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A constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education

IPE 1051 : Creativity, Problem Solving and Innovation (CPI) [2 1 0 3]

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Describe and apply various modes of thinking such as lateral, vertical, divergence,
convergent, creative and critical thinking including collaborative brainstorming as
required for creativity, problem solving and innovation.
CO 2: Apply various methods of learning and questioning including reversing technique for
creativity and innovations.
CO3: Construct mind maps and fishbone diagrams as visualization for the given situations /
problems and draw inference
CO4: Apply various methods and tools for acquiring fluency for generating new ideas and
choose idea for implementation by following stages of creative problem solving and
design thinking process.
CO5: Discuss the importance of play, relaxation and unstructured activities to utilize the
power of subconscious mind for generating innovative solutions

Session Plan:
Sl.No. Sessions Contents of the Session / Topics COs
1 Session 0 Introduction to the Course on Creativity Problem Solving
and Innovation
2 Session 1A Psychology of problem solving CO1
 Types of thinking
 Approaches to problem solving
Individual activity for 5 minutes
3 Session 1B Psychology of problem solving CO1
 Build Creative Confidence
 Build supportive environment
Group activity for 30 minutes
4 Session 2A Strategy of Questioning CO2
 Various Types of Questioning
 Re-interpretation
 Transforming the problem
Individual activity for 5 minutes
5 Session 2B Strategy of Questioning CO2
 Go Back from the future
 Stretch and Squeeze
Group activity for 15 minutes
6 Session 3A Learning and its importance CO2
 The Learning Practices
 Creative Learner
Individual activity for 5 minutes
A constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education

7 Session 3B Learning and its importance CO2

 Learning How to Learn
 Learn Forever
Group activity for 10 minutes
8 Session 4A Strategy of Knowing how to see CO3
 Construction of Mind Mapping
Individual activity for 5 minutes
9 Session 4B Strategy of Knowing how to see CO3
 Construction of Fish Bone Diagram
Group activity for 30 minutes
10 Session 5A Strategy of Thinking Fluency CO4
 Defer Judgement
 Possibility Thinking
Individual activity for 5 minutes
11 Session 5B Strategy of Thinking Fluency CO4
 SCAMPER Technique
Group activity for 15 minutes
12 Session 6A Strategy of Fusing of ideas CO4
 Force Fuse
 Make Analogies
Individual activity for 5 minutes
13 Session 6B Strategy of Fusing of ideas CO4
 Do a people mash up
 Connecting the Unconnected
Group activity for 15 minutes
14 Session 7A Strategy of Looking at the other side CO4
 A perspective
 Reverse Brain Storming
Individual activity for 5 minutes
15 Session 7B Strategy of Looking at the other side CO4
 Thinking Paradoxically
 Creativity by Following Up
Group activity for 20 minutes

16 Session 8A Strategy and Importance of play CO5

 Connection between play and creativity
 Relax
Individual activity for 5 minutes
17 Session 8B Strategy and Importance of play CO5
 Find the right Box
 Be a beginner
Group activity for 20 minutes
18 Session 9A Strategy of Awakening the collaborative thinking CO1
 The spirit of Koinonia
 Brain Storming
Individual activity for 10 minutes
A constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education

19 Session 9B Strategy of Awakening the collaborative thinking CO1

 Brain writing technique of brainstorming
Group activity for 20 minutes
20 Session Review Strategies for Creative problem solving methods CO1
10A  The five building blocks of the problem solving
Individual activity for 5 minutes
21 Session Review Strategies for Creative problem solving methods CO1
10B  Design thinking for creative solutions towards
Group activity for 20 minutes
22 Session Strategy for critical thinking CO1
11A  Exceptional Creators & Ideas
 Techniques for choosing Idea
Individual activity for 10 minutes
23 Session Strategy for critical thinking CO1
11B  Look Past the good
 Edit, Revise and Improve
Group activity for 30 minutes
24 Session Lateral thinking and the decision making CO1
12A  Lateral Thinking
Individual activity for 5 minutes
25 Session Lateral thinking and the decision making CO1
12B  Six thinking hats
Group activity for 30 minutes
26 Session Strategy for Making; From idea to innovation CO4
13A  Design Thinking
 The Practices of Making
Individual activity for 10 minutes
27 Session Strategy for Making; From idea to innovation CO4
13B  See It
 Build It
Group activity for 30 minutes
28 Session 14 Individual Presentations on the Term end Assignment

1. Sessions from 0A to 7B will be delivered in Semester I
2. Sessions from 8A to 14 will be delivered in Semester II
3. Each session is of 90 minutes duration.
4. Please refer to your class time table for the schedule
A constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education

1. Zig Zag, the surprising path to greater creativity by R Keith Sawyer 2013
2. Crackling Creativity, The secrets of creative genius by Michael Michalko 2001
3. Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko second edition 2006
4. Strategies for creative problem solving by H Scott Fogler & Steven E LeBlanc.
Second edition 2008
5. De Bono’s Thinking Course by Edward De Bone, Revised Edition 1994
6. Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono Revised and updated edition 1999
7. How to mind map by Tony Buzan 2002
8. The Myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun. Expanded and revised edition 2010
9. They all laughed by Ira Flatow. 1992
10. 101 Creative problem solving techniques by James M Higgins 1994

Assessment Methodology:
 Attendance – 20%
 Individual Activity – 20%
 Group Activity – 20%
 End Assessment – 30%
 Feedback – 10%

General Instructions:
 Classes will be held in Online mode using MS Teams. The links will be shared with
you for joining the sessions by the respective faculty members.
 JOIN teams at least 10 minutes before start of every session to avoid delay due to
connectivity or any other unforeseen issues.
 Please be in a presentable attire and outfit even though you are home. You may be
asked to turn on your camera as and when needed.
 You may make use of the “set background effects” feature of MS Teams to set
attractive virtual background, if needed.
 Please keep a dedicated note book to make notes, which will be of great help to you
 Please keep the mic and video in the MUTE so as to avoid the echo and save
bandwidth. Only when there is a need for interaction / asking questions, please turn on
the mic, ask question and turn it off.
 Use the Hand icon for asking questions related to the topics discussed or use chat for
general requests and questions not directly connected with the ongoing discussion.
 You will also receive relevant links and postings through chat and other modes
available in MS Teams.
 The teachers engaging sessions to your Team will give their contact details in the first
class for you to get in touch with them if needed.
 Students are required to participate in all the sessions.
 Paying complete attention is of utmost important in this course to maximise your
A constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education

 Individual activity and Group activities are part of the session designed with great
care to help you in learning and consolidate the concepts.
 Individual activity/Test for 5 to 10 minutes is included in all Part A of each Session and
will be conducted through MS Forms. The link will be made available to you at
appropriate time during the session. Students are required to fill out their answers and
submit within the stipulated time.
 Group activity for 10 to 30 minutes will be conducted in Part B of each Session. Group
details including the name of group leader will be circulated in advance or just before
the commencement of the activity.
o Question for the activity will be shared after discussing the topic through the
slides and through the link shared in the chat/post.
o You are supposed to perform the Activity in your group and the group lead will
upload the answers in word form / PPT or PDF of scanned copy of the answers
in the Onedrive. (The link of which will be made available as and when
o Make sure that you upload answers of a particular Session in the folder named
accordingly. ( For eg., Session 1B will be uploaded in the Session 1B folder,
Session 2B will be uploaded in the Session 2B folder and so on…
o The answer file/document should be named as follows:
groupnumber_groupleadername_Topic (eg: Group1_Amith_Fishbone
 The assessment is continuous and every component of the session carries weightage
and hence all components are essential.

Faculty members engaging the Course:

Main Coordinator: Dr. Shankaranaraya Bhat M

Student Teach Team Members Email ID
Teams ing
Dr. Shankaranaraya Bhat M
(Team Leader)
TEAM 01 1 Dr. Siddalingaswamy P C
Dr. Sandhyalaxmi G Navada
Dr. Shailendra Kumar Tiwari
Dr. Bharath Raja Guru
(Team Leader)
Dr. Narasimhan
TEAM 02 2
Dr. Mohammad Zuber
Dr. Gautham P Jeppu
Dr. Fayaz S M
A constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Ms. Sugandhini H.K (Team

Mr Girish M
TEAM 03 3
Mr. Sandesh Upadhyaya
Mr Vishnu Sharma
Ms. Soumya S
Dr. Ramya S (Team Leader)
Mr. Ashwath Rao B.
TEAM 04 4 Ms. Archana Praveen Kumar
Mr. Muralikrishna S N
Ms. Roopashri Shetty
Ms. Soubhagyaseetha N
(Team Leader)
Mr. Siddaraj U
TEAM 05 5
Mr. Satyakam
Mr. Harshendra N Shet K
Ms. Suprabha Padiyar U
Dr. K V Sriram (Team
Dr. Dasharathraj K Shetty
TEAM 06 6
Dr. Cyril Joseph
Dr. Asish Oommen Mathew
Dr. Vishwanath Managuli
Dr. R C Shivamurthy (Team
Dr. Anupama R Hiremath
TEAM 07 7
Dr. Ananda Hegde
Dr. Kirana Kumara P
Dr. Umanath R Poojary
Dr. N. V Anil Kumar (Team
Dr. Venkatachalam
TEAM 08 8
Dr. Poornesh P
Dr. Ismayil
Dr. Gurumurthy S C


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