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1809NRS Effective Nursing Practices, 2021

Written Assignment
1500 words
Due Date: Monday 15th February 2021 at 10:00hrs

Nurses are required to have sound theoretical knowledge and be able to integrate theory to
practice through assessment and provision of safe, competent, culturally appropriate, evidence-
based care (Lubbe & Roets, 2014)1.

The aim of this assignment is for you to think critically about professional patient-centred nursing
care and integrate your scientific knowledge about infection control practices and patient safety
including cultural safety.

Task Instructions:
In response to the following case study, you are required to write a 1500-word structured essay in
which you:

• Describe norovirus and it’s causes, explain its mode of transmission, and discuss specific
health risks for the elderly.
• Discuss the infection prevention and control precautions specific to norovirus within clinical
healthcare environments.
• Discuss another risk assessment required for the patient in the case study [‘Uncle Dougie’]
that is not limited to norovirus (e.g., pressure injury assessment, nutritional status, fluid
balance charts), including a rationale for the assessment, and possible nursing care required
considering appropriate cultural aspects when providing this nursing care.

Note that your essay must be supported by current scholarly literature (at least 10 references)
published between 2015 – 2020 (inclusive).

Case Study:
Mr. Doug Sultan (Uncle Dougie) is an 88-year-old Aboriginal Elder who is a resident of Sunny Side
aged care facility. He is a widower with two daughters, one of whom lives nearby and visits daily.
Many of Uncle Dougie’s relatives also visit regularly. He is underweight for his height, unsteady when
mobilising and uses a walking frame.

Uncle Dougie has been complaining of abdominal pain recently and has had three episodes of
diarrhoea since breakfast. Another resident, Mrs. Betty Keogh, also states that she feels unwell with
abdominal pain and has also vomited.

A common reason for vomiting and diarrhea in residential aged care facilities is norovirus, and it is
therefore assumed that this is the cause of the recent illness of the two residents.

Lubbe, J. C., & Roets, L. (2014). Nurses' scope of practice and the implication for quality nursing care. J Nurs
Scholarsh, 46(1), 58-64. doi:10.1111/jnu.12058
Other elements:

• Always refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide. Ensure your assignment
format strictly adheres to these guidelines.

• Ensure that you use scholarly literature2 (digitised readings, research articles, relevant
Government reports and text books) that has been published within the last five [5] years
(between 2016 – 2020 (inclusive).
• Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your structured essay.

• You may use headings to organise your essay if you wish.

• Unless otherwise instructed, write in the third person.

• Use academic language3 throughout.

• Refer to the marking rubric when writing your assignment. This will assist you in
calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.
• Assemble all pages into one document (MS Word or pdf)

• Submit your assignment via Turnitin as per the instructions on your

Learning@Griffith course site. [Submit in the ‘FINAL Written Essay’ assessment

Finally: Check and save a copy of you work and Submit on-line via the relevant submission point
under the Assessment tab on the course site. There is a draft submission point for you to check
your text matching, remember this can take a few days in a high demand time.

Scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles are written by scholars or professionals who are experts in their
field, as opposed to literature such as magazine articles, which reflect the taste of the general public and are
meant as entertainment.
Everyday language is predominately subjective. It is mainly used to express opinions based on personal
preference or belief rather than evidence. Written academic English is formal. It avoids colloquialisms and
slang, which may be subjective to local and social variations. Formal language is more precise and stable, and
therefore more suitable for the expression of complex ideas and the development of reasoned argumentation.
1809NRS Effective Nursing Practices MARKING RUBRIC
Outstanding Good Satisfactory Limited
Norovirus 2 1.5 1 0 – 0.5
(Describe) Accurate and concise definition of Accurate definition of Norovirus; Definition of Norovirus is included Norovirus is not defined, or
Norovirus; accurate use of accurate use of terminology; but may lack clarity or is too wordy; definition is inaccurate or includes
terminology; accurate identification accurate identification of some identification and basic descriptions incorrect terminology; insufficient or
and concise description of a range of causes of Norovirus but descriptions of some common causes of inaccurate identification of causes of
causes on Norovirus. lack depth or are not concise. Norovirus; may be some inaccuracies Norovirus.
in detail or incorrect/inconsistent
use of terminology.
Norovirus mode of 2 1.5 1 0 – 0.5
transmission Accurate identification and succinct Accurate identification of some of Identification of modes of spread is Modes of spread have not been
(Explain) explanation of a range of modes of the modes of spread/transmission; included but not all modes identified or identification is
spread/transmission; examples from however, explanation lacking some identified. Further explanation and inaccurate or includes incorrect
the case study provide context for context from the case study or is not context are required to provide explanation.
the explanation. concise. clarity on how Norovirus is spread.
Norovirus health 3 2 1.5 0–1
risks for the elderly Insightful and concise discussion Informative discussion about a range Discussion of risks that are specific to Risks that are specific to the older
(Discuss) about a range of risks that are of risks that are specific to older the older patient is included but patient have not been discussed or
specific to older patients, including patients, discussion of why and how limited risks discussed. Discussion of discussion is inaccurate or does not
why and how they are risks; the case they are risks lacks depth or is not why and how they are risks lacks include discussion as to why and how
study is used to provide context and concise; the case study is used to depth or is not concise; the case they are risks.
examples to support the discussion. provide context and examples to study has not been used to provide
support the discussion. context or examples to support the
Infection prevention 9 - 10 7-8 5-6 0-4
and control Insightful and accurate discussion Informative and accurate discussion Discussion of infection control Infection control precautions have
precautions about a wide range of infection about a range of infection control precautions is included but limited not been discussed or discussion is
control precautions required to precautions required to manage precautions discussed. Discussion inaccurate or includes incorrect
manage Norovirus spread; discussion Norovirus spread; discussion linking linking to the case study and to the terminology; insufficient discussion
links regularly and clearly to the case to the case study and to the clinical clinical environment lacks depth or is related to the clinical environment.
study and to the clinical environment lacks depth or is not not concise; may be some
environment; accurate terminology concise; accurate terminology used inaccuracies in detail or
used with scholarly literature with scholarly literature supporting incorrect/inconsistent use of
supporting and adding value to all and adding value to all discussion terminology.
discussion points. points.
Risk Assessment 9 - 10 7-8 5-6 0-4
(Discuss) Accurate identification of, and Accurate identification of an Identification and discussion made A ‘other risk assessment’ has not
discussion about, an appropriate appropriate ‘other risk assessment’ regarding a ‘other risk assessment’ been identified and discussed or
‘other risk assessment’ that is that is specific to the patient in the but the risk assessment is not discussion is inaccurate or is not
specific to the patient in the case case study; discussion of the specific to the patient in the case related to the case study
study; discussion includes a clear rationale for why assessments are study or discussion of the rationale patient/older person.
rationale for why assessments are required lacks depth or is not for why assessments are required
required; scholarly literature concise; scholarly literature supports lacks depth or is not concise or there
supports and adds value to the and adds value to the discussion. are some inaccuracies in detail.
Cultural aspects of 2 1.5 1 0 – 0.5
care Accurate and concise description of a Accurate description of a range of Description of cultural aspects of Cultural aspects of nursing care are
(Describe) range of cultural aspects of nursing cultural aspects of nursing care, with nursing care is included but may lack not described, or description is
care, with specific reference to the specific reference to the patient in clarity or is too wordy; may be some inaccurate or includes inappropriate
patient in the case study; consistent the case study; consistent use of inaccuracies in detail or language when referring to First
use of appropriate and respectful appropriate and respectful language incorrect/inconsistent use of People and their Elders.
language when referring to First when referring to First Peoples and appropriate and respectful language
Peoples and their Elders. their Elders. However, descriptions when referring to First People and
lack depth or are not concise. their Elders.
Presentation & 6 5 4 0-3
Structure An outstanding level of presentation A good level of presentation & A satisfactory level of presentation & A limited level of presentation &
& structure has been shown as structure has been shown as structure has been shown as structure has been shown as
evidenced by: evidenced by: evidenced by: evidenced by:

• Consistent use and application • Consistent use and application • Use and application of the • Limited or no use of the
of the assignment presentation of the assignment presentation assignment presentation assignment presentation
formatting guidelines. formatting guidelines. formatting guidelines. formatting guidelines.
• Spelling and grammar are • Spelling and grammar are • Spelling and grammar are • Spelling and grammar are not
accurate throughout. appropriate for the majority, appropriate for the majority, always appropriate, with
• Sentence & paragraph structure with only minor errors. but with some consistent several consistent errors.
is accurate and thoughtful. • Sentence & paragraph structure errors. • Sentence & paragraph
• Consistent use of academic is appropriate for the majority, • Sentence & paragraph structure structure is not always
language. with only minor errors. is mostly appropriate with a few appropriate, with several
• Consistent use of academic errors noted. consistent errors.
language. • Use of academic language • Use of academic language is
appropriate with some errors. not always appropriate, with
several consistent errors.
Referencing & Use 5 4 3 0-2
of Evidence Outstanding referencing & discerning A good level of referencing and use A satisfactory referencing and use of Limited use of referencing and use of
use of evidence are evidenced by: of evidence are evidenced by: evidence are evidenced by: evidence are evidenced by:

• APA 7 referencing is accurate • APA 7 referencing is accurate • APA 7 referencing is mostly • APA 7 referencing not
with no errors in text and/or in for the majority with minor accurate but with some accurate with several
the reference list. errors in text and/or in the consistent errors in text consistent errors in text
• Essay is supported by more reference list. and/or in the reference list. and/or in the reference list.
than 10 different and • Essay is supported by more • Essay is supported by 10 • Essay is supported by less
appropriate scholarly sources. than 10 different and different and appropriate than 10 different and
• Evidence/sources consistently appropriate scholarly sources. scholarly sources. appropriate scholarly
support ideas and add value to • Evidence/sources consistently • Evidence/sources support sources.
the essay. support ideas and add value ideas and add value to the • Evidence/sources not always
to the essay. essay. used to support ideas or add
value to the essay.

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