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The freedom of speech is an individual’s ability to speak freely,to share

information and support their ideas,faiths and opinions without the fear of the
Speaking freely is an human right that says:”everyone shall have the right to
hold opinions without interference” and “everyone shall have the right to
freedom of expression;this right shall include freedom to seek,receive and impart
information and ideas of al kinds,regardless of frontiers,either orally,in writing or
in print,in the form of art,or through any other media of his choice”.Although,this
right has limits to keep people away of each others intimacy or from informations
that belong to the state and are being confidencials.
Censorship on the internet is a very sensitive subject because people tend
to focus on the right of expressing themselves too much and forget about the
responsibility of not hurting people with their opinions.Human beeings of all ages
can be a victim of the freedom of expression.Some people hide their identity and
sometimes you do not know if you are speaking to a child,to an older person,to a
police man,a judge or even one person from your family.Of course,there are
people that do not care who you are and they do this daily,they go online and
jugde everyone even if they are not being taken in consideration.And that
because internet is a trend and when you are online you are a different
person,you have a different life online.

This right of sharing any information online can easily turn against you.Even
if you changed your mind about something you posted or if you regret it lter,you
can never completely erase it off of the internet.All you shares,likes and chats are
being monitored and this right of freedom of expressions becomes an illusion.
In real life it is way easier to control a conversation between two or more
people because we have rules,laws,responsabilities that do not allow us to treat
badly people that surround us.More exactly,you have to always take care at how
you express yourself in front of other people about anything.What keeps us from
passing these lines is,in the first place,respect.The second reason,is
justice,laws.On the internet it is very hard that someone sues you for saying a
bad word about them or something that they didn’t like because it cost a lot of
money and time to start a trial and you do not even know if you will succed.In real
life,whenever you are feeling harmed,you call the police or the authorities and
they come immediately.The real point is that it is easily to prove that you are
innocent in real life,rather than online.
Our country is focusing right now on political issues.People share online
their opinion on speeches,appearances,look,decions made by the Governement
and no one interrupts them.They can laugh,they can swear,they can post or send
messages,all they get is block.But when people come out in street,things
change.You can get arrested for standing in a wrong area,for looking weird or for
talking bad about them.

Other benefits of communicating online is that you get a fast reply,you can
receive or send videos,photos,you can make video calls to talk with your family or
with your friends about anything you want. You can search all the informations
you want,you find it all on the internet or you can send informations.

Freedom of speech is essential in any country that upholds the principles

and core values of democracy.It is also essential in promoting respect for human
dignity in the society.Moreover,is is considered to be one of the most dangerous
freedoms granted by the state to it citizens because it is a way through wich they
can express their dissatisfaction with the current situation in the governance and
demand a change.For this reason,autocratic regimes have always denied their
citizens this fundamental right of expression.The nternet has been used in many
cases as the only means of free speech in situations where autocratic leadership
has paralyzed other means of communication.For example,the dictatorial
government in Yugoslavia paralyzed all normal broadcasting in the country,the
media continued to exercise their freedom of expression through internet.This is
because the dictatorial government did not have the ability to shut down the
internet,or the cyberspace.The same was observed in China during the
Tiananmen Swuare,in the early 1990s where the internet was essential in keeping
the world informed on what was happening on the ground because the
government could not censor emails and news transmittet trhough the internet
from the universities.
In conclusion,even if the internet is chaos ,it is our responsibility to put
some limits where they are missing.We have to protect children from abuse and
informations that can affect them,we have to protect ourselves form being
harmed and he have to take care of our loved ones because we never know who
they are online.It is a priviledge for us to be part of a generation that has the
freedom to express online and all we have to do is keep looking for the benefits
and good parts of the internet.Anybody will agree with the fact that some
information censorship by the authorities is understandable and warranted
for.For example,no one in this world should agree with child pornography.It is the
moral responsibility of the authorities to guard the society from such practices in
the global space.
However,the ultimate solution to such bad information in the internet is
providing the right information rather than censorship.

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