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Extended Skill Test Time Table

Difficulty of Crafting, General Time Degrees of Degrees of

Repair, or Time Required for Success Failure
Research Test Needed Test (Each Additional) (Each Additional)
+60 30 minutes
Up to 2 hours -10 minutes +10 minutes
+50 1 hours
+40 6 hours
Over 2 hours and
-20 minutes +20 minutes
(Simple) up to 6 hours
+30 12 hours
(Easy/Plentiful) Over 6 hours and
-1 hour +1 hour
+20 up to 24 hours
18 hours
+10 1 day
(Ordinary/Average) Over 1 day and
-6 hours +6 hours
+0 upto 7 days
3 days
-10 1 week
(Difficult/Rare) Over 1 week and
-1 day +1 day
-20 upto 4 weeks
2 weeks
(Hard/Very Rare)
-30 1 month
(Very Hard/Extremely Rare) Over 1 month and
-3 days +3 days
-40 2 months
upto 4 months
-50 4 months
(Punishing/Near Unique) Over 4 months
-1 week +1 week
-60 and upto 1 year
6 months
If a Skill Test has factors that would take it beyond
a -60 modifier the test’s length is instead increased,
gaining an additional month of time needed per every
Over 1 year -2 weeks +2 weeks
additional -10 modifier after the test reaches -60.

Trying Again
Many tasks can be attempted repeatedly with few consequences until a character finally succeeds. A character using Inquiry to research vital informa-
tion might decide, for example, he will keep examining data until he finally finds the vital clue necessary to answer a crucial question. In such a sit-
uation the GM could determine how long this might take based on a single roll, with the character’s only cost the narrative time and effort involved,
rather than have the player make a series of rolls until he is successful. Other tasks can have serious repercussions if failed. A character attempting to
bypass an alarm system might trigger a response on a failed Trade (Security) Test, and further attempts might have to be made while avoiding a patrol
sent to investigate the first failure. Some tasks can only be attempted once, and there is no second chance. A character attempting to leap a chasm
could face serious damage or even death on a failed Athletics test. If a character uses Operate to land an Arvus lighter and rolls poorly, the craft might
crash into the docking bay, destroying the ship and its crew. Where appropriate, a skill entry lists whether it can be attempted more than once, and
gives suggestions for the consequences of failure. GMs must be familiar with these options, but can temper them given the particular circumstance of
the attempt. A character who failed a test that normally only has a single opportunity might have an additional chance if there are mitigating circum-
stances. Similarly, a test that could normally be repeated indefinitely might have situational constraints that prevent further opportunities.

3.0 Skills 91
Skill Descriptors detailed below.
Some skills fall into broad categories that use common rules. Skill
descriptors allow players to quickly identify the appropriate kind of test 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
that is needed and how it is resolved. These categories include: Combat, Matching Advance Advance Advance Advance
Crafting, Social, Investigation, and Movement. Aptitudes “Known” “Trained” “Experienced” “Veteran”
+0 +10 +20 +30
Combat Skills Two 100xp 200xp 400xp 600xp
Skills with this descriptor are used in the heat of battle. They are often
made in reaction to an enemy’s blows, with a basic skill test and the One 200xp 350xp 500xp 750xp
resulting degrees of success or failure determining how well the user Zero 250xp 500xp 750xp 1000xp
acquitted himself in the attempt.
Skill Ranks
Crafting Skills Simply knowing a skill is very different from having mastered its use,
Skills with the Crafting descriptor allow characters to fashion things and different characters can use different skills at varying levels. To
from parts or raw materials. These can vary from exotic drugs and cus- represent this, all of a character’s skills are ranked from 1–4, represent-
tom weapons to disturbing works of art and fiendish traps. The GM sets ing his level of ability. The benefits of having a skill at a higher rank are
up an appropriate Extended test for the task, and its resolution follows detailed above on the Skill Ranks table below. Characters only use the
the guidelines in Section 5.10 “Manufacturing & Patterns”. highest bonus available to them; for example, a character with Rank 3 in
Intimidate gets +20 on all tests with the skill, not +20 for Experienced
Social Skills and +10 for Trained.
Skills with the Social descriptor involve interplay with others. The diffi-
culty of these skill tests depends on the individual’s disposition towards Rank Benefit
the character, as defined by the GM in accordance with the circumstances
of the encounter. See Section 12.0 “Social Mechanics” for more informa- Use the skill without the -20 penalty for being
1 (Known)
tion on NPC disposition. untrained
2 (Trained) +10 on all tests with this skill
Social Skills and Crowds 3 (Experienced) +20 on all tests with this skill
It is possible for a veteran commander or masterful orator to influence
4 (Veteran) +30 on all tests with this skill
or control a number of people at the same time. When a character uses a
skill with the Interaction descriptor, he can (if he chooses) affect a num-
ber of people up to his Fellowship bonus, provided they can all clearly Dangerous Knowledge
hear and understand him. If it is an Opposed test, then the character only When a character advances a Forbidden Lore Skill or the Invocation Skill
makes one roll and compares the result to a roll for the group of people they immediately gain an amount of points of Insanity or Corruption
(or its leader) he is trying to affect to determine success. equal to the Rank they have advanced to (ie Rank 1 giving 1 Insanity or
Corruption, Rank 2 giving 2 Insanity or Corruption, and so on). Gener-
ally the character should only gain Corruption for this if the Forbidden
Investigation Skills Lore Skill that they are advancing is related to the Warp or morally en-
Most of the skills with the Investigation descriptor allow characters to
dangering in some fashion, or if they are advancing Invocation, otherwise
collect information from various sources, and also require Extended tests
they should mainly only gain Insanity Points from these dark secrets.
as characters try to gather detailed intelligence on their suspects or their
mission. The GM sets up the proper time period for the test, as it takes
far longer to uncover the secret base of a rival cult than it does to spot the Alternate Characteristics
location of an armoured column. Every Skill has a base Characteristic indicated in its description which is
used to test against when making a skill test. Most of the time this is the
one a character uses to determine success or failure. In many circum-
Movement Skills stances when setting a Skill Test, though, another characteristic could be
Skills with the Movement descriptor all relate to a character’s mobility,
more fitting. Some example situations could include the following:
anything from daring leaps across chasms to climbing up sheer cliffs.
• A character wishing to Intimidate a spire prince into allowing the war-
They involve the ability to move across, through, over, or between
band passage across a treasured hive garden might use Willpower rather
elements of a character’s environment. Movement skills are all adverse-
than Strength for the test.
ly affected by reductions to the character’s mobility (such as crippling
• A faltering cogitator’s delicate repair could call on Agility rather than
injuries to limbs) or environmental factors as detailed in Section 10.5
Intelligence for the Tech-Use test attempt.
• Crafting an elaborate forgery designed to deceive a senior bureaucrat
might take Intelligence rather than Fellowship in order for it to fool
Gaining Skills experts and back up the deception.
As characters survive adventures and develop during game play, they
naturally become more competent, and the range of their abilities grows In such cases, the GM is highly encouraged to use the Characteristic
and strengthens. A Player Character learns new skills and improves exist- which best suits the situation; the following table includes possible
ing ones, getting steadily better and gaining access to new options during alternative characteristics as suggestions. The decision to use them could
play and new ways of overcoming challenges. Skills, like other kinds of substantially impact the character’s chance of success, and must be made
advances, are gained during character creation or bought during play by before the character attempts the test.
spending experience points. The amount of experience points a skill costs
depends upon its rank and which aptitudes a character has, as

92 3.0 Skills
Skill List
Skill Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Desciptors
Acrobatics Agility General Movement Strength
Athletics Strength General Movement Toughness
Awareness Perception Fieldcraft - Intelligence, Fellowship
Charm Fellowship Social Investigation, Social Influence
Intelligence, Strength,
Command Fellowship Leadership Social
Commerce Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Social Fellowship
Common Lore Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Social Fellowship
Deceive Fellowship Social Investigation, Social Intelligence
Deny The Witch Willpower Defence Combat Fate
Dodge Agility Defence Combat, Movement -
Forbidden Lore Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Social Fellowship
Inquiry Fellowship Social Investigation, Social Intelligence, Perception
Interrogation Willpower Social Investigation, Social Fellowship
Intimidate Strength Social Investigation, Social Intelligence, Willpower
Invocation Willpower Knowledge - Intelligence
Linguistics Intelligence General - Perception
Logic Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Social Perception
Medicae Intelligence Fieldcraft Crafting Perception
Navigate Intelligence Fieldcraft - Perception
Operate Agility Tech - Intelligence
Parry Weapon Skill Defence Combat -
Psyniscience Perception Psyker Investigation -
Scholastic Lore Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Social Fellowship
Scrutiny Perception General Investigation, Social Fellowship
Stealth Agility Fieldcraft Movement Intelligence, Perception
Survival Perception Fieldcraft Agility, Intelligence
Investigation, Social
Tactics Intelligence Fieldcraft Combat Fellowship
Tech-Use Intelligence Tech Crafting, Investigation Agility
Trade Intelligence General Crafting, Social Agility, Fellowship
“*” indicates that this Skill is a Specialist Skill

3.0 Skills 93
Skill Descriptions
The following section provides in-depth descriptions of the Skills, their
Athletics (Strength)
Aptitudes: Strength, General
Skill Use: Full Action unless otherwise noted.
uses, and other information such as how they are opposed (or used to characters are often dependent upon their physical abilities, particularly
oppose other Skills), nominal Skill use durations, special Skill uses, and when situations become violent. Athletics measures a character’s ability
Test modifiers based on example situations. to run long distances without tiring, climb sheer surfaces, and lift heavy
loads. It also allows a character to push himself to greater levels of
Acrobatics (Agility) endurance and shrug off the effects of fatigue when running, swimming,
Aptitudes: Agility, General or climbing. A character’s background might dispose him more towards
Skill Use: Full Action unless otherwise noted. certain types of athletics. A GM can keep this in mind when determining
Acrobatics covers feats of agile movement, graceful motion, and mastery the difficulty of a test. For example, a character from a desert world or
of balance and form. With this skill, characters can leap nimbly across could be required to make more difficult Athletics tests to swim across a
gaping chasms, maintain their balance on a pitching ship deck, or fall river than a character who grew up on an aquatic agri-world would.
gracefully to the ground without snapping their limbs. In combat, an The GM can call on a player to use the Athletics skill when:
accomplished acrobat can somersault, flip, or cartwheel away from foes, • He must swim across a body of water or try to stay afloat.
twisting his body out of reach of his enemy or slipping past foes in a blur • He wishes to push himself beyond his limits and keep going even when
of motion. exhausted.
Often, characters develop a knack for Acrobatics as part of • He wants to climb a cliff or cross extremely rough ground.
their training in another field. A courier or thief might learn these knacks
as part of travel through densely populated areas. Gladiators, survivalists, Special Uses for Athletics
and dancers need to be able to perform acrobatic motions as part of their The following are special uses for the Athletics Skill:
daily routines. Even a TechAdept accustomed to working in particularly
confined quarters devotes his daily flesh-exhortations to improving flex- Endurance
ibility, so that he might more effectively work within narrow ductwork. Trained athletes are extremely fit and can push themselves far beyond the
The GM can call on a player to use the Acrobatics skill when: ability of normal people. As a Free Action, a character with the Athletics
• He must keep his balance or avoid falling in unstable ground. skill can make a Difficult (–10) Athletics skill test whenever he suffers
• He wishes to jump down from a height and land well. a level of Fatigue (see Section 10.1 “Injury”) as a result of running,
• He wants to move over or around a foe or obstacle in his path without swimming, or climbing to ignore its effects. The character can continue
breaking his stride. to take tests and ignore Fatigue gained in this way indefinitely; however,
as soon as he fails a test, he must rest for at least 4 hours and cannot use
Special Uses for Acrobatics his Athletics skill again during that time.
The following are special uses for the Acrobatics skill:
Contortionist Athletes are also known for their strength and can lift great weights for
A character can use his Acrobatics skill to escape from bonds or the grip short periods of time. As a Free Action, a character can make a Chal-
of a foe by twisting and turning his body. As a Full Action, a charac- lenging (+0) Athletics skill test to increase his carrying capability for a
ter may make an Acrobatics skill test to free himself from bonds, such single encounter. For every degree of success the character achieves, his
as rope, manacles, or the like. This test can only be attempted once to Strength is increased by 10 for the purposes of how much weight he can
escape restraints; if the character fails to free himself the first time, then carry, lift, or drag, to a maximum modified Strength of 100. Hefting can
he is simply too tightly bound and unable to contort his way free. The only be attempted once, and if the character fails the test, he cannot try
GM can modify this test depending on the quality of the bonds in this sit- again until the next encounter.
uation. Characters may also use Acrobatics to escape from a Grapple and
weapons with the Snare Quality by using their Acrobatics skill instead of
their Agility or Strength when grappling. Awareness (Perception)
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft
Skill Use: Free Action made in reaction to something.
Manoeuvring Awareness represents the character’s general awareness of his surround-
In combat, a character capable of acrobatics can more easily avoid ings and the ability to notice inconsistencies that others might dismiss. It
foes or retreat from combat without harm. The character may make a encompasses a basic alertness to any changes that might be detected by
Disengage action as a Half Action (rather than a Full Action) if he passes the senses, including visual cues, sounds, odours, and even air pressure.
a Challenging (+0) Acrobatics skill test, additionally being allowed to A highly-trained observer is just as capable of noticing and identifying
move an additional amount of meters equal to his Degrees of Success on the presence of a new factor as they are the absence of a common one.
the Test. After making this Manoeuvering Action the character may make Threats to the Mankind can lurk in the shadows of any location, and
another Half Action Movement Action, though it would ordinarily be often the subtlest of cues can reveal far deeper meanings. In general,
contrary to the regular rules for Actions. Doing so counts as a Full Move Awareness is used when trying to spot items or individuals that are either
for the purposes of Talents such as Sprint or Hip Shooting. hidden or not easy to notice. Scrutiny is used to interpret hidden emo-
tions, motivations, or other undercurrents. So while spotting someone
Jumping hidden would be Awareness, determining whether someone is lying or
A well-trained acrobat excels at jumping, leaping, and lessening the being deceitful would be Scrutiny. When Awareness is used against an
effect of falls by folding his body as he hits the ground. When jumping opponent (such as to spot an ambush) it is an Opposed Test (see Section
or leaping (see Section 10.5 “Movement”), a character may use the Acro- 1.1 “The Core Rules”). Awareness opposes and is opposed by Stealth.
batics skill in the place of Agility and Strength tests. When determining The GM can call on a player to use the Awareness skill when:
Falling damage, a character can make an Acrobatics Skill Test to reduce • He is walking into an ambush or being spied upon by a hidden foe.
the effective distance fallen by a number of metres equal to his AgB. • He wants to search an area for clues or find a hidden item.

94 3.0 Skills
• He is trying to eavesdrop on a conversation or there is a chance of over- Inspire
hearing some pertinent information. In some situations, it is not merely enough for a character to have allies
working towards his cause. Instead, his allies must be convinced to give
Charm (Fellowship) their all in order for success to be achieved. As a Half Action, the charac-
ter can make a Challenging (+0) Command test to inspire one or more of
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
Skill Use: 1 minute. his followers. Inspired followers receive a +5 per Degree of Success (to a
Charm is a measure of a character’s knack for impressing people and maximum of +30) on their next Skill or Characteristic Test.
swaying their reactions. The acting character’s attitude is key in distin-
guishing between this and other types of Social Skills. Charm requires Terrify
the character to assume a non-hostile attitude and not make any explicit A character can use the Command Skill to terrify his followers into
or implicit threats. Instead, the character’s persuasive efforts are depen- fearing him more than Daemons or other abominations. As a Reaction,
dent upon perceived generosity and good intentions. Such an approach a character can try to counter the effects of Fear in his allies should they
may be completely foreign to some characters, who find persuasion more fail their Willpower test against a Fear-causing foe. The character makes
appealing when matched with force or logic. Others, particularly those a Command skill test with a difficulty equal to the modifier of the Fear
who come from luxury or who are masters of manipulation, might use Trait the foe possesses and he adds +10 to his roll for each level of Fear
this as their favoured approach to all problems. Often, bonuses or penal- he possesses. If the character is successful, his allies ignore the effects of
ties can result from a character’s appearance and style of dress. Refer to Fear from this creature for the remainder of the encounter.
Section 12.0 “Narrative Mechanics” for more information on social inter-
action. When Charm is used against an opponent (such as to change his
mood) it is an Opposed Test (see Section 1.1 “The Core Rules”). Charm
Commerce (Intelligence)
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
is opposed by Willpower.
Skill Use: 1 minute, or more for complex deals.
The GM can call on a player to use the Charm skill when:
The worlds of the Imperium are highly specialised and woven together
• He wants to make someone like him for whatever reason.
in a huge, interconnected web to transport goods and services to ensure
• He wishes to distract someone by drawing his focus away from others.
mutual survival. Few, if any, planets could hope to survive on their own
for more than a few months without external support. Forge worlds need
Special Use for Charm
food and raw materials from other systems, agri-worlds can seldom
The following is a special use for the Charm Skill:
produce the machinery required for their harvests, and hive worlds are
often so densely occupied that their only local product is the world’s
Seduction population. The Commerce skill represents the understanding of trade,
A character may use Charm (or any other Social Skill, though the context value, and exchange, which allows these worlds to continue to exist at
of such alternate uses may be important) to convince an uninterested or a planetary level, and also more locally at a habway marketplace. Many
even enemy character to aid them, or join forces with them. The extended within the Imperium’s vast bureaucracy, and even its military, learn this
rules for this can be found in the Section 12.6 “Seduction”. skill. All humans must practise it to a certain degree, as they acquire the
basic necessities for life. Ultimately, thieves and merchants are the most
Command (Fellowship) adept, as they must know the value of any goods they plan to steal or sell.
When Commerce is used against an opponent (such as to gain a bonus on
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
Skill Use: Half Action for simple commands, Full Action for more a Requisition test) it is always an Opposed test. Commerce opposes, and
involved direction. is opposed by, either Commerce or Willpower.
Often, a single character is unable to adequately resolve a crisis. At
times, even a warband of characters are inadequate to the challenge. The GM can call on a player to use the Commerce skill when:
Under these circumstances, characters may need to rally a much larger • He wants to gain a bonus when attempting an Acquisition test.
group to assist. Coordinating their allies so that everyone can work to- • He wishes to track down a rare item in a hive market.
gether effectively relies upon the Command skill. It represents the ability • He wants to know how much an item is worth.
to effectively motivate and organise others. Characters with a noble
background might have some training in this skill. Those with military Special Use for Commerce
service are of course practiced with it; even those who have only been The following are special uses for the Commerce Skill:
given commands are very familiar with the practice and can issue them
as well. Other characters might have learned it as a bureaucratic manager Evaluate
or a tribal leader. In contrast, characters accustomed to working inde- A character can use the Commerce Skill to determine the worth of an
pendently could have little aptitude for commanding (or being command- item or commodity. The GM should make this roll in secret, modifying
ed by) others. the result depending on who the character is dealing with and the setting
The GM can call on a player to use the Command skill when: (see below for example modifiers). A success tells the character the
• He wishes to send an NPC ally into an extremely dangerous situation or Availability of the item he is evaluating, while a failure tells him nothing.
into open combat. If he fails by more than 3 degrees of failure, the GM should give him a
• He needs to rally his allied fighting forces or organise them in the face false Availability.
of a surprise attack.
Special Uses for Command In addition to using his raw wealth, a character can also employ personal
The following are special uses for the Command skill: skills to try to improve prices, outwit traders, and ease mercantile
transactions. A character may use the Commerce Skill to improve his In-
fluence/Profit Factor with Financing prior to making an Acquisition Test.
This is a contest of the character’s Commerce Skill versus the Commerce
Skill or Scrutiny Skill of the person or organisation he is trading with.

3.0 Skills 95
For each degree the character beats his opponent, he may increase his traditions, and dictates of the Adeptus Administratum.
Influence/Profit Factor by 1 point. For each degree his opponent beats Chartist Captains: Knowledge of the merchant vessels across Askellon,
him, however, he must decrease his Influence/Profit Factor by 1. Both which complete centuries-long circuits through series of neighbouring
increases and decreases to Profit Factor only apply to a single Acquisition worlds as the primary means of Imperial commerce.
Test made immediately with that trader. This use of Skills works both Collegia Titanicus: Familiarity with those who control the Battle Titans
ways, and when the character deals with canny merchants, the GM may of the Adeptus Mechanicus, some of the most potent planet-bound weap-
force him to make a Financing Test even if they don’t want to. ons known to the Imperium.
Ecclesiarchy: Understanding of the structure of the Adeptus Ministorum
Negotiation and its role in the worship of the Emperor.
Negotiation is the art of conducting diplomacy between two or more fac- Imperial Guard: Basic information about the ranking system, logistics,
tions. This allows the character opportunities to handle business, social, structure, and basic tactical and strategic practices of the Imperial Guard,
or state affairs without arousing hostility. A Negotiation Test is an Op- as well as particularly famed regiments.
posed Commerce Test, as each party tries to convince the other that his Imperial Navy: Basic information about the ranks, customs, uniforms,
desires in the situation should be given priority. To start a Negotiation, and particular traditions of the Imperial Navy, as well as famous admirals
the GM determines how many Rounds the character and his target or tar- and ships.
gets have to discuss the current situation. Each Round, the characters and Imperium: Knowledge of the segmenta, sectors, and best-known worlds
all target(s) involved make Commerce Tests. If the character succeeds of the Imperium.
and his opponent(s) fail, then he has been able to sway his target or tar- Navigators: Information regarding these valued mutants who are essen-
gets to agree to one point in the discussions. For each Degree of Success, tial for Warp travel and the Imperium’s survival, including the various
the winner is able to bring his target or targets into agreement for another Navis Nobilite Houses operating within Askellon, their lineages, and
point in the discussions. If all parties succeed, then the character who had methodologies.
the most Degrees of Success has been able to sway the others to agree to Planetary Defence Forces: Information concerning a planet’s standing
one point in the discussion for every 2 Degrees of Success he had beyond force dedicated to defending itself as well as assisting any nearby Impe-
the others. If the character gets the target to agree to all of his points in rial systems. This includes composition, tactics, and equipment, which
the negotiations, before the targets have convinced him of theirs, then the might vary substantially based on the culture and technological make-up
character has succeeded in the talks. of the world.
If none of the factions in the discussions are able to sway all of Rogue Traders: Information concerning the many Rogue Trader dynas-
the targets in the talks to his viewpoint before the limit the GM created, ties operating within the sector and beyond in search of profit and power.
then the discussions end with all agreeing to only the points that have Schola Progenium: A strong familiarity with the Schola Progenium,
been succeeded so far. If at any time in the discussions all parties fail the which trains and indoctrinates the many Imperial orphans and prepares
Test, then the discussions are broken off, as talks fall to petty bickering them for lives of faithful service as elite troopers in the Militarum
and retorts Tempestus, Commissars in the Officio Prefectus, or adepts in one of the
Imperium’s many other divisions.
Underworld: The character is familiar with basic criminal elements and
Common Lore (Intelligence) groups, such as pickpockets, debt-carnivores, and the like.
Aptitudes: Intelligence, General War: Knowledge of great battles, notable commanders, heroes, and
Skill Use: Free Action. famous stratagems employed by those who fight in the endless battles for
All Common Lore skills represent the common knowledge an individual and against the Imperium.
might know about the general information, procedures, divisions, tradi- The GM can call on a player to use a Common Lore skill when:
tions, famed individuals, and superstitions of a particular world, group, • The GM feels the Player Character might know something about a
organisation, or race. Such information is deeper than mere knowledge current situation, location, or individual.
of the subject’s existence, and more reflects a degree of familiarity that • The Player Character wants to know a specific detail about a common
indicates a measure of dedicated interest in the area. This skill differs subject.
from Scholastic Lore, which represents scholarly learning one might gain
through study and research, and Forbidden Lore, which involves hidden
or proscribed knowledge. Common Lore deals with basic information Deceive (Fellowship)
gained from prolonged exposure to a culture or area. Unlike some other Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
skills, Common Lore has multiple Specialisations. Skill Use: 1 minute, or more for complex deceptions.
Adepta Sororitas: Knowledge of the women of the Adepta Sororitas and Characters often need to mislead those around them, as the Inquisi-
their spiritual culture, as well as their highly specialised equipment. tion’s cause involves secrets that could shatter the minds of unprepared
Adeptus Arbites: Knowledge of its various arms and sub-sects, including innocents. Perpetrators are seldom cooperative, unless they believe that
details of rank structure, common procedures, and the basic tenets of there might be some reward for their service. No matter the motive or
Imperial Justice. the target, all of these untruths are spoken in the service of the Emperor.
Adeptus Astartes: Information concerning the physiologically and Deceive measures a character’s aptitude for fooling others into believing
psychologically modified Space Marines, the Imperium’s most potent de- something that is not true. All who serve an Inquisitor must have some
fenders. Few outside their ranks gain such knowledge, which can include ability in this field, but some become far more specialised in their decep-
the culture of a Chapter and its history, wargear, unusual physiology, and tions. Of course, a Deceive test is only required if the acting character
battle cants. believes he is lying. Relating inaccurate information that the character
Adeptus Astra Telepathica: Knowledge of how psykers are gathered believes is true uses the appropriate skill for the situation. When Deceive
and sanctioned, including how Astropaths are used throughout the Impe- is used against an opponent (such as to convince someone of a lie or fool
rium, and the basics of astro-telepathy. them with a disguise) it is always an Opposed Test (see Section 1.1 “The
Adeptus Mechanicus: A general understanding of the symbols and prac- Core Rules”). Deceive opposes, and is opposed by, Scrutiny.
tices that the Cult of the Machine God commonly uses. The GM can call on a player to use the Deceive skill when:
Administratum: Broad knowledge of the labyrinthine workings, rules,

96 3.0 Skills
• He wants to tell a convincing lie. Dive for Cover
• He wishes to distract someone with rambling nonsense. If there is cover with a number of metres equal to the character’s Agility
• He is trying to disguise himself. Bonus and he is not prone, he can alternatively Dive for Cover as a
Reaction against a ranged attack instead of trying to Evade the attack.
Special Use for Deceive He makes an Ordinary (+10) Dodge test; if he succeeds, he leaps behind
The following is a special use for the Deceive skill: that cover and gains the Prone condition. He is still hit by the attack, but
benefits from the additional AP granted by the cover for that attack.
A character with the Deceive skill can create a disguise for himself, given
time and raw materials. The time taken depends greatly on the complexi-
Forbidden Lore (Intelligence)
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
ty of the disguise; simply putting on an enemy’s uniform or covering the Skill Use: Free Action.
one’s face with filth may take minutes, while trying to disguise gender All Forbidden Lore skills represent information proscribed or hidden
or mimic a specific individual may take hours, days, or longer. The GM from the average Imperial citizen. In many cases, it is a heinous crime to
decides how long formulating a disguise takes and if the character has even possess such data and can quickly draw Inquisitorial attention (even
the materials at hand. Once the disguise is donned, the GM then secretly if the possessor himself is working for an Inquisitor). Forbidden Lore
tests for the player (using his Deceive skill and any appropriate mod- has several different Specialisations as listed below. These include all
ifiers) whenever the disguise comes under scrutiny (an Opposed test Common Lore and Scholastic Lore Specialisations, as each area also has
against the Scrutiny of whoever is trying to see through the disguise). If blasphemous and dangerous knowledge beyond what is generally known,
a disguise passes this first test, then the player need not test again unless or secrets the group obsessively keeps to itself:
something changes (suspicion is cast on the character, or a more obser- Archeotech: Knowledge of the great, lost tech devices of times past, and
vant NPC arrives). clues to their mysterious functions and purposes.
Chaos Space Marines: Information concerning those Adeptus Astartes
Deny The Witch (Willpower) who turned traitor, as well as the paths they embrace and the equipment
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence they use.
Skill Use: Reaction. Daemonology: Terrible knowledge about some of the most infamous
Deny The Witch is a character’s ability to resist the taint of the Warp and Warp entities and their twisted physical manifestations.
its effect upon reality, and most importantly, themself. Heresy: Wisdom concerning acts and practices deemed anathema by
The character can use his Deny The Witch Skill to deter Warp-based the Imperium, plus the most contemptible heretics of history and their
attacks of all forms, making a Deny The Witch Evasion as a Reaction infamous and deplorable acts.
against a psychic attack, where, if the Skill check is successful, all effects The Horus Heresy & the Long War: The origins and history of the
of it against the character are nullified. When successfully evading an 10,000 year long struggle between the forces of the Ruinous Powers and
attack with an area of effect, the character does not move but instead is the Imperium of Man.
simply unaffected by the psychic power. Additionally whenever the char- Inquisition: Though characters exist to serve an Inquisitor, knowing too
acter is called upon to make a Willpower Test that would result in him much about their masters can be dangerous. Those who chose to study
gaining Corruption or is faced with a Fear-causing entity that does so via the history and nature of the Inquisition’s authority often are exposed to
sorcerous power or due to it being a creature of the Warp the character information that can forever ruin their minds.
may add his ranks of Deny The Witch to his Willpower Test. Mutants: The study of stable and unstable mutations within humanity,
The GM can call on a player to use the Deny The Witch Skill when: their cancerous influence and mutagenic development over time, and
• He is attacked by a psychic power. some of the studies and tomes on the topic.
• He would suffer Corruption if he fails a Willpower Test Officio Assassinorum: This highly secretive agency exists to elimi-
• He is faced with a Daemon of the Warp, or a terrible sorcerer of Chaos nate powerful, often singular threats to the Imperium, such as renegade
planetary governors or apostate preachers. characters who dare study the
organisation may become familiar with their techniques and wargear.
Dodge (Agility) Pirates: Knowledge of the scourges of the Warp lanes throughout Askel-
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence lon, their tactics, infamous vessels, and notorious captains.
Skill Use: Reaction. Psykers: Skill in identifying psykers, the effects of their unnatural pow-
Dodge is the ability to avoid blows in melee, elude incoming fire, or leap ers, their dangers, and the general extent of their capabilities.
out of the way of falling debris. It combines nimbleness of movement The Warp: An understanding of the energy of the Immaterium, its
with trained reflexes and an awareness of all kinds of danger. A character interaction and interrelation with realspace, and how its tides and eddies
can use his Dodge skill to evade either melee attacks or ranged attacks. affect travel between the stars.
Dodging an attack is made as a Reaction to a foe’s successful attack. Underworld: Information regarding organised groups that flout the Em-
A success indicates that the attack has been avoided and it does not hit peror’s Law, such as those engaging in the Cold Trade of xeno artefacts.
the character. In the case of attacks which cause multiple hits (such as Xenos: Knowledge of the minor and major alien species known to the
automatic fire) each degree of success a character achieves on his Dodge Imperium, the threat they pose to Mankind, and their general appearance.
test cancels one hit from the attack. Any excess hits not cancelled by The character should specify which xenos race in which he is specialis-
Dodging are then applied to the character as normal. ing (for example, Xenos–Craftworld Eldar or Xenos–Orks) as each is a
The GM can call on a player to use the Dodge skill when: different Specialisation.
• He is attacked in melee. A successful Forbidden Lore test imparts information from the GM to the
• He is attacked with a ranged weapon. player.
• He needs to avoid hazards such as falling wreckage or leap from a The GM may impart more information if the test scores additional de-
collapsing bridge. grees of success. The GM can have a player make a Forbidden Lore test
Special Use for Dodge
The following is a special use for the Dodge Skill:

3.0 Skills 97
• He seeks information about potential cult activity. Intimidate (Strength)
• He seeks to learn about the operations of the dreaded Eldar. Aptitudes: Strength, Social
• He seeks the proper procedure to summon a Daemon. Skill Use: Half Action
The Imperium of Man is constantly at war. Seditious fools across its
Inquiry (Fellowship) reach and xenos races from outside its boundaries all work to bring about
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social the downfall of humanity. It is not enough to stop those who have already
Skill Use: One hour or more, depending on the nature of the inquiries, taken action; it is also vital to prevent others from following these fools
the size of the group targeted, and information sought. or dabbling in matters far beyond their understanding. Fear often serves
Inquiry is used to gain information by asking questions, stimulating con- as the preferred tool for preventing insurrection and heresy. The Intimi-
versation, or simply eavesdropping—all essential for unravelling heresies date skill is a measure of a character’s knack for instilling fear. He may
and identifying those who would act against Mankind. Unlike Charm use this ability to make someone perform an action against his will, or
or Intimidate, which focus on changing a character’s disposition or extract information from an unwilling subject. It is distinguished from
influencing specific individuals, Inquiry can focus on gaining information the Command skill largely by the authority that the acting character pres-
from both individuals and large groups, and may involve a great deal of ents, while Intimidate is used against an opponent (such as to frighten
time and effort. One or two degrees of success reveals basic information him into doing the character’s bidding), it is an Opposed test. Intimidate
about an area, population group, or specific individuals, while additional is opposed by Willpower.
degrees of success on a successful test allows the GM to impart more The GM can call on a player to use the Intimidate skill when:
valuable or secretive information to his players. • He wants someone to get out of his way.
The GM can call on a player to make an Inquiry test when: • He wants to coerce someone into acting a certain way.
• He is trying to track down a local crime lord in a hive. • He is trying to make an opponent back down from a fight.
• He attempts to learn the attitudes of the local populace towards their
leaders. Special Use for Intimidate
• He seeks a specific type of location such as a shop or tavern. The following is a special use for the Intimidate skill:

Interrogation (Willpower) Distract

The character can goad enemies into making reckless attacks.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Social
As a Half Action the character may attempt to Distract any foe which can
Skill Use: One hour or more, depending on the invasiveness of the inter-
both see and hear him. The character then makes an Opposed Intimi-
rogation and the subject.
dation Skill Test against the foe who resists, using its Willpower. If the
Interrogation allows a character to extract information from an unwilling
character is successful, the foe must spend its next turn either moving
subject. The application differs from brutal torture, which involves more
closer to the character or making an attack against him, favouring melee
physical damage. Rather, it represents skilled application of psychology,
if possible. If the foe makes an attack with a ranged weapon it suffers
various devices, serums, and other, usually less physically-damaging,
a -10 penalty to hit. The effects of Distract last for a number of rounds
techniques. The GM may modify the difficulty of the test according to
equal to the character’s Strength Bonus. A foe may not be affected by
the availability of tools, facilities and other conditions.
Distract more than once during an encounter, and a foe that resists Dis-
This is always an Opposed test, pitting the character’s Inter-
tract may not be targeted again in the same encounter. At the GM’s dis-
rogation skill against an opponent’s Willpower. If the character wins
cretion, enemies with the Machine or From Beyond Trait are immune to
the Opposed test, he gets one answer for each degree of success. If his
this effect. When this effect is used against a Horde, the Horde is affected
opponent wins the Opposed test, the interrogator gets nothing of worth.
as above. In melee, the Horde devotes its attacks against the character,
A roll with two or more degrees of failure inflicts 1d10 plus the inter-
suffering a -20 penalty to any attacks against any other target.
rogator’s Willpower bonus in damage to the subject, and prevents any
further interrogation for 1d5 days. If the interrogator suffers four or more
degrees of failure, he deals the same damage and the subject gains a +30 Threaten
bonus to Willpower tests made to resist Interrogation at the hands of the When in combat the character can attack with his raw presence, crushing
character or his allies. Each Interrogation test inflicts one level of Fatigue the enemy’s morale.
on the target, regardless of success. The character makes an Opposed (+0) Intimidate vs Willpower test (vs.
The GM can have a player make an Interrogation test when: the highest enemy Willpower in a 30 meter radius) to threaten one or
• He attempts to force an Imperial Adept to reveal hidden information more of his enemies. Threatened enemies receive a -5 penalty per Degree
about his superiors. of Success (to a maximum of -30) on their next Skill or Characteristic
• He is attempting to learn about battle plans from an Imperial Guard Test. An amount of other characters equal to the character’s Strength
commander. Bonus can be affected by this Action, but the Air of Authority, Master
• He seeks to have a cultist reveal a hidden meeting place. Orator, and Grand Orator Talents increase this amount (by 10 times, 100
times, and 1000 times, respectively).

98 3.0 Skills
Invocation (Willpower) how to read and write in his primary language. For most of the Impe-
Aptitudes: Willpower, Knowledge rium, this is Low Gothic. Note that all characters are capable of basic
Skill Use: Full Action communication in Low Gothic that would not require a skill test, such as
Invocation is the practice of channeling the power of the Warp, not normal conversation or reading standard Munitorum manuals. Linguis-
through psychic might, but rather through the interpretation and ap- tics is a Specialist skill and requires a player to choose a speciality when
plication of ritual. Invocation most often takes the form of an enactor first taken. The Linguistics skill may be taken more than once, each time
performing some ritual, mantra, or other rite, hoping to carouse the with a new speciality.
powers of the Warp to his demands. Most psykers look down upon such Chapter Runes: Each Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes has its own
ritualists, finding their mewling attempts at taming the Warp worthy only form of ciphers used to communicate between its warriors. These are
of contempt, but those who are more knowledgeable know that these closely-guarded secrets that are almost never taught to those outside the
ways are not without their uses.The Inquisition and Ecclesiarchy find Chapter or Legion, and as such form a reliable way for those within the
people with knowledge of such thing suspicious in the extreme, however. Chapter or Legion to quickly identify each other.
The GM can call on a player to use the Invocation Skill when: Chaos Marks: There are countless symbols and signs that followers of
• He wants to focus his psychic power and use a power more effectively. the various Ruinous Powers use to share their dark secrets, each with its
• He attempts to enact a Chaos Ritual. own subtle meaning or specific purpose.
Eldar: Though no human can hope to capture the subtle nuances and
Special Uses for Invocation sub-tones of this extremely complex and ancient language, it is enough to
These are some of the special uses of the Invocation skill: make one’s meaning clear.
High Gothic: The official language of the Imperium, used by Imperial
officials, nobility, members of the Ecclesiarchy, and those involved in
Channeling high-level negotiations.
A psyker who wishes to increase his psychic power even further than he Imperial Codes: Both the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Guard employ
would normally be able to can focus his power intently, raising it further a battle language which comprises mostly numbers and acronyms.
than he would normally be able to on the spur of the moment. This may Incomprehensible to those who do not know its meaning, it allows them
be through recitation of mantras, use of psychic foci, or meditation. A to quickly signal for reinforcements, identify enemies, and call down fire
successful Channeling Test indicates that his mind is ready to channel the support or artillery barrages.
warp more intensely than usual while still limiting his exposure. Low Gothic: The common tongue of the Imperium, used by the count-
As a Full Action the psyker clears his mind of external influence and less billions of ordinary citizens.
focuses his will more intently, making a +0 Invocation Test. On the next Mercenary Cant: Many mercenary companies operate across Askellon,
round, the character adds +1 to the final Psy Rating of a Focus Power and each has an abbreviated, clipped battle language for orders and com-
Test per every second Degree of Success after the first (ie +1 for 1 DoS, mands. Though there are some commonalities, each is essentially unique.
+2 for 3 DoS, +3 for 5 DoS, etc.). Failure on the Invocation Test indi- Necrontyr: The ancient and mechanical tones that the arisen Necron
cates that the psyker’s attempts to focus have backfired, and he suffers lords use to communicate with each other and their underlings as part of
a -1 penalty to his Psy Rating per Degree of Failure on his next Focus their reconquest of the galaxy.
Power Test. If this reduces the character’s Psy Rating to zero, he cannot Ork: More grunts and physical violence than an actual language, it is
use any psychic powers on his subsequent turn. possible for humans to speak and understand this brutal tongue, though it
is doubtful they would be able to survive a conversation.
Linguistics (Intelligence) Techna-Lingua: The language of the Adeptus Mechanicus, this binary
Aptitudes: Intelligence, General cant has been optimised for rapid and efficient communication of techni-
Skill Use: Free Action. cal data and servitor commands.
Linguistics represents the ability to speak, read, and write specific Tau: The language of the Tau Empire, spoken by the Tau themselves and
languages, codes, and ciphers. Talents determine the languages a specific understood by their multitude of alien subjects.
character knows, such as the Low Gothic of the masses, a feral world’s Underworld: Crime lords have used ciphers for countless millennia,
regional dialect, or even a xenos tongue. When attempting to use a and their sophistication has only increased over time. Each organization,
language the character knows, a Linguistics test is only required for a such as the Trade Sable, uses its own unique codes and glyphs to deter
particularly difficult task, such as translating an ancient version of the competition.
language or attempting to understand a garbled vox-intercept. Unknown The GM can call on a player to use the Linguistics skill when:
languages, however, always require a Linguistics test to understand on • He must decipher an archaic version of his language.
even a basic level. A character might need to speak with a human from a • He wishes to compose a moving piece of prose.
rediscovered world that was forgotten for millennia, or a researcher may • He is trying to convey a message using subtle subtext or a limited
need to comprehend a xenos prophecy that predates the Great Crusade. vocabulary
Communicating with those whose language is foreign depends upon
a character’s knowledge and aptitude in the Linguistics skill. Two key
factors play into determining the difficulty for a Linguistics test. The first
is the complexity of the message; simple greetings or warnings are far
easier to interpret than more complex philosophical or religious concepts.
Such communications might not necessitate a test, even if the message is
delivered in an entirely foreign tongue. The second difficulty factor is a
measure of how foreign the language is to any the character knows. If the
communication arrives in a pidgin or archaic dialect of the character’s
native tongue, then translation could be challenging, but feasible. Con-
versely, if the message is in a language that a xenos race developed in
an entirely different part of the galaxy, deciphering it without additional
context might be impossible. Any character who has this skill knows

3.0 Skills 99
Logic (Intelligence) user can not even hypothesise. This Special Use of teh Logic Skill re-
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge quires the Logis Prophesying Talent.
Skill Use: 1 minute, or longer for particularly complex problems.
The Logic skill represents the ability to think rationally, solve puzzles, Medicae (Intelligence)
and dissect information clearly and quickly. It can be applied to analyse Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
complex statistics, architectural anomalies, or even achieve some degree Skill Use: Full Action.
of understanding with regards to complex technologies. This skill encom- Medicae represents the ability to set broken bones, heal wounds, or
passes the character’s basic functional understanding of mathematics, even perform complicated surgeries such as attaching cybernetics. The
physics, and engineering. Note that this does not include an understand- techniques involved in treatment may vary substantially based upon the
ing of complex theories or the terminology involved with them—that character’s background. A character that learned basic survival skills on
would fall more commonly under Scholastic Lore. All characters have a death world might know substantially different treatment methods than
some inherent ability to exercise Logic, observing cause and effect and one who dwelt within a forge world. Varied backgrounds often lead to
making inferences regarding likely outcomes. In many instances, a changes in the expected outcomes for medical conditions and treatments.
character’s ability to comprehend logical phenomena might be imped- A terrible disease that is considered untreatable on a hive world might
ed by his belief systems, including his faith in the Imperial Creed or have a routinely available herbal remedy on a feral world, for example.
the Omnissiah. Characters who frequently need to identify or resolve All characters who face frequent physical trauma achieve some degree
complex situations can hone this skill through frequent use. The variables of competence in Medicae. This may simply be enough to bind their own
involved in any problem determine the inherent difficulty of a Logic test. wounds in order to avoid an easily-followed trail of blood. Those who
If a character is provided with all of the necessary background informa- specialise in this field may be viewed as saviours by their patients. Al-
tion, a reasonably adept character should be able to successfully solve the ternatively, some may see the healers as blasphemers who have dabbled
problem. If there are too many unknown factors, the problem might only in treatments that might only be the province of the Emperor or the Om-
be solved after uncovering additional clues, or through prodigious luck. nissiah. The Medicae skill often relies on certain tools for more complex
The GM can call on a player to use the Logic skill when: procedures; even a simple medi-kit can make a significant difference to
• He must solve a riddle or puzzle. the effects of this skill.
• He is looking for clues in a vast amount of seemingly unrelated infor- The GM can call on a player to use the Medicae skill when:
mation. • He wants to apply first aid to a wounded ally.
• He is trying to win at a game of chance. • He wishes to diagnose an affliction and work out a suitable treatment to
treat a fellow member of his warband.
Special Uses for Logic • He is trying to perform a surgical procedure such as the careful removal
The following are special uses for the Logic skill: of a limb or organ, or replace the same with cybernetic devices

Gambling Special Uses for Medicae

A character can use Logic when participating in games of chance rather These are some of the special uses of the Medicae skill:
than simply relying on blind luck. In a typical game, each participant
wagers an amount, though these are typically the same, and makes an First Aid
Opposed test with the Logic skill. The character with the most degrees A character trained in Medicae can use this skill to perform first aid,
of success or fewest degrees of failure wins the pot. However, this only treating minor injuries suffered in the field of operations by suturing
covers gambling if the character is attempting to win by playing the lacerations, bandaging abrasions, and staunching punctured flesh. To
game at its basic level— analysing the odds and playing intelligently. perform first aid, a character must make a Challenging (+0) Medicae test,
Gamblers often use bluffing, deception, and outright cheating in order with a –10 penalty if his patient is Heavily Damaged or a –10 penalty
to win. In this case, Deceive might be used to bluff or trick an opponent, for every point of Critical damage if his patient is Critically Damaged. If
while Sleight of Hand could be used to palm cards or alter results. These he succeeds, he removes an amount of damage from his patient equal to
would be opposed by Scrutiny and Awareness, respectively. his Intelligence bonus, plus one additional point of damage per degree of
success he scores on the test (removing Critical damage before normal
Ciphers and Decoding damage). A given individual can only be treated with first aid once every
A character can use the Logic skill to unravel ciphers and codes. This 24 hours, and only so long as he is not also undergoing extended care.
usually takes a great deal of time (days or weeks of prolonged work) and
the difficulty depends greatly on whether the character has a key or the Extended Care
number of examples of the cipher available. In general, these tests should The Medicae skill can be used to perform extended care, treating a num-
be Difficult (–10) at the easiest, unless the cipher is already partially ber of patients equal to an character’s Intelligence bonus, plus one patient
decoded or the character has a key available to aid his efforts. per assistant (trained or untrained) the character has on hand. For each
patient beyond this number, he suffers a –10 penalty on his Medicae tests
Logis Prophesying for extended care. For each assistant trained in the Medicae skill assisting
This encompasses the ability to analyse all of the past and present infor- in the process, he gains a +10 bonus on these tests.
mation available for a given situation, in order to be able to find the most At the end of each 24-hour period of extended care, the primary healer
probable future outcome. This method of techno-divination has many must perform an Ordinary (+10) Medicae test. If he succeeds, his patients
forms, from data stack analysis, to neural pathway insight, and even sys- remove twice the normal amount of damage normally recovered by their
tematic binary omens. The use of this allows one to focus so perfectly on natural rates of healing (removing Critical damage first). On top of this,
the past and current events centring on a specific person, place, or thing, each patient removes one point of damage per degree of success the heal-
that the user can then predict the next logical step or event that object er scores on his test, and one additional point of damage per consecutive
will experience. While the user is able to extract the most probable future day of extended care they have received beyond the first 24-hour period.
outcome, that is by no means the outcome that will happen. The roles of If he fails, none of his patients improve beyond their natural rate of heal-
outside influences, no matter how minute, can lead to outcomes that the ing. Further, he must choose a number of patients under his care equal to

100 3.0 Skills

his degrees of failure, starting with the most gravely injured (first from Surface
among those who are Critically Damaged, then those who are Heavily Navigate (Surface) covers the ability to navigate across terrestrial en-
Damaged, and then finally those who are only Lightly Damaged). Each vironments from frozen tundra to sweltering jungles, and all across the
of these patients must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or suffer surface of planets, planetoids, and other exterior environments.
one point of damage per degree of failure, not reduced by Armour or The Game Master can call on a player to use the Navigate (Surface) skill
Toughness. If this results in any Critical damage, the patient dies. For when:
additional information on Healing, see Section 10.3 “Conditions, Special • He wants to make a journey across unfamiliar terrain.
Damage, & Damage States”. • He is lost and needs to get his bearings in a strange place.
• He wishes to create a map showing the quickest route from one point to
Diagnose another.
A character can also use the Medicae skill to diagnose disease and other
ailments, both on his fellow characters and also on large groups. On Stellar
individuals, a successful skill test yields the name of the ailment and Navigate (Stellar) is the ability to plot a course across real space using
basic treatments. When used on groups, a successful skill test can prevent stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena. This ability is primarily
the spread of disease or mitigate the effects of malnutrition as determined used aboard voidships moving through star systems.The Game Master
by the Game Master and dependent on the nature (and virulence) of the can call on a player to use the Navigate (Stellar) skill when:
disease. • He wants to make a journey within a star system.
• He finds his ship stranded in an unknown region of space.
Chem-Use • He wishes to find the quickest route from one location within a system
The Medicae skill can be used to cover a character’s understanding of (such as a planet) to another location in the system.
drugs, poisons, chemicals, and toxins. A skilled chymist can create and
identify such compounds, as well as know how best to use them either Warp
for medicinal effects or in combat against their enemies. Chem-Use is Navigate (Warp) is the rare ability to navigate not reality, but the shifting
also useful in diagnosing those suffering from toxins and poisons, or and ever-changing vista of the Warp. This is most commonly used by
finding antidotes to treat them. Extended rules on this can be found in those who must guide voidships with a Warp engine through the Imma-
Toxin Crafting and Drug Crafting terium. This can range from Navigators using their mutant powers to plot
courses using the Astronomican to normal humans navigating shorter
Navigate (Intelligence) passages with Warp charts on familiar, stable routes. The Game Master
can call on a player to use the Navigate (Warp) skill when:
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
Skill Use: 1 minute for simple location; 1d5 hours for plotting courses or • He must guide a starship through the Warp.
routes. • He needs to convert a journey into a Warp route chart.
characters charged with investigating threats against humanity must often
travel to foreign locations in order to perform their holy duties. Heresy Operate (Agility)
can lurk anywhere, hidden within a planet’s depths or even in the dank Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
corridors of a voidcraft. At times, characters might even need to travel Skill Use: Half Action.
among inhuman passages designed by xenos sensibilities. Navigate rep- The Operate skill represents a character’s aptitude to control and direct
resents the ability to plot and follow a course from one point to another, all manner of vehicles and heavy equipment. Through the remarkable
either on the surface of a planet or across the stars. In order to use this consistency of Standard Template Construction, the control systems
skill, the character must have access to a map of the relevant region. used to operate dramatically different vehicles are extremely similar. In
Alternatively, Navigate can also be used to generate a map or to provide many instances, this may be due to an interaction between the vehicle’s
directions to someone unfamiliar with a route. In these cases, the char- machine spirit and the controlled systems used to direct the craft. In other
acter often starts with only a rough map or a blank parchment and must cases, this is due to a simplification or approximation of controls, intend-
first construct the guide. The usability of the product created is directly ed to reduce the effort required to learn to operate the vehicle.
proportionate to the success on the test made to create it. All characters who come from worlds with any degree of technolo-
All characters have some basic aptitude with maps, though the gy learn the basics of operation. Essentially, the need to control a craft
subject matter and complexity is relative to their background. A feudal of some sort is largely unavoidable. However, familiarity with a basic
world character might recognise and understand the basics of topograph- civilian autocarriage is scarcely adequate preparation for the nuanced art
ic maps that are completely foreign to a character that came to maturity of flying an Imperial Valkyrie or firing a heavy macrobattery at an enemy
on a void station. Similarly, a character that is familiar only with travel voidship.
inside an Imperial hive may be confounded when travelling without man- A character with the Operate skill is adept at piloting, driving, or operat-
made landmarks, such as across a barren desert or a trackless sea. ing a particular type of vehicle or machine. No test is normally required
to pilot or drive a vehicle unless it is in a combat situation or other
Interior unusual circumstances such as extremely rough terrain or high speeds.
Navigate (Interior) covers the ability of the character to make headway
through dense, labyrinthine constructs and formations, from winding cav- Surface
erns and beast tunnels to the inner depths of hive cities and voidstations. Operate (Surface) covers the ability to pilot any vehicle that primarily
The Game Master can call on a player to use the Navigate (Interior) Skill operates on the surface of a planet. Groundcars, walkers, treaded vehi-
when: cles, boats, and skimmers (hovering or flying vehicles that must remain
• He wants to make a voyage into an hive city he hasn’t been to before very low to the ground) can all be piloted using Operate (Surface).
• He is exploring an unfamiliar voidship The Game Master can call on a player to use the Operate (Surface) skill
• He is lost in the depths of a spacehulk and wants to escape when:
• He is driving a vehicle in a combat situation.
• He wishes to push his vehicle beyond its normal limits.

3.0 Skills 101

Aeronautica psychic disturbances.
Operate (Aeronautica) covers the ability to pilot any vehicle that operates The GM can call on a player to use the Psyniscience skill when:
in three dimensions. This primarily covers atmospheric fliers such as the • He is hunting for the location of a Daemon.
Imperial Navy Thunderbolt or Chaos Hellblade, but also includes small, • He wishes to determine whether a psyker has used his powers recently
manoeuvrable voidcraft such as landers, shuttles, starfighters, and bomb- in the area.
ers. Piloting jump packs that provide limited air mobility is also covered • He is trying to find a weak point between realspace and the Immateri-
by this ability. um.
The GM can call on a player to use the Operate (Aeronautica) skill when:
• He is piloting a vehicle in a combat situation.
• He wishes to fly his vehicle beyond its normal safe altitude.
Scholastic Lore (Intelligence)
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
• He is trying to land an damaged Arvus Lighter in the midst of a meteor Skill Use: Free Action.
shower All Scholastic Lore skills represent information that a character would
need to learn in a formal setting or institution of learning, whether from a
Voidship knowledgeable mentor, an organisation, or even the careful study of rare
Operate (Voidship) covers the ability to pilot large void-faring vessels tomes. Unlike Common Lore, this information is not readily available
that are often kilometres long and millennia old. Any spacegoing vessel to the average inhabitant of a planet, but differs from Forbidden Lore in
that requires a captain and large crew, and cannot be conceivably piloted that it is not proscribed from study. Scholastic Lore has several Special-
by a single individual, is operated with this skill. isations. These include all those for Common Lore, as even commonly
The Game Master can call on a player to use the Operate (Voidship) skill known information can be studied to greater depths. Scholastic Lore
when: Specialisations are as follows:
• He is manoeuvring a voidship. Astromancy: A knowledge of stars, singularities, and the worlds around
them, as well as theoretical understanding of how to use magnascopes,
astrolithic charts, and the like.
Parry (Weapon Skill) Beasts: An understanding of the genus and families of animals and fa-
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence
miliarity with the characteristics and appearances of the many semi-sen-
Skill Use: Reaction.
tient creatures to be found across the sector.
When engaged in combat, avoiding an opponent’s assault is often every
Bureaucracy: A familiarity with the rules and regulations involved with
bit as crucial as striking the critical blow. Parry is the ability to block
Askellian governments, particularly the Adeptus Administratum, and
attacks in close combat, deflecting them using one’s hands or weapons. A
their many and varied departments, bureaus, and polices.
character targeted by melee attacks can turn aside these attacks using the
Chymistry: A knowledge of chemicals, their alchemical applications in a
Parry skill. This is a Reaction (and as such can usually only be attempted
number of uses, and their prevalence or scarcity throughout the Imperi-
once each turn) and can only be used against close combat attacks from
foes engaged with the character in melee. A success indicates that the at-
Cryptology: An understanding of codes, ciphers, cryptographs, secret
tack has been parried and does not hit the character. In the case of attacks
languages, and numerical keys. This may be used to either create or
which cause multiple hits (such as those from a foe with the Lightning
decipher encryptions.
Attack talent) each degree of success a character achieves on his Parry
Heraldry: A grasp of the principles and devices of heraldry, as well as a
test discounts one hit from the attack. Any excess hits not discounted by
knowledge of the most common seals and heraldic devices used by the
Parrying are then applied to the character as normal. The GM can call on
Askellon’s noble houses and families.
a player to use the Parry skill when:
Imperial Creed: An understanding of the specific rituals and practices
• He is attacked in melee and wishes to deflect the blow
of the Ecclesiarchy, from the traditional construction of their temples to
specific points from its texts. This information may be used to conduct
Psyniscience (Perception) the holy rituals for others.
Aptitudes: Perception, Psyker Imperial Warrants: Information concerning the establishment, legal
Skill Use: Half Action. scope, and use of the warrants granted to Rogue Traders, as well as the
Those with the Psyniscience skill sense the currents and eddies of the best-known and dynastic warrants of the Imperium
Warp and Immaterium. Characters can use the skill to detect the presence Judgement: Knowledge of the proper sentences for the multitude of
or absence of Daemons and the use of psychic powers. Psyniscience also crimes and heresies punishable by Imperial law.
allows detection of psychic phenomena, disturbances, voids, or other Legend: Going beyond archaic knowledge, this encompasses momen-
areas where the flow of the Immaterium has been unsettled or disrupted. tous portions of mythic history, such as the Dark Age of Technology,
The difficulty for a Psyniscience test is based upon the potency of any the Age of Strife, the Great Crusade, and the Horus Heresy, retold in the
nearby Warp activity. In general, the more powerful the activity, the eas- form of epic, apocryphal fables.
ier it may be to sense. At the same time, by attempting to identify such Numerology: An understanding of the mysterious link between numbers
a presence, a character must temporarily open his mind to its influence. and the physical universe, from low kharmic theory to the infamous
Particularly potent threats may be able to seize this opportunity, and react Kappellax Correlation.
aggressively to the probe. While subtler activity is far less dangerous to Occult: An understanding of obscure and hermetic (though not clearly
the acting character, it is also far more difficult to sense. heretical) rituals, theories, and superstitions, as well as the better-known
To purchase this skill, the character must have a special ability stating he mystical uses of occult items.
has access to it (such as the Psyker trait), reflecting his attunement to the Philosophy: Knowledge concerning the theories of thought, belief, exis-
Warp. Unless otherwise noted, he can use the Psyniscience skill to detect tence, and other intangibles. As it also includes logic and debate, it may
entities, locales, and events up to a number of kilometres away equal to be used for crafting arguments or creating philosophical tracts.
his Perception bonus. The GM can, though, alter this range depending on Tactica Imperialis: The codified military doctrines of the Imperial
the situation. A character who is not a psyker can also use this skill, rep- Guard and Imperial Navy, as well as other systems of troop deployment
resenting his ability to recognise the subtle phenomena, such as strange and battle techniques used by the Imperium. This knowledge may be
patterns of dust motes or odd sensory distortions, which often accompany used to devise a battle plan or deduce the likely flow of war fought by

102 3.0 Skills

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