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Grade :6

Subject : English - Reading, Writing and Vocabulary

Topic : Diagnostic Test
Objective : To assess English learning in students; gain diagnostic information about students’ learning
strengths and challenges in English; plan for, and monitor the impact of, teaching through each
tutoring session.

I. Reading Comprehension:
Read the short story of the Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus
Daedalus, adapted from
the ‘Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew’ by Josephine P. Peabody,
Peabody carefully.
Among all those mortals who grew so wise that they learned the secrets of the gods, none was
more cunning than Daedalus.

Daedalus had once built for King Minos of Crete,

Crete a wonderful Labyrinth.
Labyrinth The winding ways of
the Labyrinth were so cunningly tangled up and twisted around that, once inside, you could
never find your way out again without a magic clue.

But the king’s favor veered with the wind, and one day he had his master architect
and his son Icarus imprisoned in a tower. Daedalus managed to escape ffrom
rom his cell;
but it seemed impossible to leave the island, since every ship that came or went was
well guarded at order of the king.

At length, watching the sea-gulls

sea in the air, Daedalus thought of a plan for
himself and his young son Icarus. Little by little, he gathered a store of
feathers great and small. He fastened these together with thread, molded
them in with wax, and so fashioned a pair of great wings like those of a
bird. When they were done, Daedalus fitted the wings to his own shoulders and, after one or
two efforts, he found that by waving his arms he could winnow the air and cleave through it. He
held himself aloft, wavered this way and that with the wind, and at last, like a great fledgling,
he learned to fly.

ithout delay, he fell to work on a pair of wings for the boy Icarus, and
taught him carefully how to use them, bidding him beware of rash
adventures among the stars. “Remember,” said the father, “never to fly very
low or very high, for the fogs about the earth
earth would weigh you down, and the
blaze of the sun will cause your feathers to come apart if you go to
too near.”

For Icarus, these cautions went in at one ear and out by the other. And not an idea remained in
the boy’s head but the one of joyful escape. Thee day came, and the fair wind that was to set
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them free. The father put on his wings and waited to see that all was well with Icarus, for the
two could not fly hand in hand. Up they rose, the boy after his father.

The hateful ground of Crete sank beneath them and the

country folk, who caught a glimpse of them when they were
high above the treetops, took it for a vision of the gods Apollo
and Cupid. At first there was a terror in the joy. The wide
vacancy of the air dazed them and a glance downwards
downward made
heir brains reel. But when a great wind filled their wings and Icarus felt himself sustained,
sustained and
he forgot everything in the world but joy. He forgot Crete and the other islands that he had
passed over. He longed for freedom and so he stretched out his arms ms to the sky and made
towards the highest heavens.

Alas for him! As he flew higher, the air grew w

armer and warmer. His wings wavered, drooped.
He fluttered his young hands vainly but he was falling. In n terror he
remembered his father’s words of caution, the he heat of the sun had
melted the wax from his wings; the feathers were falling, one by one, like
snowflakes; and there was none to help. He fell like a leaf tossed down
the wind - down, down, and let out a cry for help from his father.
father. When
Daedalus returned,
turned, and sought high and low for the poor boy, he saw
nothing but the bird-like
like feathers afloat on the water, and then he knew that Icarus was

The nearest island to the spot, Daedalus named Icaria, in the memory of his child. In heavy
grief, he went to the temple of Apollo in Sicily, and there hung up his wings as an offering to the
god.. Never again did he attempt to fly

Answer the questions Q1-Q6

Q6 on the basis of the above story.

Q1. Who had imprisoned Daedalus?


a) Icarus
b) Labyrinth
c) Crete
d) Minos

Q2. What had Daedalus used to make wings for himself?

a) Feathers and wax

b) Feathers, thread, and wax
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c) Feathers and glue
d) Feathers and stick
Q3. Choose the correct word from the story that is a synonym for the word: maze

a) Labyrinth
b) Fledgling
c) Reel
d) Daze
Q4. Choose the word from the story has the following definition:

_________= form an object out of malleable material

a) Veered
b) Molded
c) Winnow
Q5. Why did Icarus fly high in the sky?

a) Because he forgot all warnings while flying

b) Because he wanted to reach the heavens
c) Because he was tired of being told what to do
d) Because he liked to fly

Q6. Which sentence gives the correct ‘Moral’ of the above story?

a) If we reach great heights, we may fall to great depths.

b) Men are not meant to fly like birds.
c) We must always listen to our elders.
d) We must not fly in the sky.

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II. Vocabulary:
Q7. Solve the crossword using the definitions given in the clues:
1. 4.

2. 5.





1. a short article in a newspaper or magazine placed alongside a main article and

containing additional or explanatory material.
2. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it
is not literally applicable
3. the action of buying and selling goods


2. an act that is misguided or wrong

4. the past tense of dive
5. the reason for which something is done or created
6. part of a clothing that can be pulled up to cover neck and head.

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Q8. Match the column based on the highlighted word to form complete the sentences:

a) Global warming 1. to support myself.

b) The school 2. extended the summer vacvacation.
c) The teacher 3. has had an impact on the seasons.
d) I am not old enough 4. spoke in a soft tone..

Q9. Fill in the blank with the correct option:

The tutor ________ the article to correct its errors.

a) proofread
b) pronounced
c) perused
Q10. Fill in the blank with the correct homophone:

The king was ___________ from the saddle.

a) throne
b) thrown
Q11. Choose the correct synonym of the underlined word in the given sentence:

The school celebrated its golden jubilee this year.

a) party
b) celebration
c) anniversary
d) tradition Source:

Q12. Choose the correct antonym of the underlined word in the given sentence:

This is a spacious classroom.

a) big
b) roomy
c) dark
d) cramped

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Q13. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.

George always cuts corners whenever he cleans his room.

a) George does not clean in the corners of his room.

b) George’s room is a circle.
c) George does not clean everywhere in the room.
Q14. Choose the correct meaning of the given metaphor:

The ants marched home.

a) The ants were walking in a line to their home.

b) The ants were like a marching band on their way
to their home.
Q15. Match the idioms with their correct meanings:

a) Go the extra mile 1. to stop doing an activity in large

b) Don’t judge the
he book by its cover 2. to put in extra effort
c) Axe to grind 3. to have a dispute with someone
d) Dropping like flies 4. to not let outward appearance
decide the value or worth

Q16. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined proverb in the given sentence:

The lack of news feels like a calm before the storm.

a) A period of inactivity likely to continue till it starts to rain.

b) A period of tranquility which precedes a period of difficulty.
c) The silence that occurs before a storm starts.
Q17. Complete the given analogy:

Bridge Type: Whole to Part

Airplane: Wing :: Chair: __________

a) Table
b) Sit
c) Leg

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III. Grammar:
Q18. Match the column to form correct sentences:

a) I will have 1. to the zoo many times before.

b) I had been 2. to the store before I went to the
c) I have been 3. finished my homework before
Mother comes home.

Q19. Choose the possessive pronoun from the given sentence:

This lost puppy is hers.

a) lost
b) is
c) hers
d) This

Q20. Identify the interjection in the given sentence:

Wow! This is the prettiest doll in the world.

a) prettiest
b) Wow
c) world
d) This
Q21. Match the column:

a) Simple Subject 1. works here every Sunday.

b) Complete Subject 2. works here.
c) Simple Predicate 3. The girl
d) Complete Predicate 4. The short girl

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Q22. Choose the correct way to express the given sentence in direct address:

Sam told Jason to shut the bedroom door.

a) Jason was told by Sam to shut the door.

b) Sam tells Jason to shut the door.
c) Sam said to Jason, “Shut the bedroom door.”
d) Sam said, “Jason, shut the bedroom door.”

IV. Free Response:

Q23. Create a Poster to spread awareness on the occasion of “Mother Earth Day”.

Designed by

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Answer Key
Q1. d) Minos

Q2. b) Feathers, thread, and wax

Q3. a) Labyrinth

Synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or

Maze = a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle

Labyrinth = a complicated irregular network of passages or paths

Thus, Labyrinth is a synonym for Maze.

Q4. b) Molded

Q5. a) Because he forgot all warnings while flying

Q6. c) We must always listen to our elders.

Q7. Solve the crossword using the definitions given in the clues:
1. 4.
2. 5.

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1. a short article in a newspaper or magazine placed alongside a main article and

containing additional or explanatory material = SIDEBAR
2. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it
is not literally applicable = METAPHOR
3. the action of buying and selling goods = TRADE


2. an act that is misguided or wrong = MISTAKE

4. the past tense of dive = DOVE
5. the reason for which something is done or created = PURPOSE
6. part of a clothing that can be pulled up to cover neck and head = HOOD

Q8. Understand the highlighted word to match the column and complete the sentences:

a) Global warming 3. has had an impact on the seasons.

b) The school 2. extended the summer vacation.
c) The teacher 4. spoke in a soft tone.
d) I am not old enough 1. to support myself.

Q9. a) proofread

The tutor proofread the article to correct its errors.

Q10. b) thrown

The king was thrown from the saddle.

Q11. c) anniversary

Synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or

In the given sentence:

The school celebrated its golden jubilee this year.

Jubilee = a special anniversary of an event

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Thus, the word anniversary is a synonym for jubilee.

Q12. d) cramped

Antonym is a word with the opposite meaning to another word.

In the given sentence:

This is a spacious classroom.

Spacious = having ample or more than enough space

Cramped = uncomfortably small or restricted

Thus, cramped is an antonym for spacious.

Q13. c) George does not clean everywhere in the room.

An Idiom is a phrase or expression that presents a figurative and not a literal meaning
attached to the phrase.

In the given sentence:

George always cuts corners whenever he clean his room.

The idiom cuts corner implies ‘something not being done as it is supposed to be done’.

Q14. a) The ants were walking in a line to their home.

Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or

action to which it is not literally applicable.

In the given metaphor, ‘The ants marched home’.

The implied meaning is that the ants were walking in a line similar to soldiers on a

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Q15. Match the idioms with their correct meanings:

a) Go the extra mile 2. to put in extra effort

b) Don’t judge the book by its cover 4. to not let outward appearance decide
the value or worth
c) Axe to grind 3. to have a dispute with someone
d) Dropping like flies 1. to stop doing an activity in large

Q16. b) A period of tranquility which precedes a period of difficulty.

A proverb is a simple, concrete, and traditional saying that expresses a perceived truth
based on common sense or experience.

Proverbs are often metaphorical in nature.

In the given sentence:

The lack of news feels like a calm before the storm.

The proverb calm before the storm is used to show the similarity between the sense of
calmness before a storm and the period of tranquility that will precede a period of

Q17. c) Leg

An Analogy is a comparison between two things that are mostly different from each
other but have a relationship.

The wing is a physical part of the airplane that helps it perform its function.

Similarly, the leg is a physical part of the chair that helps it perform its function.

Thus, the correct analogy would be:

Airplane: Wing :: Chair: Leg

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Q18. Match the column:

a) I will have 3. finished my homework before

Mother comes home.
b) I had been 1. to the zoo many times before.
c) I have been 2. to the store before I went to the

Q19. c) her

Possessive pronoun is a pronoun that indicates a relationship of possession.

In the given sentence:

This lost puppy is hers.

The word ‘hers’ is used to determine relationship of possession for the puppy.

Q20. b) Wow

An Interjection is a word or expression that expresses a spontaneous feeling or reaction.

In the given sentence:

Wow! This is the prettiest doll in the world.

The word ‘Wow’ express spontaneous feeling of delight and excitement about the
subject ‘doll’.

Q21. Match the column:

a) Simple Subject 3. The girl

b) Complete Subject 4. The short girl
c) Simple Predicate 2. works here.
d) Complete Predicate 1. works here every Sunday.

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Q22. d) Sam said, “Jason, shut the bedroom door.”

In English Language, the Direct Address form of expression is when the person speaking
uses the name or a nickname of the person they are speaking to in the speech.

For the given sentence:

Sam told Jason to shut the bedroom door.

The option d) uses the name of Jason in the speech itself; thus, it is the correct option
for converting the given sentence into direct address.

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Image Credits:

1. Castle:
2. Sea gull:
3. Man with wings 1:
4. People looking up:
5. Man with wings 2:
6. Confetti : <a href="">Background vector created by starline
Link to picture:
7. Classroom:
8. Ants in a line :
9. Mother Earth Day Background: <a href="">Cloud vector created
by freepik -</a>
Link to picture:

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