Gas-Liquid Separation Design

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GAS-LIQUID SEPARATOR DESIGN Specifying Separators ‘Separator designers need to know pressure, temperature, flow rates, and physical properties of the streams as well as ‘the degree of separation required. It is also prudent to define if these conditions all occur at the same time or if there are only certain combinations that can exist at any time. If known, the type and amount of liquid should also be given, ‘and whether itis mist, free liquid, or slugs. For example, a compressor suction scrubber designed for 70-150 MMscfil gas at 400-600 psig and 65-105°F would re- quire the separator manufacturer to offer a unit gized for the ‘worst conditions, i., 150 MMscfd at 400 psig and 105°. But thereal throughput ofthe compressor varies from 150 MMscfd at 600 psig, 105°F to 70 MMscfd at 400 psig, 65°F. Because the high volume only occurs at the high pressure, a smaller sepa- ator is acceptable. Conversely, a pipeline separator could be Just the opposite because of winter to summer flow changes. Basic Design Equations ‘Separators without mist extractors are designed for gravity settling using Eq 7-1. Values for the drag coefficient are given in Fig. 7-3 for spherical droplet particles, Typically the sizing is based upon removal of 160 micron diameter droplets, Most vertical separators that employ mist extractors are sized using equations that are derived from Bq 7-1. The to ‘most common are the critical velocity equation: =f ae Eg77 and the correlation developed by Souders and Brown to relate vessel diameter to the velocity of rising vapors which will not entrain sufficient liquid to cause excessive carryover: G, Bq 78 Note that if both sides of Eq 7-7 are multiplied by gas den- sity itis identical to Eq 7-8 when: © = 3600 K Eq79 ‘Some typical values of the separator sizing factors, K and C, are given in Fig.7-9. Separators are sized using these equa. tions to calculate vessel cross-sectional areas that allow gas: velocities at or below the gas velocities calculated hy Bq 7-7 or 78, Horizontal separators greater than 10. in length with mist extractors are sized using Eqs 7-10 and 7-112, Horizontal separators less than 10 ft. in length should use Eqs 7-7 and ‘78. In horizontal separators, the gas drag foree does not di- reotly oppose the gravitational settling force. The true droplet velocity is assumed to be the vector sum of the vertical termi nal velocity and the horizontal gas velocity. Hence, the mini- ‘mum length of the vessel is calculated by assuming the time for the gas to flow from the inlet to the outlet is the same as the time for the droplet to fall from the tap of the vessel to the surface of the liquid. In calculating the gas capacity of hori- zontal separators, the cross-sectional area of that portion of the vessel occupied by liquid (at maximum level) is subtracted from the total vessel cross-sectional area. Separators can be any length, but the ratio of seam-to-seam length to the diame- ter of the vessel, L/D,, is usually in the range of 2:1 to 4:1, ad FIG. 7-9 ‘Typical K & C Factors for Sizing Woven Wire Demisters Separator Type | Horizontal [0.40 to 0.50 erties! 0.18 to 0.35 Spherical 0.20 to 0.35 Wet Steam 028 Most vapors under vacum 0.20 Salt & Caustic Evaporators 0.15 Adjustment of KC Factor ay Pear of den ‘Atmospheric 150 pi 90 300 pei 3 800 pei 80 1150 psi 7 For glycol and amine solutions, multiply K by 0.6- 0.8 ‘Typically use one-half ofthe above K or C values for approximate sizing of vertical separators without wire: misters For compressor suction scrubbers and expander inlet separators multiply Kby 0.7- 0.8 We= wap Oot (3) Eq 7-10 Gu = CXR Pat Eqvn ‘Prequently separators without mist extractors are sized us- ing Bq 7-7 and 7-8 with a constant (Kor C)of typically one-half of that used for vessels with mist extractors. Although com: bining the drag coefficient and other physical properties into an empirical constant is unsound, it ean be justified since: + Sclection of the droplet diameter (separation efficiency) is arbitrary. ven if the diameter ean be selected on a rational basis, litte information is available on the mass distribution above and below the selected size + Liquid droplets are not rigid spherical particles in dilute concentration (unhindered settling). Note: A number of the "separator" sizing equations given only size the separation element (mist extractor, Eqs 7-7, 7-8, 7-0, 7-11, and vane separator, Eq 7-13): these equations do not directly size the actual separator containment vessel ‘Thus, for example, a 24 in. diameter wire mesh mist extrac. tor might be installed in a 36 in. diameter vessel because the liquid surge requirements dictated a larger vessel Separators without Mist Extractors ‘This is typically a horizontal vessel which utilizes gravity as the sole mechanism for separating the liquid and gas phases. Gas and liquid enter through the inlet nozzle and are slowed to a velocity such that the liquid droplets ean fall out of the gas phase. The dry gas passes into the outlet nozzle and the liquid is drained from the lower section of the vessel ‘SEPARATOR SIZING (11.10) For a particular droplet size, the first term on the right-hand side of Equation 11.10 is fixed. For example, if D, = 200 1m this term is equal to 0.077 mvs [0.25 ft/sec]. ‘This term is often referred to as the sizing coefficient, K, and the general model for sizing gas-liquid separators becomes, os veK (este) uy Where: liquid density ‘gas density allowable gas velocity an empirical constant Alll density terms are at the pressure and temperature of separation. The value of K, depends on all'factors that affect separation other than density — particle size, types of intemals, vortex action, foaming, pulsating flow, presence of solids, separation length, varying gas-liquid ratios, and the like, It is not surprising that K, varies widely in different applications. How do you predict it? From experience! ‘The following values of K, arc taken from API 125. Separator | Height or Length, a | __ ‘Type m (ft) SI FPS Vertical 3.0 [10}, oF taller 0.055-0.107 | 0.18-0.35 Horizontal | 3.0 {10) | 0.40-0.50 Other Kae | K(L/0es6 Notice that K, values for horizontal are cited as a function of length. This length correction for horizontal separators must be used carefully. The values shown were obtained on separators with a length-to-diameter ratio averaging about 5:1. In effect, K, only increases significantly with length as this L/D increases. A separator 10 ft by 50 ft may not have higher value of K, than one 4 ft by 20 ft (the Same L/D ratio). The former may tend to possess a slightly higher value of K, but it would not be as much greater as the API correlation would indicate. Unless L/D is greater than 5:1, it is difficult to justify a value of K, greater than 0.15 [0.50] regardless of length. If a horizontal separator is to be used with an L/D other than 5, multiply the value of K, by the term (ey to correct for extra length in the absence of foaming. If severe foaming is expected you may wish to use a minimum value of K, and add extra length, based on experience. VESSEL INTERNALS yusedin Fasting Services ‘Vane units are manufactured by several vendors. They may be installed vertically (for horizon- tal flow) or horizontally (for vertical flow). Horizontal units are not widely used in oil-gas separation. The collection pockets may be single or double, Single pocket units are simpler and less prone to fouling but can experience some liquid reentrainment, particularly at higher velocities. Dou- ble-pocket units better protect the collected liquid from reentrainment and can operate at higher veloci- ties, Dieton of Gas Flow AA LALA A LALA sino-Poctot Se ‘Vane Double-Pocket Vane The effective capacity of a double-pocket vane is somewhat higher than a single pocket, but they should be used in clean service only. As the plates are placed closer together and more pockets are provided, greater agitation, cen- trifugal force, and collection surface are provided, but the pressure drop is increaséd correspondingly. ‘Thus, for a given flow rate, the collectioti efficiency is normally some function of the pressure drop. In the average application this pressure drop varies from 25-250 mm HO [1-10 in H,O] of wa- ter, Because of this pressure drop and to prevent gas bypassing the extractor, a liquid-collection pan incorporating a liquid seal is necessary for the liquid to drain properly. ‘When using the vane type mist extractor one must be careful that the pressure drop across it does not exceed its height above the liquid level, if a downcomer pipe is used. Otherwise, liquid will be “sucked out” overhead. In addition, plugging in the downcomer pipe can restrict drainage. ‘The cross-sectional area of vane type mist extractors may be esti- ‘mated by using Equation 11.11 and the sizing criteria below. - net Outer Direction K . ~ ~ of Gas Flow SL _FPS ee Vertical O12 mis | 04 Rise Vene Horizontal __|_0.20-0.30 mis _| 0.65-1.0 fsee Vane type units are installed both in vertical and horizontal sepa- rators. Their use in horizontal separators is widespread because the gas (a) flow is horizontal and the bottom of the vane can be sealed in the separa- tor liquid. ‘The use of vane packs in vertical separators is less common, In vertical separators the vane pack may be installed “in-line” (a) be- joutet tween the inlet and outlet nozzles or it may be installed in front of the “| outlet nozzle (b). The in-line configuration should only be used in clean i service where the liquid loading is low and there is no slugging or surg. 4 ing. Historically, the most common type of mist extractor for vertical separators is the wire mesh, © (cy) steiedes sayy abes-on ewozyoH sail (co) resedes popumeyeursturiopoowedeows SNS (21) ojpung avopfoninu Moyer uum scresedes evazLoH OWvH (6) o1suep edhreueniewozuoH AH ‘ONvA Zan OMA, yy 89. mi io MA SIu-yORPUN-JEUISTLHe}20}u809049S wsws ow eds yoapuMs9ped eueMiejaowadeouNS SAS (ie) un nosooureomen OMA 401.9 wos Bue “Buypo} jo 8699 tg uo Bupuedep Yow ABupes® 4 emp = 9 hes = mo = 8 vu = a woken = om [8 a .a0[ofay;o ;o;ol;afealvlalalalviy doup eunsseig yo ;syepfefsay;yiofv{.-|-|;-|¥|yv 3] 2 TeROTe AoA ao} o}oa)o}/o)3} a) olel|w}a}aie|e)3|a pues | eouesojor Buino4 | ajefo}lej}afa|a ,aj/aj/ofo|s|lalafal|a H%p) soo a} afa}fea}lajajajsjajal/ala}vj3}a/]afa sons se Po} Ayoedeo Buypuey pinbr a] nfprifaf{riu|swfa|w x LA lNIN (ow) ty snoge Bupooy 2/3 /3 | ¢@|/a|]e/s{/aflsj}o}o)/ol/3s})a}vijy ‘sjuseuy opedses yum e5< | 68< | 6s< | e6< | e8< | o5< | 66< | 98x | o8< | 26< | 98< | o6< | a5< | o6< | 08 | 06 se're0%0 | jo | ‘Aouaray enous piney | = pe Te ye tye ye eye pe reyes, fr f= |= ‘(hot UNITS UOT ala] a{|aj}a]/a]3/)afa}a}aj/ajolo}eje ede eu) to | | ypuey seo ‘sai omy | owva”[owua”| 89] 19” | wens” | sas"[sns"[ AM | ean [ ian | MA] MA | nM” OMA siojesedes 7/9 snouen ou Jo Uosuedwion soueWoHeg — +} e1geL gs} ebeg 9661 sequis06q ve9-11'90%2 le 30 CA ' ea DEP December 19¢ Page = FIGURE 3.4 TYPICAL EFFICIENCY CURVES FOR DEMISTER MATS % Removal of liquid 100 90 Average drop size 70 um 80 70 60 Average drop size 18 wm 50 40 30 20 10 ° 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.12 System: Air / spindle oil ( kin, viscosity = 13 x 10% m2/s) Mat: 100 mm thick, mounted horizontelly Wire diameter = 0.23 mm 3.4 3.44 3.42 343 DEP December 19¢ Page< HORIZONTAL WIREMESH DEMISTER (Figure 3.5) Selection criteria Application: = demisting of gas where a high liquid handling capacity is required. Characteristics: = high turndown ratio (factor 4); - very high slug handling capacity; = liquid removal efficiency > 98%; ~ sensitive to fouling; - low pressure drop. Recommended use: = typically for demisting service with a high liquid load and a low GOR; - applied where slug handling capacity may be required; = for viscous liquids where liquid de-gassing requirement determines vessel diamete = Inssituations where head room is restricted; = for foaming liquids. Non-recommended use: - Fouling service (wax, asphaltenes, sand). ‘Typical process applications: = production/test separator for low GOR = applications with height limitations. Demistor mat specifications For the manufacturing of the mistmat see Appendix Vill Note that the vertical mistmat in a horizontal vessel shall have a thickness of at least 10% of the vessel diameter, with a minimum of 0.15 m (as opposed to the normal 0.1m thickness for a horizontal mistmat in a vertical vessel). Mounting ‘The vertical demister mat shall extend from the top of the vessel to 0.10 m above the bottom. The area between the mat and the bottom of the vessel shall allow free passage of liquid (Figure 3.5). The distance between the Schoepentoeter or the horizontal section of the half-open pipe and the front face of the demister mat shall be at least D. The distance between the downstream side of the outlet nozzle and the rear face of the demister mat shall be at least 0.5D. Both distances are also indicated in Figure 3.5. Diameter and length For horizontal wiremesh demisters, the vessel diameter is derived after considering the requirements for both gas and liquid. 35 3.54 35.2 DEP December 195 Page? VERTICAL VANE-TYPE DEMISTER Types: 4. IN-LINE SEPARATOR WITH HORIZONTAL FLOW VANE PACK (Figure 3.6a) 2. TWO-STAGE SEPARATOR WITH HORIZONTAL FLOW VANE PACK (Figure 3.6c) Selection criteria Application: = demisting of gas. Characteristics: liquid removal efficiency > 96%; ~ moderate turndown ratio (factor 3); = suitable for slightly fouling service (if without double-pocket vanes); = robust desi = sonsitive to liquid slugs (in-line separator cannot handle slugs). Recommended use: = typically for demisting service: * inline separator to be used only with relatively low flow parameter (jeg < 0.01); = two-stage separator to be used if gg 2 0.01; = attractive for slightly fouling service (if without double-pocket vanes); = may be used where demister mats may become plugged, i.e: waxy crudes. Non-recommended use: = heavy fouling service (heavy wax, asphaltenes, sand, hydrates); ~ for viscous liquids where de-gassing requirement determines vessel diameter; = the in-line vertical flow vane pack separator shall not be used where liquid slugging may OccUF oF where Ofeeq = 0.01; = if pressure exceeds 100 bar (abs), due to the consequent sharp dectine in liquid removal efficiency. Typical process applications: = compressor suction scrubbers - where vane packs are preferred to demister mats since their construction is more robust = demisting vessels with slightly fouling service. Vane pack specification The vertical vane-type demister vessels available on the market are normally equipped with a horizontally flowed-through vane pack. Basically there are three types of vane elements: the no-pocket (straight), single-pocket and double-pocket type. The vane elements used in horizontally flowed-through vane packs are mostly of the single- pocket or double-pocket type. 3.3.32 3.34 DEP December 198 Page 2 separation by the inlet device etc). Nevertheless, as the gas fiow rate decreases (In the absence of chokes etc), the formation of droplets by dispersion upstream of the separator is less pronounced, resulting in larger droplets which are easier for the wiremesh to intercept. This effect will offset the loss in efficiency caused by the decrease of the gas flow rate. ‘This means in practice a turndown ratio of 4. Efficiency The liquid removal efficiency of a wiremesh separator is highly dependent on the liquid droplet size distribution and liquid load at the demister mat. Figure 3.4 demonstrates the effect of average droplet size on efficiency. For design purposes, an overall liquid removal efficiency of greater than 98% can be assumed for a correctly sized vertical demisting vessel (this includes the pre-separation by the feed inlet device), Diameter The vessel diameter, D, shall satisfy the gas handling capacity criterion: Rnax = Oma (RD% pin / 4) = 0.105 fy ms or D = 3.48 JQ"mnax tn fh) {,, is the derating factor allowing for the viscosity of the liquid phase f,= (0.004/n,)°% ifm, > 0.001 Pas, ifm, 0.001 Pas, then f,=4 the derating factor related tothe flow parameter at the face of the wireresh, dyn $5 U1+10 Bm) yn $04 In practice, Gyn Wil Not exceed 0.1 ‘um will be a function of the flow parameter of the feed entering the vessel and the K.O. capacity of the feed inlet device. fa Schoepentooter is used, assume Gym = 0.05%je0q (Le: assumed efficiency of Schoepentoeter is 95%) If a half-open pipe is used, assume yen = 0.2 de03 fie. assumed efficiency of half- ‘open pipe is 80%) If two immiscible liquids are present in the feed and the flow rate of the lower density quid is at least 5% vol. of the total liquid flow rate, then the physical properties of the lighter liquid shall be used in the gas handling criterion, For a support ring for the demister mat designed in accordance with Standard Drawing S 20.030, the width of the ring can be neglected and the diameter D calculated by the above

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