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Welsh English
Taking a walk by a nearby loch gives me a tidy feeling whenever I get wanged
out (by hectic days) and want to mitch for a while.
+ loch = lake
+ wanged out = exhausted
+ tidy = splendid
+ mitch = skip school

Ireland English
No matter if it’s a soft day or bucketing down, transportations may be banjaxed
from the lack of visions and even from drivers with thick skills.
+ a soft day = precipitation between mist and drizzle
+ bucketing down = torrential rain
+ banjaxed = broken, damaged
+ thick = stupid, unintelligible

Singapore English
Atas people confirm plus chop they never have kiasu in any field. Even in
culinary aspect, they can always chope restaurants with shiok taste lah.
Atas = upperclass, high social status
Confirm plus chop = being very confident or sure about something
Kiasu = fear of losing (aggressive, competitive behavior)
Chope = reserve something
Shiok = fantastic, feeling of satisfaction
Lah = a suffix used to place emphasis on the sentence or word before

Japan English
This year base-up had everyone with such tension that high touch and guts pose
can be seen every floors. Also, everyone receives a come one for the annual year-
end party as well.
+ base-up = salary increase
+ tension = excitement
+ high touch = high five
+ guts pose = victory pose
+ come one = invitation to join an activity or event

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