Exam 2 For Sts Exam 2 For Sts

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Exam 2 for STS

Instructions: Watch an 18-minute TEDx Talk by Hannu Rajaniemi titled The Big History of
Modern Science. Afterwards, write a 200 to 250-words essay on the topic, “Why is it important
to study the history of Science and Technology?” Come up with a five – to- seven- word title for
your essay.

Simple to Complex on Science and Technology

Studying the history of Science and Technology is important to understand the past as it
allow us to learn what was the world is like before. In this modernization, most of us think that
inventions and their uses are the only things about the science and technology. Since so many
people has been misinterpret by its importance or purpose, it is only through the study of history
that it will be understood because learning the history of science and technology, we understand
more how the world functions and we learned to appreciate the struggles and discoveries of these
people like from Einstein to Rutherford discovery of an atom’s nucleus, Szilard has discovered
the atomic power behind splitting atoms, leading to the invention of the destructive atomic bomb.
They’re contributions in the development of the world. Imagine from the vast galaxies that were
compose of tiny stars to the discovery of atoms as the smallest thing and how transistor was able
to produce weapons that cause catastrophe. It is greatly important to learn the development of
history of science and technology because science and technology takes a big role that will
contribute knowledge and access to human progress that will help the society and the next
generations of people. Everything is connected and in order for us to understand anything we
have to understand everything as what Hannu Rajaniemi have said.

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