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How we met

• Read Karen’s account of how she met David and answer the questions.

• When did they meet?

B)When did fate bring them together again?

C)Where did she see him?

D) How long have they been together?

Karen, 18, and David, 21

I met him on a train last summer. He was gorgeous. We chatted and when I got off, he helped me
with my luggage. Unfortunately, I was too shy to ask him for his phone number. But fate brought
us together again. A few months ago, I saw him again at a party and he recognized me at once.
The attraction was magnetic and now we’ve been together for three months, two weeks and three

• Read Emma’s account o how she met Paul. Write three questions and answer them

• Emma,32, and Paul,35

That day, I went to the police station to report a burglary. I was really upset and the policeman
who interviewed me was very kind and understanding. He calmed me down, gave me a cup of
coffee and then drove me home. On Monday, he rang me up and asked me out and now we have
been together for over a year.

• Read about Sukwinder and Rajvir. Write three questions and answer them

• I first saw Rajvir near our house in Simla, India when I was 16. I liked him but we didn’t really
talk. I told my father that I liked him and he went to visit his family. Then we got engaged. We
couldn’t get to know one another before we were married, so the first time I was alone with my
husband was after the marriage. We have been married for 43 years now and we haven’t had an
argument yet.

• Elena, 86, and Basil,87

Read about Elena and Basil.. What do you think happened to Basil’s letters? Write three
questions and answer them

I met Basil when I was 23 and it was love at first sight. We went out together for over a year. We
wanted to get married, but my mother was against it because Basil is a Christian Scientist so I
stopped seeing him. I didn’t hear from Basil for a long time, although he says he sent lots of
letters. I had other other boyfriends, but I never got married. I didn’t love anyone else. It was 60
years later, when all my other boyfriends had died, that I began to wonder if Basil was still alive.
So I wrote to EVERGREEN, a magazine for retired people. Four days after my letter was
published, I received a letter from Basil. He came to see me and two days he proposed. We got
married when Basil was 85 and I was 84 and we have been happily married for two years. I
haven’t looked at another man since the day Basil came back into my life.

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