the results
D). The main difference lies in the transition between obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:
levels D and E, where the profile shows more likeness
to the profile of the exponential distribution. In terms . For level A, the predicted probabilities for all distri-
of the dispersion of the results (Figure 6(b)), the values bution functions are similar, beginning with a prob-
obtained are low, and the two-parameter distributions ability equal to 1 in instant zero, decreasing over
present lower dispersion values over the time horizon time, and at year 30, the probability of a ceramic clad-
than the exponential distribution. ding belonging to level A is close to zero (Figure 7(a)).
Figure 7 shows the probability distribution of all Furthermore, between years 5 and 7, the probability of
degradation condition levels over time. The differences a ceramic cladding belonging to either level A or B is

Figure 4. Illustrative examples of the visual condition of ceramic claddings in each degradation level.

Table 2. Optimal parameters obtained in all probability distribution analyzed.

Parameters Exponential Weibull Log-normal Gumbel Normal
Mean T1 6.69 6.84 6.39 6.70 7.70
T2 24.88 23.50 24.51 22.72 22.70
T3 39.93 22.60 23.95 22.72 22.13
T4 317.60 31.46 3.34 × 104 38.90 37.12
Standard T1 6.69 6.24 6.59 5.57 5.80
Deviation T2 24.88 12.37 17.73 13.79 12.08
T3 39.93 1.42 0.54 2.55 0.32
T4 317.60 1.93 1.52 × 106 13.07 9.53
Likelihood 180.2441 160.1749 162.3466 160.8896 160.6454

Table 3. Number of observed and predicted claddings in each condition level for each probability distribution and mean error obtained
for each probability distribution.
Level A Level B Level C Level D Level E
Number of observed claddings 15 70 64 43 3
Number of predict claddings Exponential 16.40 64.88 67.30 43.86 2.56
Weibull 16.69 67.12 66.76 42.12 2.31
Log-normal 15.65 66.67 68.32 41.59 2.77
Gumbel 16.24 64.14 66.95 45.31 2.36
Normal 18.64 65.63 65.97 42.64 2.13
Mean error (%) Exponential 9.3 7.3 5.2 2.0 14.5
Weibull 11.2 4.1 4.3 2.0 23.0
Log-normal 4.4 4.8 6.7 3.3 7.7
Gumbel 8.3 8.4 4.6 5.4 21.3
Normal 24.3 6.2 3.1 0.8 29.1
Note: Light and dark grey cells indicate the distributions with lower and higher relative errors respectively for each condition level.

practically the same, i.e. whatever the distribution C and D occurs around year 54 for the two-parameter
chosen to describe the process of deterioration, the distributions and 13 years later (around year 67) for
results show that the transition between levels A and the exponential distribution.
B occurs during this time interval. . The higher differences between the results of the var-
. For level B, the differences between the distribution ious distributions are obtained in levels D (Figure 7
functions analyzed is more visible; the maximum (b)) and E (Figure 7(c)). Exponential and log-normal
probability of a ceramic cladding belonging to level distribution functions, during the time horizon ana-
B occurs between years 12 and 16 (however, this lyzed, never show a transition between these two con-
peak is 15–20% lower when the exponential distri- dition levels. For Weibull and normal distributions,
bution is used; Figure 7(a)). According to the expo- the transition between these condition levels occur
nential distribution, the transition from level B to C around year 84 and for the Gumbel distribution this
occurs around year 22, while with the two-parameter transition occurs around year 90.
distribution functions it lies between conditions B and
C occurs six years later (around year 28). The results obtained reveal that exponential and normal
. The maximum probability of a ceramic cladding distributions are not the most appropriate functions for
belonging to level C (Figure 7(b)) is 0.50 for the expo- the description of the degradation phenomena of cer-
nential distribution, while for the other distributions amic claddings, especially in the description of the tran-
this varies between 0.70 and 0.80. Once the maximum sition between levels D and E. The lack of accuracy of the
probability is achieved, the slope of the exponential exponential distribution can be explained by a limitation
distribution is less pronounced when compared with of the distribution, since it has only one parameter,
the other distributions. The transition between levels which can compromise its adequacy to model the

Figure 5. Comparison between the results predicted by the model (for the five probability distribution functions adopted) and the
measured degradation state from the database (observed values).

Table 4. Comparison of the optimal parameters of the Markov 1

chains and Petri-net models.
0.8 Weibull
Markov Petri net Lognormal
Parameters chainsa (exponential) 0.6 Gumbel
Mean T1 6.58 6.69 Normal
T2 24.81 24.88 0.4
T3 39.68 39.93
T4 100.00 317.60 0.2

Standard T1 6.58 6.69

deviation T2 24.81 24.88 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
T3 39.68 39.93 Time [years]
T4 100.00 317.60
Likelihood 183.8355 180.2441 1
Source: aData adapted from Silva et al. (2015).

deterioration process. For the normal distribution, the
inadequate adjustment to the data set is related to the 0.4

low number of claddings in level E (only three elements; 0.2

Table 3). The results show that the low number of obser-
vations is insufficient for the normal distribution to 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
properly estimate the parameters that best describe the Time [years]
deterioration process. However, it is stressed that the (b)
time horizon considered in this study, and presented in 1
the analysis of Figure 6, is not realistic for ceramic clad-
dings, since this type of cladding is usually subjected to
maintenance actions around year 50 (or at level D, 0.6
which represents a minimum accepted level of


Exponential 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Weibull Time [years]
Gumbel (c)

C Normal
Figure 7. Probabilistic densities of all degradation condition
D levels over time: levels (a) A (black) and B (grey); (b) C (black)
and D (grey); and (c) E.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time [years]
performance); until this time, i.e. the expected end of ser-
0 vice life of ceramic claddings, there is a good fit of the
normal distribution to the description of the degradation
Standard deviation

conditions of ceramic claddings.
0.4 From the available data, the Weibull distribution
seems to result in a better fit with the observed results
and will be used in the subsequent analysis. Nevertheless,
0.8 note that the data available at this time are limited, and
1 consequently larger data sets might show that this is
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time [years] not always the most adequate distribution. In particular,
(b) both the Gumbel and the log-normal distribution result
in a reasonable fit and should be considered in future
Figure 6. Comparison of the predicted future condition profile works.
over time for all probability distribution analyzed: (a) mean con- As stated above, level D corresponds in this study to
dition; and (b) standard deviation of condition. Mean and stan- the minimum accepted performance level, and thus to
dard deviation are computed by considering a correspondence
between the condition scale and an integer scale between 1 the end of service life of ceramic claddings. According
and 5. to the Petri-net-based model proposed in this study

(adopting one of the two-parameter distributions: nor- rejected if the relationship of equation (4) is verified. The
mal, log-normal, Weibull and Gumbel), the ceramic value of the right-hand side of equation (4) is constant
claddings have a maximum probability of transition to for all analyses and is equal to 3.12. The values of the
level D around year 54. This age can be considered as left-hand side are presented in Table 6. Values in italics
the expected service life of ceramic claddings, for the identify the pairwise where the null hypothesis is not
sample analyzed, and according to the proposed rejected.
model. This value is coherent with the empirical knowl- As in the probabilistic analysis, the results obtained in
edge and the literature related with the durability of this the statistical test can be divided into two parts. In the
type of cladding: (1) according to Silva et al. (2016), the first part of the analysis, the complete sample was com-
estimated service life of adhesive ceramic wall claddings pared with each subset. The results show that the mean
varies between 46 and 50 years; (2) Galbusera, de Brito, of intermediate situations – intermediate distance from
and Silva (2015) proposed an average service life around the sea (SI) and moderate wind–rain action (WM) –
51 years for ceramic claddings; (3) BMI (2001) suggested are statistically closer to the overall sample. In the
that the estimated service life of ceramic claddings varies other situations, the differences between the mean of
between 25 and 55 years (with an average of 45 years); the groups are statistically significant showing that the
and (4) Gaspar (2017) proposed an estimated service variables are independent.
life of 49 years for external ceramic claddings. In the second part, a comparison with each family of
variables was performed. The results show that for year
Independence analysis
Table 6. Pairwise comparison.
A one-way ANOVA was performed in order to check
Time horizon (years)
whether the complete sample and the 12 variables into Pairwise 10 20 30 40 50
which it was divided are independent, i.e. whether for
G DL 11.91 45.99 50.99 38.03 25.35
a determined time horizon the final condition level
G DH 118.79 79.18 51.42 48.43 42.96
obtained is influenced by the different variables in
G SI 90.37 2.88 11.38 8.04 5.45
which the complete sample was divided. The ANOVA
G SF 53.71 53.01 62.77 75.65 82.88
test results are presented in Table 5. The statistical test
G SC 87.34 76.64 68.20 48.95 45.46
was performed for five different time horizons using
G OE 33.98 30.36 20.56 21.35 16.47
50,000 samples in the simulation process.
G ON 26.42 37.97 34.13 18.28 6.11
As mentioned above, the test can be validated through
the comparison of the critical value of the F-ratio (Table G OW 51.68 59.23 3.35 22.79 48.50

5) with the table F-value or through the comparison of G OS 22.97 101.18 12.78 23.39 67.51

the p-value with the established significance level. For a G WH 99.90 60.07 35.40 38.84 37.56
significance level of 0.05, the table F-value is 1.752. G WM 6.53 1.31 2.66 5.18 6.13
Through the analysis of the results obtained, it is poss- G WL 80.33 18.34 39.59 33.58 24.90
ible to see that for the five time horizons tested the null DL DH 130.70 125.17 102.40 86.46 68.30
hypothesis is rejected. This result shows that at least one SI SF 144.08 55.89 51.39 67.61 77.43
group mean is statistically different from the others, but SI SC 3.02 73.75 79.58 56.98 50.90
it does not tell which groups are statistically different SF SC 141.05 129.64 130.97 124.59 128.34
from the others. To determine that, a Tukey test was OE ON 7.56 7.61 13.57 3.07 10.36
performed. OE OW 17.70 28.87 17.21 44.14 64.97
The Tukey test compares all pairwise possible OE OS 56.96 131.54 7.78 44.74 51.04
between groups and it can be stated that the groups com- ON OW 25.27 21.26 30.78 41.07 54.61
pared are statistically different and the null hypothesis is ON OS 49.39 139.15 21.35 41.68 61.40
OW OS 74.66 160.41 9.43 0.60 116.01
Table 5. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test results. WH WM 93.37 61.38 32.74 33.66 31.43
Time horizon (years) Critical F-ratio p-value WH WL 19.58 78.41 74.99 72.42 62.46
10 5784.4 0 WM WL 73.80 17.04 42.25 38.76 31.03
20 5983.3 0 Notes: G, complete sample; DL, low exposure to damp; DH, high exposure to
damp; SC, close to the sea (< 1 km); SF, far from the sea (> 5 km); SI, inter-
30 3040.1 0 mediate position from the sea (between 1 and 5 km); ON, orientation north;
40 2743.7 0 OE, orientation east; OS, orientation south; OW, orientation west; WL, low
exposure to wind–rain action; WM, moderate exposure to wind–rain action;
50 3440.8 0 and WH, high exposure to wind–rain action.

10 the mean of intermediate distance from the sea (SI) variables orientation – east (OE) and orientation –
and close to the sea (SC) are statistically close, and for north (ON), and orientation – west (OW) and orien-
year 40 there are significant dependence between tation – south (OS). In the remaining situations, the
differences between the mean of the groups are statisti-
cally significant showing that the variables are
The different environmental factors have significantly
different impacts on the performance of the facades
during their life. The results of the ANOVA seem to indi-
cate that the greater impact of environmental conditions
is in the first 20 years of the life of the facade, except for
orientation, which has a relatively uniform impact
during the entire life. This is consistent with the expected
deterioration mechanics, as orientation mostly affects the
slow evolving damage associated with exposure to ultra-
violet light (UV), while the other exposures influence
water and chloride content which impact deterioration
much faster. The impact during the first years of life is
particularly relevant under aggressive exposures (e.g.
high exposure to damp, less than 5 km from the sea,
high exposure to wind–rain), showing that for these
facades the change from conditions A to B and C is
much faster than for the entire population.

Impact of environmental conditions on

The typical degradation mechanisms that lead to the pre-
mature degradation of external claddings include cli-
matic or atmospheric weathering factors, such as UV
radiation, temperature, moisture, air constituents and
marine environments (Lewry & Crewdson, 1994; Shohet
& Paciuk, 2006). Naturally, ceramic claddings are sub-
jected to different environmental exposure conditions,
which strongly influence their deterioration rate and
their expected service life. In this sense, this study
intends to evaluate the influence of four environmental
conditions (exposure to moisture, distance from the
sea, orientation, and UV radiation and wind–rain action)
in the description of the overall degradation of ceramic
claddings over time.
The results obtained in the analysis, according to the
various environmental characteristics, are shown in
Table 7 and Figure 8. Table 7 shows the probability of
belonging to each degradation condition, according to
the variable considered; Figure 8 presents the predicted
future condition over time for these variables. The pre-
dicted future condition profile for each variable is
obtained through the distribution that presents the mini-
mum normalized log-likelihood value (Table 7). The
normalized log-likelihood is obtained as the ratio
Figure 8. Predicted future condition profile over time for all between the likelihood and the number of elements in
variables. the sample – equation (6). The obtained value represents

Table 7. Probability of belonging to a condition as a function of the variables considered.

Variables Distribution Level A (%) Level B (%) Level C (%) Level D (%) Level E (%) Log-likelihood log-likelihood
Complete sample Weibull 8.6 34.4 34.2 21.6 1.2 160.17 0.8214
Distance from the sea
Less than 1 km Gumbel 7.8 20.5 37.2 31.1 3.4 52.43 0.6809
Between 1 and 5 km Normal 3.3 33.9 34.1 28.7 0.0 42.96 0.6929
More than 5 km Weibull 13.9 56.2 26.9 3.0 0.0 45.88 0.8193
Exposure to damp
Low Weibull 8.8 45.4 29.7 16.1 0.0 87.87 0.7916
High Normal 7.1 22.3 37.2 30.9 2.5 57.73 0.6872
North Normal 10.3 21.8 44.2 21.9 1.9 44.85 0.7733
East Log-normal 8.3 33.5 29.6 28.6 0.0 31.54 0.7885
South Weibull 8.6 38.3 21.9 27.1 4.1 24.63 0.6006
West Log-normal 8.8 41.3 36.2 13.7 0.0 37.09 0.8626
Wind–rain action
Low Normal 2.3 41.6 37.1 18.9 0.2 33.64 0.7476
Moderate Weibull 10.9 40.0 32.2 16.9 0.0 77.32 0.7972
High Normal 7.5 18.8 33.9 34.9 4.9 40.14 0.7573

the expected log-likelihood of a single element in the progressive deterioration of porous materials, such as
model (Figure 8): ceramic claddings. Severe exposure to sea spray, in
coastal areas, leads to various defects, e.g. efflorescence,
log L
l̂ = (6) exfoliations or spalling (Sena da Fonseca, Simão, & Gal-
hano, 2013). Figure 9 shows an illustrative example of
where n is the number of elements in the data set. the degradation condition of a ceramic cladding located
less than 2 km from the sea due to the influence of sea
Distance from the sea (exposure to marine spray.
environments and sea salts) In this study, the ceramic claddings are divided into
The interaction between the salt spray from the sea and three categories regarding their distance from the sea:
building materials has been extensively analyzed in the (1) sea front areas (less than 1 km); (2) in coastal areas
literature (Brocken & Nijland, 2004; Lubelli, Hees, & (between 1 and 5 km from the sea); and (3) away from
Groot, 2004). The presence of salt, usually on the exter- the sea (more than 5 km). The samples for the variable
nal surfaces of the facades due to the action of the wind less than 1 km from the sea, between 1 and 5 km, and
containing the spray (Hossain, Lachemi, & Şahmaran, more than 5 km include 77, 62 and 56 elements
2009), causes the occurrence of defects and leads to the respectively.

Figure 9. Illustrative example of the pathological situation of a case study located less than 5 km from the sea.

As expected, the influence of the sea in the overall higher than 500 mm and an average annual relative
condition of the claddings is evident. The claddings humidity higher than 75%. In the sample analyzed, 111
located near the sea tend to belong to the most unfavour- case studies (57%) present low exposure to moisture
able conditions levels, levels D and E (P = 71.7%). This and 84 (43%) high exposure to moisture.
tendency decreases with the distance from the sea, and The results obtained reveal that claddings with low
the probabilities of a cladding belonging to the most exposure to moisture are more prone to remain longer
unfavourable conditions (levels D and E) are 62.8% in lower degradation conditions (levels A and B) and
and 29.9% for the intermediate distance from the sea none of the claddings belongs to level E. On the other
and for claddings located more than 5 km from the sea hand, claddings with high exposure to moisture show
respectively. Claddings located more than 5 km from more tendency to belong to the most unfavourable con-
the sea, less prone to the presence of sea spray, have a ditions, i.e. levels D and E, with a probability of 70.6%.
higher probability of belonging to the most favourable
conditions (levels A and B) for a longer period of time. Orientation (exposure to UV radiation)
Concerning the facades’ orientation, the sample analyzed
Exposure to moisture was divided into the cardinal directions: north, east,
The exposure to moisture is one of the main causes of south and west. The number of elements of each sample
several deterioration mechanisms that occur in buildings was 58, 40, 41 and 43 respectively.
and components. External ceramic claddings are particu- Ceramic claddings facing west remain a longer period
larly exposed to this degradation agent, which when of time in levels A and B, with a probability of 50.2%.
associated with salt leaching can cause aesthetic degra- Oppositely, ceramic claddings facing south are more
dation (e.g. efflorescence, glaze cracking, moisture prone to belong to level E (P = 4.1%), followed by clad-
stains and biological growth) and jeopardize the integrity dings facing north (P = 1.9%).
of the claddings system (e.g. cracking, swelling, detach- Various studies (Gaspar & de Brito, 2008; Silva et al.,
ment, spilling and material loosening) (Charola, 2000; 2015, 2016) indicate that, in Portugal, facades facing
Madkour & Khallaf, 2012; Rirsch, MacMullen, & north and west are more prone to degradation, thus pre-
Zhang, 2011; Silva et al., 2015). Figure 10 shows some senting higher degradation levels; north is colder (with
examples of the deterioration condition of ceramic clad- lower periods of UV radiation) and more exposed to
dings highly exposed to moisture. the action of moisture; and west has the highest prob-
Concerning exposure to moisture, the ceramic clad- ability of the combined occurrence of wind and rain.
dings analyzed in this study are divided into two cat- On the other hand, in Portugal, cladding facing south
egories: (1) low, for claddings in buildings located in is exposed to a longer period of time to UV radiation,
an urban context, more than 5 km from the sea and which also contributes to the deterioration of ceramic
without the influence of dominant winds carrying sea claddings (Guan, Alum, Liu, & Yang, 1997; Yiu, Ho, &
salts; and (2) high, for buildings located closer to the Lo, 2007). Therefore, the results obtained seem coherent,
sea or other humidity sources, under the direct influence revealing that ceramic claddings facing north and south
of sea winds, and in areas with an average annual rainfall present higher degradation levels, even though due to

Figure 10. Most common defects in ceramic claddings due to the presence of damp.

Figure 11. Illustrative example of the influence of the exposure to the wind–rain action in the degradation condition of ceramic

different deterioration mechanisms and with different . moderate exposure, corresponding to medium-high
pathological occurrences. buildings, in populated urban areas, protected from
the prevailing winds by other buildings, adjacent
Wind–rain action hills or vegetation
. high exposure, for buildings with more than four stor-
Regarding the exposure to wind–rain action, the data set
is divided into three categories, according to the height of ies or in open country or crossroads.
the building and the density of ground occupation in the
surrounding area (Silva et al., 2015): The samples obtained for low, moderate and high
exposure are composed by 45, 97 and 53 elements
. low exposure, corresponding to low-rise buildings (up respectively.
to two storeys), in densely populated areas, protected The results obtained by the Petri-net-based model
from the prevailing winds by other buildings, adjacent reveal that claddings with high exposure to the combined
hills or vegetation action of wind and rain have a lower probability of

belonging to the most favourable conditions levels, i.e. accurately simulate complex situations and keep the
levels A and B (P = 26.3%). In the sample analyzed, clad- model size within manageable limits. Moreover, this
dings with a moderate wind–rain exposure have the modelling technique is not restricted to the exponential
highest probability of belonging to levels A and B (P = distribution to simulate the time in the system. In
50.9%). Ceramic claddings with low and moderate some situations, the use of exponential distributions
exposures present an almost nil probability of belonging can result in a gross approximation of the system
to condition E. characteristics.
According to the literature, the combined effect of The Petri-net model described in this study does not
wind and rain affects the way that raindrops reach the consider the effects of maintenance actions. In fact, the
cladding’s surface, as well as the pattern of runoff flow age of the claddings, i.e. the time interval between obser-
along the cladding (Choi, 1999). Therefore, as expected, vations, corresponds to the period of time since con-
in the sample analyzed, cladding with high exposure to struction or the last maintenance action until the
wind–rain action present higher degradation levels. On inspection time (final observation). Therefore, the
the other hand, in some situations claddings with low deterioration phenomenon is modelled as a sequential
exposure may not correspond to the ideal situation, dynamic system and the sojourn time in each condition
since claddings protected from the rain are more level is defined as a random variable.
prone to retain superficial dirt and other surface The deterioration rates were estimated from available
anomalies due to the deposition of particles. In a pre- historical date and five probability distributions (expo-
liminary stage of the degradation process in which the nential, Weibull, Gumbel, log-normal and normal)
ceramic claddings only present visual or aesthetic were analyzed to examine which distribution has a better
anomalies, this factor can be relevant to justify the fit to the historical date. The likelihood values of the five
fact that claddings with moderate exposure are more distributions are quite similar; however, the Weibull dis-
prone to belong to level A (10.9%) when compared tributions shows a minor likelihood value and, conse-
with claddings with low exposure (P = 2.3%). However, quently, a better fit to the historical data.
under current conditions, coatings more exposed to the Concerning the independence analysis, the division of
combined action of wind and rain degrade more rapidly the original sample by environmental characteristics is
than those protected from this action. Figure 11 shows important to evaluate the influence of these character-
two case studies with moderate and low exposure to istics on the deterioration of the ceramic claddings
damp. Case study (a) is 62 years old and shows a sever- over time. From the analysis of the influence of the
ity of degradation of 50%, with moderate exposure to environmental degradation agents, it is concluded that
wind–rain action; and case study (b) is 63 years old claddings in coastal areas, with high exposure to damp
and presents a severity of degradation of 39.8%, with and wind–rain actions, or facing north, show more ten-
low exposure to wind–rain action, thus with a lower dency to belong to the most unfavourable condition
degradation level than case study (a). Note that in this levels, i.e. levels D and E (approximately a probability
study the influence of the environmental exposure con- of 70%). Oppositely, claddings exposed to more favour-
ditions was analyzed individually. However, the degra- able conditions (more protected from the aggressive
dation process is extremely difficult to model since it environmental agents) are more prone to remain in
has a multidimensional nature, where the deterioration lower degradation conditions (levels A and B) for a
of ceramic claddings occurs due to the simultaneous longer period of time.
action of different factors. The Petri-net model proposed in this study can accu-
rately describe the deterioration process of ceramic clad-
dings, providing relevant information regarding the
performance of these claddings according to their
In this study, the performance over time of ceramic clad- environmental exposure conditions during their service
dings is analyzed using a deterioration model based on life. This study provides some guidance about the
stochastic Petri nets. The use of Petri nets has increased relationships between the service life of the ceramic clad-
in the last years to model dynamic systems in different dings and their environmental exposure conditions. This
fields of knowledge. This modelling technique has sev- information is extremely relevant to managers, insurers,
eral advantages when compared with Markov chains or owners and users, allow the adoption of more sustainable
other stochastic approaches. Graphical representation and durable solutions in the design stage and for the
can be used to describe the problem intuitively. Petri- definition and implementation of reliable maintenance
net models are more flexible and, unlike Markov chains, policies, enabling a more rational management of the
allow the incorporation of many rules in the model to European building stock.

Acknowledgements cost for flexible manufacturing systems. Information

Sciences, 256, 74–90.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the CERIS Cheng, F., Li, H., Wang, Y. W., Skitmore, M., & Forsythe, P.
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Choi, E. C. (1999). Wind-driven rain on building faces and the
driving-rain index. Journal of Wind Engineering and
Disclosure statement Industrial Aerodynamics, 79(1–2), 105–122.
Dugan, J. B., Trivedi, K. S., Geist, R. M., & Nicola, V. F. (1984).
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Extended stochastic Petri nets: applications and analysis.
Technical report, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Ferreira, C., Neves, L. C., Silva, A., & de Brito, J. (2018).
ORCID Stochastic Petri net-based modelling of the durability of
A. Silva renderings. Automation in Construction, 87, 96–105.
J. de Brito Galbusera, M. M., de Brito, J., & Silva, A. (2015). Application
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