Noruzy 2012

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085

DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4038-y


Relations between transformational leadership, organizational

learning, knowledge management, organizational
innovation, and organizational performance: an empirical
investigation of manufacturing firms
Ali Noruzy & Vahid Majazi Dalfard & Behnaz Azhdari &
Salman Nazari-Shirkouhi & Aliasghar Rezazadeh

Received: 12 November 2010 / Accepted: 10 January 2012 / Published online: 16 March 2012
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012

Abstract The aim of this study is to determine relations manufacturing firms. Transformational leadership positively
between transformational leadership, organizational learning, influenced organizational innovation and organizational per-
knowledge management, organizational innovation, and orga- formance of manufacturing firms. Organizational learning
nizational performance among Iranian manufacturing compa- and knowledge management directly influenced organiza-
nies through structural equation modeling. Two hundred tional innovation; whereas organizational learning and orga-
eighty senior, executive, administrative, and other-level man- nizational innovation directly influenced organizational
agers are selected from among 106 companies having more performance among manufacturing firms. Meanwhile, trans-
than 50 employees. Data are analyzed using structural equation formational leadership positively and indirectly influenced
modeling. The following findings are found: transformational organizational innovation through organizational learning
leadership directly influenced organizational learning and and knowledge management. Knowledge management and
knowledge management. Organizational learning directly organizational learning effected organizational performance
and positively influenced knowledge management of indirectly by organizational innovation. The fit indices
shows that the proposed model have an appropriate fit
(χ2/df 02.33, RMSEA 00.069, NFI 00.95, NNFI 00.95,
A. Noruzy CFI097). If leaders of manufacturing firms undertake a
Department of Educational Administration,
Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, transformational role and use organizational learning and
Tehran, Iran knowledge management, this will facilitate organizational
innovation and will consequently improve organizational
V. M. Dalfard performance to a great extent in manufacturing firms.
Young Researchers Club, Kerman Branch,
Islamic Azad University,
Kerman, Iran Keywords Transformational leadership . Organizational
learning . Knowledge management . Organizational
B. Azhdari innovation . Organizational performance . Manufacturing firms
Department of Political Science, Baft Branch,
Islamic Azad University,
Baft, Iran

S. Nazari-Shirkouhi 1 Introduction
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran In today's world of ever-increasing competition, organiza-
tions are forced to look for new ways to improve their
A. Rezazadeh (*) performance. Improving the firm's performance requires that
Department of Technical Engineering, Ahar Branch,
multiple characteristics be already embedded in a firm.
Islamic Azad University,
Ahar, Iran Many previous studies usually focus on important factors
e-mail: influencing on firm performance [1, 2]. It is especially
1074 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085

important to gain a better understanding of factors influenc- multivariable models, as well as to study both direct and
ing the successful development of firm performance. Previ- indirect effects of variables involved in a given model [30].
ous findings emphasize the key role of innovation [1–10] Therefore, this study aimed at studying the mediating
organizational learning [1, 11–15] and transformational effects of organizational learning, knowledge management,
leadership [16–18] in improving organizational perfor- and organizational innovation in the relationship between
mance. However, few studies have investigated the effects transformational leadership and organizational performance
of transformational leadership on organizational perfor- using SEM analysis so as to shed light on the direct and
mance through the mediating effects of different strategic indirect influences of these variables on organizational per-
variables such as knowledge management, learning organi- formance in a causal model.
zation, and innovation. In this research, structural equation
modeling (SEM) has been applied to investigate casual
influence of organizational characteristics on manufacturing 2 Framework and hypotheses
companies' performance.
The SEM, introduced by Joreskog [19], is the most general In this study, transformational leadership, organizational
multivariate method. Recently, this approach has been widely learning, knowledge management, and organizational innova-
used in many various fields, including supply chain manage- tion were considered as antecedents of organizational perfor-
ment [20–22], marketing [23], healthcare [24], and psycholo- mance. This study also explores whether transformational
gy [25]. Generally, SEM is the most multivariate method and leadership affects organizational learning and knowledge
an extension of multiple regression analysis, factor analysis, management, with an emphasis on the mediating roles of
and path analysis. SEM is also known as covariance structure organizational learning, knowledge management, and organi-
analysis, latent variable analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, zational innovation in the relationships between transforma-
and LISREL analysis. SEM is the result of a combination of tional leadership and organizational performance. Finally, this
multi equation models from measurement and econometrics study tests a model suggesting the way transformational lead-
models from psychology [26]. ership, organizational learning, knowledge management, and
Structural equation modeling is a causal modeling ap- organizational innovation influence organizational perfor-
proach that combines cause–effect information with statistical mance both directly and indirectly. The proposed model is
data to provide a quantitative assessment of relationships presented in Fig. 1. Studying these variables within a causal
among the studied variables. When these relationships are model will shed light on the interrelationships between these
significant, the theoretical construction is considered valid variables, in addition to help in explaining the organizational
and can be used to provide guidelines for practical application performance in great detail.
of the model [27]. The SEM is an appropriate and practical
method for empirical validation of causal relationships. In 2.1 Transformational leadership and organizational learning
addition, to some extent, the SEM could be used for predic-
tion. Structural equation modeling is a technique to specify, Transformational leadership is a managerial style that seeks
estimate, and evaluate models of linear relationships among a to inspire employees by charismatic speech, motivation, and
set of observed variables in terms of a generally smaller intellectual stimulation. Seaver [31] defined transformation-
number of unobserved or latent variables [28, 29]. al leadership as a leadership style where one or more per-
The abilities of SEM to study direct and indirect relation- sons engage with others in such a way that leaders and
ships between variables and to analyze relationships between followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation
latent variables without random error distinguish SEM from and morality. This style of leadership occurs when the
other simpler and relational modeling processes. Other major leaders inspire an atmosphere of trust resulting in the em-
characteristics of structural equation models are that they ex- ployee performing beyond expectations [32]. Seaver [31]
plicitly take into account measurement error that is ubiquitous indicated that transactional leadership occurs when one per-
in most disciplines, and typically contain latent variables [30]. son takes the initiative in making contact with others for the
The SEM approach provides a mechanism for explicitly con- purpose of an exchange of something valued.
sidering the measurement error in the observed variables (both The transformational leadership is based on more than
dependent and independent) in a given model. In contrast, the compliance of followers; it involves shifts in the beliefs,
traditional regression analysis effectively ignores potential the needs, and the values of followers. Transformational
measurement error in the explanatory (predictor, independent) leaders have charisma, inspiration, intellectual stimulation,
variables. As a consequence, regression's results can be incor- and individualized consideration of employees [33].The
rect and possibly entail misleading substantive conclusions. In leader's ability to inspire trust seems to be one of the central
addition to handling measurement error, the SEM enables components in the success of these leadership styles [34].
researchers to readily develop, estimate, and test complex Such leadership motivates followers to take into account all
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085 1075

Fig. 1 The proposed model

Organizational H9(+)
H1(+) Learning
H3(+) H4(+) Organizational
Transformational Organizational
leadership Innovation

Management H10(+)

stakeholders of the organization. Nowadays, transformation- [45]. Knowledge management is a technique of using a set
al leadership can play a key role in enabling individuals and of management tools to add or create knowledge value. In
organizations to create, exploit, renew, and apply knowledge fact, knowledge management is the mechanisms that creates
in order to create the essential competences required for and stores data to increase an organization's response time and
improvement of organizational learning [1]. create innovation through the collection, storage, and study of
Templeton et al. [35] defined organizational learning as organizational information [46]. More and more organizations
the set of actions (knowledge acquisition, information dis- have recognized the importance of efficient enterprise knowl-
tribution, information interpretation, and organizational edge construction, extraction, and management [47]. Jennex
memory) within the organization that intentionally and un- [48] believed that institutions or organizations become more
intentionally influence positive organizational change. In effective if they are capturing, sharing, retaining, and reusing
addition, Zollo and Winter [36] defined organizational organizational knowledge to create a successful business en-
learning as a collective capability based on experiential vironment. Leadership is very important in knowledge man-
and cognitive processes and involving knowledge acquisi- agement efforts. Team leaders, by using their transactional and
tion, knowledge sharing, and knowledge utilization. Cur- transformational behaviors and characteristics, may help fa-
rently, organizational learning is being explained within the cilitate these collective knowledge management actions [49].
context of strategic management, and considered as a source Results of a study by Vincent [49] showed transforma-
of competitive advantage [37–39]. tional leadership was significantly related to knowledge
Berson et al. [40] indicated that the specification of learning management. Along the same lines, Amitay et al. [42]
processes at different levels of analysis provides an opportu- showed significant correlations between employees' percep-
nity to uncover a detailed picture of the role of leaders in tions of transformational leadership and the extent to which
facilitating organizational learning. They focused on the role organizational arrangements supported the processing of
of leaders in motivating organizational learning. They showed knowledge.
that leadership facilitates organizational learning to ultimately Generally, results of studies, as a whole, show knowledge
affect organizational performance. Transformational leaders management behaviors are significantly predicted by trans-
must be able to create teams and provide them with direction, formational leadership and that transformational leaders are
energy, and lead them to create the processes of change and better suited to handle and engage in knowledge manage-
especially organizational learning [41]. ment [50]. On the other hand, some authors have cast doubt
Amitay et al. [42] showed transformational leadership on the relationships between organizational learning and
was significantly related to organizational learning. Many knowledge management [40, 51, 52]. However, a few stud-
other studies confirm a positive relationship between trans- ies have addressed the influence of the organizational learn-
formational leadership and organizational learning [1, 43, ing on knowledge management [1]. Aragon-Correa et al. [1]
44]. Thus the first hypothesis of the study is: and Skerlavaj [53] showed organizational learning had a
strong impact on knowledge management. According to
Hypothesis 1 Transformational leadership positively influen- the aforementioned points, one can see that the literature
ces organizational learning. studying the relationships between organizational learning
and knowledge management is contradictory.
Can organizational learning give rise to knowledge man-
2.2 Transformational leadership, organizational learning, agement or is it the other way round? Authors are not
and knowledge management unanimous in response to this question. Some believe orga-
nizational learning and knowledge management can be both
Knowledge management includes activities involving the use, cause and effect; while some others regard either of the
sharing, and capture of knowledge within an organization variables being the cause of the other [54]. This research
1076 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085

assumes organizational learning is the factor which can to organizational innovation [74]. Alberto et al. [74] showed
influence knowledge management in the manufacturing leadership style and organizational learning both had a
firms. There are some studies supporting this idea [55, 56]. positive influence on firm innovation. Liao et al. [75] and
Therefore the second hypothesis of this study proposes: Aragon-Correa et al. [1] also found organizational learning
directly influenced innovation; transformational leadership
Hypothesis 2 Transformational leadership positively influ- had a direct and positive influence on organizational learn-
ences knowledge management. ing and an indirect influence on organizational innovation
through organizational learning in manufacturing firms.
Hypothesis 3 Organizational learning positively influences Thus, we propose the next hypotheses as follows:
knowledge management.
Hypothesis 4 Transformational leadership positively influ-
ences organizational innovation.
2.3 Transformational leadership, organizational learning,
knowledge management, and organizational innovation Hypothesis 5 Organizational learning positively influences
organizational innovation.
Innovation has become widely recognized as a key to com-
petitive success [57]. Organizational innovation refers to the Hypothesis 6 Knowledge management positively influences
creation or adoption of an idea or behavior hence successful organizational innovation.
implementation of them within the organization [58, 59].
The goal of innovation is to create business value by Hypothesis 7 Transformational leadership positively and
developing worthwhile ideas into a customer-centric mar- indirectly influences organizational innovation through or-
ketable reality. This, for most companies, is difficult to ganizational learning and knowledge management.
achieve due to the lack of a methodology and tools for
systematic innovative thinking [60]. Studies show that the
ability to innovate is influenced by factors external and 2.4 Transformational leadership, organizational learning,
internal to the organizations [61] and is considered as an knowledge management, organizational innovation,
important organizational capacity to secure long-term com- and organizational performance
petitive position [62]. Only if firms can continually create
new products, systems, and service items to make every Different variables have studied organizational perfor-
department meet the demands of the customer will they be mance; these variables are categorized into internal and
able to obtain long-term success [63]. external variables. External (environmental) as well as in-
Transformational leaders could increase innovation with- ternal (organizational) factors have direct impacts on orga-
in the organizational context and they could use inspiration- nizational performance [8]. Among internal variables being
al motivation and intellectual stimulation, which are studied in this paper are transformational leadership, orga-
important factors for organizational innovation [64]. Trans- nizational learning, knowledge management, and organiza-
formational leadership may also have a positive impact on tional innovation in manufacturing firms. Walker [76, 77]
the market success of the innovations [65]. Several studies reviewed 30 papers on organizational innovation and orga-
have shown that transformational leadership positively nizational performance empirically; he suggests that organi-
influences organizational innovation [65–69]. Some authors zational innovation is a route to better organizational
believe transformational leaders can directly decide to intro- performance. In summary, results of various studies show
duce new ideas into an organization, set specific goals, and that organizational innovation positively influences organi-
encourage innovation of subordinates [1]. A few studies zational performance [1, 8, 10, 76, 78–80]. In addition,
have addressed the relationship between organizational Darroch [81] and Liao and Wu [82] indicated that knowl-
learning and organizational innovation, as well as between edge management is positively related to organizational
knowledge management and organizational innovation in innovation. Thus, we hypothesize that the influence of
manufacturing firms. Many authors believe innovative knowledge management on organizational performance is
organizations are intelligent and creative, and have high mediated by organizational innovation. On the other hand,
capacity for learning effectively as well as building up some researchers concluded that there was positive relation-
new knowledge [70–72]. Cohen and Levinthal [73] argued ship between organizational learning and organizational
innovative outputs depended on the prior accumulation of performance [1].
knowledge which enabled innovators to assimilate and Although few studies have focused on the direct influ-
make use of new knowledge. Some recent studies have ence of transformational leadership on organizational per-
suggested that knowledge management is positively related formance, some research has indicated that the influences of
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085 1077

transformational leadership and organizational learning on commercial law of 141 acts. According to this act, the
organizational performance are mediated by other manage- companies are known as bankrupt whose retained losses
rial variables [16–18]. For instance, Aragon-Correa et al. [1] are more than 50% of their capital. If this financial defect
found organizational learning influenced innovation directly is discovered quickly, the chance of care and recovery will
whereas transformational learning exerted an indirect influ- be higher.
ence on innovation through the mediation of organizational One hundred eighty companies were selected randomly
learning. Moreover, organizational learning exerted an indi- from among all these companies and industries that had
rect positive influence on organizational performance more than 50 employees. We contacted senior, executive,
through innovation. Garcia-Morales et al. [10] found trans- administrative, and other-level managers of the companies
formational leadership impacted organizational performance and asked them to participate in the study. One hundred six
through organizational learning and innovation. Therefore, companies agreed to take part in the study. Three hundred
we propose the following hypotheses in line with the eighty questionnaires were distributed among the sample
literature: group, of which 280 (73%) were returned having been
completed. In addition, a non-response bias test was per-
Hypothesis 8 Organizational innovation positively influences formed between early and late respondents and results
organizational performance. showed that non-response bias is not a problem.

Hypothesis 9 Organizational learning positively influences 3.2 Measures

organizational performance.
Our multi-item scales were drawn generally from prior
Hypothesis 10 Transformational leadership positively influen- studies, the structure of the instruments was examined using
ces organizational performance. confirmatory factor analysis and reliabilities of the resulting
scales were assessed with Cranach's alpha. Meanwhile,
Hypothesis11 Transformational leadership positively and questionnaires had been translated and used in a pilot study
indirectly influences organizational performance through prior to final administration. Eighty managers from the
organizational learning, knowledge management, and orga- manufacturing companies completed the questionnaire and
nizational innovation. provided helpful comments. Based on the respondents' feed-
backs, we prepared changes to the questionnaire to improve
Hypothesis12 Organizational learning positively and indi- its legibility and guarantee its exactness and suitability. In
rectly influences organizational performance through addition, in the pilot study, we assessed the validity and
knowledge management and organizational innovation. reliability of the scales. A factor analysis was performed on
the data from the pilot study. The results showed that all the
Hypothesis13 Knowledge management positively and indi- factors were loadings ranging (0.7 to 0.9) and all Cronbach's
rectly influences organizational performance through organiza- alpha values (greater than 0.70) were adequate. The Appendix
tional innovation. provides a measurement summary with all remaining items
and their sources.

Transformational leadership Transformational leadership

3 Methods was measured by the scales developed by Podsakoff,
Mackenzie, and Bommer [83]. The transformational leader-
3.1 Sample and procedure ship scale consisted of five items. All items used a five-point
Likert scale anchored from 1, strongly disagree to 5 strongly
Population in this study included managers of large- and- agree. We developed a confirmatory factor analysis to val-
small-scale manufacturing companies such as food indus- idate our scales (χ2/df01.77, RMSEA00.05, NFI00.99,
tries (26%), car-utility manufacturing companies (17%), NNFI00.99, CFI01). The scale showed high validity and
pipe and faucet industries (22%), electric utility companies reliability (α00.86).
(16%), and clothing industries (19%) that accepted in Teh-
ran Stock Exchange (TSE). In Iran and particularly in the Organizational learning Organizational learning was mea-
level of listed companies in TSE, there are many companies sured by the scales developed by Garcia-Morales et al. [84].
which tolerate weakness of performance. For example, some The scale comprises four items. Each item is answered using
companies cannot pay their debts and their insufficient a five-point response anchor numbered from 1 (Never) to 5
return could not cover their expenses. In TSE, the measure (always). Results of confirmatory factor analysis (χ2/df0
for manufacturing companies exiting capital market is 1.50, RMSEA00.04, NFI00.98, NNFI00.98, CFI00.99)
1078 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085

indicated the considerable and significant contribution of evaluate the model. In general, the recommended level of
each of the items in measuring organizational learning. acceptable fit for GFI, CFI, NFI, and NNFI is 0.90 or more.
The scale showed unidimensionality and high validity and The chi-square test is a measure of exact fit. A significant
reliability (α00.88). chi-square value (alpha00.05) indicates that the model does
not fit the data. The RMSEA is a measure of approximate
Knowledge management Knowledge management was fit. RMSEA values lower than 0.08 indicate satisfactory fit,
measured by using the scales developed by Gold et al. and values lower than 0.05 indicate close fit [90].
[85]. This scale consists of four interrelated processes:
knowledge acquisition, knowledge transfer, knowledge in-
tegration, and knowledge conversion. A five-point Likert- 4 Results
type scale was used to measure knowledge management,
choices ranging from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. Table 1 shows descriptive statistics and correlations for all the
We developed a confirmatory factor analysis to validate our measured variables. As expected, transformational leadership
scales (χ2/df 00.26, RMSEA 00.03, NFI 00.99, NNFI 0 was positively correlated to organizational learning, knowl-
0.99, CFI01). The scale showed high validity and reliability edge management, innovation, and performance. Also, orga-
(α00.84). nizational learning was positively related to knowledge
management, innovation, and performance. Finally, both,
Organizational innovation To assess organizational innova- knowledge management and innovation were found to posi-
tion in manufacturing firms, the scale of Miller and Friesen's tively correlate to performance. Among all the variables,
[86] was used. The scale comprises four items. Each item is organizational learning had the strongest correlation with
answered using a five-point response anchor numbered from performance.
(strongly disagree01, to strongly agree05). Using a confir- Table 2 shows the direct, indirect, and total effects and their
matory factor analysis scales (χ2/df01.27, RMSEA00.03, level of significance between predictor and dependent varia-
NFI00.97, NNFI00.97, CFI099). The confirmatory factor bles in the final model. With respect to the predicted paths, our
analysis required deletion of one item from our scale. We hypotheses were generally supported. Organizational perfor-
validated our scales and then verified each scale's unidimen- mance in manufacturing firms was significantly and positively
sionality and its high validity and reliability (α00.75). predicted by transformational leadership (β00.43), organiza-
tional learning (β00.73), and innovation (β00.52). This set of
Organizational performance Organizational performance predictors accounted for a combined 69% of the variance in
was measured by using the scales Cho, Ozmentand, and organization performance. As hypothesized, transformational
Sink [87]. A five-point Likert-type scale was used to mea- leadership exerted a direct effect on organizational learning
sure organizational innovation, choices ranging from 1 (β00.35) and knowledge management (β00.29). Transfor-
strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree. We developed a con- mational leadership also effected knowledge management
firmatory factor analysis to validate our scales (χ2/df01.56, indirectly (β00.13) through the mediation of organizational
RMSEA 00.05, NFI 00.97, NNFI 00.97, CFI 099). The learning. In addition, transformational leadership has an indi-
scale showed high validity and reliability (α00.79). rect effect (β00.30) on organizational performance through
organizational learning, knowledge management, and organi-
zational innovation.
3.3 Analysis As expected, innovation was predicted by transformational
leadership (β00.52), organizational learning (β00.24), and
Structural equation modeling was conducted to assess the fit knowledge management (β00.16). Overall, 55% of the vari-
of the hypothesized model using the LISREL 8.52 program. ance in innovation is explained by the set of predictors. Trans-
Using structural equation modeling, we assessed how well formational leadership also effected innovation indirectly
this hypothesized model fitted the data. SEM is a family of (β00.15) by organizational learning and knowledge manage-
statistical techniques which incorporates and integrates path ment. Furthermore, organizational learning exerted an indirect
analysis and factor analysis. It is usually viewed as a con- effect on the innovation (β00.16) through knowledge man-
firmatory rather than exploratory procedure, using one of agement. Furthermore, organizational learning influenced on
three approaches: strictly confirmatory approach, alternative organizational performance indirectly (β00.15) by knowledge
model approach, and model development approach [88]. management and organizational innovation. As hypothesized,
SEM can handle a large number of endogenous and exog- knowledge management influenced on organizational perfor-
enous variables, as well as latent variables specified as linear mance indirectly (β00.08) by organizational innovation.
combinations of the observed variables [89]. χ2/df, GFI, The results of this analysis are presented in Table 2. As
CFI, NFI, NNFI, and RMSEA were the fit indices used to shown in Table 3, the model results in an acceptable fit.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085 1079

Table 1 Means, standard devia-

tions, and correlations Variables MD SD 1 2 3 4 5

Transformational leadership 16.75 4.35 1

Knowledge management 12.27 4.67 0.37** 1
Organizational learning 13.17 4.61 0.31** 0.46** 1
Innovation 19.32 4.63 0.50** 0.52** 0.55** 1
Performance 13.31 3.60 0.53** 0.34** 0.59** 0.33** 1

5 Discussion responsibilities, motivation, skills, and competences for

subordinates in creating, acquiring, sharing, storing, and
A major contribution of the study was the empirical exam- implementing knowledge. Another finding shows that orga-
ination of the conceptual model on manufacturing compa- nizational learning positively influences knowledge man-
nies shown in Fig. 2. The first main contribution of this agement. Manufacturing firms which have a successful
study is its confirmation that transformational leadership performance in terms of organizational learning are more
aids to improve a base of organizational learning in the likely to be successful at creating, sharing, storing, applying,
organization. Consistent with the view of Berson et al. and totally managing knowledge.
[40] on organizational learning, transformational leadership Our results also show that transformational leadership has an
was significantly related to organizational learning. Berson important relationship to organizational innovation in manufac-
et al. [40] emphasized the role of leaders in organizational turing firms. On the other hand, our results support the impor-
learning and showed that the specification of learning pro- tance of transformational leadership in organizational
cesses at different levels of analysis provided an opportunity innovation in manufacturing firms. Conducted studies have
to uncover a detailed picture of the role of leaders in facil- supported a positive relationship between transformational
itating organizational learning. Densten [91] and Slater and leadership and organizational innovation [66–69]. Elkins and
Naver [43] argued that transformational leaders are central Keller [64] argued that transformational leaders could increase
to integrating processes to construct a learning organization. innovation inside the organizational context and they could use
They are strategic in producing a surrounding condition that inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation, which are
stimulates the disciplines of organizational learning and important factors for organizational innovation. Our empirical
their interaction. model demonstrated that organizational learning had positive
As we discussed in our research results transformational effects on organizational innovation in manufacturing firms.
leadership and knowledge management were positively re- This finding is consistent with the past findings [1, 74, 75].
lated. These results support previous literature stating such Transformational leadership is important in forming organiza-
positive effects of innovation [49, 50]. Transformational tion potential to generate innovation by nurturing the environ-
leaders communicate a common vision and create a benefi- ment and decision-making that foster successful generation and
cial organizational social context that can urge followers to implementation of knowledge [93]. The results show that
engage in a higher degree of knowledge management activ- knowledge management has positive relationship with organi-
ities [92]. Transformational leaders provide information, zational innovation in manufacturing firms. This finding is in

Table 2 Structural model results (direct, indirect, total effects, and R2)

Path Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect R2

To organizational learning from transformational leadership 0.35** – 0.35** 0.12

To knowledge management from transformational leadership 0.29** 0.13** 0.42** 0.30
Organizational learning 0.38** – 0.63**
To innovation from transformational leadership 0.52** 0.15** 0.67** 0.55
Organizational learning 0.24** 0.06* 0.30**
Knowledge management 0.16** – 0.16**
To organization performance from transformational leadership 0.43** 0.30** 0.73** 0.69
Organizational learning 0.73** 0.15** 0.88**
Knowledge management – 0.08* 0.08*
Innovation 0.52** – –

*p<0.05, **p<0.01
1080 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085

Table 3 The measures of model fit innovation through organizational learning and knowledge
χ /df
GFI CFI NFI NNFI RMSEA management in manufacturing firms. Therefore, organizational
learning and knowledge management, play a bridge role to
2.33 0.90 0.97 0.95 0.95 0.069 connect transformational leadership and organizational innova-
tion. If transformational leaders in manufacturing firms ignore
the organizational learning and knowledge management they
accordance with researchers such as Davenport and Prusak cannot improve organizational innovation directly.
[94], Darroch [81], and Liao and Wu [82]. It should be taken As expected from previous research [1, 4, 8, 76, 80, 95],
into consideration that the management of knowledge is an organizational innovation had direct effect on organizational
important antecedent of innovation [82]. Therefore one can performance. Hurley and Hult [96] have argued that organ-
say by applying knowledge management strategies it would izations with higher innovation will gain better results from
be possible to facilitate the creation and application of new the environment, obtaining the skills needed to raise orga-
genuine behaviors and policies in manufacturing firms. In nizational performance and consolidate maintainable com-
addition, the results show that organizational learning and petitive advantages easily. In the organization, the leader's
knowledge management positively and indirectly influences support for innovation is crucial. Leaders can do much to
organizational performance through organizational innovation. prepare the minds of their organization. Because innovation
Therefore, organizational innovation plays a bridge role to is not an individual act but a collective achievement, it takes
connect organizational learning and knowledge management work to create a context that lawful innovative behavior
with organizational performance. dedicates resources to innovation and assumes the structure
Moreover, the results of this study show that transformation- and culture that supports the growth and execution of
al leadership positively and indirectly influences organizational innovation [10].

* p< 0.05 and ** p < 0.01


.83 .80
.80 .80

Organizational OP OP OP
OP .72 .52
TL **
.78 .73
.35** **
.82 .24
Transformational Organizational
.66 leadership .43** performance
77 .71
.29** Organizational
TL .38
.16** .73

Knowledge .76
.63 OI

.75 .79 OI
Fig. 2 Results of the structural equation model
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085 1081

Another important finding in this study was relationship administer practically the strategic factors that influenced
between organizational learning and organizational perfor- organizational learning and innovation and that results in
mance. Our study suggests that the level of organizational improvements in the organizational performance.
learning in the organizations is going to be the one of the Third, results of this study show that innovation had direct
substantial criteria for determining their development and effect on organization's performance. Transformational leader-
success. Thus organizations that show a greater of organiza- ship is important in forming organization's potential to generate
tional learning have higher performance levels. In addition, in innovation by nurturing the environment and decision making
manufacturing firms that learn and learn speedily gain a higher that foster successful generation and implementation of knowl-
strategic capability that enables them to hold on to a situation edge [93]. Bass and Avolio [33] argued that in innovative
of competitive advantage and enhance long-term performance organizations, leaders learn ceaselessly, and commence
[71]. In general, this finding shows that organizational learn- changes in the organization and its environment. Transforma-
ing demonstrates an important path to performance, success, tional leadership supports innovative behavior and strengthens
and competitive advantage for manufacturing firms. motivation to enhance the organization's results. Van de Ven
Finally, the results of the structural equation model indicate [93] stresses that leaders play a key role in organizational
that transformational leadership positively influences organi- innovation and in creating conditions that encourage the abili-
zational performance in manufacturing firms. This finding is ties/practices needed to promote organizational innovation.
parallel to Aragon-Correa et al. [1], Garcia-Morales et al. [10], Thus, managers should remember that transformational leader-
and Xenikou and Simosi [97]. Transformational leadership ship is important to growth the performance employee in
might create group expectations for higher performance manufacturing firms producing increase innovation.
which, in turn affect levels of performance [97]. Fourth, results of this study reflect that transformational
leadership positively and indirectly influences organizational
innovation through organizational learning and knowledge man-
6 Managerial implication agement. Therefore, organizational learning and knowledge
management play a medium role to connect transformational
This study provided some guidelines to aid managers to leadership and organizational innovation. If transformational
comprehend how to enhance employee organizational learn- leaders of a given organization ignore the organizational learn-
ing, knowledge management, organizational innovation, ing and knowledge management, they cannot directly improve
and organizational performance. Our research has several organizational innovation. In order to increase organizational
implications for managers. First, our research shows the innovation, transformational leadership should be applied via
importance of transformational leadership for improving organizational learning and knowledge management. In sum-
and promoting organizational performance through organi- mary, the present study provides the managers better understand
zational learning, knowledge management, and organiza- how to increase organizational learning and innovation and
tional innovation. It recommends organizations to promote improve the performance of the employees by transformational
transformational leadership. Transformational leadership leadership.
has a key role in enabling individuals and organizations to
create, exploit, renew, and apply knowledge in order to
create the essential competences required for improvement 7 Conclusions, limitations, and future research
of organizational performance in manufacturing firm. directions
Second, this study shows that transformational leadership
is an important determinant of organizational learning and Using data collected from manufacturing firms' managers, the
innovation. This appears that managers' support for organiza- present study investigated effects of organizational character-
tional learning and innovation is crucial in the organization. istics on organizational performance through structural equa-
Thus, managers should engage in transformational leadership tion modeling
behaviors in order to foster organizational learning and inno- The study results indicate that transformational leadership
vation. In organizations, managers have to concentrate on was a significant determinant of organizational learning,
building a context helpful to innovation and organizational knowledge management, organizational innovation, and orga-
learning. Managers can do much to make ready the minds of nizational performance. These findings demonstrate that trans-
their organization. Innovation occurs in contexts that legiti- formational leadership impacted organizational performance
mates innovation behavior and devotes resources to innova- both directly and indirectly. The study results also show that
tion. Ulrich et al. [98] argued that organizational learning organizational learning influenced on organizational perfor-
occurs when the managers not only create ideas but also are mance both directly and indirectly through knowledge man-
capable of sharing them and of achieving a commitment to agement and organizational innovation. According to the
learning among members. Thus, leaderships must know and results of path analysis, knowledge management has an indirect
1082 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085

effect on organizational performance through organizational Third, the sampling of the study imposed limitations as to
innovation. In this study, the organizational innovation was also the generalizability of the obtained results. We concentrated
found to be positively connected to organizational perfor- only on five manufacturing companies (food industries, car-
mance. It should be noted that the direct effect of organizational utility manufacturing companies, pipe and faucet industries,
learning on organizational performance was higher than that of electric utility companies, and clothing industries). Firms from
others variable. In general, our research indicates the important other sectors may supply different results. Furthermore, cau-
of an integrated analysis of direct and indirect influences of tions should be taken while using the results in different
organizational characteristics on organizational performance cultures. It is important to note that readers should be cautious
and strengthens previous literature on the importance of the when generalizing the results to different cultural contexts.
relationships between aforementioned variables. Thus, more research in this field can investigate relationships
There are several limitations that should be considered when between those variables in different cultural and organizational
interpreting these results. First, survey data based on self- setting. Finally, our model analyzes only some factors affected
reports may be subject to social desirability biases, common by transformational leadership. It is suggested that future re-
method variance, and response distortion due to ego defense search should focus on other antecedent and consequences
tendencies were a concern [99]. Second, the data were cross- transformational leadership in manufacturing companies.
sectional in nature and this limitation prevents the inference of
causality. This allows us to analyze only a specific situation in
Acknowledgment The authors are grateful for the valuable com-
time of the manufacturing companies studied, not their overall
ments and suggestion from the respected reviewers. Their valuable
conduct over time [10]. Thus, future research should focus on a comments and suggestions have enhanced the strength and signifi-
longitudinal study. cance of our paper.


Table 4 Measurement summary with all remaining items and sources

Measures and items Source

Indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with the following statements (1 “strongly disagree”, 5 “strongly agree”).
❖ Transformational leadership Podsakoff et al. [83]
The firm’s management is always on the lookout for new opportunities for the Unit/department/organization.
The firm’s management has a clear common view of its final aims
The firm’s management succeeds in motivating the rest of the company.
The firm’s management always acts as the organization’s leading force.
The organization has leaders who are capable of motivating and guiding their colleagues on the job.
❖ Organizational learning Garcia-Morales et al. [84]
The organization has learned or acquired much new and relevant knowledge over the last three years.
Organizational members have acquired some critical capacities and skills over the last three years.
The organization’s performance has been influenced by new learning it has acquired over the last three years.
The organization is a learning organization.
❖ Knowledge management Gold et al. [85]
Our firm has processes for integrating different sources and types of knowledge
Our firm has processes for converting competitive intelligence into plans of action
Our firm has processes for acquiring knowledge about our business partners
Our firm has processes for exchanging knowledge with our business partners
❖ Organizational innovation Miller and Friesen [86]
The rate of introduction of new products or services into the organization has grown rapidly.
The rate of introduction of new methods of production or delivery of services into the organization has grown
In comparison with its competitors the organization has become much more innovative.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 64:1073–1085 1083

Table 4 (continued)

Measures and items Source

❖ Organizational performance Cho et al. [87]

Five-point scale, in which 5—excellent and 1—poor; four items construct.
How well does your company perform in the following areas?
Sales growth
Customer satisfaction
Overall performance

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