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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Lesson Title: Adding Fractions with same Denominators

Teacher’s Name: Miss Pascale Bou Najem
Grade: Four (4)
Lesson Length: 30 Minutes

Analyze Learners
Staff: 1 teacher
Number of Students: 25 students; 10 boys & 15 girls.
Age Range: 9-10 years old.

Most of the students in class know the basics of using a

computer and enjoy Mathematics.
80% of the class maintains an average above 65% within this
subject area.
Students in class are different according to their social and
economic background and their learning styles vary from
auditory, logical, visual and kinesthetic.

Prior Knowledge:
Students have a main idea of the concept of fractions but they
are not able yet to handle the task of adding fractions with
same denominator.

State Objectives
Standard Objectives:
By the end of this lesson students will be able to demonstrate the understanding of fraction ideas.

Lesson Objectives: (ABCD)

 Students will be able to define the term fractions with same denominator with 85%
accuracy (degree) after going through the webquest information.
 Effectively manipulate technology relating to the addition of fractions with same
denominator in order to participate during class activity.
 Students (audience) will be able to give an example of a real life scenario and the addition
of like fractions will be applied (behavior) after watching a digital story.
 Students in groups of 3, will solve problems (condition) in adding fractions from the
interactive power point activity.
Select and Utilize Teaching Methods:
Discussions, questions and answers, will be used to teach students to add fractions with same
denominator along with technological tools.
Select and Utilize Media
 Webquest information from webquest related to the topic will be used to make the class
discussion easier. (auditory)
 PowerPoint presentation will be presented to students to work together in a group activity
to solve fraction problems and answer questions displayed on PowerPoint. (visual)
 Computer based digital story will be used as a support for the lesson, where students will
be given a real life scenario stories with the addition of fractions with same denominator.

Select and Utilize Materials and Methods

 Over-head projector will be used so that students will see the computer based digital story
and will be engaged in the PowerPoint activity.
 Speakers- will be used in project audio to allow students hear the content clearly of the
computer based digital story.
 Computer with internet will be used to access the webquest information.
 A mathematical manipulative fraction circles will be used to provide students a physical
and tangible representation of fractions and to make it easier for students who have
difficulties in operating in the symbolic level.
Page 1 of 2 Last Revised: December 11, 2005

Require Learner Participation

I introduce the topic of the lesson “Adding Fractions with same Denominator” to students. Then I ask
them about the fractions, what are the fractions in order to stimulate their prior knowledge and let
them think about the topic. After students share their knowledge about fractions, I provide them with
the definition of the term to make sure that all students are on the same level of knowledge before
proceeding to the addition of fractions. Students will get informed also about the lesson’s discussion
and the activities that they will be engaged in.
The teaching strategy I use is guided discovery. Students explore and discover the content required
for the activities. I will be supervising and assisting students that need explanation and the white
board will be used also to give more explanation for groups that face difficulties.


1. First, I use the over-head projector to display Webquest information related to the addition of
fractions with same denominator. After the students read the information displayed on the
screen, I turn off the over-head projector and make a discussion with the students to assist
them in understanding the information.
2. Second, I ask students to tell me what are fractions with same denominator with no less than
85% accuracy, if they weren’t able to do it, I will be showing the webquest again in order to
be able to do the task.
3. Third, I show the students on the over-head projector, how to add fractions with same
denominator, then the projector will be turned off and I give the students an example of
solving such a problem. After that I provide the students with a problem of adding fractions
with same denominator and solve it on their own. The problem will be written on a white
board, and I give the students 3 minutes to solve it.
4. Fourth, while students are working in the problem, I will be monitoring their progress to
check if they are staying on the right track. If they weren’t able to solve the problem, I use
fraction circles to help them.
5. Fifth, after students understand the concept of adding fractions with same denominator and
how to solve problems, I use the over-head projector to share a computer based digital story
to show them how fractions are added in our daily lives, then I ask them to share examples of
their own.
6. Lastly, I present a PowerPoint activity where students are placed into groups of 3 and give
them problems in adding fractions so they work together to solve them. Once each group has
agreed on one answer they select their response from the options shown on the PowerPoint
and they will be shown the correct answer.

I give students a homework to solve. Five addition of fractions with same denominator.


1. 2/4+2/4=
2. 9/10+5/10=
3. 1/13+6/13=
4. 5/5+8/5=
5. 3/15+7/15=

Evaluate & Revise

The lesson was successful, where each student had the chance to participate actively. First I used the
webquest to give students information about the concept of the lesson and had a discussion with
them. Students were very excited in this experience, as they viewed the webquest for the first time,
and when they were asked to define what are the fractions with same denominator they were able to
say it with more than 85% accuracy. Students were given example on how to add fractions with the
same denominator and they were able to demonstrate it on the white board. They were also given
some problems to solve and they have understood it well. Then they were able to relate the topic to
their everyday life when I used a digital story to show them. They were excited watching the video
and answered the question related to it well with providing examples from their own. Then they were
placed in groups to solve a PowerPoint activity and 90% of them were able to answer the questions
properly, and the ones who didn’t, were asked to do some additional problems on the board and I
helped them to identify their mistakes they made.

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