Pedal Operated Water Purification

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Human can live for weeks without food, but only a few days without water.Most part of earth is
covered by water almost 75%. Yet one of the world's greatest issue is a lack of drinking water. Water
need to be purified before it can be consumed because now a days the water is getting
contaminated due to industrialisation which produce large amount of waste which contain toxic
chemicals and pollutants which led to many water disease .Water contains dirt, minerals, and other
impurities that made it smell and taste bad.To decrease this contamination or impurities, we can use
different processes such as boiling, distillation, water chlorination, etc.

This water purification system can be operated by means of many way like electrical energy, solar
energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy,etc. But they all need much resources making process
expensive. But there are newer method like pedal power water purification which made process less
expensive. In this purification process mainly basic Bernoulli’s principle is used which state that an
increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with the decrease in pressure or a decrease
in the fluid potential energy. Pedal operated water purifier provides drinking water and irrigation in
remote area where electricity is not available. Pedal operated water purifier will design as a portable
one which can be used for irrigation in various places. The pedal operated water purifier requires
only manual power thereby reducing the electricity bill.

Our goal is to design a bicycle attachment to purify and transport water from contaminated source
that is active while the rider is paddling. Water purification is the process of removing undesirable
Chemicals, biological, suspended solid and gases from water. The goal of this process is to produce
water fit for a specific purpose .According to a 2007 World Health Organisation report, 1.1 billion
people lack access to an improved drinking water supply, 88% of the 4 billion cases of the diarrheal
disease are attributed to unsafe water and in adequate sanitation and hygiene and 1.8 million
people die from diarrheal disease each year. The WHO estimates that 94% of these diarrhoeal cases
are preventable through modification to the environment, including save water.

The system uses of a pedal fixed sprocket with chain attached to supply circular force to the dynamo
to be driven.

Electricity at rural and remote area is extremely erratic, thus making conventional water purifiers
almost redundant for use. Thus this project is specifically aimed at such area and condition of the
world where water supplies is erratic and non-existent and access to clean drinking water is
sometimes at long distance. A pedal operated water filtration system is a water filtering apparatus
which can filter water by using human muscle power via a pedal operated mechanism.

It will be specifically designed to perform three important functions: storage of water, filtering it and
transporting it to the final design. The aim of this project is to solve purified drinking water by
creating a durable apparatus which is cheap to manufacture and to buy which can last for a long
time in rural condition and which can be detachable so that it can be mounted on any frame.

The pedal operated system works on the sprocket chain system with power generator dynamo
along with supporting circuit to achieve this system development. The overall apparatus is designed
to be as lightweight and as far as possible so as to make it easily accessible to a very wide range of
people. The apparatus is also designed to be made detachable so that it can be easily shifted from
one place to another with minimum modification.

Drinkable water sources are far from most of village in India. Women and children especially spends
hours of labour just to meet the basic needs of their families walking 5 miles and more to nearby
town just to have access to drinkable water. Moreover, a family of five needs a minimum of 15
gallons of water each day. The only way to sanitize the stream water available to this village is by
boiling which also consume precious resource and contributes to deforestation. However, a number
of studies from low-income countries have indicated that improved access to water and the
resulting in increased in the quantity of water.

The objective of this work is to design a mechanism to be used with water filter and supply purified
water for villages and remote place by harnessing the human pedal power.

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