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Diagnosis of Personality


Why I cannot meet my life’s partner?

Why I always meet the wrong partner?
Why I struggle in relationship with my parents and children?
Why I cannot make more money and I never have enough?
What is my soul’s purpose in life?
Which my ancestral karma that I have to heal?
How can I heal my ancestral karma and which lessons I have in this lifetime?
How can I find out my talents and use them?
Why I cannot control my aggression?
How can I become free and generate money easy?
How can I leave a job that doesn’t fulfil me and it takes my energy away?
Which career I can choose in this lifetime?
Why do I feel drained of energy?
How can I manage my energy?
Why do I feel anxious?

These are some questions that you might have before the reading of your
diagnosis reading during which you will find the answers to.

This method Is based on the Pythagorean Numerology and the 22 Major Arcana
Tarot (karmic influences, life lessons, and the big archetypal themes that
influence your life’s and soul’s journey).

Your destiny is written by the 22 energies which are found in your Matrix, either
solved or unsolved. Each energy or arcana has to solve tasks in this lifetime and
this is the way all kind situations occur in your life. The duty of each person is to
understand the basic tasks of his karma and solve them thorough consciousness
and spiritual growth from unsolved to solved. You have to understand that we
can heal and change because anything because the human is the creator of his
own destiny. The keys- as it can be seen in the matrix, can help you do the
change, also can lead you on the right path.
Karma is the deep experience of the soul written in our consciousness as an
overlook and reaction to the world and life. We came with it from previous
existences but in consequence of our reactions, facts, and thoughts even from
this present life, we build the base of karma for our future, too. How will be your
future is your responsibility and how you intend to change it in your soul first.
The codes and programs of your destiny we can see them by the date of birth and
they will be showing your destiny’s tasks. All these you can discover during the
session of your Destiny’s Matrix, seeing the codes of life, as stairs towards your
consciousness and soul. There you will find the keys that bring clarity on unsolved
situations in your Traumas, Love Relationships, Finances, Life’s Purpose, your
Powers, Talents, Heart’s Desire and Higher Essence.

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