Soal Dari 13-16: Homework 20/01

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Homework 20/01

Soal dari 13-16

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS (aka Stein-Leventhal disease), is a condition that affects between
6% and 20% of women in the United States. It is a little understood syndrome that often goes
undetected and is frequently misdiagnosed. PCOS produces tiny cysts on the surface of a woman's
ovaries. These cysts are undeveloped follicles (eggs) that inexplicably fail to release from the ovary
because of the presence of male hormones in the blood. However, new research is indicating that PCOS
is related to insulin resistance. Unfortunately, the cysts themselves are only a small part of this

PCOS can present a variety of symptoms, including hair growth on the face and chest, stubborn acne,
hair loss, obesity, irregular menses, infertility, and an increased risk of diabetes. Many of these
symptoms impact a woman's physical appearance and her self- esteem. ... [13] left untreated, women
suffering from PCOS may experience greater levels of stress and depression. A woman exhibiting any of
these symptoms should contact her physician to determine if she has PCOS. Although there is no cure
for PCOS, a number of different treatments can stop or reverse many of the symptoms.

13. Untuk mengisi titik-titik pada kalimat tersebut, kita perlu melihat kalimat sebelumnyajuga
karena kedua kalimat saling berhubungan.
A. Except
B. due to
C. beside
D. if
E. despite

14. According to the passage, many women who have PCOS

A. overreact to the symptoms
B. do not even know they have the disease
C. are unable to have children
D. have an excess of male hormones in their blood
E. cannot afford proper treatment

15. The passage suggests that the most damaging aspect of misdiagnosed or untreated PCOS is
often ....
A. the sudden onset of diabetes
B. infertility caused by the cysts
C. health problems caused by weight gain
D. skin rashes and acne
E. psychological ailments, including anxiety and depression

16. The author implies that PCOS is often misdiagnosed because ...
A. many symptoms could be symptomatic of many other illnesses
B. doctors believe the symptoms are psychosomatic
C. insufficient attention is given to women's healthcare issues
D. the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of diabetes
E. doctors often ignore the symptoms

Soal dari 17-18

Most of China's energy is produced by burning coal, which spews sulfur and nitrogen
compounds into the air, where they combine with moisture and become acidic. These particles
eventually fall back to Earth, and some are often carried westward for hundreds of miles by wind and
rainstorms. Japan, located just a few hundred miles west of China, has suffered because of acid rain
that had its origins in China.
Acid rain can damage plant life—in Japan's case, pine and fir trees in particular—and can also
cause health problems in humans. China and Japan are trying to work together to solve this problem.
Other countries affected by Chinese air pollution are North Korea, South Korea, and Vietnam.

17. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. There is currently no effort to end air pollution in Japan.
B. The coal burning in China has an adverse effect to its nearby countries.
C. The main cause of acid rain is the nitrogen compound in the air.
D. There are actually several advantages of acid rain. There are actually several
advantages of acid rain.
E. Causing numerous deaths, Japan and China cooperate to solve acid rain in Japan.

18. The word "spew" in the first paragraph can be replaced with ....
A. Blend
B. Create
C. Contain
D. Emit
E. Materialize

Soal dari 19-20

(1) The Green Revolution took place between 1967 and 1978 in India and other parts of the
developing world
(2) It refers to improvements in agricultural practices that dramatically increased food
production, especially wheat and rice in India.
(3) By the 1960s, India was growing so fast that it could not produce enough food to keep up
with the number of people.
(4) The government stepped in and began to develop more farmland and introduced modern
irrigation systems, making it possible for farmers to plant two crops a year instead of one.
(5) Indian farmers also planted genetically improved seeds that greatly increased crop yields.
6) Within a decade, India had become one of the world's largest producers of farm products.
(7) In some years, farmers produced more food grains than the Indian people needed, so they sold the
excess to other countries.

19. According to the passage, India became one of the world's largest producers of farm
products because....
A. of its ability to plant genetically improved seeds
B. India was able to provide food for all of its people
C. of the improvements in agriculture
D. food grains were excessively produced
E. the farmers decided to plant twice as many crops as they did before

20. How does the idea in sentence 4 related to paragraph 3?

A. Sentence 4 is the result of paragraph 3
B. Sentence 4 provides another type of agricultural practice discussed in paragraph 3
C. Sentence 4 strongly contradicts paragraph 3
D. Sentence 4 elaborates paragraph 3
E. Sentence 4 is the cause of paragraph 3

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