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17A.6 Diffusivity and Schmidt number for chlorine-air mixtures. (a) We begin by tabulating molecular parameters for chlorine and air from Table B.1, and estimating the binary parameters 24g and €4p/K from Eqs. 17.3- 14 and 15: Species M, g/mol 0, A elk, K A: Cl 70.91 4.115, 357. B: Air 28.97 3.617 97.0 AB: 3.866 186.1 Equation 17.3-12 and Table E.2 then give the following prediction of Dap for chlorine-air mixtures at T = 75°F = 23.89°C = 297.04 K: Dap = 0.0018583,/T? (Gr 1 1 Ma i) Po%p2D,aB 1 1 1 = 2 ——————— = 0.00185834 (297.04) (aa: Ta) eR TT = 0.120 em?/s (b) Equation 17.2-1 needs the following values from Table E.1: Component M, g/g-mol —T;, K Pe, atm A: Ch 70.91 417. 76.1 B: Air 28.97 132, 36.4 ‘The nonpolar version of Eq. 17.2-1 then gives the prediction 1.823 Dap = 2.745 x 10-* ( + (76.1 x 36.4)'/3(417. x 132.)°/12(1/70.91 + 1/28.97)!/?/1 atm = 0.123 em?/s (c) The result of (a), and the ideal gas expression for ¢, give Dap = pas = 4.92 x 107° g-mol/em-s With this prediction of cD4p and the viscosity predictions of Problem 14.4, the Schmidt number can be calculated as Se=—t— ee ——— pDas McDap (taMa+2pMp)cDap in accordance with Eqs. G and L of Table 17.7-1. Results are as follows: AI TO, 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 y,g/ems 0.000183 0.000164 0.000150 0.000139 0.000131 M, g/g-mol 28.97 39.455 49.94 60.425 70.91 Se 1.28 ost 0.61 0.47 0.375 We see that the Schmidt number depends strongly on the composition when Ma and Mg differ greatly. This fact is also illustrated in Table 17.3-1 and in Problem 17A.4. iT8 18A.2 Sublimation of small iodine spheres in still air. (a) From Table E.1 and Eqs. 17.3-14,15, we get the following values for the systern Ip-aii Species M oA elk, K Ak 253.81 4.982 550. B: air 28.97 3.617 97.0 AB 4.2995, 231.0 Thus, at T = 40°C = 313.15K, we get the argument value KT/e ap = 313.15/231.0 = 1.356, at which Table E.2 gives Qp,ap = 1.251. Equation 17.3-12 then gives 1 = 5 2 0.018583, /(313.15)' (aa 1 a) (747/760)(4.2995)?(1.251) = 0.0888 cm?/s (b) Equation 18.2-27, with rz + 00, gives = tg, PDAB =a ar G aa) _ (747/760 atm)(0.0888 cm?/s) = 44(0.5 cm) 9 06 x 313.15 cmPatm/g-mol) = 2.95 x 107® g-mol/s x 3600 s/hr = 1.06 x 1074 g-mol/hr \8-2 18B.5 Absorption of chlorine by cyclohexene a. For a second-order reaction, Eq. 18.4-4 has to be replaced by 2 Hee pepe Dan dz with the same boundary conditions as before. Introduce the dimensionless variables P =c4/c4g and £= Kil, / 68 apz- Then the differential equation becomes aT oe ae =9 with boundary conditions [(0)=1 and T'(e)=0. We now let aV/al= p(T), so that d’P/dg? = dp/dg =(dp/dV)(aT/dg) = p(dp/ar). Then we obtain a differential equation that is first order and separable 4p _ 6p? & or Par This may be inegrated, and we use the boundary condition that at ¢=0, 7 =0 and also that dP'/df = p(T) =0: P, =-er Sopdp = f, °ar from which ar dp? =21° or Fra tar? Here we must choose the minus sign, since the slope of the concentration vs. distance curve is negative. Then using, the first boundary condition, we can integrate this equation to get: firPar=-ffag or rt =(1¥ey 18-13 Hence the final expression for the concentration profile is 2 Cao LAI £40 =[ 44. |k2Es0, C4 [ 6D 45 * b. From the result of (a) we get the absorption rate at the liquid gas interface: deg Nazleeg =~ San oT VRB an c. The equation to be solved is dc dy ¢, Bahr fles)=0 or p= Ma) where we have introduced the variable p as before. The resulting equation is integrated, as before, to give pd A second integration yields de, 2 pea ga = Gt ef seal 1 pea pe yn Bhs Ve, or CON _ 8 (2/9 an)fy S(Ea)aea Then we differentiate both sides with respect to z to get 1 de a0 ee =~(2/ Bas )fy""F(ca)dca (2/ Ban)" fEa)acn © This together with N4,|,_9 =-®4»(de,/dz),_, gives Eq. 18B.5-2. de tana 264! nek \$-14 18B.7 Diffusion from a suspended droplet a. A mass balance on A over a spherical shell of thickness Ar is (in molar units) Ann? Nay], -4n(r+ Ar) -Nay|,,4, =0 near or, equivalently (427°N,,), ~ (Am? N4,)) near Now divide by 4zAr and take the limit as Ar goes to zero to get d a (P?-N4,)=0 This may be integrated to give r?N,,, = C,. We may use the boundary condition that N4,=N4, at r=, (the gas liquid interface) to evaluate the constant and obtain r?7N 4, = 1?Nan- b.. Equation 18.0-1, written for the radial component in spherical coordinates, is Na =D gy BA + 4(Nay +Ny) If gas B is not moving, then N,, may be set equal to zero and the equation may be solved for the molar flux of A: Dap AX, Na, = Ar“ 1=x, dr Multiplying by 7? and using the result obtained in (a), we get Eq. 19B,7-1: Das 2 ata 1-x,' dr 2N,. = Nan = c. Equation 19B.7-1 can be rearranged to give \8-17 dx, I-x, ay, ar _ Nantz = Bap Integration then gives Neo =-e8,s{-In(1-x,)] or 11 FN 4-2) = 408 lln(1~20)-In(t~Xa) 2 This may be rearranged to give FEN | 2) pn 2 a2 or, when solved for the molar flux of A Nop = Bae (2)n32 TAN) Xe When r, — © (and presumably also x, —> 0), this last result gives 8 Noy = 2248 nL n Xp 18-18

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