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10th September 2017 (8-830 am) : Delegation of article research duties

15th September 2017 (4-6 pm) : Sitting together for research for information
17th September 2017 (2-4pm): Sitting together for research for information
20th September 2017 (12-2pm) : Discussion of outlining the forum discussion
29th September 2017 (12-2 pm) : Discussion of counter-arguments and flow of forum
1st October 2017 (10-12pm) : Practice of forum discussion
4th October 2017 (10-12 pm) : Practice of forum discussion
10th October 2017 (2-4 pm) : Final practice of forum discussion

Title: Should examinations be abolished?


Exams should be Exams should not be

abolished abolished
(Azeera) -Stress often kicks in during -Stress can be managed
-Exams lead to stress memorising stage. -Make early preparations
-According to Dr.Hamid, when by planning own revision
stress accumulated into a big schedule
balloon, depression slowly leaks
in.(Mental Health Bulletin, 2015)
-Stressed every time exam is
around the corner
-Cannot enjoy much of the rest of
school life
-No relaxed environment to learn
what was taught
-According to American Institute
of Psychology, physical and
mental stress may cause physical
as well as mental or emotional
problems. (Anderson, 2015)
-For example, stress can
negatively affect our brain and
lead to insomnia, headaches,
personality changes, irritability,
anxiety and depression
(Anderson, 2015)
-Harvard School of Public Health
did many research on students’
stress level due to public exams-
most findings showed high level
of stress among school children
in the U.S (Psychology Today,

(Sarah) (Intan)
-Exams create low self- -Students keep comparing -Failure can be taken as
esteem in students themselves to other in terms of motivation so that can
exam results perform better in the future
-Felt they are not as smart as -Kimberly Marshall,
others educationist-be envious of
-Psychologists feel students friends who perform well
could get discouraged and and to be more high
frustrated when they did not do spirited by learning from
as well as others. (Times Medical friends who have been

Journal, 2015) doing well in their studies
-Burdened by parents’
expectations-feels down when
expectations are not met
-Joan Smalls, a psychologist,
believes some parents value their
children’s overall ability based on
exam results (Stress Bulletin,
-Avoid life opportunities like
social events, friendship,
challenges and certain kinds of
jobs/activities which tend to make
them feel worse and judge
themselves even more, according
to Jodie Frost, a child
psychologist (Westerson, 2014)

(Azeera) (Anis)
-Exams do not reflect real -Exams do not prepare students -Syllabus is extensive
working requirements for real working situations/skills. covering various contents
-They only test ability of memory -There are questions
-Study hard and memorise requiring students’ opinion
useless facts to get high marks in and application of
exams but does not reflect concepts
workplace skills, especially soft -have fair knowledge of
skills (NST, 2nd February 2017) subject matter
-Sad fact that the education
system is only focusing on paper
based learning and who gets the
most As
-Taught to think in limited ways
rather than learning problem
solving skills and creative
thinking skills (Modern Education
Report, 2016)

(Sarah) (Intan)-”I’m sorry but I

-Exams do not evaluate -Exams only test limited skills have a different
overall performance -Mostly test concepts but not the POV”/”Sorry but I have to
application of it disagree with you”
-Limit other potential talents -Evaluate students’ basic
-Surveys done by independent understanding of subject
bodies showed most exams matter
questions are expect students to -Necessary to master
write exact answers and very basic knowledge first
(Education Today, 2014)

Exams should not be Exams should be

abolished abolished
(Anis) (Azeera)
-Exam stress is good for -Help students learn to better -When stress becomes
students deal with challenges excessive and lasts for
-Author of “Why Exams are Good longer time, it will become
for Students” personally believes unhealthy if not released,
stress can be healthy as it for example, through
creates energy to live life the best physical activities
way possible -can be toxic to the mind
- Research indicated that stress and body if it is
regulate adrenal glands that overloaded
balance immunity system helps -In the long run, may also
release cortisol, an anti- negatively affect immunity
inflammatory, in response to system, cardiovascular
either physical or emotional and nervous system
stressors so you can tap into your (Modern Education
energy reserves and resist Report, 2014)
infection, especially when faced
with mental challenges.
(Education Journal, 2017)

(Intan) (Sarah)
-Chance to evaluate -Teachers can know students’ -exams could be a bit
students’ academic overall academic performance biased
performance/understandin and potentials -Most questions and
g -An acceptable and feasible way simulations able to be
to test students’ basic done well by more
understanding of what has been proficient/competent
learnt, according to Director of students (Modern
Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia Education Journal, 2017)
(2017) -Less proficient/competent
-exam questions are fair enough ones could not answer
for proficient and less proficient most questions, especially
students to perform more difficult ones
-Weaker students are still given -Students have different
attention to at least pass abilities-cognitively,
subjects, emotionally
according to Director of Majlis (Modern Education
Peperiksaan Malaysia (2017) Journal, 2017)

(Anis) (Azeera)
-Exams encourage healthy -Students will likely to compete -Competitions can lead to
competition among with each other intellectually for more stress
students better grades -Surveys showed such
-lead to better and healthier competition could cause
performance among students rivalries among students-
(US Examination Board, 2016) affect friendships
(Lee & Chan, 2014)

(Intan) (Sarah)
-Exams can help secure -helps show students’ strength in -There are many high
students’ future certain subjects achievers still unemployed

-Can help students make more -Lack desired soft skills
informed decisions about what not emphasised in the
courses to pursue in university current system
-Also help to know students’ (The Star, 24th July, 2017)
interest and indication of possible
future profession
(US Examination Board, 2016)

Examples of forum discussion topics:

-Is the social media creating more behavioural problems among teens?
-Are young adults today practising a healthy lifestyle?
-Should euthanasia be made legal?
-Is clean eating the most efficient way to lose weight?
-Are painkillers doing more good for health?

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