Andrew Jackson A Good President

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When it comes to Andrew Jackson he was sort of a mixed bag when it

came to presidents. He did both good and bad things before and during his
presidency. But he did more bad than good, he sent the Indian people on the trail
of tears, he took land from the Indians, and he set goals for America based on
his personal beliefs that could not be met. He had no remorse for his enemies
and he had a major ego which resulted in him passing an act that would remove
thousands of Indians from their land. This would be the cause for the trail of tears
which in the end killed thousands of Indians. When the Cerokee Indiains tried to
oppose Jackson’s Indian removal act they failed because the state marshall
claimed that they were not either a foren nation or a state so they could not be
heard. This ended in the Cherokee Indians being ignored even though they had
helped president Jackson in the Indian wars and the war of 1812. Jackson going
against the bank because of his beliefs in trying to represent the common man
would cause great economic problems in America. He began his fight against the
banks by putting western banks out of business by making them unable to
compete with the New England banks. This would give power to the New
England Elite class. Jackson assumed that since the majority of Americans voted
for him that meant that the American people hated the banks just as much as he
did. This further encouraged him to try and remove banks from power. This was
not right as a president shouldn’t just assume what the people want because
they voted him or her into power. This is more inline with what a king or a dictator
would do. When congress sent a bill to try and keep banks in business Jackson
vetoed the bill further destroying the American economy. This was a giant step
back for America putting its economic state in an even worse situation. While
Andrew Jackson should be remembered for the good things he did both before
and during his presidency it's obvious that he was not a good president. During
his presidency not only did he destroy the American economy because of his
personal beliefs. He passed the Indian removal act which removed thousands of
Native Americans from the land they had called home for generations. After the
Indians were removed from their land they were sent on the trail of tears which
killed about 4,000 Cherokees. Most Indains can’t even look at a 20 dollar without
feeling disgust and remorse for a man that sent thousands of their people to their

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