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Smarter Search: Maze Search With Predictor

• Two parts:
• Add predictor function to the cost, to direct the search toward the target

• Plain maze router

• Add a cell C to wavefront with cost that measures cost of partial path, source-to-cell(C)

• Smarter maze router

• Add cell C to wavefront with cost that estimates entire source-to-target cost of path
• Trick: estimate this as pathcost(source to cell C) + predictor(cell C to target)
• Today, we recognize this as difference between smart depth first search (DFS) with a
predictor, versus classical breadth first search (BFS) as per Dijkstra
• This is famous application of a classical idea: A* search

Slide 83 © 2013, R.A. Rutenbar

Plain Maze Routing

Reached cell goes on wavefront with this cost:

Expand pathcost(source to cell being expanded)

+ cost of newly reached cell



Slide 84 © 2013, R.A. Rutenbar

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