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BigFuture Da ys


BigFu tu re Da ys

Whether you’ve already started or have no idea where to

begin, we want to help connect you with colleges that might
be a good fit for you.

BigFuture™ Days provides you with an opportunity to:

• Get information about multiple colleges from college
admissions officers and current college students.
• Connect with college planning experts to help you take
action on key steps to college

Sa ve Th es e Da tes
BigFuture Day West + Southwest
Saturday, February 6
BigFuture Day Southeast
Tuesday, February 23
BigFuture Day Northeast
Sunday, March 7
BigFuture Day Midwest
Thursday, March 11
You can attend any event and more than one.
Explore your college options in each region

Register Now /bigfuturedays

Here a re five rea s on s to a tten d
BigFu tu re Da ys
Explore colleges in a way that’s informative but not
1 overwhelming.

Connect directly with colleges to get answers to your

2 questions and show your interest in attending.

Hear from current college students who know what it’s

3 like on campus.

Take key college planning steps like searching for

4 colleges and exploring scholarships. /bigfuturedays 5 Attend these free events without leaving home!

BigFu tu re Da ys Lea rn in g Mod el
Students can attend each four -hour event during the times that work for them.

They will feature three learning experiences for students that support college planning and exploration:

Action -oriented sessions where

Interactive students can speak directly with Build a College Search for Ask a College
Experiences a college knowledge expert and
ask questions.
List Scholarships Advisor

Paying for College:

Statewide College Option
Moderated Informational sessions where Panels
FAFSA, Financial Aid
and Scholarships 101
students can listen, learn from
Sessions and current students/near peers, and
Panels use chat for Q&A College Planning Checklist Elements of a College App

Students can drop-in to the

College Booths Build Your College List Scholarship Search
Self -Led Resource Center, college booths,
and help desks, to download
Exploration materials, watch on -demand Official SAT Practice Sign up for CBOS
videos, or ask questions.

Sa m p le Even t J ou rn eys (s u bject to ch a n ge)
4:15 4:27
Vis its tw o Goes to th e Res ou rce
Tommy attends Atten ds th e 15 m in
s ch ola rs h ip s es s ion
college booth s to Cen ter; d ow n loa d s th e
Logs off to p la y
for 30 mins (ch oos es n ot to s ta y
a s k a bou t
d ea d lin es a n d
CBOS s tep s a n d
w a tch es a vid eo a bou t
vid eo ga m es
for live s u p p ort)
w a tch es a vid eo Bu ild in g a College lis t

Jazminn 6:25
does Jazminn 5:00
Goes la te to NY
6:00 Lea ves s es s ion
Vis its tw o college Atten d s th e tip s for a little ea rly to
pre -event attends booth s beca u s e of
Sta te In s titu tion s
es s a ys a n d in terview s gra b OSP
work of for 90 p a n el. Lis ten s
w h a t s h e lea rn ed a n d p a rticip a tes in res ou rces .
w h ile d oin g
building a mins from bu ild in g a lis t.
h om ew ork
gu id ed s es s ion Logs off to d o
h om ew ork .
college list

6:30 7:25
7:00 7:30
Kayla’s mom attends Arrives la te bu t
a tten ds th e en d of
Atten d s College
After h ea rin g a bou t
s ch ola rs h ip s ea rch ,
Logs off to ea t
for 60 mins th e AP s tu den t
Pla n n in g for
J u n iors
goes to d ow n loa d th e
din n er a n d
w a tch HGTV
p a n el res ou rces

Wh a t Ma k es BigFu tu re Da y Differen t
from Oth er College Fa irs ?
BigFuture Days will create an experience for students that isn't overwhelming and allow them to connect
with college admissions representatives and current college students.

• We will showcase a smaller, but representative • Sessions allow students to engage in a mode that
grouping of universities from each geographic area works best for them:
for students to kick off their college exploration.  Lis tening a nd lea rning, a s king ques tions live or
• Students will have the opportunity to hear from via cha t.
current college students.  Receiving informa tion in ea s ily diges tible forma ts
• College planning sessions will encourage students to including 15-minute s es s ions , s elf-led explora tion,
focus on the most important steps. a s well a s 45-minute modera ted pa nels .
• By offering this key information multiple times in • Students will ha ve the opportunity to ta ke a ction on
February and March, as well as offering recordings, importa nt college pla nning s teps during s es s ions , by
students can go back to find the information that is enga ging in a ctivities like building a college lis t or
most important to them. s ea rching for s chola rs hips .

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