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Faculty of Computer Studies


Introduction to Computing and Information

Technology 2

Final Examination

Spring Semester

Date: TBA

Number of Exam Pages: (7) Time Allowed: 3 Hours

(including this cover sheet)

1. Write the answers on the separate answer booklet
2. Total marks: 100 marks
3. The exam consists of three parts:
A. True/False Questions (20 marks): You should answer all questions.
B. Short-Answer Questions (30 marks): You should answer all questions.
C. Programming/Problem Solving Questions (50 marks): You should answer all questions.
4. The use of calculators is allowed
TM112 Final Exam Spring 2018-2019

PART 1: True/False Questions [20 Marks]

This part consists of 10 questions carrying a WEIGHT OF 2 marks each. You must answer ALL of the
following true or false questions. You should dedicate approximately 20 minutes for this part.

1. The operating system is not responsible for the management of memory. (F)

2. Private cloud has an infrastructure that is for the exclusive use of a single organization (T)

3. Interpreters translate all the source code in one go. (F)

4. In an unsigned integer representation, the largest integer that can be represented for n bits is 2n (F)

5. In the truth table of the OR operation, the output is 0 only if both entries are ones. (F)

6. ALU is a common part of most modern processors, and it operates on floating-point numbers. (F)

7. A mobile phone must convert analogue quantities into a digital signal using DAC (F)

8. Geocoding is the encoding of location information, such as an address, into a geolocation (T).

9. In security context, Salting is a process to add a small amount of additional data to a password

before it is hashed. (T).

10. Encryption is the process of proving your identification. (F)

PART 2: Short Answer Questions [30 Marks]

This part consists of 5 questions. You must attempt all questions. You should dedicate approximately 60

minutes for this part.

Question 1: [6 marks]

List the Benefits and Limitations of Hashing.


Benefits: Hashing can: (1.5 marks for each)

• confirm data has not been changed since the hash was generated
• obscure passwords from casual inspection.

Limitations: Hashing cannot: (1 mark for each)

• confirm that data has never been changed

• guarantee the confidentiality of data
• authenticate the creator or sender of data.

TM112 Final Exam Spring 2018-2019

Question 2: [6 marks]

In cloud computing architecture, there are three layers. List them in order from down to top (you can draw a

diagram that shows how they fit), and talk briefly about each one.

Answer: (1.5 marks for the order, 1.5 marks for each layer)


1. The lowest layer is the infrastructure layer and is mostly composed of the physical kit, such as
servers, storage and networking hardware.
2. The middle layer is the platform layer and provides an interface between the applications and the
infrastructure. This layer includes an operating system plus other software that is needed to write and
run applications.
3. The top layer, sometimes called the application layer, includes the data and applications.

Question 3: [6 marks]

List three of the main objectives of the 5G network.

Answer: Any three of the below objectives: (2 marks for each).

• provide a capacity that allows 1000 times more devices to be connected than the current network

• achieve a target peak data rate of 10 Gbps for stationary users.

• provide real-time interactive applications (with no more than 1 microsecond latency)

• improve coverage such that a consistent user experience at anytime and anywhere is achieved

• reduce power consumption by up to 90%.

Question 4: [6 marks]

Given a file with a logical size of 2540 bytes. The magnetic disk architecture is as follows:

Each sector is fixed at 512 bytes, and each cluster consists of 4 sectors.

a. How many clusters will the above file take?

b. What will the physical size of the above file be (in bytes)?

c. What is the slack space in this case?

TM112 Final Exam Spring 2018-2019
Answer: (2 marks for each part)

a. The number of clusters the file will require is 2540/ (4*512) = 1.24.
Hence, the file will need 2 clusters.
b. The physical size of the file will be 2048 *2= 4096 bytes
c. The physical size of the file is 4096B. Hence, the slack space in this case is 4096B-2504B = 1556B

Question 5: [6 marks]

There are some advantages of using symmetric over Asymmetric Encryption. List three of them.

Answer: (2 marks for each)

1. Symmetric encryption is faster.

2. Symmetric encryption uses small keys.
3. Symmetric encryption is well suited to encrypting any amount of data.

PART 3: Programming/Problem Solving Questions [50 Marks]

This part consists of 5 questions. You must attempt all questions. You should dedicate approximately 80
minutes for this part.

Question 1: [6 marks]
Given the following python code. What is the output?

# Produce a mystery table

for row in range(1, size+1):
for column in range(1, size+1):
print(row*column, end=' ')
Answer: (2 marks for each row)

TM112 Final Exam Spring 2018-2019

Question 2: [8 marks]

An old encryption system uses 24-bit keys. A computer system working at a rate of one million keys per
second is set the task of performing a brute-force attack on the encryption system.
What will be the maximum amount of time (in seconds) needed to brute-force all the possible keys?
24-bit encryption offers 224 = 16777216 possible keys. (2 marks)
The time taken is therefore 16777216/1,000,000 =16.777216 seconds (~ 17 seconds) (4 marks)

Question 3: [10 marks]

Calculate the needed time, in milliseconds, for a signal to reach the Earth’s surface from a GPS
satellite, knowing that:
- The GPS satellite is 36,000 kilometers from Earth's surface.
- The radio signal travels at the speed of light, which is 3×108 m/s
Show your detailed calculation process


36000 km = 36000 000 m = 36 × 106 m (2 marks)

Since speed = distance / time (2 marks)
Time = distance / speed (2 marks)
36 × 106
= = 0.12 sec (2 marks)
= 120 ms (2 marks)

Question 4: [12 marks]

a) Given the diagram below, find the expression of the function F.

b) Given F(x,y,z) = 𝑥̅ 𝑦̅, and G(x,y,z) = ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

𝑥 + 𝑦 Show whether F(x,y,z) = G(x,y,z) or not, using the truth

TM112 Final Exam Spring 2018-2019

Answer: (4+8)
a) F= (NOT X) AND Y OR NOT (X OR Y) or X’Y + (X+Y)’ [4 marks]

b) 8 marks: 1 1 2 1 2 , and 1 mark for the conclusion

Question 5: [14 marks]

Write a Python program that counts and prints the number of even and odd numbers from
a series of numbers.
N.B: You should declare a list at the beginning of your program for the below sample

Sample numbers : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 .
Expected Output :
Number of even numbers : 4
Number of odd numbers : 5


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # Declaring the list

count_odd = 0
count_even = 0
for x in numbers:
if x % 2==0:
print("Number of even numbers :",count_even)
print("Number of odd numbers :",count_odd)



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