ILP 01 - Job Hunting - In-Class Quiz

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Class: ORN 02C Prepared by Martin Obregon

Student Name: _saleh Ahmed _ Date: October 29 th

, 2020


TASK 01: Highlight the best response in yellow based on the information you hear. _______/ 05

1. In which field is the man looking for a job?

A. education

B. medicine

C. technology

2. Which statement best describes the pay for the job?

A. Employees can receive periodic pay increases based on their work.

B. The salary for the position is above the industry average.

C. Workers are paid on a commission basis depending on their sales.

3. What are some of the benefits that the company provides?

A. Insurance, paid vacation and a company vehicle.

B. Paid vacation, opportunities for promotion, and insurance.

C. Opportunities for advancement, insurance, and a free bus pass.

4. What does the future hold for the industry that he is considering?

A. growing, yet uncertain

B. expanding and secure

C. contracting, yet stable

5. From the conversation, what do we know about the man's educational background?
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A. He dropped out of high school.

B. He has some post-secondary education.

C. He has a college degree.

TASK 02: Answer the questions based on the vocabulary you learned. _______/ 05

1. One thing I really like about this company is that it _____________ good health insurance benefits.

A. ? does

B. ? provides

C. ? earns

2. I don't have a job yet, but I have a few _____________ that might help me find one. I just have to give these places
a call in the morning.

A. ? leads

B. ? booms

C. ? sorts

3. Although there were few job openings available during the first part of the year, things are ________________, and
more companies appear to be hiring.

A. ? looking up

B. ? turning out

C. ? coming out

4. The travel industry is really ________________ in our area, and business has exceeded people's expectations.

A. ? brooming

B. ? busting

C. ? booming

5. After a great deal of effort, he was able to ___________ a teaching job at a high school near our home.

A. ? land

B. ? air

C. ? sea

TASK 03: Use the words/phrases from the table below to complete the sentences. _______/ 05

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Leads Look up Booming Reasonable In the end

1. I suggest you take the time to _____ Look up ______ some information on the company before your interview.

2. I didn't think the questions in the interview were _ Reasonable __. I mean they were asking all kinds of personal

3. I know searching for a job is hard work, but_ In the end ___, your efforts will pay off.

4. Jobs in computer science are really ___ Booming __, so you shouldn't have a problem finding work after you

5. My father gave me a few job __ Leads ___ that I need to follow up on.

TASK 04: Put the word in the correct order to make a coherent sentence. Write the arranged sentence below:

____/ 02

This company and provides insurance for advancement. health opportunities

__ This company provides health insurance and opportunities for advancement._

TASK 05: Highlight the best response in yellow based on the information you hear. _______/ 03

1. I enjoy working with people___________ .

a) which are friendly b) they are friendly c) are friendly d) who are friendly

2. A: So, what do you look in an ideal boss?

B: Well, employers___________ the opinion of their workers tend to develop positive office relationships

a) respect b) who are respecting c) that are respected d) who respect

3. A: So, why do you want to work for our company?

B: Personally, companies ___________ a clear plan for the future tend to experience the greatest growth, and that is
the type of business that interests me.
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a) Has b) That is having c) That have d) Who have

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