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Development Resources and Potentials
Objective Time Frame Possible Solutions
Activities Support Barriers

Attending post- Able to learn new Year Round Personal Lack of time, Utilize your time, energy
graduate course knowledge in order to Expenses/ Search heavy workload and perhaps finances to
keep abreast with the for sponsor the fullest.
latest developments in
the teaching

Attending seminar To meet up and share Year Round DepEd Initiative/ Limited seminars Re-echo by those who
and workshop the latest developments Financial Support conducted within attended such seminar
in education and the years
classroom best
Participating  To acquire new Year Round Personal Internet; training/ Learn to use online
in web-talk that will knowledge and Computer / workshop discussion like e-
advance your skills to Internet schedules for the learning.
professional growth. improve my connection district
in teaching
 Enhance their
literacy and
improve their
Self-Directed To address need for Year Round Reading Internet Collaboration with
Learning continuous self-plus Materials, Multi- connection, Lack colleagues and mentor
professional media of Resources
development to stay facilities/Internet
abreast of rapidly connection
changing learning
contexts/needs of

A professional development plan is a set of guidelines used to improve or redirect our teaching process. This plan might be
used by teachers to ensure they have the right resources and strategies in place to efficiently achieve their teaching goals. Individuals
might also create such a plan to improve their work methods and to focus their career goals.

Plan development usually begins with an outline. This outline typically indicates the overall goal of a teacher or individual and
what will be needed to reach it. Time is usually very important in achieving goals, so the outline will often include anticipated time
frames. Training plans often are included in a development plan as well.

The first step in creating a professional development plan usually involves a self-analysis. Typically, the creator will write
down several things that he or she wants to accomplish in their career and how those accomplishments might be achieved. If as a
teacher you wanted to work on having a more creative teaching style, you might attend post-graduate course, seminar workshop, be
engaged in online course or just simply surf at internet and take notes on the ways that knowledge is presented.

Once the professional development plan is completed, it is typically time to start implementing the goals and activities. At the
completion of a unit, course, or school year, instructors are sometimes required to give a portfolio to their administrators to see how
effective their plan was. Portfolios might include selected lesson plans, photographs, videos, and examples of student work.
A. Facilitation Style To promote the a. Start by helping your Head teacher, July – Students express
knowledge about students become teachers, August their ideas freely
facilitating comfortable with you. colleagues 2012 and
learners in the Keep a relaxed posture, students independently
21st century smile and speak clearly
so your students can
understand you.

B. Accommodation of To enable b. Utilize all the different Teachers, Year Round With confident
students’ learning students learning styles to in students they may convey
style demonstrate order to cater to the what they have
different learning preferred styles of the learned in
styles students. different ways

C. Organize a To promote c. Operate the Teacher Facilitative

conducive learning active collaborative learning students Program was
environment participation, implemented
develop their

D. Monitoring and To develop the d. Start with a question in Head teacher, Meet the needs
Evaluation creative thinking mind that you want teachers, of the students in
skills of the your students to colleagues learning process
students eventually answer.
Keep your questions
open ended. Don’t ask
for just a yes-or-no
San Jacinto, Pangasinan
My 21 Century Classroom Facilitating Skills
CY 2012-2013

During the debate

The panelist together with my Schoolhead

The debaters
Conveying point of view


Philosophical Statement
By the end of the school year I want my students to realize how important it is to have an education to prepare
themselves for the struggles they will face in their lifetime. I want to help them meet their needs in learning.

Rules and Procedures

I want my pupil to follow the classroom rules. That my students will eager to learn by listening attentively,
communicate, and work with peers. Give due respect to one another classroom and to myself as their teacher.

Classroom Arrangement

After the lecture, I do usually give an activity work, I used to roam around the classroom to look whether each
learner is doing correct. In this case I have arranged the desks in the way that allows me to move easily in between them.
Misbehavior Interventions

I tend to talk to the pupil who did misbehavior after class, preceded by a warning; if the pupil happens to continue his
wrong doing I will call them the attention of his parents / guardians.

Classroom Safety

Positive attitude towards each other should be implemented in the classroom to avoid chaos. Regardless of the
background of each pupil’s they shall be treated equally.

Student Celebration

To motivate each learner be engage in learning positively, praise them when they made correct answer and give them
rewards when they’ve done something good.
My Perception Ideal Learning Environment in the 21st Century Classroom

Inside View
Top View
Inside View

Inside View

Inside View
The classroom management is a term used by the teacher to describe the process ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly
and it is also implies prevention of disruptive behavior by students. Creating and maintaining a conducive learning environment
includes: physical arrangement of the classroom, classroom rules, routine and appropriate instructional strategies. Student learning can
be enhanced when they are motivated well to participate actively and work collaborately with their peers and when their environment
manifests suitable for learning.
From the solicited insights, my superiors suggested that I should have include the strategies to handle and manage students
misbehavior, students celebration and add more reference materials in my classroom management matrix.

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