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Helpful Tips and Advice

A Serious Environmental
WHAT IS LAND Land degradation is a process in which
the value of the biophysical
DEGRADATION? environment is affected by a
combination of human-induced
processes acting upon the land.

Causes by Multiple Forces

Including extreme weather conditions
particularly drought, and human
WHAT activities that pollute or degrade the
quality of soils and land utility
CAUSES IT? negatively affecting food production,
livelihoods, and the production and
provision of other ecosystem goods
and services.

What does this mean for us?

Land degradation can affect human
THE PROBLEM health through complex pathways. As
WITH LAND land is degraded and in some places
deserts expand, food production is
DEGRADATION reduced, water sources dry up and
people are pressured to move to more
hospitable areas.

Reducing Land Degradation

Solution like gardening, afforestation
HOW TO and reforestation, conservation tillage,
STOP IT constructing wind breakers and using
fertiliser can help stop land

Land degradation is
condition of the soil which
decreases its productive
KEY Land degradation is caused by a
TAKEAWAY number of human-induced operations
acting against the land, which includes
quarrying, overpopulation, intense
farming, land clearing and rural to
urban migration.

Designed by Danisha Nurul Husna.

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