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Grade :6

Subject : English Reading and Grammar

Topic : To activate and reinforce grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing skills.

Harmful Effects of Sunscreen

Now that summer is here, millions of people go to the sea-side smearing sunscreen. Beauty
experts recommend applying sunscreen daily as it prevents pre-mature aging and skin cancer.
However, sunscreen contains synthetic compounds that are harmful to your body and to the
5 environment.
Our skin being porous is a direct pathway to the blood stream, and oil, lotions, and creams applied
on the skin are absorbed and dispersed through your body, as is sunscreen. The UV blocking
chemicals absorbed into the bloodstream shoot up above recommended levels of toxicology, (a
branch of science concerned with nature and detection of poisons) and researchers have seen that
10 the levels remain high three days after applying sunscreen.
There are two categories of sunscreen: physical and chemical. They contain numerous
environmental pollutants, such as titanium dioxide, octinoxate, oxybenzone, nano particles of zinc
oxide, among several others, which wash off and are deposited into the ocean.
In 2018 an estimate of 14,000 tons of sunscreen is believed to be deposited annually. It may sound
15 relatively a small amount, but the high content of titanium dioxide, which is non-degradable, reacts
with the warm sea water forming hydrogen peroxide- a bleaching agent which is harmful to coral and
costal marine organisms, and coral reefs around the world are endangered. The greatest damage has
been found in coral reefs in Hawaii and the Caribbean, and Hawaii has banned the use of titanium
dioxide in sunscreens.
20 So, how do you work your way through the sunscreen maze? Forget using aerosols. The chemical
microscopic ingredients expelled are inhaled into the lungs, and are airborne into the environment.
Check out specially designed natural options; avoid products that use non-nano-particle zinc. Coconut
oil also naturally disperses the UV effect.

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To conserve and save our planet which is being destroyed due to the unmindful attitudes of
human beings, skincare industry and consumers must adopt safer products to save the planet.

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© COPYRIGHT 2020 eTutorWorld Corporation, 601 Abbott Road, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Grade :6
Subject : English Reading and Grammar
Topic : To activate and reinforce grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing skills.


1 : Why do beauty experts recommend using sunscreen?

a) Gives you a tan
b) Prevents sunburn
c) Prevents pre mature aging and skin cancer
d) Does not cause pimples.

2: Name ingredients used in commercial sunscreen products.

a) Plant based products.
b) Chemicals Titanium dioxide, octinoxate, oxybenzone, nano particles of zinc oxide.
c) Extracts from clay, ash, seeds and herbs.
d) Animal products.

3: How does sunscreen effect the environment and to your body?

a) It improves the quality of marine products.
b) It bleaches coral reefs and is absorbed into the bloodstream shooting up above recommended levels of
c) It does not pollute the atmosphere.
d) It bleaches your skin.

4: Name regions where coral reefs are most endangered.

a) China
b) Hawaii and the Caribbean.
c) Australia
d) Andaman Island

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5: Name the chemical that forms hydrogen peroxide.
a) Sodium benzoate
b) Chorine
c) Titanium dioxide
d) Acetic acid

6: What are the alternatives to using industrial sunscreens.

a) Specially designed natural options and coconut oil.
b) Clay from river beds.
c) Fruit pulp.
d) Minerals

Grammar Questions
7 : Match the adjective to the following sentence:
Alex falls for doubtful stories. He is so ……
a. Enigmatic
b. Haughty
c. Fastidious
d. Easy to fool

8. What is the tense of the verb?

As the sun began to rise, the birds began chirping.
a. Past
b. Past Perfect
c. Present
d. Present continuous

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9. Which of the following sentences are punctuated correctly?
a. Alice has blond hair grey eyes, long nose and small chin
b. Alice has, blond hair grey eyes long nose and, small chin.
c. Alice, has blond hair, grey eyes, a long nose and a small chin.
d. Alice has blond hair. Grey eyes, Long nose and Small chin.

10. Complete the sentence with the past form of the verb.
Tony is going to book store …… a book on science fiction.
a. Plans on buying
b. Will buy
c. Had bought
d. To buy

11. What is the tense of the verb?

I was waiting for the bus to arrive.
a. Past
b. Past Perfect
c. Present
d. Present continuous

12. Which of the following sentence is capitalized correctly?

a. Peter saw Mary, Tess, Mark and Martin, playing badminton in the garden.
b. Peter saw, mary, tess, and mark and Martin playing Badminton in the Garden
c. peter saw Mary, Tess, And mark, Martin playing badminton in the garden.
d. Peter saw Mary, Tess, Mark, Martin, Playing badminton in the garden.

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Answer Key
Reading Questions:

1: C - According to Para- 1 – 2nd line

2: B - According to Para 3 – 2nd line
3: B - According to Para 2 – 2nd line
4: B - According to Para 4 – 5th line
5: C - According to Para 4 – 2nd line
6: A - According to Para 5- 3rd/4th lines

Grammar Questions:
7: D
8: C
9: Punctuation - C
10: Complete sentence - D
11: Tense of the verb - D
12: Sentence capitalized correctly - A

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