Sexual Urge

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Sexual urge
Hyper sexuality is extremely frequent or suddenly increased sexual urges or sexual
activity. hyper sexuality is typically associated with jowered sexual inhibitions. Although
hyper sexuality can be caused by some medical conditions or medications, in most
cases the cause is unknown. Medical conditions such as bipolar disorders can give rise
to hyper sexuality, and alcohol and some drugs can affect social and sexual inhibitions
in some people. A number of theoretical models have been used to explain or treat
hyper sexuality. The most common one, especially in the popular media, is the sexual
addiction approach, but sexologists have not reached any consensus. Alternative
explanations for the condition included compulsive and impulsive behavioral models.
The international classification of diseases (ICD-10) of the world health organization
includes “excessive sexual drive” which is divided into satyriasis for males and
nymphomania for females, and excessive masturbation.

1. Satyriasis- is an excessive (sexual urge) desire of men to have sexual

2. Nymphomania- is a strong sexual feeling of women with an excessive sexual
As mode of sexual expression
 Oralism- it is the use of mouth or tongue as a way of sexual satisfaction.
a. Fellatio- is male sex organ to the mouth of the women coupled with the act
of sucking that initiates orgasm. Fellatio (also known as fellation, a blow
job, BJ or giving head) is an act of oral stimulation of a male’s penis by a
sexual partner. It involves the stimulation of the penis by the use of the
mouth, tongue, or throat. The person who performs fellatio can be referred
to as the giving partner, and the other person is the receiving partner. Is
regarded by many as an erotic act in its own right and a physically intimate
act. For many males, it is a turn on which may be used by the giving
partner to initiate foreplay and sexual arousal prior to sexual intercourse.
b. Cunnilingus- is a sexual gratification attained by licking the external
female genital. It is an oral sex act performed on a female. It involves the
use by a sex partner of the mouth, lips and tongue to stimulate the
female’s clitoris, vulva, or vagina. A female may receive cunnilingis as part
of foreplay before sexual intercourse, during intercourse, or as
intercourse. The term is derived from the latin words for the vulva (cunnus)
and togue (lingua).
c. Anilism (anilingus)- is licking the anus of the sexual partner. Anilingus
(from anus+lingus(latin lingere: to lick), also spelled analingus, also
referred to or described as anal oral contact or anal oral sex, is a form of
oral sex involving contact between the anus or perineum of one person
and the mouth (lips) or tongue of another.
Sadomachism (algolagnia)- is pain/cruelty for sexual gratification. Algolagnia is a
sexual tendency which is defined by deriving sexual pleasure and stimulation from
physical pain, often involving an erogenous zone. Sadomaschism broadly refers to the
receiving of pleasure often sexual from acts involving the infliction or reception of pain
or humiliation.
d. Sadomachism (algolagnia)- is pain/cruelty for sexual gratification.
Algolagnia is a sexual tendency which is defined by deriving sexual
pleasure and stimulation from physical pain, often involving an erogenous
zone. Sadomaschism broadly refers to the receiving of pleasure often
sexual from acts involving the infliction or reception of pain or humiliation.
As part of the body
a. Sodomy- is a sexual act through the anus of the sexual partner. Sodomy
is anal or other copulation like act; especially between male persons or
between a man and animal, and one who practices sodomy is a
b. Uranism- is sexual gratification attained through fingering, holding the
breast of licking parts of the body; the practice of homosexuality between
males. “uranism” being an old and obscure term for male homosexuality.
Uranism or homosexual love is a congenital abnormality by which a
female soul had become united with a male body.
c. Frottage- is the act of rubbing the sex organ against body parts of another
person. Frotteurism refers to a paraphilic interest in rubbing, usually one’s
pelvis or erect penis, against a non-consenting person for sexual
gratification. It may involve touching any part of the body including the
genital area.
d. Partialism- refers to the sexual libido on any part of the body of a sexual

As to visual stimulus
a. Voyeurism- is an act in which the person is commonly called” the peeping Tom”,
an achievement of sexual pleasures through clandestine peeping such as
peeping to dressing room, couples room, toilets, etc. and frequently the person
masturbate during the peeping activity. Voyerurism is the sexual in or practice of
spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual
activity, or other activity usually considered being of a private nature.
b. Scoptophilia- is the international act of watching people undress or during
sexual intimacies. Scopophilia, from greek “love of looking”, is deriving pleasure
from looking. As an expression of sexuality, it refers to sexual pleasure derived
from looking at erotic objects: erotic photographs, pornography, naked bodies,
As to number of participants in the sexual act
a. Troilism- three persons participate in sex orgy such as two women versus one
man or vice versa. Troilism refers to the erotic interest in watchin one’s romantic
partner engage in sexual behavior with a third party, sometimes while hidden.
b. Pluralism- group of persons in sexual orgies such as couple to couple sexual
relations. It is also called “sexual festival”.

Other sexual abnormalities

a. Exhibitionism- it is called “indecent” international exposure of genitals to
members of the opposite sex under inappropriate conditions. Exhibitionism
refers to a desire or compulsion to expose parts one’s body specifically the
genitals or buttocks of a man or woman, or the breasts of a or acquaintances,
or to strangers.
b. Coprolalia- is the use of obscene language to achieve sexual satisfaction.
Coprolalia is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene
words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks.
c. Don juanism- is the act of seducing women as a career without permanency
of sexual partner or companion. Don juanism is a non-clinical term for the
desire, in a man, to have sex with many different female partners; that is: a
“seducer of women”.

1. Acquisitive crime is one which when committed the offender acquires

something as a consequence of his criminal act. It is a crime that involves
the taking of money and goods from a person, a person’s home, or from a
Ex. It includes theft, burglary, robbery, street mugging and shoplifting.
2. Seasonal crimes are those that are committed only at certain period of
the year and can be expected at various time of the year.
Ex. An increase in burglaries or vandalism in the summer when kids are
out of school; increase I thefts from autos in shopping center parking lots
around Christmas.
3. Episodic crimes are serial crimes; they ae committed by series of act
within the lengthy space of time; are crimes that have long process.
Ex. Kidnapping
4. Instant crimes are those that are committed the shortest possible time.
Ex. Robbery hold up
5. Static crimes that is committed only in one place.
6. Continuing crime are crimes that are committed in several places; a
crime in which additional acts are committed to further or continue the
Ex. You falsely arrange for a disability check, which you receive every
month. The act of cashing the check makes it a continuing crime.
7. Rational crimes are those committed with intent, offender is in full
possession of his mental faculties/ capabilities.
Ex. It was found Clarke and harris (1992) that auto thieves are selective in
their choice of targets, selecting different types of vehicles depending on
the purpose of the theft. This suggests that the decision with respect to a
target and opportunity is rationally motivated.
8. Irrational crimes are committed without intent; offender does not know
the nature of his act.
Ex. Allan is a mentally disturbed and stabs john to death. He didn’t intend
to, but is now a murderer.
9. White collar crimes are those committed by a person of responsibility
and of upper socio- economic class in the course of their occupational
Ex. Embezzlement, bribery, extortion, larceny, fraud.
10. Blue collar crimes are those committed by ordinary professional to
maintain their livelihood
Ex. Vandalism, burglary, home robbery, and shoplifting.
11. Upper world crimes are those committed by individuals belonging to the
upper class of society.
12. Under world crimes committed by members of the lower or under
privilege class society.
13. Crimes by imitation are crimes committed by merely duplication of what
was done by others.
14. Crimes of passion are crimes committed because of the fit of great
Ex. A defendant’s excuse for committing a crime due to sudden anger or
heartbreak, in order to eliminate the element of “premeditation”. This
usually arises in murder or attempted murder cases, when a intercourse
with another and shoots or stabs one or both of the coupled pair.
15. Service crimes refer to crime committed through rendition of a service to
satisfy desire of another.
Ex. Nardo was hired by vicente to kill paul because the latter is the
paramour of vicente’s wife.

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