Bicknell BLTN 1-24-2021 Third Sunday After The Epihany

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Worship 10:30 a.m.

Sunday January 24, 2021 Our Church At Prayer: Joys & concern followed by Lord’s
Third Sunday after the Epiphany color: green Prayer
“The Schedule of this bulletin is subject to change at any time by the
direction of the Holy Spirit.”
Worship In Giving
PRELUDE Offertory *Doxology #95
*Lighting of the Altar Candles ……………….Acolytes
Chimes Scripture Jonah 3:1-5,10
Welcome & Announcements……… L: This is the Word of the Lord.
Opening Prayer: God of every land and nation, you have created Gloria Patri #70
all people and you dwell among us in Jesus Christ.
Listen to the cries of those who pray to you, and grant that, as we
proclaim the greatness of your name, all people will know the Sermon: "You Can Run but You Can't Hide"
power of love at work in the world. We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen. Hymn: “God of Grace and God of Glory” UMH 577

CALL TO WORSHIP: L: Taking the Light of Christ into the World

Do you dare to follow Jesus?
P: We are not sure. There are so many “unknowns” out there. Benediction
L: Life is always full of “unknowns,” but the Lord will be with you.
P: Help us, Lord, to fully trust you and to respond joyfully to your Postlude: Shalom to You” UMH #666
call. AMEN.

Children’s Time

Hymn Hymn “Jesus Calls Us” UMH 398

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