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Carbon Footprint Worksheet NAME _________________________ DATE

Instructions: Answer each question below and write the corresponding number in the space provided.
1. How do you get to school?
a. walk a. 0 ________
b. bike b. 0 ________
c. car c. 1115 ________
d. bus d. 131 ________
e. carpool e. 459 ________

2. Do you eat mostly…

a. fast food a. 4818 ________
b. home cooked food b. 629 ________

3. Do you eat mostly…

a. vegetables/fruits a. 153 ________
b. meat b. 644 ________
c. bread c. 364 ________

4. Do you turn off lights when you leave a room?

a. yes a. 133 ________
b. no b. 268 ________

5. Do you unplug appliances/chargers when not in use?

a. yes a. 9 ________
b. no b. 18 ________

6. How do you dry clothes?

a. hang to dry a. 0 ________
b. dryer b. 750 ________
c. both c. 375 ________

7. Do you turn off the water when brushing your teeth?

a. yes a. 34 ________
b. No b. 274 ________

8. Do you turn off the TV when you’re not watching it?

a. yes a. 47 ________
b. no b. 140 ________

9. Do you turn off your video game system when you’re not using it?
a. yes a. 29 ________
b. no b. 90 ________
c. don’t have/use one c. 0 ________

10. Do you recycle? (for this question, select all that apply)
a. magazines a. -15 ________
b. newspaper b. -90 ________
c. glass c. -7 ________
d. plastic d. -19 ________
e. aluminum and steel cans e. -86 ________
Total ________
How much do you know about the…
What do you call the area that is What do you call the Which layer protects the
inhabited by a particular species? processing of used materials Earth from UV rays?
a) Habitat. and their reuse?
b) Environment. a) Recycling. a) Oxygen.
c) Biosphere. b) Reusing. b) Nitrogen.
 Look at the picture and c) Reprocessing.
complete the phrases. c) Ozone.

The process by which the Earth’s Which of the following is What is the term for the
temperature is increasing is called the … biodegradable? complete disappearance
a) biothermal effect. of a species?
b) greenhouse effect. a) Plastic. a) Termination.
c) temperature effect. b) Paper. b) Disappearance.
c) Glass. c) Extinction.

What do you call renewable safe sources Which of these energy sources What do you call the rain
of energy? is renewable? that contains many
chemicals and is harmful?
a) Alternative energies. a) Coal. a) Smog.
b) Bio-energies. b) Natural gas. b) Acid rain.
c) Solar energies. c) Wind. c) Monsoon.

1. 2. 3. 4.
What do you call a substance that What is the most used Which of these animals
pollutes the air, water or soil? renewable energy source in is not in danger
a) Pollutant. the world? becoming extinct?
b) Pesticides. a) Hydro energy. a) Panda bears.
c) Acid. b) Solar energy. b) Polar bears.
c) Wind energy. c) Grizzly bears.

What type of shopping bag is more eco- Global warming will cause an Which gas is responsible
friendly? 6. increase of 7.
… 8. warming?
for global

a) Paper. a) Heat waves. a) Carbon dioxide.

b) Plastic. b) Hurricanes. b) Oxygen.
c) Neither. c) Both. c) Hydrogen.

What are some of the consequences of Which of the following is not Which of these human
deforestation? a fossil fuel? activities contributes the
a) Loss of habitats. 10. 11. 12.
most for global
b) Soil erosion. a) Coal. warming?
c) Both. b) Wood. a) Using fossil fuels.
c) Oil. b) Cutting down trees.
c) Riding bicycles.
1. ...................................... the planet. 7. ....................................... bottles, cans & paper.
Which of the following can be recycled? Which is the following Rainforest land is most
animals is not yet extinct? often cleared for …
2. ...................................... animals.
a) Milk cartons. 8. ....................................... rubbish on the ground.
b) Plastic bottles. a) Tasmanian tiger. a) factories.
c) Both. b) Dodo. b) farmland.
3. ....................................... rubbish in the
c) Javanbin.
rhinoceros. 9. ........................................ trees.
c) pasture.

4. ....................................... trees. 10. ..................................... baths.

5. ....................................... plastic bags. 11. ..................................... glass in the green bin.

6. ........................................ water. 12. ..................................... green.

Hello to you all! My name is Laura Ashley. I am a zoologist and I work
to preserve and save endangered species, that is animals which are
disappearing from our planet, because of the changes in climate,
hunting, or poaching, and the destruction of their habitat. Do you
know that one of the last male white rhino has just died and here are
some estimates for some very emblematic animals .There are only
about 700 mountain gorillas left, 1,600 giant pandas, between 2,000
and 3,000 Bengal tigers, between 7,000and 10,000 cheetahs , about
130 condors, less than 50 Amur leopards, between 4,000 and 6,600 snow leopards
,about 7,000 orang-utans, 80% of the population of the white shark has disappeared in
less than 15 years, 80% of the population of the Irrawaddy dolphin has disappeared in
the last 50 years. The Chinese dolphin disappeared in 2006, the giant Pinta tortoise in
2012, 50% of the Asian elephants were exterminated in one century. Many species are
nearly extinct in the wild and can only be seen in zoos !!With the ice disappearing at the
poles, polar bears are threatened. Elephants are killed for the ivory of their tusks,
rhinos are killed just for their tusks as well, which are reduced to powder and supposed
to have medical power. Big cats are killed for their fur, or hunted in safaris for fun!
The destruction of big forests leads to the death of many species of animals and plants.
Even the bees are dying massively and don’t forget that if they do disappear, men will
follow soon after. So it is our responsibility and yours as well, you young generations to
do our best to preserve the biodiversity of our planet!!


1 .What’s the document ?------------------------ ENGLISH NATIVE LANGUAGE--------

---------------------------------------------------- -
2.Who is speaking ?What’s her job ?-----------
3. What is it about ?----------------------------- Habitat
4. What are the factors which explain that
phenomenon ?------------------------------------- Hunting
---------------------------------------------------- Fur
5.What are the most endangered animals ?----
---------------------------------------------------- Poaching
---------------------------------------------------- Preserve
6. Why are Polar bears in danger ?--------------
---------------------------------------------------- Species
7. Why are elephants killed ? ------------------- Threatened
8. Why are rhinos killed ?----------------------- Bees
--------------------------------------------------- Everywhere
1- Recycling.
2- Ozone.

3- Greenhouse effect.

4- Paper.

5- Extinction.

6- Alternative energies.

7- Wind.

8- Acid rain.

9- Pollutant.

10- Hydro energy.

11- Grizzly bear.

12- Neither.

13- Both.

14- Carbon dioxide.

15- Both.

16- Wood.

17- Using fóssil fuels.

18- Both.

19- Javan rhinoceros.

20- Farmland.

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