Name: " Sania Shahid" Roll/No: " 2k20/IT/105" " English Assignment " " Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) " Precise

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Name: “ Sania Shahid”

Roll/No: “ 2k20/IT/105”

“ English Assignment “
“ Coronavirus Disease (COVID-

The news comes the death of ten thousand people in
COVID-19 that at least three various cases of Coronavirus
of highly contagious variant frst detected in England.
According to the Sindh Health Department, 12 samples
of passengers returning from the UK were taken of these,
six were found to be positve for this virus, three of them
had B117. New guidelines were issued for travellers from
the UK, to be frst uarantned for 10 days before
travelling. NCOC now re uires PCR mandatory test
before boarding and afer the landing for Pakistani
Natonals returning home from the UK. These measures
will place untl 4 January 2021.

In a country where the vaccine against the coronavirus is

stll several months away, the very fact contagion could
spread faster by 56pc. A large number of people not
showing interest in an awareness that's a very big issue.
We only managed to pull back from the frst wave of
coronavirus the next wave is the signal that the worst yet
to come.

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