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Formation professionnalisante

Reservoir Characterization
& Modeling

Semaine 3
Stratigraphy – Sedimentology

Une formation IFP Training pour Sonatrach / IAP

Une formation IFP Training pour Sonatrach / IAP

on Clastic reservoirs
Laurence BOVE

Sonatrach / IAP

Table of content

 Basin analysis Slides 9

 Clastic depositional environments and facies Slides 49

 Log responses in clastic sequences Slides 165

 Clastic petrography and diagenesis Slides 193

 Fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy Slides 249

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Exploration‐Production: stakes and challenges

1. Where are hydrocarbons? 2. How to produce them?
 In reservoirs (naturals or fractured)  Geological reservoir modeling
 How did they reach reservoirs?  Quantification of reservoir 
 Where are they coming from? characteristics
(HC generation)  Heterogeneities prediction
 Why are they trapped in this place?  Reservoir model
Sedimentary basin analysis   Productivity prediction 
 Appraisal well 

Exploration Strategy

 Elaboration of « exploration  Strategy for

guides  »: Plays
field development
 Identification of « Prospects »

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 Uncertainties & risks evaluation 
 Exploration well: OOIP calculation

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Basin exploration workflow: step 1
 Petroleum trilogy  Exploration tools (seismic)
 Source rock / Reservoir / Seal  Geodynamics
extension  Risk and uncertainties
 Risk and uncertainties → Deliverables
→ Deliverables
1 • Basin geometry calibration
• Structural basin reconstruction
• HC index maps for each reservoir Structural 
• Petroleum system mapping
→ Hypotheses
• Events chart
• Potential SR and RR maturity 
• Migration episodes and pathways 
• Entrapment and timing
4 2
system  Basin  Stratigraphic 
analysis analysis
 Relationship between tectonic and 
 Exploration tools (cores, logs, well
3  Biostratigraphy
 Sequence stratigraphy
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 Organic indicators (VR, biomarkers, X‐fluo) Geochemical   Risk and uncertainties

 Thermochronology (fission tracks, mineralogy) analysis → Deliverables
 Rock‐Eval (TOC, HI…) • Basin time calibration
 Risk and uncertainties • Chronostratigraphic chart
→ Deliverables
• Stratigraphic basin reconstruction
• Organic matter origin (Kerogene type)
• Maturation curve
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Exploration techniques & tools

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Basin exploration workflow: step 2

• Subsidence mechanisms (back‐ Deliverables

stripping) • Basin thermal calibration
Basin modeling • Temperature evolution (maturation) • Kitchen extension maps
Sequence stratigraphy  • Pressure evolution (compaction) • Generation timing 
framework • HC accumulation • Φ vs. Depth evolution
• Risk and uncertainties

• Maps
• Play definition and mapping (traps) - Play & prospect extension
- Field shows distribution
Play concept &  • Prospect definition and evaluation • Volumetrics (OOIP)
definition • Migration pathways for each play
• Risk and uncertainties
• Prospect ranking
• Yet‐to‐find (explored area)
• Economic

Basin evaluation & 
Play assessment 
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Une formation IFP Training pour Sonatrach / IAP

Clastic reservoirs
Basin analysis

Sonatrach / IAP

Basin analysis
 Structural and thermal evolution during burial
• Earth structure
• Extensive context
• Compressive context
• Transform context
• Thermal evolution
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Map of sedimentary basins

Onshore and Offshore basins

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Basin analysis
 Structural and thermal evolution during burial
• Earth structure
• Extensive context
• Compressive context
• Transform context
• Thermal evolution

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Structure of the Earth
 Crust
• Lithosphere (10 to 70 km)
Basaltic crust Granitic crust
 Mantle Crust
• Upper mantle: Asthenosphere (700km) (LITHOSPHERE)
• Lower mantle: Mesosphere (2 200 km)
Mid Oceanic Upper mantle
< passive margin > Atlantic  Ocean
• Outer core (2 200km)
• Inner core (1 271 km)

Lower mantle
Subduction (MESOSPHERE)
> active margin <

Outer core  
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Inner  core 
SiAl NiFe

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Dynamics of the Earth: convection

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Earthquake activity

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Lithospheric plate boundaries = seismicity (in red)

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Tectonic plates

Mid oceanic ridge

 Lithospheric plate boundaries:
• Divergent (extensional: mid oceanic ridges)
• Convergent (compressional: subduction, collision)

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• Sliding/Shearing (transform, strike‐slip)

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Types of margins and related basins

 3 types of crustal stresses
• Extensional basins
• Compressional basins
• Shear basins

 3 types of processes
• Purely thermal
• Lithospheric thickness variation
• Loading and unloading
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Types of sedimentary basins

 Basins associated with plate divergence

Extensional basins
• Rift, passive margin (plate divergence, ocean)
• Intra‐cratonic basin (intra‐continental, intra‐plate)

 Basins associated with plate convergence

Compressional basins
• Island arc‐type margin (two oceanic plates)
• Continental active margin (ocean / continent plates)
• Inter‐plate collision (two continental plates)

 Basins associated with shearing (sliding movement)

Trans‐tensional basins
• Pull‐apart basin (trans‐tension, local distension in convergence)

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Basin analysis
 Structural and thermal evolution during burial
• Earth structure
• Extensive context
• Compressive context
• Transform context
• Thermal evolution

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Rift basin

 Rift are areas of crustal extension  and 
thinned continental crust. Regions of 
rifting are characterized by lithospheric 
stretching, high heat flow and volcanic 
activity caused by a thermal anomaly 
at depth

 Rift zones general characteristics:
• Heat flow of 90 to 110mW.m‐2
• High levels of earthquake activity 
and a dome‐shaped Moho
• Normal faults network

 Current examples in the Red Sea and in 
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Failed rift basin

 Beginning of rifting 
mechanisms and stop of 
lithospheric stretching caused 
by a reducing and cooling of 
the thermal anomaly

 Rift zones general 
• Heat flow of 80 to 90mW.m‐2
Failed rift basin • A reducing of seismic and 
volcanic activity
• A normal faults network 
covered a disconformity

 Examples in the North Sea and 
in Rhine‐Bresse (France)

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Intra‐cratonic basin

 Intra‐cratonic basins are large 
depressions in continental 
crust. They have a slow and 
homogeneous sedimentary 

 Generally, intra‐cratonic
• Have a heat flow near‐normal 
(60 to 80mW.m‐2)
• Are seismically inactive
• Have sediment overlain on 
faults and syn‐rift sediments

 Examples in Paris basin and 
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Passive margin basin

 Beginning of rifting 
mechanisms and stop of 
lithospheric stretching caused 
by a reducing and cooling of 
the thermal anomaly

 Generally, passive margin 
• Have a heat flow near‐normal 
(60 to 80mW.m‐2)
• Are seismically inactive
• Have sediment overlain on 
faults and syn‐rift sediments

 Examples in West Africa and 
East South America

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© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Basin analysis
 Structural and thermal evolution during burial
• Earth structure
• Extensive context
• Compressive context
• Transform context
• Thermal evolution

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Foreland basin
Foreland basin

 Foreland basins are the result 
of the downward flexing of 
the lithosphere in response to 
the weight of the adjacent 
mountain belt, though many 
geological and geodynamic 
processes combine to control 
their subsequent evolution

 Generally, foreland basins:
• Have a heat flow near‐normal 
(60 to 80mW.m‐2)
• Are seismically active

 Examples in Alps, Himalayan 
and Appalachian chains
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Forearc basin

 This basin is located between 
the volcanic arc and the 
subduction complex

 Generally, fore‐arc basins:
• Are highly seismic active

 Example in Andes, Java and 
Sumatra islands

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Oceanic trench basin

 Oceanic trenches are the 
deeper part of the ocean floor 
where lithosphere is in 
subduction under another

 The age of the oceanic 
lithosphere controls the 
trench depth

 Generally, oceanic trench:
• Have a highly seismic activity
• Have an associated 
accretionary prism

 Examples in western South 
America and eastern Japan
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Basin analysis
 Structural and thermal evolution during burial
• Earth structure
• Extensive context
• Compressive context
• Transform context
• Thermal evolution

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Strike‐slip basin

 Strike‐slip basins are due to 
transform fault movements

Trans‐pression  If the blocks move away from their 
initial position, it is a transtensional
movement so there are normal 
faults associated to the flower 

 Symmetrically, transpressional
movement induces reverse faults
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Basin analysis
 Structural and thermal evolution during burial
• Earth structure
• Extensive context
• Compressive context
• Transform context
• Thermal evolution

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Origin of hydrocarbons

 Transformation of Organic Matter (O.M.) from dead fauna or flora

 Accumulation & preservation of O.M.

• Accumulation in quiet geological environments (lake, delta, sea)
• Preservation depends on sediment type & rate, environment energy

 Modification of depositional conditions

• Burial, compaction, water expulsion
• Temperature & pressure increase

 Transformation of Kerogen into hydrocarbons

• Oil
• Gas (methane)

Kerogen: non soluble part of O.M. (i.e. lipids)

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Maturation: chemical transformation, mainly due to temperature (and pressure)

increase during burial

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Origin of Organic Matter

 Lipids

 Cellulose

 Lignine

Type III
Type II Type I

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Plankton Bacteria Wood Algae

Animals = maximum 10% of total generated organic biomass

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Transformation of O.M. & Kerogen

 Diagenesis [< 60°C]
Bacterial degradation
Immature stage

 Catagenesis [from 60 to 120°C]
Thermal degradation
→ Weak chemical bonds breaking
Oil window

 Metagenesis [from 120 to 200°C]
Thermal degradation
→ Strong C–C bonds breaking 
Gas window
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Van Krevelen diagram

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Generation & Migration of HC

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Hydrocarbon migration

Types of migration: The word “migration” covers all types of displacements of

hydrocarbons, from the source rock where they generated to the reservoir rock where they

 Primary migration
• Expulsion of hydrocarbons from source rocks towards adjacent rocks. This migration
takes place over very short distances (few centimetres). It depends on the internal
overpressure conditions, linked to the volume of HC generated

 Secondary migration
• Displacement of hydrocarbons after expulsion from the source‐rock, over distances
ranging from few meters to several hundred kilometres, until they are trapped
• This migration takes place inside permeable conditions (reservoir rocks, open
fractures open unconformities…). Migration pathways are complex and specific to
each basin, they are mainly driven by pressure decrease. Migration can be lateral
and/or vertical

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 Dysmigration
• Hydrocarbon displacement from a “leaking” reservoir to the surface (i.e. seepage)

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Origin of hydrocarbons: summary

 Three origins of OM > three different types of Kerogen

• Type I: lacustrine (lake algae, bacteria,…)
• Type II: marine (zoo‐ & phyto‐plankton, micro‐organisms,…)
• Type III: continental (terrestrial vegetation, forests, bacteria…)

 Three steps of OM transformation within source rocks

• Diagenesis (burial, lithification)
• Catagenesis (Kerogen transformation) → ~60°C…
• Metagenesis (cooking, cracking) → ~120°C…

 Three factors for OM maturation

• Temperature (sediments cooking, anoxic conditions, bacterial activity)
• Pressure (sediment compaction, water expulsion)
• Time (molecular evolution, new atomic combinations – compensates for low T°)
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Key Points : The petroleum trilogy

Source rock Reservoir rock Seal rock / Cap rock

• Non‐permeable rocks 
Sedimentary rocks rich in  • Porous and permeable rocks (prevent hydrocarbons from 
Definition OM, mature enough to  • Allow displacement and  migration)
generate hydrocarbons hydrocarbon accumulation • Plastic rocks (can be 
deformed but not fractured)
• Very fine‐grained rocks 
(shales, mudstones, 
• Shales or salt rocks (plastic 
marls,…) with interbedded
• Clastic rocks (e.g. sandstone) rocks)
Lithology (sediment/OM) • Carbonate rocks (e.g.  • Very compact sandstones or 
limestone) limestones (without 
• Low permeability (internal 
porosity, “tight”)
over‐pressure > under‐
• OM production,  Petrophysical parameters:
Specificity deposition, preservation 
• Porosity: Φ Lateral extension and layer 
(process,  & maturation continuity are more 
• Permeability: K important than thickness
parameters,…) • HC generation, expulsion 

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& migration • Saturation: S

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Timing between elements & processes

The trap must be available before/during migration

Accumulation and 
2. Processes: Generation Migration
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1. Elements: Source rock
Reservoir and Seal

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Pretroleum system events chart

400 300 200 100 Geologic Time

Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic
D M P P TR J K P N System Events

Rock Units

Source Rock

Reservoir Rock

Seal Rock

Overburden Rock

Trap Formation



Critical Moment

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Critical Moment
Magoon and Dow, 1994

Time of expulsion and migration.

(Trap must already exist)

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Cross‐section of a petroleum system

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Map of a petroleum system

Migration pathway

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Petroleum system: Critical steps

Entrapment  Oil
Accumulation  Seal Rock
Preservation Water

120° F
Expulsion Source Rock
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350° F
Generation (120°C)


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Petroleum systems: key points

Key points to keep in mind
Conditions for the formation of a hydrocarbon field
Necessary existence of:
 one (or more) mature source rock,
 one (or more) reservoir rock,
 one seal rock,
 a phase of migration (and pathways),
 one (or several) traps,
• an adequate timing between trap formation, hydrocarbon generation and migration
• sufficient quantities of generated hydrocarbons to feed the trap
• preservation of trap integrity throughout geologic times

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Une formation IFP Training pour Sonatrach / IAP

Clastic reservoirs
Clastic depositional environments and facies

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Clastic depositional 
environments and facies

 Fluid flows and related sedimentary processes

• Reminders
• Bedforms generation
• Bedforms boundaries

 Depositional environments & Clastic reservoirs geometry (from

continental to marine environments)
• Sedimentary fill hierarchy
• Depositional environments
− Fluvial systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality
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− Coastal / deltaic systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

− Marine systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

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Definition of siliciclastic rocks

 Siliciclastics are detrital sediments that result from the

accumulation of debris from erosion or alteration of existing rocks

 The main mineral components are quartz, feldspars, micas and


 Clastics are classified according to their grain size and shape:

• Conglomerates / Breccias
• Sandstones
• Siltstones
• Shales / Claystones / Clastic muds
(Sandy & shaly sediments family)

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Textural classification

Example of shale structure
(Scanning Eletron Microscope) and composition


 The classification of clastic sedimentary rocks is complex because several variables are
involved. Particle size (both average size and range of particles’ sizes), particles
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composition, cement and matrix must all be taken into consideration

 Shales (which consist mostly of clay minerals) are generally further classified on the basis
of composition and bedding

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Formation of clastic rocks

 Weathering and erosion (of outcropping rocks )

• Chemical weathering (alteration)
Agent: rain (+ dissolved CO2)
− Solutions
− Grains
• Mechanical weathering (erosion)
Agents: gravity, freeze/thaw, running water, wind, glaciers

 Transport (of debris + solutions and colloidal particles)

• Agents:
− Continental: water (torrents, streams & rivers), wind, ice (glaciers)
− Oceanic: currents, waves, tides, gravity flow deposits

 Deposition
• Progressive decrease of current speed leads to deposition of transported load, with

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resulting sorting according to grain weight (and size)

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Bedforms characteristics

 Bedform generation
• Result of interaction of moving fluid on surface sediment
• Undulation on non cohesive surface
• Downstream migration

 Bedform boundaries
• Upper bedding surface: constructional structures
− Unidirectional current
− Oscillatory current
• Lower bedding surface: erosional structures (sole marks)
− Current marks: produced by erosion du to the current flow
» Flute marks
» Crescent marks
− Tool marks: objects removed by the current along the surface
» Groove, Bounce, Brush
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• Internal bedding
− Horizontal stratification
− Inclined stratification
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Clastic depositional 
environments and facies

 Fluid flows and related sedimentary processes

• Reminders
• Bedforms generation
• Bedforms boundaries

 Depositional environments & Clastic reservoirs geometry (from

continental to marine environments)
• Sedimentary fill hierarchy
• Depositional environments
− Fluvial systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

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− Coastal / deltaic systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality
− Marine systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

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Sediment transport

 Tractive sediment transport (bedload)
• Particles roll or skip on sediment 
surface with a low level of suspension
• Motion: rolling carpets or turbid clouds
• Decreasing of velocity
→ downstream load deposition
Geometry of deposition: oblique laminae

 Suspended sediment transport (suspension)

• Particles in suspension (partial, continuous or intermittent) in the water depth
• Motion: ascending movement due to turbulence
• Decrease of turbulence
→ vertical decantation
Geometry of deposition: horizontal laminae
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Agents: Water, wind, ice…

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Clastic depositional processes

Cohesive Non ‐cohesive

Transport in suspension

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Hjulstrom’s diagram
Evolution of erosion vs deposition with stream (or current) speed and particle size
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Primary sedimentary structures

 Formed under influence of same hydrodynamic and/or aerodynamic

conditions as entrainment, transport and deposition of sediment particles

 We must answer and resolve the following questions:

• Which way is up?
• Orientation of process that dispersed sediment?
• What process was responsible for transportation and deposition of
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Bedforms vs flow regime

 Oscillatory flow: waves
• Circular motion of particle at water 
• Flat orbits at bottom  back and 
forth motion of particles
• Geometry of deposit: wavy ripples, 
plane beds

 Unidirectional flow: rivers, wind
• Unidirectional downstream motion 
of particles  
• Deposition depends on grain size 
vs. flow velocity
• Geometry of deposit: irregular 

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ripples, plane beds

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Bedforms in unidirectional flow

 Three main factors controlling bedforms in unidirectional currents:

• Average flow velocity
• Grain size
• Water depth
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Bedforms shape vs flow velocity

Constructional bedforms
Intermittent transport

Lower Flow regime
Upper flow regime

Erosional  bedforms
Permanent transport

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Bedforms in oscillatory flow

 Bedforms produced by wave action

 Oscillatory flow
• Flattening of wave orbits
• Back and forth motion creating « lateral » motion along the sea bottom

 General characteristics
• Symmetrical shape
− Waves ripples
− Hummocks (Swales)
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− Subplane beds
• Peak or round crests
• Straight crests, with bifurcation

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Bedforms in oscillatory flow

 Waves ripples
• Develop in velocity of waves between 9 to 90 cm/s
• Height: up to 20 cm
• Length: up to 1 m

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Bedforms in oscillatory flow

 Hummocky/swaley cross‐stratification (HCS)

• Broad undulations, gently dipping
− Hummocks / Swales
• In fine‐grained sandstone, subparallel laminae (lower surface)
• Wave length: 1 to 5 m
• Average set thickness: ~25 cm
• Storm deposits: below fairweather wave base
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Erosional flow features

 Sole marks 
Erosional sedimentary structures on sediment surface (preserved by burial)
• Scour marks  erosional turbulence
• Tool marks  object imprints

 Visible as negative moulds on layers base (way‐up criteria)

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Processes velocities

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Sediment maturity

Key points to keep in mind

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Clastic depositional 
environments and facies

 Fluid flows and related sedimentary processes

• Reminders
• Bedforms generation
• Bedforms boundaries

 Depositional environments & Clastic reservoirs geometry (from

continental to marine environments)
• Sedimentary fill hierarchy
• Depositional environments
− Fluvial systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
− Coastal / deltaic systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality
− Marine systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

Sonatrach / IAP 69

Workshop: oscillatory bedforms

 Identify depositional environment

 Name bedforms

 Range dimensions (λ, H, L)

 Indicate flow direction

 Sketch dynamic process

Typical Y‐shaped symmetrical ripples
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 70
Workshop: constructional bedforms
 Identify depositional environment

 Name bedforms

 Range dimensions (λ, H, L)

 Indicate flow direction

 Sketch dynamic process

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 71

Workshop: beach facies analogues
 Identify depositional environment

 Name bedforms

 Range dimensions (λ, H, L)

 Indicate flow direction

 Sketch dynamic process
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Sonatrach / IAP 72
Workshop: erosional bedforms
Flute marks

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Load structures
Sonatrach / IAP 73

Workshop: erosional bedforms

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Sonatrach / IAP 74
Workshop: erosional bedforms

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Sonatrach / IAP 75

Workshop: erosional bedforms


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Sonatrach / IAP 76
Workshop: Bioturbation / Way‐up criterium

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Sonatrach / IAP 77

Workshop: beach facies analogues

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Sonatrach / IAP 78
Workshop: beach facies analogues

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Sonatrach / IAP 79

Workshop: beach facies analogues

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Sonatrach / IAP 80
Clastic depositional 
environments and facies

 Fluid flows and related sedimentary processes

• General reminders
• Bedforms generation
• Bedforms boundaries

 Depositional environments & Clastic reservoirs geometry (from

continental to marine environments
• Sedimentary fill hierarchy
• Depositional environments
− Fluvial systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
− Coastal / deltaic systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality
− Marine systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

Sonatrach / IAP 81

Sedimentary fill hierarchy

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Jeroen Schokker, Wim Westerhoff & Henk Weerts after Heinz & Aigner, 2003

Sonatrach / IAP 82
How to order the sedimentary pile?

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"Facies adjacent to one another in a continuous vertical 
sequence also accumulated adjacent to one another laterally"

Sonatrach / IAP 83

How to order the sedimentary pile?

Introduction to sedimentary sequences
Depositional sequence in respect to Walther's law

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Clastic depositional 
environments and facies

 Fluid flows and related sedimentary processes

• General reminders
• Bedforms generation
• Bedforms boundaries

 Depositional environments & Clastic reservoirs geometry (from

continental to marine environments
• Sedimentary fill hierarchy
• Depositional environments
− Fluvial systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
− Coastal / deltaic systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality
− Marine systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

Sonatrach / IAP 85

Sedimentary depositional environments

Continental environments Marine environments
 Glacial  Shoreline (coast/beach)
 Aeolian  Delta
 Lacustrine • Fluvial‐dominated
 Fluvial • Wave‐dominated
• Braided • Tide‐dominated
• Meandering  Continental shelf
• Anastomosed • Siliciclastic
 Coastal plain • Carbonatic
 Slope, canyon
 Basin
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• Turbiditic fan
Sea level
• Abyssal plain

Sonatrach / IAP 86
Transfer mechanisms in siliciclastic environments 

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Sonatrach / IAP 87

Alluvial fan systems
 Fan‐shaped body
• Cone that radiates downslope
• Stream channels emerge from valleys
• Rather coarse detrital sediments
• Poorly sorted

 Built up by mountain stream
• At relief's foot
• Change of slope gradient 
• Dip of alluvial fan: <10° (3 to 
• Length: from few 100 m to 
100 km
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Sonatrach / IAP 88
Typical alluvial fan sequence
 Sedimentation
• Beds more or less parallel to the surface
• Stratification is moderately developed

 Deposition mode
• Debris flow or mud flow dominated
• Extensive masses of mud‐supported coarse‐grained
sediment, moving downward
• Main channel: in upper fan and mid fan

Massive conglomerates

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Coarsening‐up sequence

Sonatrach / IAP 89

Alluvial fans
 Alluvial fans are cone‐shaped piles of sediment formed at the foot of highlands where
streams confined by narrow valleys emerge into adjacent lowland. A series of overlapping
alluvial fans generates a clastic wedge
 There are some differences between alluvial fans in arid and humid climates.
Sedimentation on alluvial fans begins where the streams leave their confined valleys and
loose some of their transport efficiency
 Alluvial fans are composed of two types of sediment:
• Stream deposits
• Sediment gravity‐flows
 Current‐transported sediments usually predominate. They are deposited either from
ephemeral or perennial water flow in the channel system or, after extreme rain storms,
from sheet‐floods inundating large parts of the alluvial fan
 Sometimes, gravel is concentrated locally to form sieve deposits (coarse gravel and
boulders devoid of finer‐grained matrix). From time to time, large debris flows with a
muddy‐sandy matrix reach the proximal and mid‐fan area and bury part of the pre‐
existing, radiating channel system
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 At their lower end, such debris flows terminate in characteristic lobes, and they often
concentrate large boulders and gravel at their outer margin, forming levees. Later, new
channels cut into the mass flow deposits and rework and redistribute great proportions
of their material
Sonatrach / IAP 90
Fan deltas

 Coastal alluvial fans prograding into a lake or into the sea form fan deltas. As soon as the
streams, carrying a high bed‐load, reach the standing water body, they drop their coarse
material at the shore face and in prodelta foresets
 The intensity of reworking, sorting, and redeposition, as well as the transport of material
along the shoreline, depend on the wave energy and, in marine environments, on the
tidal range
 In the case of lakes and protected embayments, fan progradation is little influenced by
these processes. Gravel and sand accumulate at the mouths of streams until they become
unstable from time to time and move as subaqueous debris flows into deeper water.
There, they alternate with muddy lake or marine deposits
 On high‐energy coasts, some of the coarse material dropped at the river mouth is
transported alongshore adjacent beaches where it forms distinctive beach gravel; some
sand and gravel is swept by storms into deeper water
 Fluctuations in the water level in lakes or the sea affect both the subaerial and
subaqueous facies of fan deltas. They are reflected by fluvial terraces and coarse grained
river mouth deposits at varying elevations. A lowering of the lake or sea level causes the
emergence of delta foresets and the subsequent cutting of fluvial channels into the

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foresets. These channels are commonly filled later with fluvial deposits

Sonatrach / IAP 91

Exercise: identify environment and name feature 

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Sonatrach / IAP 92
Fluvial depositional systems

 Main characteristics
• Unidirectional flow regime
• Transport until flow exists, with decreasing grain size of carried particles
• Three types of sediment bedload:
− Bedload
− Suspended load
− Mixed load
• Sediments start to deposit when river loses energy or/and is progressively
abandoned (progressive decantation)
• Typical depositional sequence: basal erosional surface and fining‐upward sequence

 Three main types of river (fluvial) systems (according to braided parameters

and sinuosity index):
• Braided system
• Meandering system

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• Anastomosed system

Sonatrach / IAP 93

Fluvial depositional settings

 Channel pattern is the combination of

• Bedload vs suspended load
• Bank stability
• Slope gradient
• Flow fluctuations © 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 94
Transfer mechanisms in siliciclastic environments 

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 95

Braided river systems
 Braided rivers are characterized by
high‐sediment load and high velocity

 Typical succession of lenticular sorted

conglomerates and coarse sandstones

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Sonatrach / IAP 96
Typical braided river sequence
Braided rivers and its bars

Several erosional channels

Basal lag deposit

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Stacked fining‐up sequences Basal erosional surface
Sonatrach / IAP 97

Examples of basal conglomerates (lag deposit)

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Erosional baseline
Erosion in the flood plain

Sonatrach / IAP 98
Log responses – Outcrop analogue

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Sonatrach / IAP 99

Typical braided river architecture

 Gravel‐rich braided 
• Longitudinal bars
• Conglomerates 

 Sand‐rich braided 
• Transverse bars
• Sandstones dominant
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Sonatrach / IAP 100
Braided river systems

 Braided streams usually consist of several individual channels separated by bars and
islands and therefore form a wide, shallow stream bed. Braided rivers develop near areas
of high relief, which deliver relatively large amounts of debris, gravel and sand into the
fluvial system
 From all these characteristics, it can be inferred that braided systems are bed load‐
dominated, they carry and deposit chiefly gravel and sands. Therefore, they consist
predominantly of channel and channel‐flank deposits, while silty and muddy floodplain
facies are subordinate
 Downstream, they often display a progressive decrease in grain size, as well as in bed
forms and internal sedimentary structures
 The interstices in the gravel are usually later filled with sand during low water periods,
but in this system sandy beds are relatively rare in the proximal zone, unless there is little
gravel available in the source area. Sandy beds develop best at somewhat higher
topography elevations within the braided system next to the active channel system

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Sonatrach / IAP 101

Braided river systems

 Many bars are somewhat graded. Interbedded with the gravels are thin lenses of sand
representing deposition in abandoned channels or sand wedges at the edge of bars
 In places, one can observe repeated successions of fining‐upward gravel‐sand sequences 1
to 2 m thick, but in general it is difficult to identify the bottoms of former channels and the
geometry of their fill. The reason is that the underlying and neighboring sediments also
consist largely of gravel
 Downstream, the predominantly gravelly beds grade into beds consisting partly of smaller
pebbles and sand. In the lower, more active channels, bar gravels dominate, whereas
sands and pebbly sands are common at higher topography elevations. In rarely flooded
areas, some silt and mud may be deposited and preserved
 In the total assemblage, the gravel content varies between 10 and 70 %. As a result of
downstream and laterally migrating sand and gravel bars, planar and trough cross‐bedding
are the most important internal sedimentary structures
 Both the lateral migration and sudden abandonment of channels due to avulsion cause
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

fining‐upward channel fill sequences a few meters thick. Such sequences are considered
the most distinctive characteristic feature of this type of braided river deposit

Sonatrach / IAP 102
Braided river architecture: reservoir potential

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
 High Net‐to‐Gross Sheet‐like geometry
 Immature sediments; early alteration Thin shaly interval at the top
 Require top‐seal/structural traps

Sonatrach / IAP 103

Transfer mechanisms in siliciclastic environments 

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 104
Typical meandering river sequence

Crevasse splay
Point Bar

Fine grained sandstone
Organic shale, roots

coarse to
grained sandstone

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Meandering river
Fining‐up sequence : point bar
Sonatrach / IAP 105

Generation of meanders

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Sonatrach / IAP 106
Meandring river architecture: reservoir potential

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
 Lower Net‐to‐Gross Shoe‐lace geometry becoming sheet like
 Sediment more mature Shales frequent in sequence
 Stratigraphic trap potential
Sonatrach / IAP 107

Meandering river systems

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Meandering river systems

 Meandering river systems develop one principal, relatively narrow channel of high sinuosity
(> 1.5) and are dominated by mixed load or predominantly suspended load. Their overall
sand content often averages 20 to 40 %. If meandering rivers are associated with a wide
floodplain, the channel sediments may be restricted to a comparatively narrow zone within
the flood basin where they form a meander belt
 In a sinuous channel segment, one can distinguish the following morphological features and
depositional sub‐environments:
− Channels and channel fills
− Point bars and lateral accretion complexes
− Chute bars
− Channel plugs (oxbow lakes)
− Levee and crevasse splay deposits
− Alluvial floodplain deposits
• The channel floor is usually covered by lag sediments consisting of the coarsest material
transported by the river during peak flood. This channel lag may also contain mud clasts
or blocks eroded from the banks. Lag sands and gravel usually accumulate between
scour pools and form flat, elongate bars displaying either imbrication of gravel or
crudely laminated and planar cross‐bedded gravelly sand

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Point bars accumulate on the inner sides of river bends, while on the outer side
material from the bank is eroded. In this way, the curvature of the meander tends to
become increasingly exaggerated until the river produces short‐cuts, leaving behind
abandoned channel segments (oxbow lakes)
Sonatrach / IAP 109

Meandering river systems

 Most of the point bar material is eroded from the upstream channel banks. It is
deposited in areas of lower velocity turbulence. Because sediment moves up and out of
the channel onto the bar, cross sections of point bars often show fining‐upward
sequences, with sands on top of channel lags
 Similarly, the internal structures grade from horizontal bedding (upper flow regime) to
large‐scale and small scale trough cross‐bedding (lower flow regime). The most distinctive
feature of point bars is lateral accretion)
 Many meandering channels are accompanied by flat ridges sloping away from the
channel into the floodplain. These levees are built up during moderate floods which just
reach the elevation of the channel ridge. Due to decreasing flow velocity, sand is
deposited along the channel ridges, grading into silt somewhat farther away
 Locally, channel water may spill over the levees into the floodplain, forming crevasse
splays. The fallout of sand and silt usually extends farther into the floodplains than the
levees, but such crevasse splays can also contribute to the buildup of the levees
 The prevailing internal structures of these sand sheets may resemble those of thin sandy
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

turbidites, showing some grading, horizontal lamination and small‐scale ripple cross‐
bedding. These structures are, however, often mashed or destroyed by the roots of
vegetation. Whereas distal crevasse splays become interbedded with floodplain deposits,
levee sands of ten tend to be reworked by subsequent channel migration
Sonatrach / IAP 110
Crevasse splay deposits
 Deposits formed during flood period, by
break into the channel levees

 Cones composed of sand to silty facies

 Formed by stacked fining upward thin

sequences with small secondary
channels at top during peak of flood

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 111

Channel levees deposits


 Levees deposits, adjacent to the

channel and formed during the
flooding period, are:
• Wedge deposits of alternating fine
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sand /silts and mud

• Showing parallel to small current
ripple laminations

Sonatrach / IAP 112
Transfer mechanisms in siliciclastic environments 

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 113

Anastomosing river systems

 Develop in
• Upstream area or downstream areas
• Low sinuosity (less than braided)
• Several wandering channels 

 Particularities of each channel
• Stable banks (not ephemeral)
• Fixed by vegetation
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Sonatrach / IAP 114
Anastomosing river architecture: reservoir potential

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
 Lower Net‐to‐Gross vertical stacked and confined sand bodies encased in mud
 Sediment more mature

Sonatrach / IAP 115

Fluvial architecture and reservoir potential

Key points to keep in mind

 River systems
• Main reservoirs located in channels and channels belts
• Associated reservoirs located in
− Levees deposits
− Crevasse splays
− Floodplains sandstones
 Braided system: reservoir bodies
• Vertical and lateral stacking, good connection
• Geometry: Sheetlike or tabular sandbodies (stacked multistorey infill)
 Meandering system: reservoir bodies
• Dominant lateral accretion (point bar – levees – crevasse splays)
• Geometry: “point bar – clay plug” model, isolated sandbodies
Anastomosing system: reservoir bodies
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

• Dominant vertical aggradation, isolated narrow channels
• Geometry: channel fill

Sonatrach / IAP 116
Depositional environment vs reservoir distribution

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Variation of reservoir quality with ELF 1997
depositional environment
and energy (slope)
Sonatrach / IAP 117

River types vs reservoir distribution

Slims Williams Windorah 

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 118
River facies: reservoir potential
Fluvial architecture vs reservoir potential



© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Courtesy of Pr. M. Lopez (U. of Montpellier)

Sonatrach / IAP 119

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Clastic depositional 
environments and facies

 Fluid flows and related sedimentary processes

• General reminders
• Bedforms generation
• Bedforms boundaries

 Depositional environments & Clastic reservoirs geometry (from

continental to marine environments
• Sedimentary fill hierarchy
• Depositional environments
− Fluvial systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
− Coastal / deltaic systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality
− Marine systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

Sonatrach / IAP 121

Coastal deposits

 Coastal environment: river outlet, delta

• Continuous quantity of sediments provided by the river

• Deposition driven by energy loss (decreasing flow rate, decantation)

− From coarse‐grained sand (close to coast and beach) to fine‐grained sand and
shales (towards platform and basin)
− Continental environment taking over marine environment with time

• Variable distribution of river sediments according to local dominant

energy factor (river flow, tidal currents, wave action)
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Sonatrach / IAP 122
Clastic depositional environments

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 123

Delta shapes & energy

 Morphological classification of deltas based on delta front shape which reflects:

• Relation between the relative importance of rive, tide or wave processes
• Sediment supply
• Duration in time


Lobate dominated

Wave  Tide 
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

dominated dominated

Cuspate Estuarian

Sonatrach / IAP 124
Delta classifications

 Delta morphology reflects the relative importance of fluvial, tidal, and wave processes,
as well as gradient and sediment supply
• River‐dominated deltas occur in microtidal settings with limited wave energy, where
delta‐lobe progradation is significant and redistribution of mouth bars is limited
• Wave‐dominated deltas are characterized by mouth bars reworked into shore‐

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
parallel sand bodies and beaches
• Tide‐dominated deltas exhibit tidal mudflats and mouth bars that are reworked into
elongate sand bodies perpendicular to the shoreline

Sonatrach / IAP 125

Deltaic environments

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Sonatrach / IAP 126
Key points: Fluvial‐dominated deltas

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
 Fluvial‐dominated deltas are primarily controlled by the water density difference between
the inflowing river water and the standing water on the basin.
 Delta – lobe progradation is significant while mouth bar distribution remains limited

Sonatrach / IAP 127

Fluvial‐dominated deltas

 Different flow types that determine the distribution of

sediment and sedimentary structures formed in the
delta are hyperpycnal flow and hypopycnal flow
• Hyperpycnal flow produced when the density of the river
water entering the basin is greater than the density of the
standing water in the ocean basin. This higher density
river water will flow below the standing water in the basin
because of the difference in density. A zone of mixing
occurs along the outer edge of the flow. As the river water
flows beneath the standing water, it erodes the previously
deposited bottom sediments.
• Hypopycnal flow is associated with a lower river water
density entering a higher density standing water in the
basin. Under these conditions, the river water will flow
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

out over the standing water, gradually depositing the

suspended clay portion of the sediment load on the

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Key points: Wave‐dominated deltas

 Wave‐dominated deltas are primarily

influenced by wave energy and action.

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
 The common sequence reflects reworked
mouth bar into sandbodies and beaches
parallel to the shoreline

Sonatrach / IAP 129

Coastal depositional environments

Shoreline Shelf

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Sonatrach / IAP 130
Identify features and infer depositional environment

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Sonatrach / IAP 131

Identify features and infer depositional environment

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Sonatrach / IAP 132
Coastal depositional environments

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Sonatrach / IAP 133

Coastal sedimentary features

Swash zone
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Sedimentary features: HCS stratifications

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Hummocky cross stratification (HCS) forms during storm events 
with combined wave and current activity in shallow seas 

Sonatrach / IAP 135

Key points: Tide‐dominated deltas

 Tide‐dominated deltas typically occur in locations of large tidal ranges

or high tidal current speeds. The sediment supply is over powered by
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

strong tidal currents, the delta tends to be very small

 Resulting feature of a tide‐dominated delta is that it has many linear
structures parallel to the tidal flow and perpendicular to the shore

Sonatrach / IAP 136
Tidal environments

 Tide
• Periodic phenomenon on coastal domain
• Results from the gravitational attraction (Earth, Moon, Sun)
• Regular rise and fall of water level in the world’s oceans
• Effective agent of transport of sediment

 Tidal range: vertical amplitude between low tide and high tide

 Foreshore: area horizontally alternately covered and uncovered by the tide

 Characterization
• Particle transport is vigorous and rapid
− Bipolar linear current (alternating tidal currents: Flood/Ebb)
− Cross‐stratification in opposite directions (herringbone) : Flood / Ebb oscillation
• Repeated erosion and creation of tidal channels

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• Difficult conditions for living organisms
• Flaser, wavy and lenticular beddings
• Reactivation surface
Sonatrach / IAP 137

Tidal influenced bedforms & sedimentary structures
 Tide‐influenced sedimentary structures:
• Herringbone cross stratification → bipolar flow directions
• Mud‐draped cross strata (quite common): result from alternating bedform migration
during high flow velocities with mud drapes deposition during high/low tide slack
• Tidal bundles are characterized by a sand‐mud couplet of varying thickness; tidal
bundle sequences consist of bundles that can be related to neap‐spring cycles


tidal deposits
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Sonatrach / IAP 138
Sedimentary structures in tidal range

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Sonatrach / IAP 139

Sedimentary structures: tide‐related laminae

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Sonatrach / IAP 140
Sedimentary structures: tide‐related laminae

Bundle thickness
vs tide cycles

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 141

Summary table: sedimentary features vs environments

Sedimentary Depositional Water Sediment type 

features energy Zone (GS)
Parallel landward Swash zone
Backshore stratifications
High ℮
Breaking zone

Lenticular Mud
Foreshore High tide (MHW)
Wavy Low → High ℮ Mud/Sand
(Tidal flat) Low tide (MLW)
Flaser Sand

Sandwaves (trough) Low tide (MLW) Sand (winnowed:


Shoreface Megaripples(tabular) High ℮ Fair weather zone  clean, rounded &

Ripples (sym/asym) (MFWB) sorted)

Upper Storm HCS Storm weather zone 

Low ℮ Silty/Shaly
offshore Wavy bedding (MSWB)

Lower Shaly
Wavy bedding Low ℮ Outer shelf
offshore (burrows)
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Deep water Massive (no struct.) Low ℮ Slope Muddy

[Turbidites] [Bouma, Stowe,...] [High ℮ gravity flow] Basin [Sandy/Silty]

Sonatrach / IAP 142
Key points : Coastal systems and reservoir potentials

Key points to keep in mind
2. Reservoir bodies:
Mouth bar, and aggradational channels complexes 
located along the distributary:
Limited lateral extension


Wave‐ Tide‐
dominated dominated

1. Reservoir bodies: 3. Reservoir bodies:
Beach barrier island, very good lateral  Isolated tidal bar, poor continuity and extension.

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
continuity, well sorted sandbodies and clay‐free: Well sorted sandstone, but lot of clay drapes due
Best reservoir to intertidal processes: Discontinuous reservoir

Sonatrach / IAP 143

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Clastic depositional 
environments and facies

 Fluid flows and related sedimentary processes

• General reminders
• Bedforms generation
• Bedforms boundaries

 Depositional environments & Clastic reservoirs geometry (from

continental to marine environments
• Sedimentary fill hierarchy
• Depositional environments
− Fluvial systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

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− Coastal / deltaic systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality
− Marine systems & reservoirs geometry – Quality

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Gravity deposits

 Continental environment: broken blocks or erosional debris falling down by

gravity and/or density–turbulence current

 Aquatic environment (lake, open marine)

• Mass flow (debris flow, mud flow)
− Low amount of water incorporated in sediments
− Sedimentation without any sorting (very fast and sudden, almost instantaneous
• Density‐turbulence flow
− Progressive incorporation of water (turbulent flow or current)
− Sediments start to be deposited when flow velocity and related turbulence
decrease: coarser grains are deposited first and finer last
− One turbidite = one single event
− Very good sorting in layers: fining upward sequence with well organized
geometry evolution
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Marine clastic deposits: turbidites

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Fluvial vs turbiditic clastics: similar organization of sediments in deeper environments
Sonatrach / IAP 147

Gravity deposits vs. processes & sediment supply
Step 3‐ geometries & extend of turbidites 

Step 1‐ Initiation
of gravity deposits
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Step 2 ‐ Processes of 
transport &deposition
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Turbidite system general organization

from proximal to distal turbiditic facies

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Turbiditic system organization

Upper fan

Middle fan

Turbidite deposits:
facies and 
log responses
Lower fan

General upward tendency:
coarsening and
New lobe
shallowing upward
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Abyssal plain

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Turbidites: depositional mechanism

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Lab reconstitution of a dynamic gravity flow
(mini turbiditic current = avalanche!)

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Bedforms in unidirectional flow

 Three main factors controlling bedforms in unidirectional currents:

• Average flow velocity
• Grain size
• Water depth
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Typical turbidite depositional sequences

 Main characteristics
• Allochthonous sedimentation
• Highly organized from proximal to 
distal part
• Dominantly controlled by 
unidirectional flow
• General fining upward sequence
• Facies association from channels 
to levees and lobes

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Conventional Bouma sequence & field outcrop

Obara turbidites, Spain
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Conventional Bouma sequence & field outcrop

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St Jean de Luz turbidites ‐ France 

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Deep sea deposits: turbidites

Turbiditic system with midfan/suprafan lobes

Simple turbiditic system without lobes

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Abundant sediments reworked from delta
Sonatrach / IAP 156
Turbidite outcrop

Turbiditic sandstones

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(Mid fan ‐ channel)

Courtesy Philippe JOSEPH

Sonatrach / IAP 157

Turbidite outcrop

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Lower fan ‐ lobes

Turbiditic sandstones
Sonatrach / IAP 158
Turbidite outcrop 

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Bouma sequence: Tb and Tc 

Sonatrach / IAP 159

Sedimentation rate and sea variations

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Fluvial and deltaic sequences

Gamma Ray log responses and depositional deltaic environments

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Sonatrach / IAP 161

Sediment maturity

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Sonatrach / IAP 162
Clastic reservoirs internal geometry and organization

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 163


Key points to keep in mind
 Clastic sediments are:
• Allochthonous erosional products (weathering, alteration and transportation)
• Transported by fluvial water, wind, ice
• Deposited in basins
 The main depositional process of clastic sediments is progressive decantation
due to gradual decay of flow velocity (water or density current), i.e. decreasing
transport energy
 Fluvial, deltaic and turbiditic depositional sequences are mostly fining‐upward
 The evolution of a fluvial system (e.g. meander) involves both erosional and
decantation processes
 The development of a delta is mostly due to progradation (if constant sediment
supply and sea level)
 A turbidite results from a single depositional event (intermittent sediment
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

 The main source of continental sediments is erosion of existing rock (outcrops)

 The main source of deep sea deposits is reworking of existing sediments (e.g.
Sonatrach / IAP 164
Une formation IFP Training pour Sonatrach / IAP

Clastic reservoirs
Log responses in clastic sequences

Sonatrach / IAP

Log responses
in clastic sequences

 Sedimentological & stratigraphic well log analysis

• Log shapes review
• Depositional environment review & logs characteristics
• Parasequences & logs responses
• Clastic system tracts and logs facies responses
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Sonatrach / IAP 166
Sedimentary processes

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Sonatrach / IAP 167

Log responses

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 168
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training © 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Log responses

Sonatrach / IAP
Log responses
in clastic sequences

 Sedimentological & stratigraphic well log analysis

• Log shapes review
• Depositional environment review & logs characteristics
• Parasequences & logs responses
• Clastic system tracts and logs facies responses

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 171

Typical braided river sequence
Braided rivers and related bars

Several erosional channels

Basal lag deposit
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Stacked fining‐up sequences Basal erosional surface
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Typical meandering river sequence

Crevasse splay
Point bar

Fine grained sandstone
Organic shale, roots

coarse to
grained sandstone

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Meandering river
Fining‐up sequence: point bar
Sonatrach / IAP 173

Typical depositional sequences of fluvial sediments

Key points to keep in mind
Alluvial fan             Braided river        Meandering river    

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Deltaic depositional sequences

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Sonatrach / IAP 175

Turbidites sequences
 Main characteristics:
• Allochthonous sedimentation
• Highly organized from proximal to distal 
• Dominantly controlled by unidirectional 
• General fining‐upward sequence
• Facies association from channels to 
levees and lobes
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Sonatrach / IAP 176
Clastic sequences

Gamma Ray log responses 
and depositional environments

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Sonatrach / IAP 177

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Log responses
in clastic sequences

 Sedimentological & stratigraphic well log analysis

• Log shapes review
• Depositional environment review & logs characteristics
• Parasequences & logs responses
• Clastic system tracts and logs facies responses

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Sonatrach / IAP 179

Accommodation variations and related sequences

Rate of deposition
> 1
Rate of accommodation



Rate of deposition
< 1
Rate of accommodation


Rate of deposition
= 1
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Rate of accommodation

Coastal plain sandstones Shallow marine

And mudstones sandstones Shelf Mudstones

Sonatrach / IAP
Correlations during progradation time


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Sonatrach / IAP 181

Correlations during progradation time

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Sonatrach / IAP 182
Facies distribution wave or fluvial‐dominated environment

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Sonatrach / IAP 183

Facies distribution fluvial or wave‐dominated environment

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Facies distribution shoreline‐dominated environment

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Facies distribution in tidal flat‐dominated environment

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Sonatrach / IAP 186
Log responses
in clastic sequences

 Sedimentological & stratigraphic well log analysis

• Log shapes review
• Depositional environment review & logs characteristics
• Parasequences & logs responses
• Clastic system tracts and logs facies responses

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Sonatrach / IAP 187

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Sonatrach / IAP 188
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Sonatrach / IAP

Sonatrach / IAP
Hierarchy of fluvial architectural elements

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Sonatrach / IAP 191

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Une formation IFP Training pour Sonatrach / IAP

Clastic reservoirs
Clastic Petrography & Diagenesis

Sonatrach / IAP

Clastic Petrography & 
 Mineral diagenesis
• Definition and processes

 Diagenetical analysis
• Effect of compaction on primary porosity
• Effect of cementation on primary porosity
• Replacement during diagenesis
• Fluid dynamics and diagenetical regimes

 Heterogeneities
©  2013 ‐ IFP Training

• Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir

• Reservoir heterogeneity features

Sonatrach / IAP 194
Mineral diagenesis: Definition

 All physical, chemical or biological processes at relatively low temperatures

(less than 200‐250°C) and pressures (less than 2‐3kbars) that affect a sediment
(or a sedimentary rock) after its deposition.

 Compaction, dissolution, cementation, mineral replacement are major

elementary processes of diagenesis activated by physico‐chemical parameters
(pressure, temperature, fluid composition) and/or biological (bacterial activity,

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 195

Why study diagenesis?

 To understand:
• Transformation mechanisms from sediment to sedimentary rock
• Sedimentary basin dynamic
• Reservoir quality
• Nature and distribution of porosity and permeability
• Fluid flow evolution
• Extend of oil recovery
• Interaction of secondary recovery fluids with the reservoir
• Movement or binding of pollutants
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 196

 Physical
• Compaction
• Fluid migration
• Pressure solution

 Chemical
• Mineral reaction
• Mineral replacement
• Cementation
• Dissolution
• Organic matter evolution

 Geological & climatic

• Original depositional environment
• Diagenetic environment

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Tectonic setting and basin evolution

 Etc.
→ All processes are interdependent and cannot be easily separated
Sonatrach / IAP 197

What is lithification?

 Process which leads to the transformation of a non‐consolidated sediment to a


 It implies grain cementation in the sediment but not necessarily burial and
compaction (e.g. beachrock)
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 Lithification is the result of diagenetic processes but diagenesis does not

necessarily lead to sediment lithification.

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What type of diagenesis?

 Early diagenesis
• Changes essentially biochemical
• First meters of burying
• Early in the history of sediments
• Environment in marine, meteoric, salted zone and vadoze zone

 Late diagenesis
• Slower changes (compaction, dissolution and mineralogical
• Burying diagenesis (pressure, temperature and fluids effects)
• Type of rock (carbonates, clays, siliciclastics, etc.) controlled by climate,
tectonic and sedimentary contexts

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Sonatrach / IAP 199

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Clastic Petrography & 
 Mineral diagenesis
• Definition and processes

 Diagenesical analysis
• Effect of compaction on primary porosity
• Effect of cementation on primary porosity
• Replacement during diagenesis
• Fluid dynamics and diagenetic regimes

 Heterogeneities

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir
• Reservoir heterogeneity features

Sonatrach / IAP 201

Definition of compaction

 All processes which lead to a decreasing of porosity in sediment or

sedimentary rock and generate pore fluid eviction

Rearrangement Cementation
(with volume losses) (without volume losses)
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Sonatrach / IAP 202
Mechanical compaction – 1/2

 Occur at shallow burial depth

 Reworking of sediments (grain repacking and rearrangement, bioturbation)

 « The tightest packing of spheres is rhombohaedral (Φ=25%) while the loosest is

cubic (Φ=50%) » Graton & Fraser, 1935

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Sonatrach / IAP 203

Mechanical compaction – 2/2

 Impact of grain size, roundness and sphericity

 Mechanical compaction is generally more effective in mudrocks than

sandstones (high water content in shales, rapidly expelled by compaction)


Water Minerals Compaction +


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Sonatrach / IAP 204
Rearrangement example in siliciclastics

1 mm

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Rearrangement example in carbonates

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Chemical compaction

 Mainly achieved by reprecipitation of minerals in remaining pore spaces

 Cementation more obvious in coarse clastics than mudrocks

 Main process is pressure‐solution

Where Pw = Pore fluid pressure
And P1 > P2 > Pw

Pw Reprecipitation of overgrowth forms (dark blue) by 

diffusion of silica from the grain contact to the pore 

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 Development of sutured contact enhanced by presence of clays

• Enhance transport of ions away from site of pressure solution (diffusion

 Much more difficult to produce pressure‐solution in clean sandstones

 In coarse clastic sediments (gravels)

• High pressure contacts
• Rapid porosity loss early in burial slowing down rapidly

 In fine clastic sediments (sandstones & siltstones)

• Higher surface area in contact = fewer nucleation sites
• Rapid porosity loss at depth
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Pressure‐solution mechanisms
Major constraint σ1


Grain Minor constraint σ3

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Sonatrach / IAP 209

Pressure‐solution in sandstone

Φ Overgrowth
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Sonatrach / IAP 210
Pressure‐solution in carbonate

Nummulitic limestone (Eocene, Corsica)




Concept Polarized light Cathodoluminescence

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Sonatrach / IAP 211

Pressure‐solution example in sandstone (polarized light)

Ex1 Lum Pola

Ex1 Lum nat
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Sonatrach / IAP 212
Pressure‐solution example in sandstone (natural light)

Zoom 2

Zoom 1

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Pressure‐solution example in sandstone (natural light)

Zoom 1
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Pressure‐solution example in sandstone (natural light)


Zoom 2

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
500 µm

Sonatrach / IAP 215

Mineralogical dissolution example (Natural light)

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Potassic feldspar (FK) dissolution
Sonatrach / IAP 216
Clastic Petrography & 
 Mineral diagenesis
• Definition and processes

 Diagenesical analysis
• Effect of compaction on primary porosity
• Effect of cementation on primary porosity
• Replacement during diagenesis
• Fluid dynamics and diagenetic regimes

 Heterogeneities

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir
• Reservoir heterogeneity features

Sonatrach / IAP 217

Cementation parameters – 1/2

 An allogenic cementation occur during deposition

 An authigenic cementation grown in situ during diagenesis

 There is rarely sufficient material in the rock to account for all cements present

 Degree of supersaturation of the pore fluid, example in silica

• High level, soluble forms precipitate: opal and chalcedony form thin crusts and
mosaics on grains
• Low level: quartz precipitates (because low solubility) and slowly forms
monocrystalline overgrowths

 Other common cements:

• Carbonates (calcite, dolomite)
• Silicates (quartz, opal, potassic & sodic feldpars)
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

• Clay minerals (kaolin, illite, chlorite…)

• Sulphates (gypsum, anhydrite…)
• Oxides (haematite…)

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Cementation parameters – 2/2

 From fluids to cement formation:

• Water salinity
• Dissolution of soluble rock
• Groundwater percolation
• Shales expulsion
• Mineral and organic reaction

 Cement precipitation depends on the nucleation

 A slow kinetic or an inhibitor presence can explain the no‐precipitation

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Sources of silica cement

 During early diagenesis:

• Skeletal remains of diatoms and radiolaria
• Quartz dust abraded during transportation

 During late diagenesis:

• Mainly pressure‐solution
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 220
Cementation in sandstone reservoir (Brent)

Uncemented sandstone

Diagenetic front

Cemented sandstone 
(calcitic cement)

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 221

Sources of kaolin cement

 Alteration and mineral recombination in porosity

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Kaolin cement Quartz Porosity Quartz Kaolin cement

Sonatrach / IAP 222
Clastic Petrography & 
 Mineral diagenesis
• Definition and processes

 Diagenesical analysis
• Effect of compaction on primary porosity
• Effect of cementation on primary porosity
• Replacement during diagenesis
• Fluid dynamics and diagenetic regimes

 Heterogeneities

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir
• Reservoir heterogeneity features

Sonatrach / IAP 223

Moldic dissolution

 Initial presence of a shell, rock fragment or grain. Then, micritization by

bacteria. Progression from outside to inside

 Second step, dissolution of cement but not the micrite (more stable). The
shape is preserved. Sparitic precipitation in the cavity © 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 224
Pseudomorph forms 

 Replacement of a preexisting mineral by an other one

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
From halite (cubic crystal) to a “cubic” calcite 
(normally trigonal – hexagonal scalenohedral)
Sonatrach / IAP 225


 Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish cementation and recrystallization

 Change in crystal shape / orientation without compositional change

 The orientation of the first 
crystal (as seed) govern the 
direction in which further 
crystals grows

 Major effect of temperature

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

How to reset all information…
Sonatrach / IAP 226
Clastic Petrography & 
 Mineral diagenesis
• Definition and processes

 Diagenesical analysis
• Effect of compaction on primary porosity
• Effect of cementation on primary porosity
• Replacement during diagenesis
• Fluid dynamics and diagenetic regimes

 Heterogeneities

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir
• Reservoir heterogeneity features

Sonatrach / IAP 227

Near‐surface sandstone diagenesis

 Particularly occurs in semi‐arid climates

• Water table very low
• Sediments are oxygenated for long period
• Sparse vegetation (= rapid erosion)
• Immature sediment producing (high amount of unstable minerals like
feldspars, amphiboles…)

 Processes of activation near surface

• Clay infiltration (clay percolation through water)
• Intrastratal mineral dissolution (partial or complete dissolution of instable
• Replacement
• Authigenic mineral growth (hydroxydes…)
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 228
Subsurface sandstone diagenesis

 Sandstone horizons correspond to fluid pathways especially for fluids from

compacting mudstones

 Fluids carry dissolved ions (potential cements)

 Clays flatten to form a matrix (=permeability decreasing)

 Effect of the fluids composition, temperature and pressure

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 229

Diagenesis and reservoir quality

Key points to keep in mind

 Diagenesis have a strong impact on reservoir quality

 Generally, the quality of clastic reservoirs decrease with diagenesis
by compaction and cementation
 Whereas in carbonate reservoirs, the quality can be also reduced or
improved by physical, chemical or biological processes (dissolution,
 The main parameters of reservoir quality affected by diagenesis are
the porosity and the permeability
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 230
Clastic Petrography & 
 Mineral diagenesis
• Definition and processes

 Diagenesical analysis
• Effect of compaction on primary porosity
• Effect of cementation on primary porosity
• Replacement during diagenesis
• Fluid dynamics and diagenetic regimes

 Heterogeneities

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir
• Reservoir heterogeneity features

Sonatrach / IAP 231

Reservoir heterogeneities: Summary

 Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir

• Homogeneous / heterogeneous reservoirs
• Reservoir heterogeneity concepts
• Classification of reservoir heterogeneities
• Impact of reservoir heterogeneity on hydrocarbon recovery

 Reservoir heterogeneity features

• Scale of reservoir heterogeneities
• Small‐scale observation and analysis
• Large‐scale observation and analysis
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 232
Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous reservoir

Homogeneous reservoir Heterogeneous reservoir

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
(Faults, Unconformities, Layers, Facies,  
Diagenesis, Fractures, Super K,…)

Heterogeneity: spatial variation of rock physical properties that affect fluid flow
Sonatrach / IAP 233

Reservoir heterogeneity: concepts – 1/2

 To build a consistent and relevant model:

• All variations in the reservoir quality must be analyzed and classified in a
manner that the main heterogeneities main are clearly highlighted
• For a given study, all heterogeneities that can affect fluid flow are
considered as key heterogeneities

Key heterogeneities have to be absolutely described in the geological model
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

Sonatrach / IAP 234
Reservoir heterogeneity: concepts – 2/2

 Reservoir heterogeneities
• All relevant factors affecting the dynamic behavior of the field
• Small‐ to large‐scale geologic features
• From static reservoir characterization (significant or not)
• From dynamic reservoir characterization (significant)

 Basic principle
• Identify the smallest element that will impact production

Reservoir heterogeneities characterization
calls for the cooperation between all professionals involved in the study

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
(i.e. from geophysicists to reservoir engineers)

Sonatrach / IAP 235

Classification of heterogeneities in reservoirs – 1/2
Weber classification (1986) Classification
« How heterogeneitiy affect oil recovery »

A: Structural
Prior to the modeling phase, it is 
1 to 3 necessary to perform a synthesis 
of heterogeneity types, for each 
B: Stratigraphic 1 to 3 item, taking into account their 
impact on fluid flow, using the 
following scale:
C: Diagenetic 1 to 3
1 ‐ major heterogeneity
D: Depositional 1 to 3 2 ‐ intermediate heterogeneity
3 ‐ negligible heterogeneity

E: Depositional 1 to 3
Classification objective: highlight 
most significant heterogeneities.
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

F: Diagenetic 1 to 3

G: Structural 1 to 3

Sonatrach / IAP 236
Classification of heterogeneities in reservoirs – 2/2
Impact on recovery

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Sonatrach / IAP 237

© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Clastic Petrography & 
 Mineral diagenesis
• Definfition and processes

 Diagenesical analysis
• Effect of compaction on primary porosity
• Effect of cementation on primary porosity
• Replacement during diagenesis
• Fluid dynamics and diagenetic regimes

 Heterogeneities

©  2013 ‐ IFP Training
• Introduction: heterogeneities in the reservoir
• Reservoir heterogeneity features

Sonatrach / IAP 239

Scale of reservoir heterogeneities


< 1 mm
Formation Field

< 1 cm
Small ...

< 1 m
Intermediate ... < 1000 m > 1000 m
Large ... Very large ...
© 2013 ‐ IFP Training

(from Krause and Collins, 1984)

Heterogeneities and investigation tools
do not always have the same scale… 

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Small scale heterogeneities

Example of laminations and cross‐beddings

 Micro scale: related to a mixture of 
different pore types and geometries 
(textural features)

 Macro scale: often related to 
laminations and cross‐beddings 
(depositional features: energy)

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Large‐scale heterogeneities (1/5)

 Faults
• Juxtaposition of reservoir units and low permeability
• Clay smearing (injection of clay into the fault plane)
• Cataclasis: sand grains crushing (breccia)
• Diagenesis (fault‐related): cementation due to fluid
circulation and precipitation creating hydraulic seals
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Cataclasis: silicification
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Large‐scale heterogeneities (2/5)

Genetic unit boundaries

→ represent stratigraphic discontinuities (isolated bar, channel…)

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Large‐scale heterogeneities (3/5)


(power line cable)

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0 Scale 5 m

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Large‐scale heterogeneities (4/5)

Both shale baffles and permeability streaks
Lateral extension linked with depositional environment
e.g. Hassi‐Messaoud reservoir (silts)

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Large‐scale heterogeneities (5/5)

Seeping fractures

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Reservoir characterization and modeling

Key points to keep in mind

 To build a consistent and relevant model for an integrated study:

• All reservoir heterogeneities must be identified and classified (main
ones highlighted)
• All heterogeneities that can impact fluid flow are considered as major
• Even the smallest elements that can affect production need to be
identified and modeled
• The geological model must take into account all significant
• Characterization of reservoir heterogeneities calls for integrated multi‐
disciplinary approach (cooperation and team work)

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Une formation IFP Training pour Sonatrach / IAP

Clastic reservoirs
Fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy

Sonatrach / IAP

Fundamentals of sequence 
 Introduction to sequence stratigraphy
• General introduction
• Accommodation definition
• Relative sea level and space available
• Dynamic points
• Sequence development
• Parasequence/genetic sequence
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Sequence stratigraphy: Introduction

 Sequence stratigraphy is based on the application of the systematic subdivision of the

section by well defined surfaces

 These surfaces are used to provide a frame work to the interpretation of the depositional
settings of the sedimentary section

 This interpretation is then used to predict the extent and character of the component
sedimentary facies

 Integrated method with all the exploration tools (geology, geophysics, palynology,
• Relation between geological layers in a chronostratigraphic understanding
• Basic sedimentary unit: depositional sequence

 Characteristics of a depositional sequence

• Bounded by their unconformities and their correlative conformities
• Composed by systems tracts

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 Each system tract
• Bounded by physical surface
• Composed of elementary « unit » (genetic unit or parasequence)
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Fundamentals of sequence 
 Introduction to sequence stratigraphy
• General introduction
• Accommodation definition
• Relative sea level and space available
• Dynamic points
• Sequence development
• Parasequence/genetic sequence

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Accommodation definition

 Sediment is deposited in the space 
between the seafloor and base level 
(sea level or graded stream profile) 
which is called accommodation

 The way a basin fills with sediment 
and the stratal patterns that result 
depend upon how much space is 
available for the sediment to fill and 
how rapidly new space is added

 Accommodation may vary as both 
the upper and lower boundaries of  
this space move up or down
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Fundamentals of sequence 
 Introduction to sequence stratigraphy
• General introduction
• Accommodation definition
• Relative sea level and space available
• Dynamic points
• Sequence development
• Parasequence/genetic sequence

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Relative  sea level vs space availability 

 Eustacy refers only to the position 
of the sea surface with reference 
to a fixed datum, such as the 
center of the earth, and is 
therefore independent from local 

 Relative sea level incorporates 
local subsidence by referring to 
the position of the sea surface 
with respect to a datum at or near 
the seafloor

 To discern the rate at which new 
space is added, both relative 
eustacy fluctuation rate combined 
with subsidence rate must be 
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Accommodation & Equilibrium point

Equilibrium point   : Rate of subsidence = Rate of eustatic change 

A platform is divided into two parts separated by an equilibrium point

 Basinward of    :
• Rate of subsidence 
> Rate of eustatic fall
• Creation of a new 
space added
• Area of relative sea 
level rise

 Landward of    :
• Rate of subsidence 
< Rate of eustatic fall
• No creation of new space added

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• Area of relative sea level fall

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© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Fundamentals of sequence 
 Introduction to sequence stratigraphy
• General introduction
• Accommodation definition
• Relative sea level and space available
• Dynamic points
• Sequence development
• Parasequence/genetic sequence

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Specific dynamic points

 Inflection points of the eustatic curve
• Point F: maximum rate of sea level fall F R
− Minimum rate of creation of new space added
• Point R: maximum rate of sea level rise
− Maximum rate of creation of new space added

 Depositional dynamic on the shelf at these 
specific inflection points of the eustatic curve
• Point F: minimum deposit of sediment
− Maximum erosional phenomenon Point R
• Point R: transgression and development of 
− a condensed  section 
− Maximum drowning of the basin over the shelf
− Location of the maximum flooding surface: 
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Point F

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Theorical sequence: the Exxon “slug”

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© 2013 ‐ IFP Training
Fundamentals of sequence 
 Introduction to sequence stratigraphy
• General introduction
• Accommodation definition
• Relative sea level and space available
• Dynamic points
• Sequence development
• Parasequence/genetic sequence

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Sequence stratigraphy

1 2

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Sequence stratigraphy

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Key surfaces in sequence stratigraphy

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In Kendall (2004)
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Sedimentation rate and sea variations

 Sequence are subdivided by

• Maximum Flooding Surfaces (MFS)
• Transgressive Surfaces (TS)
• Sequence Boundaries (SB)

 Arrangement of vertical succession or stacking patterns of unconfined sheets

• Prograde (step seaward)
• Retrograde (step landward)
• Aggrade (build vertically)

 Sheets and unconfined lobes containing

• Non‐amalgamated bodies

 Incised topographic fill

• Amalgamated, multi‐storied bodies (e.g. incised valleys)

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• Within unconfined lobes

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Theorical sequence: “Exxon Slug”

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Systems tract synthesis

 Sequence stratigraphy is based on the application of the systematic subdivision of the

section by well defined surfaces

 These surfaces are used to provide a frame work to the interpretation of the depositional
settings of the sedimentary section

 This interpretation is then is used to predict the extent and character of the component
sedimentary facies

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Lowstand‐fan systems tract
 Lowstand fans are deposited during rapid eustatic falls which exceed the rate of
subsidence at the shelf edge

 Sediment bypasses the shelf and is deposited directly on the slope and in the basin in the
form of point‐sourced submarine fans. This figure illustrates geologic, geographic, and
eustatic conditions conducive to the formation of these deposits

 The systems tract is bounded below and above by discontinuities

 Internally, lowstand fans are characterized by mounded facies and may be extensively
sand prone. These mounds are commonly excellent reservoirs
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Lowstand‐wedge systems tract
 The lowstand‐wedge systems tract begins to form during the latter part of a rapid
eustatic fall as lowstand‐fan deposition ends. Deposition is initiated when the rate of
eustatic fall is again equal to subsidence at the shelf edge

 This interval is characterized by resumption of a slow rise of relative sea level at the shelf

 Deltaic deposition is localized in the upper parts of canyons or embayments cut into the
shelf during rapid eustatic falls

 The base of this systems tract is an unconformity. The top grades either into a
transgressive depositional sequence or is a condensed section, if transgressive deposits
are absent or not observed.

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Transgressive systems tract
 When the rate of new shelf space added exceeds the rate of sediment supply,
transgression occurs. The timing of this event depends on sediment supply and rate
of eustatic rise, but it will usually occur on the rising limb of the eustatic curve when
the rate of addition of new shelf space increases rapidly prior to the eustatic rise
inflection point
 During transgression, only pelagic or hemipelagic deposition occurs on the starved
shelf and basin, generating a starved or condensed section there
 Of all the systems tract types, the transgressive systems tract is the most sensitive to
variations of sediment supply, and its occurrence is therefore the most difficult to
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Highstand systems tract
 The highstand systems tract is deposited during the eustatic highstand, defined as the
interval between the eustatic rise and fall inflection points. This interval is characterized
by a slowly decreasing relative rise of sea level as the rate of eustatic change gradually

 An unconformity defines the upper surface, and a condensed section marks the lower
limits of this systems tract

 Reservoir facies are associated primarily with prograding beach and aggrading fluvial
depositional systems. Organic‐rich facies with source potential may develop on the toes
and delta plains of progradational units

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Shelf‐margin systems tract
 The shelf‐margin systems tract is a regressive stratigraphic unit overlying a highstand
deposit and is usually deposited following the inflection point on a gentle eustatic fall

 This interval is characterized by a progressive increase in the rate of relative rise of sea
level. The shelf margin systems tract is deposited on the outer part of the shelf and is
marked by an abrupt basinward shift of coastal onlap at its base

 The base of this systems tract is an erosional unconformity or its correlative conformity,
whereas the top either grades into a transgressive systems tract or is a condensed
section. The basal unconformity on the shelf is usually marked by paralic/deltaic
sediments overlying fluvial deposits
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Fundamentals of sequence 
 Introduction to sequence stratigraphy
• General introduction
• Accommodation definition
• Relative sea level and space available
• Dynamic points
• Sequence development
• Parasequence/genetic sequence

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How to order the sedimentary pile?

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"Facies adjacent to one another in a
continuous vertical sequence 
accumulated adjacent to one another
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Sedimentation rate and sea variations

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Introduction to sedimentary sequences

Depositional sequence in respect to Walther's law

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Parasequence: depositional processes in system tracts

Progradagradation (Advancing)

Retrogradation (Backstepping)

Parasequence or Genetic units :

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• Elementary deposition sequence (building block)
• Thickness : few meters to few tens of meters
• Bounded by isochrons (2 successives times surfaces)

Elementary cycles of variations accomodation

Influenced by allocyclic parameters (external parameter of the basin)
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The genetic sequence

 The genetic sequences are short term 
depositional sequences (1 Ma) regrouping 
orders of cyclicity lower than the 4th order

 They are limited by two maximum flooding 
surfaces or by two condensed intervals, and 
there thicknesses vary from a few 
decimeters to few meters

 They record a cycle of variation of the 
depositional environment, interpreted as 
transgression and regression

 The genetic sequences are deducted from  
essentially sedimentological but none 
geometric observations. They are recognized 
by drilling or on outcrops
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P. Homewood,  P. Mauriaud, F. Lafont 2001

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The genetic sequence

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P. Homewood,  P. Mauriaud, F. Lafont 2001
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The genetic sequence

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P. Homewood,  P. Mauriaud, F. Lafont 2001
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Definition and example

 Chronostratigraphy is the branch of stratigraphy that studies the absolute age of

rock strata

 Chronostratigraphy is based upon deriving geochronological data for rock units,

both directly and by inference

 Objectives of chronostratigraphy:
• Determine the ages 
of strata
• Demonstrate the 
geographic extend 
of strata
• Confirm the 

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Definition and example
 Combination between paleontology and stratigraphy. In oil and gas industry,
biostratigraphy corresponds to the study from rock samples (core and cuttings) of
microfossils (pollens, spores, nannofossils, diatoms and foraminifera)

 The objectives of biostratigraphy are to:

• Determine the 
age (relative or 
absolute) of strata
• Study the 
during deposition 
and its evolution
• Make correlations 
between layers 
containing the same
fossil population
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