What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows and Linux?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Windows and

When it comes to operating systems there are two main systems used for the PC, Linux and
Windows. Though they both are operating system, there are many different between them. They
have many advantages as well as disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of Linux:

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Linux is an open source operating system. 1.Some hardware drives are not available for
Linux users
2. In Linux, no anti-virus software is needed. 2.It is hard to learn Linux

3.Command prompt in Linux is very advanced 3.Ghrapicla interface is not good enough in
4.It need less space disk 4.Poor support for games

5.It is very stable and free of cost 5.Most windows software will not run in Linux

6.Linux is less vulnerable to computer 6.No standard desktop environment


7. In Linux, no reboot needed. 7. It has poor support issues.

Advantages and disadvantages of Windows:

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Windows supports for all hardware. 1. Windows is not an open source operating
2 It is easy to use. 2. It has a high amount of virus attack.

3. Window has large range of software. 3.It is costly

4. It has comprehensive drive support. 4.It require reboot when performance

becomes slow
5.It has a great support for games 5.Windoes has poor security

6. It has plug and play features. 6. Need system update for a long period.

7. Windows has backward compatibility 7.Windows need high resource requirement

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