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6 The content of the course

6.1 List of lectures

Module name Topic name Literature Weeks
, hour

1 2 3 4 6
Module 1 Theme 1 1-4
General Evolution of electric power 3
characteristics of system 1
modern power
system. Theme 2 Introduction to the 1-5
power system stability problem 3 2

Theme 3 Synchronous machine 2-6

3 3
theory and modelling
Theme 4 Synchronous machine 2-3
3 4
Theme 5 Synchronous machine 1-3
representation in stability 3 5
Module 2 Theme 6 Ac transmission 2-4 6
characteristics and Theme 7 Power system load 2-5
3 7
Theme 8 Excitation system 2-4
3 8
Theme 9 Prime movers and 2-4
energy supply system 3 9

Theme 10 High voltage direct 2-4

current transmission 3 10


8 List of literature

8.1 Basic literature

1. Utegulov B.B., Sazhin. V.N., Isenov E.M Production and transmission of
electricity. (Electric networks and systems) Standard curriculum. The direction of
preparation - electrical engineering, electromechanics, electrical equipment,
qualifications 210340, 210440, 210640, 330440, 330540, MES RK, Almaty, 2003.
2. Utegulov B.B., Govorun V.F., Govorun O.V. Electric systems and networks.
The tutorial. Pavlodar state University named after S. Toraigyrov. - Pavlodar,
2003. 84 p.
3. Utegulov B.B., Govorun V.F., Govorun O.V. Electromagnetic transients in
electric power systems. Pavlodar.: 2007. 312 p.
4. Utegulov B.B., Govorun V.F., Govorun O.V. Transient processes in power
systems. Pavlodar.: 2007. 555 p.

8.2 Additional:
5. Transients synchronous machine. /Alexander Gorev - M: Gosenergoizdat, 1950. -
246 p.
6. Transient processes in power systems. /P. Rodenberg. - M: Energy, 1955. - 452 p.
7. The method of calculation of stability of automated electric systems. /Ed. by V.A.
Venikov. ): High school, 1986.
8. The electric power system in examples and illustrations. /Ed. by V.A. Venikov. -
M: Energoatomizdat, 1983.
9. Barinov Vladimir Alexandrovich, Suvalov S.A. Modes of power systems.
Methods of analysis and management. - M: Energoatomizdat, 1990. - 440 p.
10. Utegulov B.B., Utegulov А.B., Uakhitova А.В. Establishing ceiling voltage,
limit slips and inertia constant in a rotor of asynchronized synchronous compensator.
Тhe IASTED International Conference on “Modelling, Simulation, and Identification
(MSI 2011)” USA, Pittsburgh, 2011.
11. B.B. Utegulov, S. Zhumazhanov, A.Uakhitova Method for measuring network
isolation voltage up to 1000 V in mining enterprises \ the IASTED International
Conference on “Power and Energy Systems and Applications (PESA 2011)” USA,
Pittsburgh, 2011.
12. B.B. Utegulov, M.Begentayev, A.Uakhitova Method for determining the
insulation in asymmetric networks with voltage up to 1000 V in mining enterprises \
the IASTED International Conference on “Power and Energy Systems and
Applications (PESA 2011)” USA, Pittsburgh, 2011.
13.B.B. Utegulov, S. Zhumazhanov, A.Uakhitova Excitation control asynchronized
synchronous compensators remedy for mains voltage fluctuations with sharply
variable loads \ the IASTED International Conference on “Power and Energy
Systems and Applications (PESA 2011)” USA, Pittsburgh, 2011.
14. Steven W. Blume. Electric power system basics. Wiley-Interscience a John
Wiley & Sons, INC., Publication, 2007.
15. Richard G. Farmer. Power System Dynamics and Stability. CRC Press LLC,
16. Electrical energy supply. Power guide, 2009.
17. Mania Pavella, Damien Ernst, Daniel Ruizvega, Transient stability of power
systems, A Unified Approach to Assessment and Control,
Boston/Dordrecht/London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005

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