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TEACHER: Alison Herrera C, MTEFL

STUDENTS’NAMES: 1) Vanessa Caicedo

2) Itati Orellana

3) Douglas Núñez

4) Eileen Boza



Each year, thousands of university students get stressed for all the homework they have
to do. Scientists have shown that students who spend too much time, experience
physical health problems and there's no balance in their lives, so scientists suggested
that one to three hours of homework per day is enough for students' health, that’s why
we believe that homework is necessary but not extremely necessary because it can cause
personal problems in our daily life.
From our point of view as university students, not having a lot of homework is a good
idea because we need time for ourselves. First, spending too much time in front of the
computer can affect students’ vision. Second, we can organize our time with other
things and finally, homework can increase anxiety.

In this year, students are the most affected by the excessive time they spend in front of
an electronic device, as computer or smartphone, because they can cause several health
problems, especially to the eye, which can cause some illness, for example: eye fatigue,
blurred vision, eye irritation or burning eyes are examples that affect to students in their
daily life. Additionally, they suffer the Computer Visual Syndrome. Also, a Stanford
researcher found that  56% of the students considered homework a primary source of
stress, 43% viewed tests as a primary stressor, while 33% put the pressure to get good
grades in that category.
Academic stress is not only seen in university students but also in basic education
students, and that is why some tutors or parents have decided to suspend the education
of infants until face-to-face classes are resumed since, not They agree with the excessive
load of tasks.
In addition, when students spend time to do all the homework, they take all the day to
finish them. So they don’t have the enough time to do other things like sports, spend
with the family and friends and all the things that motivate them, and as a result they
don’t increase their creativity and motivation and get unhappy and bored. For this
reason, it is necessary to measure the amount of tasks sent by teachers since, the excess
of them, instead of improving learning, makes it difficult.
Finally, spend all our time doing homework can cause mental problems like anxiety. A
study published in The Journal of Experimental Education, showed that more than 80%
of students reported having at least one anxiety-related symptom in the past month, and
44% said they had experienced three or more symptoms, in addition to this study, the
Complutense University of Madrid conducted an analysis on a sample of 106 students,
who completed a questionnaire, where their anxiety level was evaluated. The results
showed that more than 60% of the students interviewed had high levels of anxiety.

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