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Name : Mamay Siti Maesaroh



The Moral Value of Aesthetic and Education in Reality of Life

(in Khotbah Diatas Bukit Novel)

In this global era, there will be more developments in our country

especially in language. Language is a part of human life which cannot be

separable, because language is very important. Someone can extend their intention

and desire to other peoples by using language. With language someone can

communicate or socialize with other peoples. I can take the conclusion that

language is an important thing for human live, because language is the identity of

same country. Literature is one of the work of creative power which is a part from

art and creative production of author with using language as medium and try to

point out the beautiful, actual and imajinatif value and can teach something with

the result that can give the enjoyment, recreative to the reader. Literature which

borned by man of letters, it is hoped can give satisfactions of aesthetics and

intellect for reader. But then, literature work not to able to enjoy and understand

all by many people. According to Horace in Dian Nurrachman’s book “Classical

Critical Theory” (2014:73-74), literature has two characteristics, are “Utile et

Dulce” it’s means enjoyment and education. In a good literature work, the reader

will get happiness and usefulness which given by literature work that about

beautiful and experiences which have a high and good value.

In a story, theme is one of problem story in a work, central idea or basic

story. A theme in story usually has a characteristic which is implicit, like in this

novel. In “Khotbah Diatas Bukit” novel, it has theme about reality of life. The

world is a temporary living quarters whereas the hereafter is a true living quarters.

Life in the world is not to defend the wealth, position of job or anything about the

world. Someone who has intelligence and wants to think about the reality of life

in this world, certainly he will prepare to face the die and reach the happiness.

Someone who knows about the reality of life will make a life in this world not

only to get happiness and had a good time but also as exam for his life whereas he

always wary, be carefull with the result that he can get the value of life and

education from his self.

For someone who has desirability to understand a literature work, trying to

give expression to all things that closed in literature work which read by him, as

like a problem of meaning, moral value and reality of lirerature work. According

to M. Atar Semi in his book Metode Penelitian Sastra (taken from Harjana:1981):

“Kritik sastra merupakan kegiatan atau perbuatan

mencari dan menentukan nilai hakiki karya sastra lewat
pemahaman dan penafsiran sistematik yang dinyatakan
dalam bentuk tertulis.”
All of things, it do systematically to know the meaning and moral value as far as

possible that was in literature work. When the reader must be able to fell what the

author write and fell what they are read, in order to author must be able to fell it

before. According to Horace, literature has two benefit or functions, they are utile

et dulce (in latin sweet and useful). Utile (useful) is about education whereas
Dulce (sweet) is about enjoyment or happiness (Mikics, 2007:95). Whereas

Bressler (1999:12) call the two functions with term “to teach” and “to entertain”.

From this term, it will be conclude that Utile has a meaning that literature give

admit and ethics with the result that the reader can set an example positive thing in

literature work. Dulce has a meaning enjoyment or entertain, it’s mean that

literature give a happiness in self of reader until the reader fell interested to read

it. In this occasion, literature give an intellect to people to be a true people:

knowing their own self, friends, environment and all problems of life (Sarumpaet,


A good literature work, it can represent two functions of literature by

Horace. It’s mean that a literature work can be called have a high value, if it can

give entertain or enjoyment to the reader and can give a positif education to the

reader. A literature work which only can give entertain without give the education

or teaching, it will fell dry or empty. So it is with literature which only give

education to the reader without a happiness, it will fell flat. Therefore, literature

can be called as medium of entertain which give the education, and medium of

education which can give an entertain. Novel “Khotbah Diatas Bukit” is one of

the literature work by Kuntowijoyo that can give two functions it. The novel is a

novel which has genre religious (sufi). In this novel fasten upon human of life,

they are Barman and Humam. Kuntowijaya make a novel as a medium for speech

or give education and enjoyment. Beside that, this novel is written with using the

language that is not easy to understand but simple until make the reader easy to

understand and doesn’t show the problem of life in country and village or
mountain seriously. By his work, all problems of life can be described with the

solution that can answer all problems that happen in this world. This thing that

Kuntowijoyo do that can give an utile et dulce in this novel. In this novel has

moral value utile et dulce because this novel give the enjoyment and education to

the reader.

1. Moral Value of Education (Utile = to instruct)

This novel give a perception and knowledge about meaning of life that unique and

strange by theme, character in story and message. As like quotations of narration

in below:

“Tuan rumah itu membuka pintu, angin menerobos masuk.

Segera pintu itu ditutupnya pelan, takut membangunkan
tamunya.”(hal 36)
When Humam went home, then he open the door and close it very slowly,

because he afraid that the sound of door can wake up Barman who is sleeping in

his house. This sentence give the education for us that when there is guest in our

house, we have to polite and give the good attitude to him. We have to ennoble

with pleassure with the result that a guest can happy.

“Sesungguhnya barman sangat lapar. Ketika ia terbangun,

yang pertama kali tertangkap oleh matanya ialah roti dan
mentega itu.” (hal 37)
Barman fells his stomach is very hungry when he wake up from his sleep. Th first

thing that he looks when he wakes up is bread that is made from margarine. He

thinks who is house it is? Who has made a food in the table? He fell strange and

wants to eat the bread, but he doesn’t brave to eat it. It is mean that this sentence
give the education for us who read it that when we visit house and we didn’t know

who is house, we don’t want eat or use all of thing in the house, it’s impolite


“maafkan, kukira engkau pemalas.”

“tidak ada pemalas yang bisa hidup di bukit ini. Semua
yang nampak ini semata-mata hasil tanganku. Alam yang
maha pemurah memberikan makan untuk warganya.” (hal
This sentence give educate to us that something what we want, we have to get by

our own hand, it have to be hardfought. It impossible if what we want it will come

to us suddenly. We have to try and work and don’t forget to pray to the almighty.

When we don’t want do something to get thing, it will not happen. As like Human

who life with aloneness, but he can get all thing that he wants, because he wants

to try and is not lazy.

“Sahabat tua itu mengajaknya menghabiskan waktu.

“waktu,” kata sahabat itu, “sesuatu yang harus kita
nikmati. Seperti juga benda lainnya.” Barman
menambahkan: ya, atau kita makan waktu, atau kita
dimakan waktu.” (hal 44)
Humam invite Barman to spent their time. Time is something that we have to

enjoy as like other things that we enjoy with it all. When someone who cannot

spent their time as soon as and as good as, they will be eaten by time, but

someone who use the time as good as, they will fell decrease with the time that

they have, because we eat the time. The time is used truthfully to something

useful for life.

“ Kesendirian adalah hakikat kita, he.”
“Anakmu. Isterimu. Keluargamu. Sahabatmu?”
“semua sudah ku lepakan.” (hal 45)
Aloneness is our reality in life. Sometimes aloneness born a happiness in our life.

We get happy with our aloneness, without someone who accompany us as like

children, wife, family and friends. Aloneness give the meaning of our journey in

life and give the time for us to remember and think to know ourselves. Aloneness

can make him studies. How to understand His message and the meaning of life.

“Bung kesenangan itu tak bertambah atau berkurang.

Kebahagiaan yang mutlak tak memerlukan apa-apa di luar
diri kita.” (hal 48)
Humam said to Barman that the happiness will not increase or decrease. It

depends on to ourselves. The happiness is created by ourselves not by other

people or environment outside us. The absolute happiness is happy without

accompany with suffering, annoyance or trouble as little as. Body and soul have

become one and cannot be separable.

“Barman masih harus mempelajari sahabat barunya itu.”

(hal 46)
It’s mean that Barman must know and study carefully what Humam do as new

friend in his life for long time, because he thinks it is strange something that he

found. When someone must study carefully outside his self, it is same like he

studies new thing that he doesn’t know before and finally he becomes know.
“Aku tak biasa dengan air sungai, kata Barman, sahabat
itu hanya tertawa.” “Engkau mesti belajar dari hidup itu.”
(hal 51)
This thing explain that people will not life enjoy for a long time, because this life

like ride a bicyle sometimes in up and sometimes in down. As like describing with

Barman’s life that he lives in country in the past which extravagant and easier to

get something what he wants. Whereas in village or mountain, to get water only,

people have to take the water from river battling for fulfill their life.

“Kalau kita tak menginginkan apa-apa dari milik kita,

maka kita telah membebaskan diri.” (hal
In this sentences, it teach us a reality of life which have the quality be alone

(zuhud), as like philosopher or sufi. Where itself has not needed the weath,

properti and position of work and other things. Their life as if only use to bring

nearer (Taqorrub) and love (Mahabbah) to the Creator of World.

“Naiklah Pak,” tukang sapu itu mengusulkan.

“Ya naiklah!”, kata orang banyak.
Orang-orang itu mengangkat tubuh Barman ke atas kuda.
Barman merasa sangat lelah. Sekarang ia duduk diatas
kuda. Ia memegangi tubuh kuda itu. Seluruh tubuhnya
terasa lemas.” (hal 82)
A seller of broom and all people who in market try to help Barman who was fallen

from horse. They don’t know why he was fallen suddenly. Barman was very tired

and he didn’t aware and all people shrugged Barman’s body in the horse. In this
sentence, it educate us to give helping each other to people who needed our


2. Moral Value of Aesthetic (Dulce = to delight)

This novel in give expression to the fact, think and fell in facing the problem, the

reader can fell that the stories is made uniquely but interesting and give enjoyment

and entertain as like what Barman fell in this novel. As like quotations of

narration in below:

“Bagus pemandangan di pagi hari. Di tengah alam

terbuka. Ayolah Popi.” Mereka berlari. Bergandengan,
bisa juga Popi tertawa.” (hal 12)
Barman and Popi enjoy the beautiful view in the morning with beautiful smile in

her lip. Not only them can fell this thing but also all things near them can fell what

they are fell. It be miraculous performance with the result that the reader can

image and as if she follow in the happen.

“Barman berkata:”rumput ini adalah permadani surga

yang dijanjikan itu Pop. Hanya di bukit inilah terdapat
semacam ini. Tidak dulu atau besok. Sekarang. “Engkau
tidak percaya pada surga?” Barman hanya tertawa.
“inilah surga, ku harap.” (hal 22)
Heaven is a place in here after which fill with safety, happiness, and

magnificence. The condition of heaven is fulfilled with happiness and graciously.

As like Barman fell, he fell happy with the beautiful view in mountain that he

doesn’t found before in his life. He only find the beautiful panorama in mountain.
“Kita rayakan pertemuan kita, bung. Aku tahu engkau akan
datang kemari.” (hal 43)
Meeting with someone who don’t know before usually gratify enough. As like

Human fells, he fell happy can have a new friend with the result that he make a

small party with Barman. This meeting is very advantage for him and have a

meening in this meeting, because this meeting have changed the way of life.

“lihatlah burung-burung yang terbang itu,” sekelompok

burung terbang, barangkali dari pesawahan yang jauh.
Mereka hidup dan berbahagia. Terbang, terbang. Bagi
mereka waktu ialah hidup itu sendiri. Selalu dan selalu
terbang.” (hal 67)
Human and Barman look at the birds was fly. They fly without have a trouble of

life. They life very happy, for they the time is life for fly and fly. They want to

make life like the birds. But, the birds fly it same with people who doing the

work more effectively .

“matahari memandikan dua orang yang berkejaran itu.

Teanaga laki-laki tua dan perempuan muda itu! Mereka
melewati semak-semak di belakang rumah itu. Dari jauh
Barman berteriak: alangkah ajaibnya! Popi tertawa saja
dan mengejarnya.”(hal 68)
The sun is irradiating Barman and Popi who is chasing after each other in the

mountain. The different power of two of people, are young and old, but the old

man still can fell enjoy and happy with this condition, can chase after with her like
a children. The happiness that can be by Barman cannot be described by anything,

Barman who is confused before, he can laugh very lightly.

“pada suatu pagi, Barman sedang sibuk dengan kuda di

kandang. Kuda itu dapat melupakannya dari kekesalan
hari-hari di bukit itu. Ia bersiul-siul. Kandang yang tetap
bersih.” (hal 72)
Something that we love or like, it can make us happy and can disappear our

confuse and something that make us annoye. As like Barman, something that he

likes is horse, the horse can disappear his annoying in the past to someone in

mountain. He can sing a song with his horse and can take a walk around the

mountain look for the new friends. Beside that, he can pick and take up Popi to

buy something to the market that it can make Popi happy.

I can get the conclusion from this all, that literature is the art of written

works. Literature is used to describe anything from creative writing to more

technical or scientific works. Literature entertains and gives pleasure, it fires the

imagination and arouses noble emotions. As like Horace said, that a good

literature work or art always contain two functions, they are Utile or education (to

instruct) and Dulce or enjoyment, happiness (to delight). Literature must be good,

interesting and give the enjoyment. As like in this novel “Khotbah Diatas bukit”

by Kuntowijoyo, the novel has a good meaning and education and enjoyment to

the reader. Many education which can take a lesson from this novel especially

about reality of life. Life in the world is not to defend the wealth, position of job

or anything about the world. Someone who has intelligence and wants to think
about the reality of life in this world, certainly he will prepare to face the die and

reach the happiness.


Nurrachman, Dian. 2014. Classical Critical Theory:From Ancient Greek to

Victorian England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.
Kuntowijoyo. 1976. Khotbah Diatas Bukit. Jakarta Pusat: Pustaka Jaya.

Semi, M.Atar. 2012. Metode Penelitian Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa Uploading at 09/01/2013 by

Herman Didipu Uploding at 2006 by

Dror Abend-David

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