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Questions 1 -4
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 He usually ______________ during his free time.

A plays badminton
B plays computer games
C plays chess
D play football

2 Carlos is Mexican. He is from ________________.

A The United state

B Mexico
C Brazil
D China

3 I __________________ riding a bike.

A is
B are
C am
D -

4 Siti always helps her mother to _______________

A set a table
B shovel snow
C feed the fish
D take out the rubbish

5 The snow has covered the driveway. He has to ________________.

A rake leaves
B make the bed
C clear the table
D shovel snow

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih jawapan yang sesuai
6 Zaidi loves playing football like his father, En. Mahmud. As the saying goes,

A better late than never

B like father like son
C practice makes perfect
D a piece of cake

Choose the best answer to complete the paragraph.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk lengkapkan perenggan di bawah.

One day, the Emperor of China gets a new (7) ________________about

his palace and he reads it.
“What ‘s this ? A nightingale ? In my forest ?” said the emperor.
The emperor is (8) _______________________ because he didn’t know about it.
He tells his men to go into the (9) __________________ to find the nightingale.

7 A newspaper
B book
D pamphlet

8 A happy
B sad
D sorry

9 A forest
B town
D sea

Give the opposite meaning of the underlined word.

Berikan kata berlawanan bagi perkataan yang bergaris

10 The boy is happy that he could play with the cats

A slow
B handsome
C lazy
D sad

Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
11 A What do you always do in the morning.
B what do you always do in the morning ?
C What do You always do, in the morning ?
D What do you always do in the morning ?

Look at the picture and choose the best answer

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Pedro and Sally (12) __________ in the kitchen preparing for their father’s birthday.
There are many things that they have to do. Firstly, they (13)____________ to bake a
birthday (14)______________ for their father. Then, they will have to cook some food
(15)__________ the party. Lastly, they will have to clean the room and decorate with
banners and flowers.

12 A is
B are
C was
D were

13 A has
B had
C have
D -

14 A ribbons
B cake
C fruit
D dessert

15 A for
B to
C with
D and

Read the email below carefully. Answer the questions given.

Baca sajak di bawah. Jawab soalan yang diberikan.

From :
To :
Cc :
Subject : Getting to Know You

I’m Jonghyun . I’m Korean. I live in Busan, a popular destination for visitors.
I’m ten years old. I live with my parents, two brothers and my sister. They are Min Seong and
Min Jea. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I love doing karate. I want to be famous like Bruce Lee. What is your favourite sport ?
Hope to hear from you soon.

16 Which country is Jonghyun from ?

A China
B Korea
C Japan
D United Kingdom

17 What is the popular destination in Korea ?

A Busan
B Jeju
C Paris
D Bangsar

18 How many members are there in his family?

A three
B four
C seven
D six

19 Which country is Jonghyun from ?

A China
B Korea
C Japan
D United Kingdom

20 What is Jonghyun favourite sport ?

A playing badminton
B ice skating
C playing football
D doing karate

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