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J) Bellen lp 1945 g of o 25% cucrese soln Was prepared ,how many grame of a 5 / soli of svctose __ Would _towtain the some qmovnd op sugar? Seight ass toe SS _ Pina! ON See § NOUS x ots sau - _ - 26 os» we sine = 1+ 2 et DAL* 28 7 V8t¢_! What. is my_actual_yield of Urativm hexabeenide it 1 Stact with Wogtams og —Yraaium nd 250g of Baunide.and_get_a_i-: se pl 7 $2? feqy tt nol 69 ¢ fh: Myeed § Neg , 0.41 aa “want vF ie fae 0.4890) cy + pHs ed om me ce al j ERE HEAD ail = Bey Setvel_yield _ AH) yield + _nortical ya Nyery = Meeedy UR Cn. . 50.40 olf a + B01. 2 0.42 mol UBre Sse AX #h yids CL) 2 0°83 (301g) * 260-3 g 2)_The_teaietion 249 B16 164 ender_in_A with a calc conten’ of 28x Ith @ 6% How long. in Secoods_vill_it tole foc_A te decteare fom 0.86 My g-l4 M7 TAIe 4= tn TAI k ro.esmg = Touma 26x10? i = 05.653 coemte a ie cad "1 ¥ |___Imle_ =: 092 210 pa(teles Ciont, otoms , ane esa Ea BE Liominty #463. Ga gin, = 1k poly * 00 mole, 7 Sean tou. may grins of 80 are. sind At 164 of - aso) —______ $1: _L0ng Metheck out Latte. othe j apes it 1 Dvoytoy 62) . ae pees = 0: Ite wot Nake” Teosne Tr: “4 “ 20981 mel Nat i mia t 0. 36qingt <9 Bp i - 5 eae a . . ASSIGNMENT 9 i ‘ q weliabif Ls gc el eee gge ese thse In Pharmacy C Analytical_Chumtshyis_vsed for_porposec like checking the quality ef — Inorganic mpovnckc. organic _ciingouids, digs and tue vse) chum ca.) — In Agrigore ( Anat tical Chemichy is year cull eet sunday tecting and hanes — Chop_ectng) a tment (Analytical Chumichy iS wiclly sed for chidy of Gir _pottion , wate ond soil watuids ino portilar Wncate -In_huaith cove inde He hee in digg weiss — = 2)_Chemical_Ayatans , and Unit Opeterton -in_Analytica_Oloa miey © est tee, holder Aestivoes Sond __ pipebtes “hot plats + wattch glace, ——_Anppe tc “_bsnstin_butnge. “net water hotly = pynnede. + butehter 2 _heakers. = telermayer ask balances — OAs oyindas -_youmatnic flat wach foie wie gavm ___ comp ands ee — Lo linked to te ideal) gas: 4h nid mol, conc fromthe werd" mowca' st be Spaitic. »bernan urd ‘Mm fxs thi by Friedeich Wied Ochuiald of Geman in Hon, —SDWIIONS AND CONCENTRATIONS = — Way of _expresting, conuict ations - 1h by sate (%M) + Rent 22 = _nass_Son_* ros. cowie 4 mate _ Sewer nea Uj) « Solome of Saale yy ne x e Molar, olor, M_* al ee ma toh * - — totem of Lori i* Pest = yal nas = bool A by ut solle + “ng sot “0 mnt SO, a nace Son * ie" F ~ _faas solble. Bz Prot 7 Ty ot. Soldle Clea) ¥* sas & = Sulake ef pee bu Nowe * “FW sot 2 Ba Yeast_cotlt. = Sale, {i cobie). er \ = desiy_+ Psoin * Vsole C1. by wb sole) i a MCh Cae) La) a = P sole : tas Pata we. M —~ LE. Malality trl pice 2 a Nowe, _y gy 4 mM * fa tower See toat 5 i nS chido Heowle in deme _of _motavily | M = Veoln VM. Pale qut_mition 7 Racks. 9u, bibian Lypms 1 A 5 ye = 99 ppm > Feran A ie a wT Hbaluiole the ON add © Mo} the sObhion that reduc when Wy of gts Ldlisfolwe _n_emupn 420 ay ghe 280 q4 of 0h: Aoowie - nae a | NOU i | OaTe__-~ Ny SS | . | Henin — dacowas Von try a0! A1_= kf: , | Aud Nobel invgnded dijpamite eins puanutt \ | 1403 Movie wie Michal Pomaday . tau) og clcholysic - inpoduerd tr pict ctnatvre op Bereym Nats Gere — plometmy tenet wf acm. < Sati ven Wi ent Zag expcgens dompontn ‘ned ragregeation : Ph = tiqigied potrevm gates L ‘pressure Chace Ver Ta teler_voncem-tiation | Cara | as PRAT = > Sn damm peste @tome-__tadethnotibe (wt (atir_en ddcvoued it tan compares) — Rig Mili ~_Chasgy op theca we Poetiyen — “n= ray!” dames Onovluiich = neutron = used ery lium gail be Themes: > _lectron E - Cutt perd = preton oRIgnNS® ~2)calculele ane mole concuteatioa of a Sobttin thai Is. 30. ty. fig Noo and hes a SSG. of 9 a Toy wh same (Pound, 0.50 Chien Bak) Cho WEED - yer font FW solute 50 gf Ls) : ——Povbs_ 5 Sle * Praga Cisoe #0) — where © Zaye + 86 Peg Cio) + 11262 C1 Ym.) = tncr me sorstion - ~ FWungnds * CD + ed) + WO (3) * 80 g/mol 3) AL Sede, wind tobiel corinins Nq BO». a6 - cin awhovie One. AaloteA_remuing 34S = NM Het rer —__tabiel _wmlaine NMHC Og Hass? AOC! _+ COs 4 tO 0. oays ex 0-138 my 2 71 x lo? ye AO . 7 Tas : a haancos > Nag (me) = 4761 * 10 pol BA (Bei) GT Le to ret a, yp Acds* hare Ng 8 O3_* BCDCD+ NOD 4 wo) = 84 Ym 4) had ix he — tntaity_of E+ In a soli +hat-_courtains 63-3. ppm_of_Ko Fe cor? 2 T koFe CcWu I 00.03 97 mh _-_Soly_'_M kg te CCAD 4 + Fula te COD * 374-15 F 7 2 razam : £ wee? kate CCAD = 64.3. 9pm 2038 & tg: on t S ag TBI oy 3nnlt* a Wo* 4 Cl” wel <7 at 4a” Saw oO T sae 08 c * ? yo Cc Six” £ oY 54> 10" gz 240°? 2x40” g pcs de lor AST RY ph 2 276 psy 18? pity tof pole “kg crsyX 0?) EwtD? anting £2.75) at a) > 264 = to Cosnigd + bg then negation sige, 2 78 xb M yA et et gsston ta) 2 — ae oe : ee ss ne ie ) 4 _piaL_nvmber of Ml be Sows * _paoiahival telerily — ee ne ea a om thee * : a : jet on : sven Ho = wola —vonocanua’ : es a at na et 26 “a le 4 vp antag sccinas Bh Lo , tee ee We a hoe ene {iF paces ibn “bE AAO AF yan iyi whch a: 2ob ble compound : librivm_yidlh he. pue.cipitak. ; ‘ L sowtion a ¢ CHEMICAL QUIIBRIUM pe ct +40 —_crenica_teiiiotum enptecion ad + ORF hate eae te 7 enctomis| * Tarr se rye Ge" AP WM epiestue for sgasses eng fl 2 ensip of t,o ta 2 Eres mit of geoucl (4) - se - - : eS R_*_vnivercet —gac_vonttand t6spbe)« Eames : T+ Aempetonee tak 1 ac ! cr Ae tobe? deere the a J. Went tchalytes °C Hae M0. ns - _ Xa? fe Es Labor] is O2 2 _THen liso: [3 Ka? aoid diesocintion: tke tavidily— hn a chin be cuneidattd 9s canstomb spo, : Vf cate Od Ta _ fesiee- of daocintion & —Jeaction of SA enanttation aft get at ein fone ptm ot ogi civm 601 hk iowiua + Seem S temp a BO Ca ee Bef, oh Nyerom, MOC, OM Sak of Gunbic acid CHCabyo,) it 34% ionized» Whett is io f ICG BGT | ERB IEE BE by _§ EnGa tn0>2. Cia) = leg (-3ax 9) ~ 0.0997. HKwF LavKR™ LD — ° ka? 97 —20_that_ore shu Corauruaton of 0 spect rosin) iy LM aautiv acid. For Aca tints @ 25°C P Kas bx So Gy wt 4 Gugor iw oo 2 7 —. if x tx a a 7 ta mod - _ HO #20.) Pa eo fe. btxret, oe x ang ew ERX ~ LBRWE oO ks ur = = 4.28% 08 Cdicard) TH): @ 23. (93 M : = “EG igoxd = 23% 0-> M ee 1 LAG B30.) * [- 429 x07 M + ‘g.gashm Lo _pesionmsy 2 eset “pay Wei die and i _amtoreto Liss OF waréR (Self! ionization of pf? HOW fo Sottery “ty bes ——— LH,01* kw + CHzo"ILo pete! { @ ae ta * M10" 5 HO] sapsanh “4 Sine; hO = Had" +007 EHyo)* CoH] if Jo, Aor]? = ko THsot) 2 0°7= EH) Kiso “Ired"] > L am Enanpe. "Shag, Technlyte— — — rE en 2) Coloulatu hu hychonivm find hyo xide-_iem concentration anh. ptt and pO# of. 0-200 4 rep eo Nad @ 36°C. eee, nt tet toys PWD oy ey * LasotDton com? ae a a ys -tog Lov] tie Co-gm )€830") ( 0 0.2m 0.2m is U0? Seto! = patD - ; = ar , | —_ = — = a Se 2 ‘gem qH = 13+ lems toutuoriodMrrecies — Na 6 etd propn A_tmoxtne pf 8. mos of Hs cmd | wnmleraf Hla. A tower tem pernbres, _ 2 a arTINE TNE eptolud_is_do_ grec tne. gtd cu piyscle oe A_high amd ——— 0s ws m4 Pa Yeh; Pay = Ym Pr Matelsiine _ he § by Wok Paps Yorn * FC Yeasmol) © Met me | 1 | Day? 3 (46-6 ml) > aHo4 ee ; Yana’ he nis ee — Cie aR) STP mI)” Vins HOI) cere +0. 000164 Jaimt a 3, é uy 260mg ‘ a Yo ts ee so woy Doe ~ 2M amie, Ke20 tg Seocte—ceoine 030 nel fy 0-€ ol © cnc 04 mel G ttoring > ‘te Heaton A ABC: 820 gt “Teg Sted Irs ony ied Ot Cas lett ob she equibarion wa Sf pee ke? Tanta incsaeseonn 1 ea tah on oe Pet eee Te ea 7 a 30 * @3y oto 1A >a une “oso Glivseretomeess X + som AL enuilvidea I Res 90, 4 Ik tector contnins 0.30 melt, ~ Aided stow many avles_of B_was lf at the equiteiom? ales Tad te Tarte ova _ 2MOa 6g) _ =F Nady oa) o 10.38 mad % Pm + ynoa ep _ € 2, « ; “a a5 - Be Pg, = OME oy 033 wea ~ me Oa oe Pda +46 G7 * 029 mol 0-93. 0.3 - one ba ore ——i 0-205 A ‘ i be <— _SOWBMITY Peopuct castany Clsp) = da Cor pe 9) dae 4 at Sy va Kp? eI tose txamples —[ gra} 8S 8 Mead Saito, hata sombilly of G26 24D Nom Sis Ct eh tl ae, 7 ei oiiy + Tate + coms Z Pes Poss «Sey elm a —~ be eSoy —> th”? __ 4.0," ea Taxi ° ° = — hag *hustet thunionY kop? TreMI Sof] + Lhd tet bynw)s tage as Assert WAR TOVN eid 7. -Rttnel sche Concerdciion tf AQH jong ino gwihiited veld of AGC? ep Agel «+7» 00"™ ae — ame * MgCl sgt 4 CF tere their concenteation is T Ag" I* C1“) OU} ef hep Magers ett ax me JTAg]* re 3 bay os 7 iH 7 bO xn y cel a = $ Silver extent of 846 gh obit, Calculate She Cowleility gnduok _-—tonslant. gon + a Stout —— a mo tegh ae - , osteo it 10 Uh vpn 2Ag 4 CrOq?™ to. Stee Ge 020)" 0-026 ~_DAgycrO4) 2k x ak hike oo fag Pag Toor.” Se = i S007 To. que : thet 2 the te foc tte _egilorivm CN" HO == Hoh dor ke Heys 62 wo — Sm by * katy 4 mys xo"? { whet eel x 5 lores Tew + _Pisinfecton - lessens bacteria Gerilixe - tits nctevia 46 yuhed_i¢ She _gH of 0.01 Moth of Ue! Sit _yer —= ye got” wel: pom 7 _o-0tm ° ° “4 Com F001 4 0.07 pis leg oo) s 2 FO 001 0.01 a) Catev tote he p_of0.021.M_enth_of Jay 5 Sax! Hegou 287 4 sg A Me 1 o-par oo Tat]: oom 7 C0. 62) 2¢0. 021) 9.091 pi © = tog COvoy) > Fae ro 0.047 0-07) T vin ca ' = the tonstonr Vohe Co) * 1g x0ct 4 apa 7010 meu acid 2 1) Whe fn gt 9b eT “y= o.0@ar¥ pis shg CHT + leg C8:00036x) = So_ We tae ns 7 x0 © Gost ot £ Ied-« « : se bare eeaators i_prapted—ftom__ammeman. hycha xiden.. Cantar thea — ally __pW.2 > C109. 0.00042) wot i —— — aE Ans acid vt in “lnbortng ee ain PHN 231210". hot eth poof the aca? vam 50K gt 2S i wih “Ry — sane AMEn 2.3 ae a : ae a t bates coun To Seo Movie ptt “op Daxfer otto ___¢-Hlenaeeson_~ 4s polch_tqiacion is_tsed ptt fe Tome 4 kg ol Fie 4 aa ee es phy Teeter ia : Eeeide pens) H tegen pil Mo pf Thane trp) nj butoa Meats ixing Cnt ee ee rte Me Tg 40%) ep 228 __ fee 9 hot ic shit ” “reel Nile? Kos bB a wt FOU MBC Gnd WL of 0: bem Ms? Kes tba 0 ps a3 ey _ 9 Glebe tie i et Dike Bon ests ane ae Tee ie Laxve™ fol! Wige —> pt 4 toe” ee atl Kt Eee [ vaeaia °-«¢0) ———— 4 herent inc Mt gh tes et oat ds tog C4 ww) - fog eRe. iL pols = 2.66 2 aay Pera { | ——*foitton tortores It 9 of _pyrigina Cogn Otto AG He gen ter jon [Ate gH of In set Pky for Geen det eet sth yeu one Ver of setston Soi __WOsWsh > 4 4 Gone W ley = el i oh IS ch _F bes tend pf nf (2 By as a { __F Gisn yew & ( “a —— Le phe Tag. . ee a a y Come) Cent) 2 Calealete te_pH_ of a bof GM As and _0-2M Apyd- Ke “tlh pen = vlog TEI + hg bee = 794797485 ~ + sal) wu a is *ACl_—Zayg__pit =_W = (plo + tog fares) cae aco OM ONDA oy a MOH ebta k Cel ba ame Ac Sowtion tte pineal pH would be > ~ Set! Naan 4 Whe —> pinto 44h a 1 Boe “Boe e G pil pha ae ae 20! 70-01 we + ia PHS clog 6x0) ¢ 9 gas 2 = 0.01 moe _~ 0-01 pus S. Ons Eom 00 hie OTRO 2. ae Aa _ SEAT + a ip —_TFEECT_of TLtCIROLYTTS on CHEMICAL FQUIVIBRUM Lon lorie: Changes.on Fquilivia * lonic Strong + 1.6. * 23 (I) rare —Exongte * 1) Colcabote tne ienicobergth of 4) dM s0lh of ENDS eS a 2 KN, As RTF BO Nn Ov —> aha? 4S0y7™ 7 aS Ey oT be Sb? be 0:10) oy” 38.2 3 [0107 4 vent ys orm Is +9 [outs ora] 2 03m 2) Who ig the toric strength Of a sufition hed ig 0-06! Koy ant 0.1 M iy Way by, . KMOy + NosOq —> KX 4 NOs a + oy" om jo. : “ ; as oem — oti gy oh a 1 8 D o. Om oT 3s. < FJ] 0.060 + osc + ar +o1ard= osgm 2 Y, . estar Te tbe t rhea Te = 14 9.35 (0.5) fo: 08¢ ) * 70. 40 2 pete Crogt Bury i Ihe following teererhon _bednw Lis HaCoon (aa) 4 teori) = te °. "tony Cla C00" can) iecuctigorys 2 bling mete pcch dccteans_sigily a river the rent eft Ca COOR Seg at clemge MUO H2C00 ¥ Ga) 7 7 FF _easboor ons 2 c i Set egy sas? ses slightly Src anc Ted eT sal nH aiid main SSS has ap 4 7 Aone is) ' Odeted he sol He th_adtton of_0.91 wl hy” Hex Hyon. ——>_Hs04, + Cz Oe - mae Die oom la 7 ad ftom one | 2 bono F207) eax ; Meer ‘gaF lL 0 faut Wot], |. e2xa ph > pk *log (aaa A “ rest) De 10" (Se) pil bbs }82x10"S) +(bg i THO) >. 36 40% s PH rc we ove] pH 7 hy Ch Ses) = 9.73 (L. Te ee s ~ : Hoty, ——*_ 9 + Cr H202 t 5 O.m i ro oy l ved A 21 = cf FO baaM — ais 7 EE BSOF IC Reo F oka? TON parr Hendercons 4 fo} THo* 5 ... a tao i _ (st i) Epo eRe af) D9) * pha 4 ley 7 Lf = (38 “#8 Es . T Moot} + tine ws (22 pi Cy rex )ity Bh) 4 Figs") = | ate pt phe ws _— He whg (18 X10") 2 4 PREAPITATION CRAVIMETRY F he angie is_comated + A speringly cobble — precipitate i ake shrw irs bb rok soialy disse _Groviimedyic Tethmnques — Dying and _weiginng re sormple ae L 2) Vissowing the camper aaa ee — | 2) Precipitation | Technique fy} as Feta a 2) Ignition or Anying 4 Precipitatey, frempte 28s 3, eco 2 Hy 4 F204" patent PWS ay ers vod eg on” ea -t2a)_+ 04" fo93 —* 6a an, a Ca C204 +. Cade * COrg) + Ot eg) Tooper ties 0} Precipitates and PlecipHtating Agen) * tb) _tasiy gi Heted And was heal 4 jae! of sontamiiniee 1 2 D_Of sufficiently tow a hk chp ig giltrahen and Wasting, 3) mtegotive cout 2A i a Example determine Ws. purity. naic AIUs ~ ™ oth, Ally p =? Heo or Al gtd tt 38/amoy BAGO 4p 1chODs mans M0555 tg Alc * 94g N03 mt» a a) 7 gutly tds) * frog“ Wet 2) Hotnievin In A764. 4 moj of lepore.—_Qilomitnrm Salers samp re cos Prtcipitoted as AI Cows eee es of Al? O> weighing - 297. 953 tra: ExpresSVe.0 * _pnayis of FM kW! ~ - (ash Ga Qc. C2 £983.453 ng ma at : # ALE? i £2) A sumpe corr “naBe tnd KBr omy unigns 263 -O4.e Ah Saimpt.wasdisseuey y 5 Agh0a. The precip tata peak was gourd -b weigh 424, gr “ja and_ treated sith excess a Ne | topla atpt of 8aB_and__LDr—ia ssp si: ek ee * PS re __— DES SC pgporeceey sie igs Ips at 7 +09 "nes a tna ~” Ines)! 4 (03 "heni) + 283-0) nym 4 e? Coe 5 FN pe 1 _y Cian. Yori) g C17 Demet? 409 a6 a5 ag + ae} FW ope 2 22 9% cb i ye ROM Gye bee - = «5k ROE 5 HH Agpe 118271 mg Amel Kr 4 Ag Nos — AgBr 4 KNo, + |_ Net 4 Ag NOs Ager 4 Waoy | + ais \ atl rcs Taehe 2 Et hee a a Sy | tena Wee “an Ager” HB 4 AgBr "Nabe: Gory Xx & b07 mmol EOF yt $312 amo! Nabe $ oot C114) 87mg NF ae ae : 253. oz nl = £0.04 | U, Nabe = wo - so-ey = aaah tht tna k_Aghbs CUA 9 Ohl) sented by tomer 2.2% 04 Naa 0» CW acl) + Ags 00,2 p Wuatnost of Af Os uit be gored? - 2AGND, + NarCos —> hg 202 1 2AAWO, Gr, jl 233g ue ~ 3 tg: ragga leed(o) net I » a sag ings, (Rare) (eee LLM Agios + 0-0720e1 Ants Taleo a = 7% Yeqq : 7 2M Ag N03>21 0° OY mel 5 NA AO gh 2 Linsey my, 22.3% (Be BY (2 SH + Goke: aA 2g “Ba lh disobeg “im wide aeig When Natl fe be tly The Mel peecipiok weighs 720 5 Retrning Are Ag, inthe somple 4 WhO —* Aghos 4 tr then Any Igy, LE : ath fe AgCl 4 NabOs f Ag > 2.204 Agr x VES yp hans site» Bee sa ge ta eta) a ea > fs: ee a ~My ot seg * 0 ; tS eth Ki a eT) : 8) A OSES OMPE Of commesciad prorat cletergem was ignited at nec bead "> dlesmg — —tepine emattr 02g on <7 » =0-0) me IMg2t07_* 222 9/in») eg bee © ay 50 FAG, 1 OO Reaction * ( Botnncing)) Sep: in Method | WORA = ost wf Teton Oxidertion , sibelance ox itized ie the Recluciry b. Agent 22 oo oe HS —* KO 4 7 tbo _N™ _CRedwotion) , 0A 5° Cocelotion), BA ‘ ° 2 F 2) 2Na 40h —* ana + acl Cia Wed a e)2 CMR) Bile pata nn Ged. Uh ge ae ger” CURD Ob 4 26 el” aNa4+ Ch — 2Na 42017 [saoetoounnilt 9) Ter each 0 ectom hat ig _nreetted adore, $0 hp the side of the grartial nqsottion thea 3s deficient jn oxygen. 2 + eve ing in baae soyuroy + (for enh 0 gto ahah je needled 1 add tre Heo +b tec ide of the pewtial equotion ted fee! ae deficien! in Uy push lone tts? 19 “Re _oppusife Sele. Pca 2) For eoch 0 ptom thal in fstded Addl one Huo The Se of the partial eqiotion Mot le deficient in oxygen of 19.49 Deh_patial s be ee Ae tek ant ight 8 oo? ACAD EOWA —. 74 NOs —s tps +s! Mot a Br 7 os . (WP mo wh eS 7 EAM gabe 4 S = a. - 2M Ong? tee mer" 2 QM 4406 2M _ + SH aaMin™ = SN 49 Mn* Binoy + S05) 460" —> Bhim” 4 SRO, 7 BAe PAcic_meDwm, May tag > nds 4 Ae 4 7 T__NeOy > Me Or Chectuedinn) —_ Nally 4 Coxicwortion) a wa “2 LL tection | 4ho0 4 Way Mn0g 1 24ln0 1 OH” P7463" 5 yo + MaOy-> Node 424041 a teidation "Bally 4 dot" 7 pa 4 Cho P> aC ray 4 Yop» ty! 4 Abo" +40") ; ae TO Fa A _ #16 AIA 4 UM og = tahndy 4 SHO a eo E PL. Bhiy +b" aha yintico 4 te 50% LJ Bhatt + WMnoy —> 302 t 4myd + G20 4 your + THRWeTe IC Merops o> _Peecipitation “THrimety, Stondowd Sows C S4omoowA Titrant) ~ ip alt SME A feng of buy orn att ® ~__cany Hibbs Ne omoty sit i Point - She poled in ration ~ apisolance Geik — Xe th gale in the eh A ane ade mP kecachy eopivaind Me prow 04 Oinciyten — And foint -& Are grind in ct tthotion when a qhysicot_chanop- ccwite thet is asteciated with dhe eorition of Chasm cal Cawivabetne sa cial ila el __ tyaicotoes + ae _ often sclated Ashe omady ted praca nm ob5e1sCiL physic chang. __Cuna point) ah 2 row _e4ydisowimce poi Nimany dardards—_it_6_highly quifie compound thet canes ac_q teperenc mortedial in volmaltie rnd tres “HAriimed ie motliag | a hk 6 tomndtanan atton , toa Concentioth oa of a ualwrene. .cobh is ehermiced by iecting il agnine) —a_contply mnentntd _qurtly of a primany clendord a ceuend rsslerclerl py gn exachy keeuin vl of Omotiur _clotenrd sola ne - __cALUATING _MOLURITY DF _CTANDARD covenpa 1 Dest “the prep trotion of 2b ef. * OSe M_AgNds C H64-874 /mI) fom sha prittany Standaed - oyeds sO — aa — 2A clondofé 0:61 M_Cltting of Nel fe teqvited tp calitsote o pom gphmmattc._mettad > _dadecming jus clement, Decoibe fev 500m of hic sols at ee ae Narl,03 (WS. 999 /m0!) 1. 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