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Technical Policy Statement

Air Handling Units –

Fin Spacing of Frost Coils &
Run-Around Coils
Ref . A6

July 2006

Prepared by: Engineering Team

Endorsed by: Steve Howe – Director of Building Projects
Nick Roalfe – Director of Facilities Management

Support Services
Engineering Team
Air Handling Units – Fin Spacing of Frost Coils & Run-Around


Where air handling units have been specified for various projects it is often
the case that standard type coils are selected for components such as frost
coils and run-around (heat recovery) coils.

These coils are not usually protected by filters and because of the close fin
spacing tend to block very quickly with dirt and grime.

Preferred Solution

The Imperial College preferred solution to prevent the blocking of these coils
shall be for designers to specify frost coils and run-around coils with a wider
fin spacing.

A typical fin spacing for these coils shall be 6mm (4 – 5 fins per inch). All other
heater batteries shall be of standard fin spacing.

Any queries relating to this Technical Policy Statement should be referred to

the Engineering Manager.

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