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Olivia Leschik

19 Jan 2021

Showcase: Personal Journey

1. Identify 2-3 ways that this class has impacted your life.

This class has impacted my life in more ways than I thought it would. Part of the

reason I chose this class was that I had assumed it would pull me out of my shell. It did

more than just that. For starters, I’m more comfortable in casual situations and I’m not as

reserved as I used to be. I’m also able to be way more open with people in my life so I can

fix things. I’m also not nearly as nervous as I used to be about giving presentations or

public speaking. I’ve always been interested in acting but this class really made me fall in

love with it.

2. What has your journey in this class been like?

My journey in this class has been really exciting, filled with growth, great people,

and plenty of memories. I love coming into this class knowing that there’s going to be a

bunch of really open and accepting people.

3. What terms or specific concepts from the units have been most helpful or

interesting to you?
The “Intro To Workshopping” unit was definitely the most helpful because it

really pulled me out of my comfort zone. I remember it was one of the last days of

workshopping and it was my turn to go. I was absolutely terrified and I was almost ready

to take the zero instead of performing in front of the class. But, I forced myself to go up

on the stage and perform. It was so refreshing and honestly such an amazing feeling once

I was done. At that point, I didn’t really care what anyone else thought of my

performance, I was just proud of myself for going up there and doing it.

4. What advice would you give anyone who is taking this class in the future?

Do not hold back. Do not hesitate. Be yourself and focus on how you feel. It’s

okay if you come off as messy while performing. That makes it more realistic. That makes

it more YOU. Always remember to have fun and engage yourself as much as possible.

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