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Thursday | January 21, 2021

City leaders call ABC corruption claims ‘baseless’

Mayor, council members urge group founders to meet same name), started ABC in
November. The group has been

with them for discussions, possibly run for office directing sharp criticism to the
city’s administration, largely
through social media, alleging
BY TESS VRBIN It still took him a few min- debt, and therefore needs entire- both mismanagement and cor-
utes to convince her to hang ly new leadership. She called for
up the phone, Gavin said. He the mayor and council to step ruption.
Bill Gavin was minutes away used this as an example of city aside in the upcoming election. On Tuesday, Sorrell also
from having surgery on Tues- government being neither easy The mayor and council mem- spoke against the presence of
day when he got a phone call Gavin Sorrell dilapidated buildings in the city,
to conduct nor closed to the bers, most of whom are running
from a constituent. public, contrary to what Leslie for re-election, strongly dis- potholes and make the bank increased property taxes over
“The lady started complain- Sorrell, co-founder of the non- agree with Sorrell’s statements. account stable and solve the Mayor Robert Smith’s nearly 15
ing about streets,” the Ward profit A Better Columbus, told Gavin said government is not crimes,” he said. “I wish there years in office and former city
6 councilman said. “I said, the Columbus Rotary Club at its nearly as simple as some citi- was, but there’s not.” Chief Financial Officer Milton
‘Ma’am, I can’t talk to you right Tuesday meeting. zens might think. Sorrell and her husband, Will Rawle’s indictment for embez-
now … I’m going to get an oper- Sorrell claimed the city is “There’s no magic wand Sanders (no relation to Lown- zlement.
ation.’” crime-riddled and in too much to wave over the city to fix the des County Port director of the See LEADERS, 3A

Educators, area legislators support waiving pass Biden takes the
requirements this year for high-stakes testing helm, appeals
MDE wants students to take exams anyway so districts for unity to
can measure effectiveness of virtual learning
take on crises
‘We have much to do in
M ‘You have some
ississippi legislators are 2018-19 school year. At the begin-
considering a Senate Bill ning of this school year, students this winter of peril, and
that would allow third
graders who fail this school year’s
were going to take the tests and be
scored as normal.
virtual, some hybrid, significant possibilities’
state-required reading assessment
to move on to fourth grade, and
Now Wright and MDE officials
recommend districts still keep the
some in-person President Joe Biden

area educators say they support 2018-19 accountability scores, but learning, so I just BY JONATHAN LEMIRE, ZEKE
the move. students still take the exams. That
The bill is based on a recom- way district officials can determine don’t think there was The Associated Press

mendation from state Superinten- how effective virtual and hybrid

dent Carey Wright, who also asked learning methods have been any way they could WA S H I N G T O N
— Joe Biden was
in a presentation to the Senate during the pandemic.
Education Committee earlier this “Statewide assessments provide fairly assess students sworn in as the 46th
president of the Unit-
month that legislators waive pass- critical data to the department
ing requirements for high school to identify any learning gaps and on a graduation test ed States, declaring
end-of-year assessments during what resources the state needs to that “democracy has
the COVID-19 pandemic. accelerate learning opportunities this year, and I think prevailed” and sum-
for students and professional devel- moning American Biden
“I think this year is a year of
grace,” Wright said in a Missis- opment for teachers,” Wright said. they realize that too.’ resilience and unity
sippi Department Sam Allison, Lowndes County to confront the deep-
School District superintendent ly divided nation’s
of Education press No ‘fair way’ to score the test historic confluence of
release issued after Area superintendents said they
the presentation. agreed with Wright’s recommen- crises.
“I understand that dations, especially with school Denouncing a na-
COVID-19 has districts operating with as many tional “uncivil war,”
disrupted teaching as three learning models simul- Biden took the oath
and learning this taneously. Wednesday at a U.S. Harris
year, and we want to Wright Both Lowndes County Capitol that had been
make sure we sup- and Starkville-Oktibbeha battered by an insurrectionist siege
port teachers, administrators and Consolidated school just two weeks earlier. Then, taking
students as much as possible.” districts have some his place in the White House Oval
So far, legislators have not tak- students attending Office, he plunged into a stack of ex-
en up the matter of the upper-level See TESTING, 6A ecutive actions that began to undo
exams. the heart of his polarizing predeces-
State law requires students at sor ‘s agenda on matters from the
certain grade levels take “high- deadly pandemic to climate change.
stakes” end-of-year exams — At the Capitol, with America’s
including the third grade reading tradition of peaceful transfers of
gate and exams in Algebra I, En- power never appearing more frag-
glish II, biology and U.S. history ile, the ceremony unfolded within a
for high schoolers. Not only do the circle of security forces evocative of
results determine grade promotion a war zone and devoid of crowds be-
or graduation for students, they cause of the coronavirus pandemic.
also heavily factor into a school Instead, Biden gazed out on a cold
district’s accountability rating, Washington morning dotted with
an A-F grading scale assessed snow flurries to see over 200,000
by MDE each year.
American flags planted on the Na-
Last year, after the pan-
tional Mall to symbolize those who
demic shut down schools
could not attend in person.
starting in March,
“The will of the people has been
students did not sit
for any exams, and heard, and the will of the people has
districts kept been heeded. We’ve learned again
their account- that democracy is precious and de-
ability ratings mocracy is fragile. At this hour, my
from the friends, democracy has prevailed,”
Biden declared in his speech. “This
is America’s day. This is democra-


Business 5B 1 What U.S. holiday has the sec- MEETINGS
Classifieds 6B ond-most greeting card sales? Feb. 1: Lowndes
Comics 4B 2 What comedian and talk show
host wrote a 2014 book about County Board of
Crossword 6B
her African travels called “Ugan- Supervisors, 9
Dear Abby 4B
da Be Kidding Me”? a.m. Courthouse,
Obituaries 5A
Opinions 4A 3 Actor Tommy Lee Jones was
roommates at Harvard with what LowndesCounty-
future Vice President of the Mississippi/
WEATHER 4 What is the name of the
Feb. 3: Colum-
bus Municipal
woman who rides the train in the
High 60 Low 47
Cloudy, occasional rain
novel “The Girl on the Train” —
Rachel, Emily or Pauline?
5 Name the four colors of the
School District
review meeting
(virtual), 11:30
Full forecast on Google logo. a.m., columbusc-
page 3A.
Answers, 6B
Feb. 12:
Lowndes County
School District
Board, 12:30
Darius Bradley works at Kroger and enjoys p.m., District
141st Year, No. 267 playing PS4. Office


2A THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 The Dispatch •

‘Just move on’: Republicans

grapple with post-Trump future
‘The party would be much better off if they were to fraud, which helped incite the dead-
ly riot at the U.S. Capitol. Republi-
purge themselves of Donald Trump. But I don’t think can elections officials in several
battleground states that President
there’s any hope of him completely going away.’ Joe Biden carried have said the
election was fair. Trump’s claims
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan
were roundly rejected in the courts,
BY STEVE PEOPLES es a decision about whether to keep including by judges appointed by
AP National Political Writer moving in that direction, as many of Trump.
Trump’s most loyal supporters de- Cruz acknowledged Biden’s vic-
For the first time in more than a mand, or chart a new course. tory on Wednesday, but he refused
decade, Republicans are waking up Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, to describe it as legitimate when
to a Washington where Democrats pressed.
one of the few Republican elected
control the White House and Con- “He won the election. He is the
officials who regularly condemned
gress, adjusting to an era of dimin- president. I just came from his inau-
Trumpism, evoked President Ron-
ished power, deep uncertainty and guration,” Cruz said of Biden in an
ald Reagan in calling this moment
internal feuding. interview.
The shift to minority status is “a time for choosing.”
Looking forward, Cruz said
always difficult, prompting debates “We have to decide if we’re going Trump would remain a significant
over who is to blame for losing the to continue heading down the direc- part of the political conversation, but
last election. But the process is tion of Donald Trump or if we’re go- that the Republican Party should
especially intense as Republicans ing to return to our roots,” Hogan, move away from divisive “language
confront profound questions about a potential 2024 White House con- and tone and rhetoric” that alien-
what the party stands for without tender, said in an interview. ated suburban voters, particularly
Donald Trump in charge. “The party would be much better women, in recent elections.
Over the last four years, the off if they were to purge themselves “President Trump surely will
GOP’s values were inexorably tied of Donald Trump,” he added. “But I continue to make his views known,
to the whims of a president who don’t think there’s any hope of him and they’ll continue to have a real
regularly undermined democratic completely going away.” impact, but I think the country
institutions and traded the party’s Whether the party moves on may going forward wants policies that
longstanding commitment to fiscal come down to what Republicans work, and I think as a party, we
discipline, strong foreign policy and like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz do next. need to do a better job winning
the rule of law for a brash and incon- Cruz spent weeks parroting hearts and minds,” said Cruz, who
sistent populism. The party now fac- Trump’s baseless claims of election is also eyeing a White House run.

Senate confirms Biden 1st Cabinet pick as Democrats control

Avril Haines, a former CIA deputy director, will oversee join a Senate narrowly
split 50-50 between the
agencies making up the nation’s intelligence community parties, but giving Dem-
ocrats the majority with
BY LISA MASCARO dent’s administration. Schumer said in his first Harris able to cast the
AP Congressional Correspondent Haines, a former CIA speech as majority leader. tie-breaking vote.
deputy director, will be- “We have a lengthy agen- Ossoff, a former con-
WASHINGTON — come a core member of da. And we need to get it gressional aide and in-
Three new senators were Biden’s security team, done together.” vestigative journalist, and
sworn into office Wednes- overseeing the agencies Vice President Kamala Warnock, a pastor from
day after President Joe the late Martin Luther
that make up the nation’s Harris drew applause as
Biden’s inauguration, King Jr.’s church in Atlan-
intelligence community. she entered the chamber
securing the majority for ta, won run-off elections
She was confirmed 84-10. to deliver the oath of of-
Democrats in the Senate in Georgia this month,
The new Senate Major- fice to the new Democrat-
and across a unified gov-
ity Leader Chuck Schum- ic senators — Jon Ossoff, defeating two Republi-
ernment to tackle the new
er, D-N.Y., urged col- Raphael Warnock and cans. Padilla was tapped
president’s agenda at a
leagues to turn the spirit Alex Padilla — just hours by California’s governor
time of unprecedented na-
of the new president’s call after taking her own oath to finish the remainder of
tional challenges.
for unity into action. at the Capitol alongside Harris’ term.
In a first vote, the Sen-
ate confirmed Biden’s “President Biden, we Biden.
nominee for Director of heard you loud and clear,” The three Democrats
National Intelligence,
Avril Haines. Senators
worked into the evening
and overcame some Re-
publican opposition to
approve his first Cabinet
member, in what’s tradi-
tionally a show of good
faith on Inauguration Day
to confirm at least some
nominees for a new presi-

New CDC director

takes over
agency amid crisis

NEW YORK — As the

coronavirus swept across
the globe last year, the
Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention sank
into the shadows, under-
mined by some of its own
mistakes and stifled by
an administration bent on
downplaying the nation’s
Now a new CDC direc-
tor is arriving to a mam-
moth task: reasserting the
agency while the pandemic
is in its deadliest phase yet
and the nation’s largest-ev-
er vaccination campaign is
wracked by confusion and
“I don’t know if the CDC
is broken or just temporar-
ily injured,” but something
must be done to bring it
back to health, said Tim-
othy Westmoreland, a
Georgetown University
law professor focused on
public health.
The task falls to Dr. Ro-
chelle Walensky, 51, an in-
fectious-diseases specialist
at Harvard Medical School
and Massachusetts Gener-
al Hospital, who was sworn
in Wednesday. She takes
the helm at a time when
the virus’s U.S. death toll
has eclipsed 400,000 and
continues to accelerate.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 3A

Trump pardons Mississippi physician convicted of bribery

News release: Dr. Robert S. Corkern’s pardon supported by Sens. emergency room physician at
Delta Regional Medical Center
testify to his contributions to
the community, especially with
Roger Wicker and Cindy Hyde-Smith; and former Gov. Phil Bryant in Greenville at the time his li-
cense was revoked.
respect to issues surrounding
rural healthcare,” the release
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS to the Panola County admin- Gov. Phil Bryant. Another Mississippi resident said. “Mr. Clanton has been ac-
The Associated Press istrator as a bribe for the ad- “This pardon will help Dr. pardoned by Trump is David tive with 4-H Clubs and other
ministrator’s role in securing a Corkern practice medicine Lamar Clanton, and the White organizations in his communi-
JACKSON — One of the peo- $400,000 county payment to the in his community, which is in House said Wicker supported ty.”
ple pardoned during Donald rural hospital eight days earlier. dire need of more doctors as it this action. Clanton was con- Trump also pardoned Joey
Trump’s final hours as presi- “Corkern had a financial has struggled to keep up with victed of false statements and Hancock, a Mississippi man
dent is a Mississippi physician interest in Tri-Lakes Medical demand for emergency ser- related charges in 1995 and convicted in 2009 of a federal
who pleaded guilty to a federal Center and benefitted from the vices,” the news release said. was sentenced to 10 months drug charge, conspiracy to pos-
bribery charge in 2012. $400,000 transfer,” the records “Dr. Corkern served in the Mis- in prison. Court records with sess with intent to distribute a
Dr. Robert S. Corkern was show. sissippi Army National Guard details about the charges were controlled substance. Hancock
the president, secretary and Corkern was sentenced in and has generously provided not available online Wednesday. was sentenced to two years in
treasurer of Batesville Hospital November 2012 to two years’ his services to low-income pa- Clanton worked on a campaign prison. The White House said
Management, which handled house confinement and three tients.” for Republican Tate Reeves Wicker, Hancock’s employer
business operations for the not- years’ post-release supervision. The Mississippi Board of when Reeves ran for lieutenant and pastor were among those
for-profit Tri-Lakes Medical A White House news release Medical Licensure revoked governor. Reeves was elected supporting the pardon.
Center in Batesville. said Trump’s pardon of Corkern Corkern’s license January 2013 governor in 2019, and Clanton “Following his release from
Federal court records show is supported by Mississippi’s “due to felony conviction of now works for the state Depart- prison, Mr. Hancock has been a
that in his January 2012 guilty two Republican U.S. senators, crime of moral turpitude” and ment of Finance and Adminis- hard-working employee and ac-
plea, Corkern admitted that on Roger Wicker and Cindy Hyde- reinstated it in May 2014. tration. tive in his church and communi-
March 28, 2007, he paid $25,000 Smith; and Republican former Corkern was working as an “Mr. Clanton’s supporters ty,” the news release said.

Continued from Page 1A
Smith ad- “Ever y- ment would “stoop that the roads badly needed to plaint about dilapidated “certainly question the in-
dressed Sor- body can try low.” be redone after more than buildings, Smith and tegrity of anyone willing
rell’s claims to (say) how “If (Sorrell) knows a decade. council members empha- to throw out such an accu-
in a written you should s omet h i ng Columbus issued $6.5 sized that the city’s pro- sation” without evidence.
st atement do this and where peo- million in general obliga- cess of approving a dem- “I welcome practical
he sent to how you ple have tion bonds in July 2020 to olition has several steps solutions from anyone
The Dis- should do done that, fund road maintenance. outlined in state law, so it willing to offer them;
patch on that, but it’s she needs The bond must be paid does not happen quickly.
however, I reject defama-
Wednesday, Smith one thing Mickens to say who off in no more than 15 ABC has repeatedly
tory insults and baseless
in which he said no one to be in that it is and we years. As of March 2020, suggested city leaders
from ABC has talked to might be engaging in ille- criticism based upon false
seat yourself,” Mickens need to do the city had accumulated
him or Chief Operating s omet h i ng Box gal activity, but Sorrell ad- data and admitted specu-
said. $36.4 million of debt and
Officer David Armstrong Jones and Mickens about that,” carried roughly $14 mil- mitted Tuesday that some lation,” Smith wrote. “As
about their concerns. acknowledged everyone Box said. lion of debt in street pav- of this claim was born of for whether the group will
“They have not visited, is entitled to their own Beard told The Dis- ing alone, The Dispatch speculation. Smith said make ‘Columbus Better,’ I
called, emailed or texted opinion and Sorrell has patch he has contributed previously reported. he did not know what guess I would say the jury
me or David with any sug- the right to speak public- to ABC. Sorrell insisted Tues- Sorrell meant and would is still out on that.”
gestions,” Smith wrote. ly about her concerns for “Nobody’s going to day that road mainte-
“I have a complete open- the city. Gavin said dia- attack any- nance money should
door policy and have not logue between ABC and body for do- come from the city’s gen-
heard from anyone with A the city could be a good nating, and eral fund, but city leaders
Better Columbus.” thing, if the group were I would love say the general fund does
willing to sit down with for them to not have that kind of mon-
‘Negativity doesn’t the mayor and council for say that I ey, and borrowing is stan-
make Columbus better’ a constructive discussion. donated, be- dard practice.
So far, six candidates “If they truly want to cause I did,” “Some (cities) are in
have qualified to run make Co- he said. Beard a little better shape than
for city offices this year, l u m b u s Bea rd others, but I bet 90 per-
and five are incumbents. better, then was present at Tuesday’s cent of them have bor-
Smith, Gavin and coun- take away Rotary Club meeting and rowed money for infra-
cil members Ethel Taylor all the nega- agreed to have a con- structure,” Box said.
Stewart of Ward 1, Joseph tive and let’s versation with Sorrell to The other option be-
Mickens of Ward 2 and see what address some of her con- sides borrowing was rais-
Stephen Jones of Ward 5 we can do cerns. He said this morn- ing taxes, Box and Gavin
are all running for re-elec- t o g e t h e r, ” Jones ing that they have not yet both said, and Sorrell
tion. Jones said. scheduled a meeting, and claimed Tuesday that tax-
Pat Fisher Douglas, “... Any negativity doesn’t he too hopes for construc- es are already too high.
a retired educator from make Columbus better. It tive dialogue. While tax millage has
Lowndes County School only makes it worse so no- “There are a lot of dif- increased seven times in
District, is running for the body wants to move here, ferent things going on 13 years, it has only gone
Ward 4 seat. She previous- and as a Realtor (with in Columbus that I per- up incrementally, and the
ly ran in a special election Re/Max in Columbus), I sonally see firsthand, city even reduced millage
for the same seat in 2019 know.” and you’ve got a lot of in 2017, Smith said in his
but lost to current Coun- Sorrell also claimed people who want to point statement. Tax increases
cilman Pierre Beard. the reason ABC does not the blame,” Beard said. climb along with wages
Beard has not yet qual- disclose its donors, de- “They have excuses, but and insurance, and they
ified to run for re-election, spite demanding trans- they don’t have solutions.” are necessary to fund in-
and Ward 3 Councilman parency from the city, Stewart did not re- frastructure and public
Charlie Box said in De- is because donors have spond to requests for safety, he said.
cember that he will not told her they fear retribu- comment. “As Mayor and the
run. tion from the city if their owner of multiple prop-
Smith, Mickens and contributions to ABC are ‘The jury is still out’ erties within the City, I
Box all told The Dispatch made public. The citizen who called don’t like ad valorem tax
they believe Sorrell, Sand- Officials say this state- Gavin on Tuesday is far increases, but as the costs Send in your church event!
ers, or both should run for ment is completely un- from the only one with of doing business go up, Email
office if they feel so strong- founded. Smith called it
“baseless,” and Mickens
complaints about Colum- so do our taxes,” Smith
Subject: Religious brief
ly about making changes bus’ streets, Gavin said.
to the city’s government. said no one in city govern- He and other leaders said As for Sorrell’s com-

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Thurs. Fri.
Major 7:07p 7:48p

The Dispatch
Minor 1:32p 2:03p
Major 7:26a 8:09a
Minor 2:14a 3:08a

Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
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BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

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More than a possibility
y their very nature, in 1933, John F. Kennedy in But Wednesday’s inaugura- the 19th Amendment to the est office in the land.
Presidential Inaugura- 1963. tion will have an historical sig- Constitution provided women Before Wednesday, it was
tions are historically Even when our nation faced nificance of a far more positive the right to vote. only “possible” for a woman
significant, continuing a tradi- its greatest challenges - wheth- and inspiring dimension, too. As for the vice presidency, to rise to such a position. On
tion of a peaceful transition of er domestic or foreign, the On that day, Kamala Harris two women had legitimate Wednesday, that became a
power unknown to the world tradition of a peaceful transfer was sworn in as Vice Pres- chances to attain the office reality. A new generation of
when that transfer was first power has continued. ident, the highest elected — Democrat Geraldine Ford girls knows a woman can be
completed in 1797. In future generations, position ever to be held by a in 1984 and Republican Sarah vice president because it has
On March 4 of that year, Wednesday’s Inauguration will woman in our country. Palin in 2008. been done.
John Adams was sworn in as be remembered for two things: Harris’ elevation to that We note, too, that Hillary It is a practical reality.
the nation’s second president at First, it endured the greatest position must be viewed in Clinton became the first wom- It is our hope that future
a time when it wasn’t entirely challenge of the transfer of context to fully appreciate its an nominated by a major party generations of women will be
clear that a president would power since Lincoln’ first in- significance. for the Presidency, losing the inspired to serve — whether
ever be required to relinquish auguration. Two weeks before The story began in 1848 Electoral College vote despite it be in local, state or even
office. Joe Biden was inaugurated as when a group of women met in winning the popular vote by national office — by what hap-
Over the years, history has our 46th President, insurrec- Seneca Falls, New York, estab- some three million votes in pened Wednesday.
proven that some inaugura- tionists stormed the Capitol in lishing the country’s Suffrage 2016. Someday, perhaps in the
tions are more meaningful a bid to overturn the election Movement. It is against that historical near future, our nation will
than others - Abraham Lincoln and keep Donald Trump in It took 71 years for that backdrop that we view Harris’ take the next step. We will
in 1861, Franklin D. Roosevelt office. dream to be realized, when ascension to the second high- have a woman president, too.


Additional information on
vaccine appointments
The Dispatch published my
January 19 letter commending
the large-scale vaccination site
now in place at Fairview Baptist
Church. In it, unfortunately, I
failed to mention two potentially
important aspects of this site —
1) that you don’t even have to get
out of your car (probably one of
the reasons why it is so efficient)
and 2) that it is free of charge.
Anyone interested in making
an appointment to get vaccinat-
ed should go to the following
website to arrange one: https:// Scroll
down just a bit ad you should see
a blue button that will move you
into the sign-up process. It takes
several steps to get to the pages
where you select day and time
for Lowndes County/Fairview
Baptist but mornings seem the
best time to move through the
procedure rapidly.
I was just able to set up my
appointment for my second
vaccination to complete the
vaccination process. To say that
I am happy about it is putting it
mildly. I want to sing the praises
— again - of the Mississippi State
Department of Health, the Lown-
des County division of same,
Fairview Baptist Church, and the
Mississippi National Guard that
are making it happen — nurs-
es from the latter are the ones
administering the vaccinations
on site, even!
These are most welcome de-
Online freedom of speech needs to go back to the future
velopments in a week when the ne of the top pri- financial ruin. except for “material that the provider
number of deaths in our country orities of the new Duels were often tragic, or user considers to be obscene, lewd,
surpassed 400,000. I should note federal government but they were an effective lascivious, filthy, excessively violent,
that this depressing number was will be to address the issue method of preventing libel harassing, or otherwise objectionable.”
reached on the exact date pro- of free speech in the age of and slander. As a result, The Internet platform gets to decide
jected by IHME when I checked the Internet. people were often exceed- what is “obscene, excessively violent,
back on Dec. 7, 2020; IHME is Free speech, and free ingly polite in their commu- harassing” etc. Twitter, acting on its
now projecting now that we will press, were established nications, even when they own, has decided President Trump’s
hit 500,000 in less than a month, in the United States with vehemently disagreed. tweets are “violent.” He’s been banned.
on February 18th. Frightening, the adoption of the Bill of Wow! What a change Both President Trump and Presi-
but we are on the right track now Rights in 1791. It is part of compared to today, where dent Biden have called for the repeal of
with the vaccine and maintaining the First Amendment. civility has been thrown Section 230.
social distancing and mask-wear- In addition, the constitu- Wyatt Emmerich into the ditch. Search The CEOs of Google, Facebook and
ing. tions of most states include YouTube and listen to the Twitter argue that repeal of Section 230
Paul Mack a provision protecting free 1960 Presidential debates would seriously damage, if not destroy,
Columbus speech. between Richard Nixon and John Ken- their business models. They are using
Section 13 of Mississippi’s state nedy. Notice how polite they were to their enormous power and money to
Finds relief in inauguration constitution reads: “The freedom of one another. Now compare that to the stop the repeal.
After a long four years of speech and of the press shall be held Trump-Biden debates of 2020. We are So what is to be done? If we elim-
sacred; and in all prosecutions for libel going backwards as a nation. inate Section 230, the Internet plat-
rhetoric, what a peaceful, calm,
the truth may be given in evidence, Today, we live in an Internet world forms will have to eliminate a huge
breezy atmosphere in Washing-
and the jury shall determine the law of instant communication and com- amount of content to avoid lawsuits.
ton DC, we observed during the
and the facts under the direction of the plete access. Any person can make They will have to hire armies of editors
new President’s inauguration.
court; and if it shall appear to the jury a post that can go viral and be read to review posts.
What an uncivil war we wit-
that the matter charged as libelous is around the world. This is a far different Freedom to rant without conse-
nessed during Hitler’s regime in
true, and was published with good mo- environment than the one in which our quence will be curtailed. But if we don’t
tives and for justifiable ends, the party original press and speech laws evolved. repeal it, Internet platforms will be-
Germany, and ironically, we shall be acquitted.” In 1996, the Internet was a baby. come the new censors of our age. They
have seen similar reflection In summary, our government Google, Facebook and Twitter did not will wield unimaginable power over our
of that regime for a number of guarantees the freedom to say or print exist. Congress wanted to encourage speech and thought. This is especially
hours on January 6 in our capital. whatever you so desire, if what you say the new Internet technology, so they scary given that Google, Facebook and
I am sure people realized, or print is not slanderous or libelous. gave Internet platforms immunity Twitter are de facto monopolies.
decency in life is very important. That is a big, big if. Your freedom from slander and libel lawsuits. For the It’s just a matter of time before the
January 6 may be called a dark of speech and freedom of press has first time in history, a new publishing U.S. Supreme Court weighs in with a
day in our democracy, but on a always been subject to our laws of platform was exempt from defamation groundbreaking decision. It may trump
happier note, it is being restored slander and libel. lawsuits. The exemption is in Section Congress as it did on abortion.
on January 20. So what is slander and libel? They 230 of the Communications and Decen- These are not easy decisions. The
Jiben Roy are really the same thing. It’s just that cy Act of 1996. And here we are. future of our culture and society is on
Columbus slander relates to speech and libel If you ever wondered why websites the line. Allowing publishers freedom
relates to print. Truth is an ultimate de- can be totally fake and still exist, that’s but holding them accountable to libel
A letter to the editor is an fense to libel and slander. You can’t say why. If you’ve ever wondered why and slander has worked for hundreds
excellent way to participate in your or write something really bad about people can be slandered anonymously, of years. Congressional tinkering in
community. We request the tone someone unless it is true and provable their lives ruined, without any way the form of Section 230 has been an
of your letters be constructive and in a court of law. to fight back, it’s Section 230. If you abysmal failure, leading to riots and
respectful and the length be limited Back in the old days, defamation wonder why crazy rumors can be per- violence in the streets and obscenely
to 450 words. We reserve the right was handled through duels. You had petuated and spread on Facebook and powerful private media monopolies.
to edit letters for clarity, grammar to be very careful about saying some- Twitter, that’s why. If you wonder why It’s time to go back to the future.
and length. Letters may be emailed thing bad about somebody or they the world seems to have gone crazy, it’s Wyatt Emmerich is the editor and
to or mailed could possibly challenge you to a duel. Section 230. publisher of The Northside Sun, a
to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to If you refused to accept a challenge Section 230 provided lawsuit immu- weekly newspaper in Jackson. He can be
the Editor, PO Box 511, Columbus, to a duel, your reputation was perma- nity only if it allowed all citizens access reached by e-mail at wyatt@northside-
MS 39703-0511. nently damaged, which often meant to its platform without editing content,
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 5A

Biden puts forth virus strategy, requires mask use to travel

President Joe Biden expected to sign 10 sition. They say they don’t have
a complete understanding of
moment of silence in memory
of the more than 400,000 people
funding and staffing support
for WHO.
pandemic-related executive orders today their predecessors’ actions on
vaccine distribution.
in the U.S. who have died from
The U.S. mask order for trav-
el being implemented by Biden
BY RICARDO uities in hard-hit minority com- They’re also depending on Biden’s top medical adviser will apply to airports and planes,
ALONSO-ZALDIVAR munities as he signs 10 pan- Congress to provide $1.9 tril- on COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Fau- ships, intercity buses, trains
The Associated Press demic-related executive orders lion for economic relief and ci, also announced renewed U.S. and public transportation. Trav-
on Thursday, his second day in COVID-19 response. And they support for the World Health elers from abroad must furnish
WASHINGTON — As the office. face a litany of complaints from Organization after it faced blis- a negative COVID-19 test be-
U.S. enters “what may well be “We need to ask average states that say they are not get- tering criticism from the Trump fore departing for the U.S. and
the toughest and deadliest peri- Americans to do their part,” ting enough vaccine even as administration, laying out new quarantine upon arrival. Biden
od of the virus,” President Joe said Jeff Zients, the White they are being asked to vacci- commitments to tackle the has already mandated masks on
Biden is putting forth a nation- House official directing the na- nate more categories of people. coronavirus and other global federal property.
al COVID-19 strategy to ramp tional response. “Defeating the Biden acknowledged the health issues. Fauci said early Although airlines, Amtrak
up vaccinations and testing, virus requires a coordinated na- urgency of the mission in his Thursday that the U.S. will join and other transport providers
reopen schools and businesses tionwide effort.” inaugural address. “We are the U.N. health agency’s efforts now require masks, Biden’s or-
and increase the use of masks But Biden officials say entering what may well be the to bring vaccines, therapeutics der makes it a federal mandate,
— including a requirement that they’re hampered by lack of toughest and deadliest period and diagnostics to people in leaving little wiggle room for
they be worn for travel. cooperation from the Trump of the virus,” he said before ask- need, whether in rich or poor passengers tempted to argue
Biden also will address ineq- administration during the tran- ing Americans to join him in a countries and will resume full about their rights.

States report vaccine shortages and cancel appointments

Both the government and the Buffalo area, spent almost
five hours on the state hot
teachers, they were able
to book appointments for
unrealistic expectations
for how much vaccine was
reach people 65 and older,
along with certain others.
drugmakers have said there are large line and website to land an last Saturday,” Stachowi- on the way. More than 400,000 deaths
in the U.S. have been
appointment for Wednes- ak said. “So many people In any case, new ship-
quantities of vaccine in the pipeline day, only to be told it was are getting theirs in, and ments go out every week, blamed on the virus.
canceled. The Erie Coun- then it’s like, ‘Nope, I’ve and both the government
BY MICHAEL HILL porting they are running ty Health Department said got to wait.’” and the drugmakers have
AND JENNIFER PELTZ out of vaccine, and tens of
The Associated Press it scratched vaccinations The reason for the ap- said there are large quan-
thousands of people who for over 8,000 people in parent mismatch between tities in the pipeline.
NEW YORK — The managed to get appoint- the past few days because supply and demand in the The shortages are com-
push to inoculate Ameri- ments for a first dose are of inadequate supply. U.S. was unclear, but last ing as states dramatically
cans against the coronavi- seeing them canceled. “It’s stressful because week the Health and Hu- ramp up their vaccination
rus is hitting a roadblock: Karen Stachowiak, a I was so close. And my man Services Department drives, at the federal gov-
A number of states are re- first-grade teacher in the other friends that are suggested that states had ernment’s direction, to

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH officiating. Burial will officiating. follow in the church pital-Golden Triangle.
OBITUARY POLICY follow in Nebo Baptist Carter’s cemetery. Visitation is Arrangements are Bobby Garner
Obituaries with basic informa- Graveside Services:
tion including visitation and
Cemetery in Ackerman. Funeral from 2-6 p.m. today, at incomplete and will be Saturday, Jan. 23 • 11 AM
Visitation will be one Services Carter’s Funeral Ser- Friendship Cemetery
service times, are provided announced by Lown- Burial
free of charge. Extended obit- hour prior to services at of Colum- vices. Carter’s Funeral des Funeral Home of Friendship Cemetery
uaries with a photograph, de- the church. Welch Fu- bus is in Services of Columbus Columbus. 2nd Ave. N. Location
tailed biographical information neral Home is in charge charge of is in charge of arrange-
and other details families may of arrangements. arrange- Smith- ments. Cathy Black
wish to include, are available ments.
Mrs. Thompson was Perkins Mrs. Jones-Hargrove STEENS — Cathy
for a fee. Obituaries must be
born to the late Charlie Mrs. was born May 15, 1965,
submitted through funeral Black, 63, died Jan. 21,
and Ruth Bell William- Perkins was born May in Pickens County, Al-
homes unless the deceased’s
2, 1957, in Columbus, 2021, at her residence.
body has been donated to son. She was formerly abama, to R.W. Strong
to the late Hattie Lee Arrangements are
science. If the deceased’s employed as a home- and Ruthie Jones.
Brown and Roosevelt incomplete and will be
body was donated to science, maker and was a mem- She was a graduate of
the family must provide official ber of Double Springs Smith Sr. In addition Noxubee County High announced by Lown-
proof of death. Please submit
Methodist Church. to her parents, she was School, East Mississip- des Funeral Home of
all obituaries on the form pro-
In addition to her preceded in death by pi Community College Columbus.
vided by The Commercial Dis-
patch. Free notices must be parents, she was pre- her brother, Robert and Mississippi State
submitted to the newspaper ceded in death by her Earl Smith. University. She was
no later than 3 p.m. the day husband, J.R. McKib- She is survived formerly employed as a
prior for publication Tuesday ben; and son, Charlie by her son, Romika secretary with Robin-
through Friday; no later than 4 Perkins; and siblings,
McKibben. son Janitorial and was
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
She is survived by Roosevelt Smith Jr., a member of Christian
edition; and no later than 7:30
a.m. for the Monday edition. her husband, John E. Jerome Brown both of Hill M.B. Church.
Incomplete notices must be re- Thompson III; children, Jackson, Gracie Lee In addition to her
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Elizabeth Franks of Lanier and Ruth Brown parents, she is survived
for the Monday through Friday Sturgis, Rose Newman both of Columbus. by her husband, Jerome
editions. Paid notices must be of Maben and Jurney Hargrove; children,
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
the next day Monday through
McKibben III of Mill- Shirlean Shanita Jones Cunning-
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 port, Alabama; siblings, Jones-Hargrove ham of Villa Rica, Geor-
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Frank Williamson COLUMBUS — gia, Jamarcus Jones of

Sherry Wells
publication. For more informa- of Maben, Billy Wil- Shirlean Jones-Har- Tuscaloosa, Alabama
tion, call 662-328-2471. liamson of Mathiston grove, 55, and Destiny Jones of
and Joel Williamson Jan. 16, Marietta, Georgia; and
Margaret Thompson of Eupora; and seven 2021, in five grandchildren. Sherry “Dutter” Wells, 69, of
STARKVILLE — grandchildren. Tuscaloo- Pallbearers will be Steens, MS passed away Friday,
Margaret E. William- sa, Ala- Darick Jones, Donnell January 15, 2021, at Baptist
son McKibben Thomp- Mary Smith-Perkins bama. Jones, Marvin Cockrell, Memorial Hospital-GT.
son, 58, died Jan. 19, VICKSBURG — Funeral Donald Bush, Kenneth A memorial service will be
2021, at North Missis- Mary Alice Smith-Per- services Averhart and Antjawan held Saturday, February 6,
sippi Medical Center of kins, 63, died Jan. 18, will be Jones- Jones. 2021, at 1:00 PM at Woodland
Eupora. 2021, at her residence. at noon Hargrove Baptist Church.
Funeral services Graveside services Friday, Murry Bobbitt Mrs. Wells was born on
will be at 1 p.m. Satur- will be at 11 a.m. at Christian Hill M.B. COLUMBUS — February 5, 1951, in Columbus,
day, at Double Springs Friday, at Sandfield Church of Brooksville, Murry Neon Bobbitt, MS to the late Doris Sides Wright and Sid
Methodist Church, with Cemetery, with the with Bobby Bowen 70, died Jan. 21, 2021, at Wright. She worked in Home Health for 40 years
the Rev. Brad Winfield Rev. Clarence E. Smith officiating. Burial will Baptist Memorial Hos- and retired from Kindred Home Health as a
supervisor. Mrs. Wells loved hummingbirds,
cooking, baking, traveling to the Smokey
Mountains. She enjoyed spending time with
her family especially grandchildren and great-
grandchildren, and she loved spending time
Some COVID-19 mutations may dampen vaccine effectiveness with her dogs, Zoey and Gigi. Mrs. Wells was the
eldest of seven children and known by “Dutter”
to her siblings, she was the “boss” of the family,
Recent variants of the virus that Pfizer vaccine and tested
their antibodies against
in a journal or reviewed
by other scientists. Nus- loved by everyone that knew her, and will be
truly missed.
emerged in the U.K., South Africa and various virus mutations in
the lab.
senzweig is paid by the
Howard Hughes Medical In addition to her parents, Mrs. Wells is
Brazil seem to spread more easily With some, the anti- Institute, which also sup- preceded in death by her sister, Emma McKay;
and brothers, Johnny “Pooh Bear” Wright and
bodies didn’t work as well ports science coverage
BY MARILYNN the United Kingdom, against the virus — activ- at The Associated Press. Sid Wright.
MARCHIONE South Africa and Brazil, ity was one-to-threefold The university has ap- Mrs. Wells is survived by her husband, James
AP Chief Medical Writer and was led by Rocke- less, depending on the plied for a patent related “Chad” Wells of Steens, MS; sons, Joe (MariChu)
feller University in New mutation, said the study to his work. Casmus and Jamie (Amanda) Wells; daughter,
Scientists are report- York with scientists from leader, Rockefeller’s Dr. The coronavirus has Jennifer Wells; grandchildren, Nicholas Wells,
ing troubling signs that the National Institutes of Michel Nussenzweig. been growing more ge- Meghan Wells, Britney Casmus, Breanna Wells
some recent mutations Health and elsewhere. “It’s a small difference netically diverse, and sci- and Brandon Casmus; great-grandchild, Aspyn
of the virus that causes A different, more lim- but it is definitely a dif- entists say the high rate of Rushing; brothers, Billy (Ann) Wright and Neil
COVID-19 may modest- ited study out Wednesday ference,” he said. The new cases is the main rea- Wright; sister, Mary (Shawn) Miller; sister-
ly curb the effectiveness gave encouraging news antibody response is “not son. Each new infection
of two current vaccines,
in-law, Judy Wright; and brother-in-law, Neal
about one vaccine’s pro- as good” at blocking the gives the virus a chance to (Nancy) Wells.
although they stress that tection against some of virus. mutate as it makes copies
the shots still protect Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s
the mutations. Earlier research estab- of itself. Research Hospital 501 St. Jude Place Memphis,
against the disease. One way vaccines work lished that the two vac- Recent variants, or
Researchers expressed TN 38105 or to LeBonheur Children’s Medical
is to prompt the immune cines are about 95 percent versions of the virus that
concern Wednesday about Center P.O. Box 41817 Memphis, TN 38174-181.
system to make antibod- effective in preventing emerged in the U.K.,
the preliminary findings, ies that block the virus COVID-19 illness. South Africa and Brazil
The family would like to say a special thanks to
in large part because they from infecting cells. The The latest findings seem to spread more eas- Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT 5th floor and CCU
suggest that future mu- Rockefeller researchers were posted late Tues- ily and scientists say that nurses and Dr. Williams, Dr. Wade, Dr. Bonetti.
tations could undermine got blood samples from 20 day on an online website will lead to more cases, Compliments of
vaccines. The research people who had received for researchers and have deaths and hospitaliza- Lowndes Funeral Home
tested coronaviruses from either the Moderna or not yet been published tions.
6A THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
virtual classes and some ously, be- have been caused by (the gether and just let these has spent a lot of money to from Dr.
attending in-person class- cause of the pandemic’s disruptions) students progress onto ensure students could still Wright and
es. Columbus Municipal pandemic in the students’ academic the next grade.” go to school virtually. the state de-
School District has a and because progress.’” Rep. Cheikh Taylor “You know, we’re partment of
virtual model where stu- of students’ (D-Starkville), however, spending all education,
dents attend online only
and a “hybrid” model
Opinions of legislators aligned more with Spears
and said there should be a
this money
on the virtu-
I feel sure
I would
As currently written,
with students splitting of learning the Senate bill states that balance between allow- al teaching support it,”
time between in-person throughout Peasant students who do fail the ing leeway for students and every- Rep. Wright
and online learning. this time and the loss of reading gate would be whose learning has been thing, so said.
All three districts time we had (last year), promoted to fourth grade disrupted and ensuring it’s kind of Karriem said waiving
offered students multiple some of our students the state doesn’t lower its ‘damned if the requirements is “long
but also “shall be given
opportunities to change adjusting to virtual situa- standards. you do and Younger overdue.”
… remedial instruction,”
their learning model tions. So yes, I’m in favor “We’re going to need a damned “Especially during
through an individualized
throughout the year. of those being waived for little flexi- if you don’t,’ pardon the COVID, I
reading plan.
“There would really be this year.” bility to get language,” he said. think it’s an
Some legislators are
no fair way Jason Spears, president this right,” Other representatives, excellent
divided over that partic-
to (score of CMSD’s Board of Trust- Taylor said. including first-term leg- idea, and
ular aspect of the bill.
the exams) ees, said he likes the idea “These islator Rep. Lynn Wright I think
of waiving the passing Sen. Angela Turner-Ford
because ev- things don’t (R-Columbus), who is a everything
ery school requirements, provided (D-West Point), who has happen in
authored bills in the past former LCSD superin- needs to be
is having there is some effort on the a vacuum. tendent, and Rep. Kabir reassessed
school part of state and districts to do away with passing ... We have Taylor
requirements for assess- Karriem (D-Columbus) where Karriem
different- to ensure students who to maintain said they would support we are,
ly,” LCSD do fail have opportunities ments in typical school that, although we want
Allison the idea if it made it to the because I don’t think
Superin- to get extra help and years, said she is against the best for our students,
enforcing remediation. House. children are doing too
tendent Sam Allison catch up. He called it a trust me, before their “What I would have well with virtual learning
told The Dispatch. “So “double-edged sword” to She said she hadn’t high school career is up,
yet had the opportunity to do is have to listen to either,” he said. “I think
it would really be hard balance treating students they’re going to have to all information that is it’s long overdue. I would
to have a standard there fairly and ensure they are to look at the Senate bill, have mastered some in-
but agrees with Wright’s brought forward on it, but accept her recommenda-
where you really haven’t prepared for academic formation and have to dig if it’s a recommendation tion.”
had (a standard way of work in the future. recommendation that a little deeper, but those
learning). It’s always dif- “They’re trying not to students be promoted no are just going to have to
ferent, but you have some harm the matter their score. be some things that we
virtual, some hybrid, students “I do not support the address as we go along.”
some in-person learning, and say, idea of re- Sen. Chuck Younger
so I just don’t think there ‘Well, you’re mediation,” (R-Columbus) talked to
was any way they could going to she said. “... The Dispatch about the
fairly assess students have to I’m not sure issue last week before the
on a graduation test this repeat third what the bill was written and said
year, and I think they grade be- measuring that generally, he likes the
realize that too.” cause you’re Spears tool would idea of waiving the pass-
SOCSD Superin- not reading be — is it ing requirements for all
tendent Eddie Peasant at this level,’” he said. “I remediation Turner-Ford high-stakes tests for this
echoed Allison’s con- believe there needs to be for each year. However, he said, he
cerns. additional follow-through student, or would it be doesn’t know if everyone
“The assessments are to ensure ... some type applied according to some in the Senate Education
not going to change,” he of system in place (to) other standard? I think we Committee would agree
said. “However, ... we’re say, ‘This is how you should just dispense with and pointed out the state
at a disadvantage, obvi- need to repair what may the requirement alto- and federal government

Continued from Page 1A
cy’s day. A day of history more challenging or diffi- time the swearing-in took solve born by personal
and hope, of renewal and cult than the time we’re in place. tragedy as well as a depth
resolve.” now.” Biden, in his third run of experience forged from
History was made at Biden was eager to go for the presidency, staked more than four decades in
his side, as Kamala Harris big early, with an ambi- his candidacy less on any Washington. At age 78, he
became the first woman tious first 100 days includ- distinctive political ideol- is the oldest president in-
to be vice president. The ing a push to speed up the ogy than on galvanizing augurated.
former U.S. senator from distribution of COVID-19 a broad coalition of voters Both he, Harris and
California is also the first vaccinations to anxious around the notion that their spouses walked the
Black person and the first Americans and pass a $1.9 Trump posed an existen- last short part of the route
person of South Asian de- trillion economic relief tial threat to American to the White House after
scent elected to the vice package. It included a blitz democracy. Four years an abridged parade. Biden
presidency and the high- of executive orders on after Trump’s “American then strode into the Oval
est-ranking woman ever matters that don’t require Carnage” speech painted Office, a room he knew
to serve in the U.S. gov- congressional approval — a dark portrait of national well as vice president, for
ernment. a mix of substantive and decay, Biden warned that the first time as command-
Biden never mentioned symbolic steps to unwind the fabric of the nation’s er in chief.
his predecessor, who de- the Trump years. His ac- democracy was tearing At the Capitol earlier,
fied tradition and left town tions included re-entry but could be repaired. Biden, like all those in
ahead of the ceremony, into the Paris Climate Ac- “I know the forces that attendance, wore a face
but his speech was an cords and a mandate for divide us are deep and mask except when speak-
implicit rebuke of Donald wearing masks on federal they are real. But I also ing. Tens of thousands
Trump. The new president property. know they are not new. of National Guard troops
denounced “lies told for “There’s no time to Our history has been were on the streets to
power and for profit” and start like today,” a masked a constant struggle be- provide security precisely
was blunt about the chal- Biden said. in the Oval tween the American ide- two weeks after a violent
lenges ahead. Office. Then he swore in al that we are all created mob of Trump supporters,
Central among them: hundreds of aides — vir- equal and the harsh, ugly incited by the Republican
the surging virus that tually — telling them, reality that racism, nativ- president, stormed the
has claimed more than “You’re my possibilities.” ism, fear, demonization building in an attempt to
400,000 lives in the United The absence of Biden’s have long torn us apart,” prevent the certification of
States, as well as econom- predecessor from the in- Biden said. “This is our Biden’s victory.
ic strains and a national augural ceremony under- historic moment of crisis “Here we stand, just
reckoning over race. scored the national rift to and challenge, and unity days after a riotous mob
“We have much to do be healed. is the path forward and we thought they could use
in this winter of peril, and But a bipartisan trio of must meet this moment as violence to silence the will
significant possibilities. former presidents — Bill the United States of Amer- of the people,” Biden said.
Much to repair, much to Clinton, George W. Bush ica.” “To stop the work of our
restore, much to heal, and Barack Obama — Swearing the oath with democracy. To drive us
much to build and much were there to witness the his hand on a five-inch- from this sacred ground.
to gain,” Biden said. “Few transfer of power. Trump, thick Bible that has been It did not happen. It will
people in our nation’s his- awaiting his second im- in his family for 128 years, never happen. Not today,
tory have been more chal- peachment trial, was at Biden came to office with not tomorrow. Not ever.
lenged, or found a time his Florida resort by the a well of empathy and re- Not ever.”

Why Dawgs’ defense has to improve in crucial SEC stretch

BY BEN PORTNOY second year at the helm in plenty of season ahead Starkville. of it. But with the im-
With No. 5 South Caro- pending game against
STARKVILLE — Mis- lina heading to town next South Carolina followed
sissippi State women’s week, that streak may be by meetings with No. 15
basketball is on the prec- snapped sooner than lat- Arkansas and No. 25 Ten-
ipice of history, but not in er. nessee, the Bulldogs are
a good way. “We have to continue sitting in a precarious
Having dropped back- to do the tough things — spot.
to-back games against rebound the basketball,” Perhaps the most ob-
Alabama and No. 8 Tex- head coach Nikki McCra- vious change to be made
as A&M over the past yp-Penson said following in MSU’s game is its
week, MSU has lost two Sunday’s loss to Texas defense. In their three
games in a row for the A&M. “We have to con- SEC wins to date, the
first time since dropping tinue to get stops when Bulldogs have allowed
contests to Kentucky and we need to. The offense, just 58 points per game,
Tennessee over a three- that’s going to come here compared to 82.3 points
day stretch during the and there, but the defen- per game in its three
2016-17 campaign. As sive end is really where it conference losses. Mc-
impressive, the Bulldogs starts for me.” Cray-Penson’s squad has
haven’t lost three straight Sitting at 8-4 and 3-3 also surrendered a 45.3 Photo by Tony Walsh
games since the 2013-14 in Southeastern Confer- percent shooting clip to Nikki McCray-Penson knows her defense has to be better as the Bulldogs prepare to
season — Vic Schaefer’s ence play, MSU still has See DEFENSE, 3B take on South Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee in their next three games.


retires from
NFL after
17 seasons
In control: How Emily Williams became a

When Philip Rivers first
‘lethal weapon’ in the circle for Bulldogs
started tossing footballs
as a high-school ball boy,
he heaved them any way
he could. The throwing
motion stuck — and suc-
cess soon followed.
Rivers used that
strange, shot put-like
style to land a college
scholarship, become a
first-round draft pick and
eventually string togeth-
er one of the greatest
17-year careers in NFL
history. On Wednesday,
the 39-year-old Indianap-
olis Colts quarterback an-
nounced his retirement.
“Every year, Jan. 20
is a special and emotion-
al day,” Rivers said in a
statement posted on the
team’s website. “It is St.
Sebastian’s Feast day, the
day I played in the AFC
championship without
an ACL, and now the day
that after 17 seasons, I’m
announcing my retire-


KC’s Henne Gabby Zgunda/MSU Athletics

goes from Mississippi State pitcher Emily Williams delivers during a March 7 game against Southeast Missouri State on March 7 at Nusz Park.
Williams tossed a complete-game one-hitter with nine strikeouts, one of her best games in a breakout 2020 season. She could be poised
for even more success this spring.
backup QB BY THEO DEROSA pares for another stellar spring She and Johnson also re- She increased her focus and her

to playoff

Emily Williams has always

in Starkville.
“She’s a huge piece of our
worked how often Williams
threw each offering and mea-
work ethic in the weight room,
and she began to grow more

stage been unhittable.

Even as a freshman pitcher
success — to our team, to our
pitching staff, just in general
sured the proportion of her
pitches that found the strike
talkative and more comfortable
speaking out in practices and
team meetings.
— and to have her for another zone in practice. The changes
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at Mississippi State, the Car- season is really exciting for us,” helped Williams almost com- “She’s always been a calm
rollton, Georgia, product took Ricketts said. pletely eradicate a control prob- presence (in the circle), but now
Chad Henne came the team by storm. In the first lem that plagued her in 2019. it’s a very confident calm — just
couple weeks of her first fall
off the bench cold in the
camp in 2017, Williams blew ‘A confident calm’ That year, she finished with kind of a lethal weapon that
we’ve got out there,” Ricketts
heat of a tense playoff Each time the Bulldogs’ hit- 148 walks to just 156 strike-
game and delivered the Bulldogs batters away time and outs in 171.2 innings, including said.
time again. ters take live batting practice
game-sealing plays for against Williams, Ricketts sits tough games: 14 walks in an
“We couldn’t touch her,” Mis-
Kansas City in his most
consequential perfor- sissippi State coach Samantha in the Nusz Park stands, direct- extra-inning game at Alabama, ‘I am this good’
ly behind home plate. 12 at Tennessee, 12 at Florida. This spring, that weapon was
mance in a win since Ricketts recalled. “The hitters
From that vantage point, she Ricketts said the free passes on full display.
2013. could not touch a ball off of her.
has a front-row seat to Williams’ typically stemmed from the in- Williams’ strikeout numbers
Henne became just It took us a minute to get adjust-
pitching artistry. tense movement on Williams’ ratcheted up significantly as
the latest understudy ed because that’s just how natu-
“I swear she’s invented a new pitches. she fanned 75 hitters in 45.2 in-
quarterback to deliver a rally gifted she was.”
In her three years to date pitch every day,” Ricketts said. “It might have started as a nings, an average of 11.5 strike-
memorable performance “It’s just really not fair.” strike, but when it’s breaking outs per seven innings — No. 7
in the postseason when with the Bulldogs, Williams
used those intrinsic talents to Currently, Williams throws six to eight inches vertical, hori- in the nation. She issued only
he relieved an injured zontal, whatever it might be, it’s 21 walks, cutting down on free
play different roles. She was a an offspeed rise ball and a fast-
Patrick Mahomes and hard to keep that on the plate,” passes by nearly half.
nonconference assassin in 2018 ball in addition to a traditional
closed out a 22-17 win Ricketts said. It was a sign that Williams
and established herself as the rise ball. But it was only after
over Cleveland on Sun- Still, the Bulldogs embraced had mastered hitting every
team’s No. 1 starter in an up- adjustments to the last pitch
day that sent the defend- Williams’ occasional erraticity. quadrant of the strike zone with
and-down 2019 campaign. that everything at her disposal
ing champion Chiefs into They knew what was to come. her mix of pitches — at varying
But it took more than phys- began to get significantly more
the AFC championship speeds.
ical gifts for the skilled right- effective. “It was, ‘OK, E-Dub’s gonna
game. “She might come inside with
hander to break out in 2020, Williams said she worked walk a couple, but then she’s
If Mahomes remains
posting a 0.46 ERA — good for with Johnson on throwing her going to strike out the side,’” the rise ball, and then she’s go-
in concussion protocol
third in the country — in the rise ball predominantly for a Ricketts recalled. “We didn’t al- ing to throw the same location,
and can’t start this Sun-
shortened season. strike. Previously, she typical- low it to put a lot of pressure on but it’s going to be 10 miles per
day against the Buffalo
Thanks to a new approach ly threw it for a ball, hoping its us when she would walk a hitter hour slower,” Ricketts said. “
Bills, Henne will get the
put in place by Ricketts and movement would induce swings in a big situation because you … She doesn’t have to throw
nod as he tries to follow
pitching coach Joshua Johnson, and misses. Now, she was at- knew she had such good stuff balls. Her balls move so much
in the footsteps of other
Williams found a confidence in tacking the zone with renewed that she could easily sit down through the zone, she can really
playoff fill-ins at quarter-
herself and her ability that she’d vigor. the next two who were follow- attack a little bit more than she
never had before. It’s another “I had focused on it before, ing.” was previously.”
The most recent suc-
tool in the senior’s ever-grow- but we just thought about it dif- As Williams’ control im- Instead of just trying to
See BACKUPS, 3B ing arsenal as Williams pre- ferently,” Williams said. proved, so did her confidence. See WILLIAMS, 3B
2B THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 The Dispatch •


SEC roundup: Georgia stuns Kentucky with Horne’s go-ahead layup

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Lakers, scored 24 points Arkansas 75, Auburn 73 remaining. Moses Moody
and grabbed 10 rebounds added a free throw for Ar-
ATHENS, Ga. — An- FAY E T T E V I L L E ,
in a 72-62 victory. kansas with two seconds
drew Garcia scored 16 Ark. — Desi Sills scored
K.D. Johnson and left and Allen Flanigan
points, P.J. Horne a made 14 of his 22 points in the
Sahvir Wheeler added missed a 3-pointer to end
a go-ahead layup with 1.3 second half to help Arkan-
10 points points each for it.
seconds left, and Georgia sas rally from a 12-point
Georgia (9-4, 2-4 South- Sills was 7-of-12 shoot-
snapped a 14-game losing eastern Conference). halftime deficit, and then
ing and made 8 of 10 free
streak against Kentucky Horne finished with eight hold on to beat Auburn
throws. Jalen Tate added
with a 63-62 victory on points, and his game win- 75-73 on Wednesday 14 points for Arkansas
Wednesday night. ner gave the Bulldogs night. (11-4, 3-4 Southeastern
After a timeout with their first lead since 49- Sills scored four Conference). Justin Smith
3.6 seconds left, Horne 47, coming with about straight points during an and Davonte Davis had
got past his defender 10 minutes left. Wheeler 18-10 run to give Arkan- 10 points apiece. Smith’s
for an inbounds pass in had seven of the Bull- Photo by Tony Walsh sas a 74-66 lead, its largest dunk stretched the Razor-
the lane, bobbled it and dogs’ 12 assists. Georgia’s P.J. Horne (24) had the game-winning layup in of the game coming with backs’ lead to 62-56 with
curled in a layup. A heave Brandon Boston Jr. the final seconds Wednesday against Kentucky. 2:40 to play. The Razor- about seven minutes left.
by Keion Brooks Jr. did scored 12 of his 18 points backs trailed the entire Moody, a freshman
seven players averaging shooting just 1 of 13 from
not hit the rim as time in the first half for Ken- first half and by 10 points who is one of four players
9.5 points, had seven 3 against the Bulldogs.
expired. tucky (4-9, 3-3). Brooks early in the second. in the SEC ranked among
players score at least six Their 14-game winning Auburn’s Sharife Coo-
It was Georgia’s first and Isaiah Jackson had the top 15 in scoring and
win in the series since 12 points apiece. against Kentucky. streak against Georgia per answered with con- rebounding, was held
March 7, 2013 when Ken- Georgia, which has The Wildcats entered in SEC play was second secutive layups as part of to five points on 2-of-9
tavious Caldwell-Pope, one of the nation’s most averaging 15.2 turnovers to its 15-game win streak a 7-0 surge that pulled the shooting and had five re-
now with the Los Angeles balanced offensives with and committed 17 while against Mississippi State. Tigers to 74-73 with 1:03 bounds.

Coach: Louisville women ready for challenges of being No. 1

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS team began the season departures of three oth- comes on the floor can continue to do that and a little different for the
No. 5 and spent the past er starters, but provide score and can make a play move the ball the way we Cardinals, winning is not
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — six weeks at No. 2 before depth on both ends of the and that just makes the did, it’s going to be hard new for Louisville.
Louisville coach Jeff Walz moving up in Monday’s floor. game fun,” Smith said. to guard us.” The Cardinals have
and the Cardinals players Associated Press Top 25. Forwards Olivia Co- “It’s so much fun to see Walz warned there reached two NCA A cham-
are embracing the chal- “We have some very chran and Hailey Van my teammates be suc- will be games where the
pionship games, three Fi-
lenges that come with talented players, there’s Lith, both freshmen, each cessful and also be happy shots don’t fall as often
their lofty new status as nal Fours and produced a
no question about it. average at least 12 points for me when I succeed.” and that teams will have
the team to beat in wom- (But) we’re not just going and are 1-2 on the team in The Cardinals collec- extra motivation now that series of All-Americans
en’s college basketball. to step on the floor and rebounding with six-plus tively put points on the the Cardinals sit atop the under Walz. But this is a
The Cardinals (12-0, just overwhelm you and per game. Junior guard scoreboard by finding rankings. first for the program.
5-0 Atlantic Coast Confer- work its way back. So, Kianna Smith, a perim- open teammates when Louisville will host “It’s a credit to what
ence) have been a team- I don’t think anything’s eter threat who scored Evans has a rare off night. No. 23 Syracuse (7-1, 4-1) these young women have
to-beat for a while under going to change. I’d be 600 points in two season The Cardinals had 22 as- Thursday night, and Feb- done this year,” Walz said.
Walz. They believe the shocked if it did.” at Cal, is averaging 13.3 sists on 32 baskets in Sun- ruary features a home “Especially with every-
cohesion that has carried Not surprisingly, Lou- points after sitting out day’s 84-56 home rout of matchup against unbeat- thing that’s gone on, the
them to an unbeaten start isville’s catalyst is senior last season per NCA A Florida State, including en and second-ranked focus that they’ve been
to the season through guard Dana Evans, a transfer rules. eight assists by Evans. North Carolina State.
able to maintain. But I
pandemic-related pauses preseason AP All-Amer- Louisville has shot “We all know we can Walz is trying to keep
and postponements has think it is also a credit
ican and ACC player of better than 50% from the score at three different Louisville’s No. 1 ranking
them prepared to be No. the year averaging 19.4 field the past two games levels,” Evans said, “but in perspective but wants to all of our players for
1. points and 4.4 assists per with five players scoring finding each other and the Cardinals to appreci- what we’ve been able to
“I really don’t expect game. But many others in double figures both getting each other open ate the program’s ascent establish here. It’s a great
much to change,” said the have stepped up to not times. shots is what’s most im- to its lofty perch. honor, there’s no question
14th-year coach, whose only fill voids left by the “I feel like anyone that portant. And if we can While the view may be about that.”

Watson scores 29 to lead Providence past No. 11 Creighton

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Kalkbrenner by 25, and Watson two points four times in the fi- Creighton shot a season-low live and die by the 3-pointer,
dominated all night. With the nal six minutes, the last two oc- 17.4% (4 of 23) on 3-pointers and they’re struggling mighti-
OMAHA, Neb. — Nate Friars playing through him, casions in the last 57 seconds. and missed eight of its 24 free ly right now. They’re shooting
Watson let himself down with Watson went 12 for 19 from the Mitch Ballock snaked inside throws. 21.7% (10 of 46) from long dis-
his performance the first time field and got Bishop and Kalk- for his only basket, but David Providence lost 67-65 to the tance in their last two games.
Providence played Creighton brenner into early foul trouble. Duke banked in a contested Bluejays on Jan. 2 after making
this season. “I continue to say he’s truly 3-pointer from the left wing on up a big deficit with a late 17-4 Breed on rise
The big man was better than one of the best, if not the best, the Friars’ next possession to run. Creighton won when Bish- Breed started for the third
ever Wednesday night, scoring post scorers in America,” Fri- make it 70-65. op dunked with less than a sec- straight time with Bynum out
a career-high 29 points to lead ars coach Ed Cooley said. “He didn’t call that,” Watson ond left. of the lineup. He’s taken the
the Friars past the 11th-ranked Creighton (10-4, 6-3) lost its said, laughing. “It was a lucky The Friars, who hadn’t won off-guard role while Duke has
Bluejays 74-70. second straight after one of its shot.” anywhere since Dec. 30, won for moved to the point. Breed to-
Providence (8-6, 4-4 Big worst offensive games of the The teams traded free the sixth time in seven games taled two points the last two
East) won for the first time season. throws before Marcus Zega- against Top 25 opponents. games. Against the Bluejays he
in four games and avenged a The Friars built an early rowski banked in a one-handed “Happy for Friar-town,” made both his 3s and finished 4
crushing loss to the Bluejays 17-point lead before Creighton 3 of his own with 5.6 seconds Cooley said. “We’ve got anoth- for 5 from the field.
three weeks ago. battled back to 39-34 at half- left. Duke put the game out of er monster game coming up “I’m not scared or afraid of
“I feel there was urgency,” time. The Bluejays fell behind reach with two free throws at against a top-five team in Vil- big teams, none of that,” Breed
Watson said. “Creighton is a by double digits again in the the end. lanova. We’ll enjoy today for said. “When you go out there
really good team. They didn’t second half and then made late Freshman guard Alyn Breed about five minutes and we’ll and play hard, none of that mat-
really have the size in there. I runs that fell short. had a season-high 15 points, start preparing for Villanova ters. My teammates and coach-
most definitely was aggressive. “It goes without saying the Duke added 12 and Jimmy tonight.” es give me confidence, so it
I stayed up last night watching start of the game was the dif- Nichols Jr. scored 10 for the Fri- works out.”
film of the first game versus ference,” Creighton coach Greg ars, who were playing the third Big picture
Creighton. I didn’t like the way McDermott said. “Some blown of four straight road games. Providence: The Friars Up next
I played. I was 4 for 11, missing coverages defensively allowed Damien Jefferson scored a were without point guard Jar- Providence visits No. 3 Villa-
too many shots.” Nate Watson to get rolling, and career-best 26 points for the ed Bynum (groin) for the third nova on Saturday.
The 6-foot-10, 260-pound then as he got rolling, obvious- Bluejays. Zegarowski, who straight game and avoided their Creighton hosts No. 23 Con-
Watson outweighs Creigh- ly the foul trouble added up on missed the previous two games longest losing streak since necticut on Saturday. The Blue-
ton’s 6-7 Christian Bishop by us.” with a left hamstring injury, had 2012-13. jays won 76-74 in overtime at
40 pounds and 7-footer Ryan The Bluejays were within 17 points and Bishop added 12. Creighton: The Bluejays UConn on Dec. 20.

Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott stepping down at end of June

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS time, but this felt pretty good,” came the Pac-12 by adding Scott’s other daring move drove up operating costs. He is
Scott said. Colorado and Utah in 2011 and has not panned out as well. The currently the highest paid con-
Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott came to the Pac-12 in created a football championship Pac-12 Network, launched in ference commissioner at $5.4
Scott is stepping down at the 2009 with no experience as a game. The additions helped the 2012, followed the lead of Big million for 2019-20, according
end of June, ending an 11-year college sports administrator conference secure a 12-year $3 Ten Network but never could to USA Today.
tenure in which the conference after two decades working in billion media rights deal with replicate it as a money-maker At the time, though, the
landed a transformational bil- professional tennis, including a Fox and ESPN that set the stan- for its members. move to San Francisco fell in
lion dollar television deal but stint as the chairman and CEO dard in the college sports mar- The Pac-12 chose not to line with the Pac-12 presidents’
struggled to keep up with some of the Women’s Tennis Associa- ket at the time. partner with an existing cable charge to Scott: Modernize a
of its Power Five peers when it tion. He replaced Tom Hansen That move came after Scott network the way the Big Ten conference that had fallen way
came to revenue and exposure. in 2009. made a bold attempt to raid the did with Fox and the Southeast- behind its peers in major col-
The Pac-12 announced “We appreciate Larry’s pio- Big 12, at first trying to woo ern Conference later did with lege sports.
Wednesday night that the neering efforts in growing the Texas and five other schools ESPN. The Pac-12’s highest profile
56-year-old Scott and universi- conference by adding new com- to create a 16-team conference Scott hoped that by the con- sports, football and men’s bas-
ty presidents who make up the petitive university programs and then again circling back on ference having full ownership ketball, have failed to produce
league’s executive committee and accelerating the Pac-12 to Texas and Oklahoma. of the network, it would even- national champions during
mutually agreed that he would television network parity with Scott’s grandest plans never tually position the schools to Scott’s tenure, and some of his
not seek a new contract. the other conferences,” Univer- came to fruition. The additions cash in big on a changing me- long-term plans failed to satisfy
“It’s been quite the amazing sity of Oregon President Mi- did help the conference secure dia landscape, less dependent the short-term needs of admin-
journey,” Scott told AP. “There’s chael Schill said in a statement. a 12-year, $3 billion media on traditional TV networks. istrators within the conference.
a lot of change going on in col- “At one point, our television rights deal with Fox and ESPN. That never panned out. The conference took off in
lege sports. There’s been a lot agreement was the most lucra- The contract set the standard While Pac-12 revenues have the first few years of Scott’s
of change in our conference. tive in the nation and the debut in the college sports market in steadily risen in recent years tenure and he was lauded as a
I’m ready for the next chapter.” of the Pac-12 Network helped 2011 and brought Pac-12 foot- — the conference distribut- visionary. The road got bumpy
Scott’s current deal was set deliver our championship brand ball unprecedented national ed more than $32 million per after that for Scott, and his time
to expire June 2022, but instead to US and global markets on tra- TV exposure. The Pac-12 also school after the 2018-19 aca- in the Pac-12 will come to end
he will finish out this academic ditional and digital platforms. agreed to equal revenue shar- demic year — its members still after the most difficult year of
year to assist with the transition That said, the intercollegiate ing for the first time under the lag behind the Big Ten ($55 mil- college sports trying to play
to his successor. athletics marketplace doesn’t new deal. lion per school) and SEC ($45 through the pandemic.
Scott said the decision came remain static and now is a good Those contract are up in million per school). “This year was tougher than
together quickly after a routine time to bring in a new leader 2024 and negotiating the next Scott has also been criti- any that we’ve had,” Scott said.
meeting with the Pac-12’s exec- who will help us develop our media rights deals will be a top cized for moving the Pac-12 of- “But it also made you step back
utive committee last week. go-forward strategy.” priority of the next Pac-12 com- fices out of Walnut Creek, Cali- and reflect on what’s most im-
“There’s never a perfect Under Scott, the Pac-10 be- missioner. fornia, to San Francisco, which portant in your life.”
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 3B

Continued from Page 1B
ment from the National tion-size football,” Rivers Nothing kept him out — Peyton Manning (186) ing the Colts to an 11-5 But last week, Ballard
Football League. Thank said before the season not the awkward mechan- and Ben Roethlisberger mark and their second said he wanted to take
you God for allowing me opener, explaining how ics, not the critics who (156), Brees (172) and playoff appearance since some time to evaluate the
to live out my childhood he developed his style. “I thought he should retire Hall of Famers Favre 2015. And he did it despite
season and possible off-
dream of playing quar- couldn’t hold it, grip it, after his final season with (186), John Elway (148) playing the final seven
terback in the NFL. I am palm it, so I had to kind the Chargers, not even and Dan Marino (147) with an injured toe on his season acquisitions and
grateful to the Chargers of lay it in my hand a lit- the torn anterior cruci- won more regular-season right foot. urged Rivers to take time
for 16 seasons, and the tle bit. You’re not strong ate ligament he suffered games than Rivers. His teammates were to determine if he would
Colts for the 17th season.” enough to throw it, you against the Colts follow- He also finished his upset they couldn’t help be all-in for 2021.
Rivers was one of a push it. Then as you get ing the 2007 playoffs. career ranked fifth in him go out by clearing Rivers finally decided
kind. bigger and stronger, you His 240 consecutive career completions the most glaring omis-
it was time to leave.
Between his trade- change it a little bit. But regular-season starts was (5,277), yards passing sion from his otherwise
mark throwing style and I think the actual motion the second-longest streak (63,440) and touchdown remarkable resume — a He already has a day
his penchant for trash- kind of stays with what’s since 1970, trailing only passes (421), and as the championship. gig lined up, becoming
talking without cussing, most comfortable and Brett Favre (297), and it Chargers’ franchise re- “The ultimate goal is the head coach of St.
he carved out his own muscle memory and how was one of the few stats cord-holder in every ma- a Super Bowl and you’ve Michael Catholic High
niche in the NFL. you get used to throwing Rivers cherished. jor passing category. got a guy playing for 17 School in Fairhope, Ala-
There’s no doubt Riv- it.” “It’s certainly import- Age didn’t slow him years,” two-time All-Pro
ers could sling it. After being selected ant to me and I’m thank- down, either. linebacker Darius Leon- bama, where he hopes to
When he threw for fourth overall in the 2004 ful that I’ve been healthy Despite struggling in ard said after a 27-24 loss coach his sons just like
401 yards and five touch- draft, he was immediately enough to be out there,” 2019, Rivers rebounded wild-card round loss at his father coached him.
downs in his second col- traded from the New York Rivers said in November. when he was reunited Buffalo. “Adam Vinat- And where those chil-
lege game, then-Indiana Giants to the San Diego “I do think there is some- with coach Frank Reich in ieri played 23 years and dren may perfect the mo-
Hoosiers coach and fu- Chargers for Eli Man- thing about that availabil- Indianapolis. After throw- he has some Super Bowl
tion Rivers made famous.
ture NFL head coach Cam ning. Rivers spent the ity, being there each and ing five interceptions and rings, but Philip doesn’t
Cameron proclaimed that next two seasons backing every week.” four TD passes in his first have any. So you’ve got to “My son never did
the North Carolina State up Drew Brees in San Di- He was more than just five Colts games, Rivers continue to work and for throw a big ball like I did
freshman had a future in ego before taking over as dependable, too. finished with 22 TD pass- us not to give him one this at that age and he throws
the NFL. the starter when Brees Rivers won 134 career es and six interceptions year, it sucks.” it the exact same way,”
Rivers didn’t just play left in free agency. games — No. 2 among over the last 12. Leonard was hoping Rivers said. “He throws it
in the league — he creat- In the 2006 season quarterbacks without a Rivers, an eight-time Rivers would return.
the same way and anytime
ed a legacy few achieve. opener, Rivers made his Super Bowl ring — and Pro Bowler, had the sec- Reich and Colts gener-
“We kind of think it starting debut — and was eighth all-time. Only ond-highest completion al manager Chris Ballard I try to tell him, he says,
started at 5, 6, 7, 8 years then the next 251 in a row Tom Brady (230), two- percentage of his career both said they wanted ‘Dad, you throw it that way.’
old, throwing a regula- including the playoffs. time Super Bowl champs (68%) in 2020 while lead- him back, too. So I’ve left him alone also.”

Continued from Page 1B

cess story came three started the season finale wins to end the regular history to deliver the Ea- an increase in exercises some limited work as the
years ago, when Nick against the Rams, rushing season, a lopsided play- gles a title. He threw for that includes monitored Chiefs moved practice
Foles replaced an injured for 99 yards and throwing off opener over Chicago, 725 yards and six touch- strength training; the re- from outdoors inside be-
Carson Wentz in Decem- two incompletions. He then upsets over two-time downs in wins over Min- sumption of non-contact cause of gusty winds.
ber and led the Philadel- got the nod again the fol- defending champion San nesota in the NFC title football activities; and fi- The availability of
phia Eagles on a magical lowing week in a playoff Francisco in the NFC title game and New England nally, the player is cleared their No. 1 cornerback is
postseason run that cul- game against Green Bay game (15-13 on five field in the Super Bowl. He by team physicians and important with Bills quar-
minated in their only Su- with a limited number of goals) and Buffalo (20- also caught a TD pass in passes an independent terback Josh Allen riding
per Bowl title. plays on a wrist band. He 19) in the Super Bowl. He the win against the Patri- neurological exam, at a hot streak and All-Pro
Jeff Hostetler blazed went 5 for 12 for 40 yards threw three TD passes ots on a trick play known which point he is cleared wide receiver Stefon
a similar path in 1990 and ran for 57 more in a with no interceptions in as the “Philly Special.” to practice and play. Diggs coming to town.
with the New York Giants 13-10 loss to the Packers. the playoff run. Reid didn’t specify Running back Clyde
when he took over for an Mahomes practices, which step Mahomes was Edwards-Helaire and
injured Phil Simms late in in Wednesday, but the wide receiver Sammy
the season and also won
Earl Morrall Frank Reich remains in concussion work he described coin- Watkins also practiced
Morrall was in his 17th Two years after losing
the championship.
season as an NFL jour- to Hostetler, the Bills re-
protocol cides with the fourth step. Wednesday, which means
“Everyone had jumped KANSAS CITY, Mo. — If all goes well, that could the Chiefs could have a
neyman, who had lost to lied on a backup to make
off the bandwagon,” Chiefs quarterback Pat- mean the Chiefs’ quarter- full complement of play-
Joe Namath and the Jets it to their third consecu-
Hostetler recalled three rick Mahomes remained back is cleared to partici- makers regardless of
in Super Bowl III and was tive Super Bowl. Starter
years ago when Foles was in the NFL’s concussion pate more fully in practice their quarterback for the
a backup on a champion Jim Kelly injured his knee
making his run. “We were protocol Wednesday but Thursday or Friday. first time in weeks.
in Baltimore two years in the regular-season practiced in a limited ca-
completely shot as a team. “He’s done well up to Edwards-Helaire, who
That was the outside look- later. He joined the Dol- finale, forcing Reich to pacity, raising hopes that this point and they just was fourth among rook-
ing in. Inside where we phins in 1972 as Griese’s take over in the playoffs. the reigning Super Bowl progress you through the ies with 1,100 yards from
were at, we just rallied the backup on a $100 waiver He led an epic comeback MVP can play in Sunday’s day,” Reid said, “so today scrimmage this season,
wagons. It was us versus claim that proved to be a from a 35-3 deficit to beat AFC title game. was limited work and no sustained a high-ankle
the world. We just rallied bargain when Griese got Houston in the wild-card The Chiefs typically contact, I think was the sprain in Week 15 against
around each other and it hurt in Week 5. Morrall round and then Pitts- breeze through their mid- schedule for today. And New Orleans and missed
showed.” started the next 11 games burgh in the next round, week practice with little that’s kind of what we’re the final two games of
There are others as for the NFL’s only perfect throwing six TD passes contact before ramping doing on Wednesday, so it the regular season. He
well, including Earl Mor- team, leading playoff wins with only one INT in the things up with their lon- fit perfectly with that.” returned to practice last
rall keeping the 1972 Dol- over Cleveland and Pitts- wins. Kelly returned to gest workout Thursday, Mahomes was hurt Wednesday but was held
phins perfect long enough burgh when he threw a the AFC title game and and coach Andy Reid said in the third quarter of out the next two days,
for starter Bob Griese to TD pass to Larry Cson- started the Super Bowl afterward that fit perfect- last Sunday’s 22-17 vic- and he was inactive for
finish the job in the Super ka in the AFC title game. before getting hurt again ly with what Mahomes tory over the Cleveland the Chiefs’ playoff game
Bowl, and Frank Reich Griese returned for the in the 52-17 loss to Dallas, was able to do. Browns when he was against Cleveland.
staging the epic playoff Super Bowl and complet- which Reich finished. “He looked good,” Reid tackled around the neck Watkins hurt his calf
comeback against Hous- ed the 17-0 season. said. “He’s in the protocol while keeping the ball muscle in Week 15 against
ton 28 years ago while Jim Nick Foles so there’s only certain on a quarterback option. Atlanta. He sat out the
Kelly was out injured. Jeff Hostetler Reich was an assis- things he can do, but he His head did not appear regular-season finale and
Here’s a look at some Hostetler had started tant in Philadelphia 25 took all the snaps and he to strike the ground hard did not practice last week,
of the most memorable just two games in almost years later when Wentz feels good. So, I mean, — if at all — and that led joining Edwards-Helaire
playoff performances by seven full seasons for the went down with a knee we’re just going to follow to reports that he had on the inactive list.
backup quarterbacks: Giants when Simms in- injury that looked like it this protocol as close as tweaked a nerve that runs “It’ll be good to have
jured his foot in Week 14. would derail the Eagles we possibly can.” up the neck. both of those guys back,”
Tom Matte After starting that season season. Foles stepped in There are five steps The return of Ma- Chiefs wide receiver
The Baltimore run- with 10 straight wins, and didn’t do much in the in the league’s return-to- homes was only the start Mecole Hardman said.
ning back was thrust into the Giants lost three out final three regular sea- play protocol: rest until of the positive injury news “Hopefully they can play
emergency quarterback of four and were mostly son games and the play- signs and symptoms re- for Kansas City. with us and take the
duty late in the 1965 sea- written off as a contend- off opener over Atlanta. turn to baseline clearance Defensive back necessary steps to be
son after Johnny Unitas er when Simms got hurt. But he put together one to begin cardio; stretch- Bashaud Breeland, who fully healthy or healthy
and Gary Cuozzo went But Hostetler managed of the greatest two-game ing and balance training also left the Browns game enough to get some pro-
down with injuries. Matte to lead the Giants to two stretches in postseason with medical oversight; with a concussion, got in duction from them.”

Continued from Page 1B
SEC opponents in losses this yond the arc. In response, Ken- missing the first six games of the wing four possessions lat- winner in Schaefer’s eight
year and, most notably, a 39.2 tucky drained 14 of 28 3-point the season due to a blood clot er. years at the helm. During that
percent mark from 3-point attempts, including 7 of 13 in in her right lung and sitting Briefly playing alongside span, the Bulldogs failed to
range. the second half and overtime. for the latter half of the win at sophomore Rickea Jackson reach 20 wins just once: 2012-
Take MSU’s overtime loss “They were a well-oiled Florida and subsequent victory and junior Jessika Carter at 13, Schaefer’s first season in
to Kentucky as the preeminent machine in that fourth quar- over Ole Miss following a col- the forward slots, the group Starkville. McCray-Penson
example. While the Wildcats, ter and they knew where they lision against the Gators, Wig- gave MSU some much-needed isn’t quite at a breaking point,
and, more specifically, SEC wanted to get this ball and who gins played 18 and 22 minutes length in marginally defending but lackluster defensive efforts
Player of the Year front-runner they wanted to get this ball,” against Alabama and Texas the Wildcats’ scorching effort against South Carolina, Arkan-
Rhyne Howard, have made a McCray-Penson said following A&M last week. from behind the 3-point line. sas and Tennessee could send
living off torching opposing de- the overtime defeat. “We’re not On the first possession of “That group talked the MSU’s 2020-21 season into a
fenses, the Bulldogs had their there yet.” her first game back against most,” McCray-Penson said at spiral quicker than preseason
chances. Leading by as many If the Bulldogs are, in fact, Kentucky, the former four-star the time. “They made mistakes prognosticators saw coming.
as six points, MSU allowed looking for stoppers, Xaria recruit forced Howard into a but they made up for their mis- “We’re good enough,” she
Kentucky back into the game Wiggins’ recent return to the travel at the top of the key be- takes with talking.” said after the Kentucky loss.
through its failure to guard be- roster should help some. After fore draining a 3-pointer from MSU became a consistent “We’ve just got to grow up.”

Continued from Page 1B
throw a good pitch every The latter wasn’t al- “Last year, it was 2020 and really excelled have two more years in ready has an idea of what
time, Williams said, she ways the case. In 2019, spread out a lot more, and during that,” Ricketts Starkville to continue to to expect when Williams
was able to keep the ball when she made 26 starts there’s confidence in ev- said. make her mark. steps into the circle this
low in the zone to induce as a sophomore, Williams erybody on the staff,” she The success Williams “I think she’s now spring.
softer contact and trust felt the strain of carrying said. experienced last spring starting to buy into that After all, she’s seen it
the fielders around her to the Bulldogs’ pitching The confidence the — though tempered by confidence and the, ‘Hey, before.
make plays. She led the staff. Bulldogs had in her led the pain of the season’s yes, I am this good,’”
“It’s not fun when it’s
nation in hits per seven “It felt like it was most- to some new roles for Wil- mid-March cancella- Ricketts said. “It’s been
our hitters facing her all
innings at just 2.30. ly on me,” she admitted. liams, too. She started tion — will set her up for fun to watch that growth
“I didn’t give up a But with the addition of just four games — posting even more good things to come from her, and to fall like we did this year,
bunch of hard contact Troy transfer Annie Willis complete-game shutouts come in 2021 and beyond, continue to see what she but it’s going to be a lot of
or anything,” she said. and strong performances in three of them — and Ricketts said. With the can do now with another fun this spring when she’s
“Now, I feel a lot of confi- from Grace Fagan, Alyssa earned saves in five. extra year of eligibility two seasons is really fun finally throwing against
dence in the defense and Loza and others, Williams “She had a lot of pres- afforded spring-sport ath- for us to think about.” another team,” Ricketts
other pitchers.” could share the load. sure situations for us in letes by the NCAA, she’ll Ricketts said she al- said.
4B THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 The Dispatch •


Irving returns, but new-look Nets beaten by Cavs in 2 OTs

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Prince for another in a points in their first game quired in the four-team speaking with reporters work in progress. There
dizzying, 55-second span together. But it wasn’t deal that brought Harden Tuesday. Irving only said were moments of sloppi-
CLEVELAND — Ky- as Cleveland put it away. enough to outlast Sexton, to Brooklyn, scored 17 in he needed space to work ness, miscommunication
rie Irving needed some “He played out of his who missed Cleveland’s his Cavs debut and Larry through some issues to and even confusion as
time. The new-look Nets mind,” said Cavs forward last five games with a Nance Jr. had 15. find balance in his life. Brooklyn’s players tried
will require some as well. Cedi Osman, who scored sprained ankle. Sexton will forever be While he was away, the to find some cohesion in
Irving returned from 25. “It was amazing.” The Cavs threw some linked to Irving. He was Nets rocked the league by just Harden’s third game.
his personal “pause” and While it was tough exotic defenses at the selected by Cleveland pulling off the blockbust- “We’ll have good
scored 37 points in his to lose, Irving was im- Nets, who only got Irving with the draft pick the er deal for Harden, whose nights, great nights,” Ir-
first game with Kevin pressed by Sexton, who back at practice on Tues- Cavs got from Boston in arrival has made Brook- ving said. “I’m excited for
Durant and James Hard- looked a lot like Irving on day and haven’t had time the 2017 trade for Irving. lyn a contender to unseat what’s to come.”
en but Brooklyn’s “Big one of his scoring tears. to work on much. Like Irving, Sexton Milwaukee in the Eastern The Nets overcame
3” couldn’t keep up with ‘”Two overtimes for “Look, this is the first wears No. 2, and like Ir- Conference and a legit a 13-point deficit in the
Cleveland’s Collin Sex- my first game back?” said night,” Brooklyn coach ving, he makes big shots. NBA title threat. fourth quarter and tied it
ton, who scored 42 and Irving, who played his Steve Nash said. “We “I definitely accepted Before the game, Nash at 113-all on Irving’s put-
led the Cavaliers to a 147- first game since Jan. 5. seemed a little lost at the challenge,” Sexton admitted being “curious” back with 1:10 left. In the
135 double-overtime win ”You gotta love NBA ball, times. We were a little flat said. “I knew it wasn’t go- about how his trio of su- first OT, after Durant’s
on Wednesday night. though. I was smiling and disjointed at times.” ing to be easy — because perstars would align. free throws put the Nets
Sexton made four when Collin Sexton was As Sexton knocked it’s Kyrie.” “But I’m not in a hur- up 127-124, Sexton hit a
3-pointers — most of making those shots.” down one big shot after Irving had missed ry,” he said, stressing it 3-pointer from up top over
them over Irving — and Durant scored 38 another in the second OT, Brooklyn’s last seven may take time for Durant, Irving with 1.2 seconds
scored 15 points in the points and Harden added players on Cleveland’s games, leaving on Jan. 7 Irving and Harden to fig- left. Durant’s last chance,
second OT. He dropped 21 as Brooklyn’s trio of su- bench tackled each oth- to address some issues ure things out. a contested 3-pointer at
two 3s and fed Taurean perstars combined for 96 er in delight. Prince, ac- he didn’t specify while The Nets are indeed a the horn, was short.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: can find some- hurtful. There may be a better
My col- thing connected result if HE brings it up to his
leagues and to that activity mother.
I were recently he would enjoy DEAR ABBY: I battle with
notified that that’s within your a double chin, and I loathe it.
our company budget. My chin hides itself only if I am
is closing next DEAR ABBY: under 126 pounds. Anything
month. My work Every year on over that and it’s there. I’m not
partner and I Facebook’s “Na- overweight, but my double chin
have collaborated tional Daughter’s makes me feel that way.
closely for four Day,” my daugh- I have read that dermal
years, and he’s ter’s mother-in- fillers in the chin can discreetly
ZITS an expert at the law professes her get rid of this issue. The prob-
software I need love, respect and lem? My husband. He’s against
to know to get a admiration for any type of plastic surgery. He
job in my field. her own daugh- doesn’t like my double chin
When I asked Dear Abby ter, but never ac- either, but he wants me to only
if he would give knowledges her get rid of it “naturally.” Normal-
me a couple of daughter-in-law ly I would agree. I have been
lessons via Zoom, I was think- (my daughter). Yet on “National exercising (running four times
ing it’d be about a three-hour Son’s Day,” she posts glowing a week) without success. I
commitment for him. But he tributes not only to her sons, don’t feel comfortable looking
was enthusiastic and designed but also to her son-in-law. this way.
a 20-plus-hour curriculum for We all live within miles of I think I deserve this
me. each other, and this recurring shortcut. Should I get the
He keeps saying he doesn’t slight makes it difficult to act filler without my husband’s
GARFIELD want me to pay him, but I like everything is fine when, blessing, or should I continue
want to find an appropriate in truth, this is hurtful to my this struggle? — TAKING IT ON
way to express my gratitude. daughter and to our family. THE CHIN
What would be an appropri- Should I address this issue DEAR TAKING IT: You are
ate amount to compensate with the mother-in-law or an adult, and it’s your body.
him without getting too steep continue to bite my tongue? — You do not need permission
(which is why I didn’t do the DISMISSED IN TEXAS to do something that will help
full-price software training in DEAR DISMISSED: If you you feel better about yourself.
the first place. It was $2K)? are smart, rather than address If your husband is against any
Thanks for any advice. — the issue with your daughter’s type of plastic surgery (and by
THANKFUL IN ILLINOIS mother-in-law, who either has the way, fillers do not qualify
DEAR THANKFUL: If you the emotional intelligence of as plastic surgery), HE should
know of any interests, hobbies, an oyster or really doesn’t care forgo having it when his frown
a sport, etc. your partner has for your daughter, mention it to lines begin to look like tractor
outside the workplace, consid- your son-in-law and point out furrows and he develops a
CANDORVILLE er going online to see if you to him that being slighted is wattle.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. the old guard make room. If it ease.
21). Various enchantments happens, then it will be because CANCER (June 22-July 22).
include love and an enthralling you created enough safety and You don’t need to improve; you
area of study which intensifies ego-stroking to allow for it. just want to. Your motivation to
under the guidance of a stellar TAURUS (April 20-May 20). make healthy choices is great-
teacher. A new position is per- It will be tempting to ask others est when you approve of and
fect for you, so do not hesitate to solve problems that are best enjoy yourself just as you are.
to apply to, or more likely to cre- handled by you. Ask questions LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It will
ate, this role. In general, people like, “What would be easier/ take many interests and people
will respond to your confidence simpler/cheaper?” You’ll turn swirling around you at once to
BABY BLUES and will go along with your lead- issues into nonissues. keep you from getting bored. By
ership. Cancer and Capricorn GEMINI (May 21-June 21). the end of the day, you’ll have
adore you. Your lucky numbers Talented salespeople make opened and closed many loops.
are: 4, 30, 12, 28 and 5. things happen. You are such a VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ARIES (March 21-April person when you really believe For years, people have told you
19). New talent can favorably in a thing. Today, you’ll get a that you were good at some-
influence events, but only if chance to apply this talent, and thing. Your talent is so inherent
given the stage. It requires that you’ll promote your interest with that you don’t even think of it
as anything special, though
today you’ll understand that it
really is.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
The efforts you make to tune
your senses to the moment and
stick mentally and emotionally
BEETLE BAILEY with what’s happening in the
present, will keep you happier,
even when said “moment” isn’t
particularly remarkable.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You’ll be interacting in a group
and figuring out where you fit in.
It takes some jostling, so don’t
expect to get it immediately. Ev-
eryone else will have to adjust,
too, which is part of it.
21). Being overly serious is not
only boring, it’s also an ineffec-
tive way to go through the day.
MALLARD FILLMORE You avoid anything that feels
forced or grave. Answers could
come to you in a fit of laughter.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Now you’re far enough
away from a past incident that
you understand how it could be
seen as “a learning experience”
or possibly even as “funny.”
Though, perhaps, not by you,
not quite yet. In time!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). In your sleep, you process
life, grow your brain, become
wiser and heal. That doesn’t
FAMILY CIRCUS mean your dreams make a lick
of sense. Don’t overthink it.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’ll field innocent
questions, although that’s not
the norm today. It’s more likely
that the line of questioning
follows an agenda that will be
readily understood if you think it
through a few times.

The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 5B

How the Joe Biden presidency could impact your money
Moody’s Analytics economists ocrats and Republicans Revising
doesn’t constitute filibus-
one in a 37 percent tax
bracket is able to deduct
make retirement saving
easier for the U.S. work-
expect the Biden administration ter-proof power. retirement plans the full amount of a retire- force.
Joe Biden also has ment plan contribution; “Employers who don’t
will dedicate increased funding for Reversing Trump some ideas to reshape
employer-sponsored re-
so $37 for every $100 pre- offer retirement plans
tax contribution. That’s a would be required to al-
enhancements to ‘social safety nets’ taxHigher
taxes are ex-
tirement plans. greater tax benefit than low employees to make
One of those propos- someone in a lower tax contributions to individ-
BY HAL M. BUNDRICK OF pected to partially fund
NERDWALLET Moving from relief the widening of these so-
als is to equalize the tax bracket, such as 20 per- ual retirement accounts,
benefit of contributing to
to stimulus cial safety nets.
a retirement plan so that
cent, who would receive
a $20 deduction for each
IR As,” Hall says. “Contri-
butions to the IR As would
As you take a closer With Democrats gain- Yaros says Biden is
likely to succeed in re- “higher-income earners $100 pre-tax contribution. come directly from pay-
look at your financial ing two seats in the Sen-
versing Trump’s tax cuts, aren’t getting more of The idea proposed by checks.”
footing amid the head- ate from the Georgia
winds of a pandemic, runoffs, there is now a raising the corporate in- the benefit than the low- the Biden administration With the shift of bal-
it’s an excellent time to greater possibility of mov- come tax rate to 28 per- er-income workers, that is to offer a tax credit to ance in Congress, Hall
examine the possible im- ing from “relief” to “stim- cent, increasing the tax it’s standard across the low- and moderate-in- says such changes may
pact of a Joe Biden presi- ulus” mode in late 2021. rate for taxable incomes board,” says Anne Tyler come workers, resulting be more likely. Plus,
dency on money matters. “That’s because now of more than $400,000 Hall, founder and princi- in an equal tax benefit. “some of these provisions
The balance of Con- that the Democrats have and eliminating some tax pal of Hall Benefits Law. Democrats are also have bipartisan support,”
gress has shifted follow- a simple majority in the breaks for those making For example, some- pushing for employers to she adds.
ing the Georgia runoffs, Senate. They can pass more than $1 million.
providing possible mo- changes to the tax code But the tax hikes may
mentum for President as well as implement be smaller than widely
Biden’s agenda. changes in spending,” anticipated, says Michael
A new COVID check, Yaros says. Zezas, head of U.S. public
taxes, health care — it’s Moody’s Analytics policy research at Mor-
all on the line. Here’s economists expect the gan Stanley.
how. Biden administration will “In a Senate where
Democrats have the slim-
dedicate increased fund-
A short fuse mest majority possible,
ing for enhancements to
any one Democratic sena-
on another round “social safety nets,” possi-
tor effectively has a veto.
bly including:
of stimulus checks ■ Expanding eligibili-
And when it comes to tax-
Look for another es, we expect many of the
round of pandemic re- ty for Medicare.
Biden administration’s
lief shortly after Biden’s ■ Retooling Obama-
proposed taxes won’t pass
inauguration, says Ber- care into Bidencare. muster with Democratic
nard Yaros Jr., an econ- ■ Rolling out paid sick moderates,” Zezas says in
omist with Moody’s An- leave protections. an analysis.
alytics. ■ Offering universal “We estimate about
“In February, we ex- pre-K for 3- and 4-year- $500 billion of tax increas-
pect that there’s going to olds. es are possible, obviously
be a COVID-specific re- ■ Providing some kind a smaller number than
lief package,” Yaros says. of student debt forgive- another potential COVID
That measure will likely ness. stimulus round, and also
once again extend unem- But on these initia- smaller than the $1 tril-
ployment insurance ben- tives, Democrats will lion-plus spending now
efits, with enough sup- “have to pick and choose,” in play for each of health
port for another round of Yaros says. care and infrastructure,”
checks issued to Ameri- “Among the more Zezas added.
cans, “whether it’s 2K or moderate Democrats, Even if Biden can
slightly lower,” he says. they’re not going to want swing the tax hikes, they
Small businesses are to increase the deficit too aren’t expected to kick in
likely to receive more much. That’s obviously until 2024, Yaros says, “to
grants and forgivable going to be a limiting fac- make sure that there’s no
loans, as well. tor,” he adds. fiscal drag, at all, on the
“And we’re also think- And while Vice Presi- economy in these next
ing, you would probably dent Kamala Harris holds couple of years when
get some additional fund- the deciding vote in the we’re still digging our-
ing for rental assistance,” event of a Senate tie, the selves out of the pandem-
Yaros adds. 50-50 split between Dem- ic.”

cal; Easley Refrigeration and
City of Columbus Electric
■ Pettys Rental House LLC;
1627 6tj Avenue South; plumb-
Jan. 11-15, 2021 ■ Ralph and Kathryn Dollar; ing; R & D Plumbing
■ Tommie and Willie Mae Fra- 510 4th Street South; electri- ■ CNE Properties LLC; 302
zier; 2621 6th Avenue North; cal; Easley Refrigeration and 21st Street North; plumbing;
demolish residence; same Electric Klutts Plumbing
■ Grand View Investments ■ Kevin and Cynthia McCrary; ■ College Investment Prop-
LLC; 2240-A Military Road; 236 Hunters Hollow; electri- erties LLC; 822 2nd Avenue
signs for Benjamin F. Edwards; cal; Easley Refrigeration and North; plumbing; Klutts
Mid-South Signs Electric Plumbing
■ Eldrick Hill; 2516 12th Ave- ■ Greg Houston; 410 17th
nue North; renovate fire dam- Street South; electrical; Easley
age; Sammie Hill Construction Refrigeration and Electric Lowndes County
■ Wayne and Ashley Chitman; ■ Freddie Jones; 820 13th Jan. 19, 2021
118 5th Street North; electri- Street North; electrical; Wel- ■ George and Anna Couch;
cal; Easley Refrigeration and don Electric 96 Lexington Lane; construct
Electric ■ Emily Johnson; 617 1st pool; owner
■ TG Comer Jr; 580 Law Street South; electrical; Wel- ■ Hal Kerstetter; 1100
Shoals Road; electrical; Easley don Electric Caldwell Road; construct pool;
Refrigeration and Electric ■ Harold and Jane Knoop; 810 owner
■ Richard Fant; 1103 Water- Cypress Street; electrical; A&H ■ Todd Pits; 111 Cherrywood
works Road; electrical; Easley Electrical and Refrigeration Drive; construct storage/shop;
Refrigeration and Electric LLC owner
■ Columbus-Lowndes County ■ Larry W Billups; 189 Jimbo
■ Jaron Andrews; Beersheba
Airport; 368 Fabritek Drive; Road; electrical; same
Road; construct s/f residence;
electrical; Easley Refrigeration ■ Patrick W and Jo Ann Daugh-
and Electric tery; 245 Alabama Street;
■ Anthony Holcombe; 604 mechanical; Lennox NAS
20th Avenue North; electri- ■ Emmitt J Ellis; 803 18th LOCAL GAS PRICES
cal; Easley Refrigeration and Street North; mechanical; Source:
Electric Thomas Refrigeration
■ Tim Younger; 606 Dublin ■ Richard L Moore; 915 18th COLUMBUS
Drive; electrical; Easley Refrig- Street North; mechanical;
eration and Electric Thomas Refrigeration 1913-A US-45 N
■ Colonial Impact Fund II LLC; ■ Columbus Community Hous-
716 Spruce Street; electri-
cal; Easley Refrigeration and
ing; 912 11th Avenue South;
plumbing; R & D Plumbing 2.03 SPIRIT
97 Alabama St.

Electric ■ Rodd and Jennifer Core;

■ Glenn Baldwin; 270 Chubby
Drive; electrical; Easley Refrig-
1009 4th Avenue South;
plumbing; R & D Plumbing
2.04 LOVE’S
525 Tuscaloosa Rd.

eration and Electric

■ Columbus Gardens LP;
■ Federal National Mort-
gage Association; 113 13th
1011 4th Street South, Apt
D23; electrical; Easley Refrig-
Street North; plumbing; R & D
Plumbing 1.99 WALMART
105 Market St.

eration and Electric ■ Byron and Melinda Johnson;

■ Sammie B Gunnels; 103
Curtis Road; electrical; Easley
115 Juanita Street; plumbing;
R & D Plumbing
1012 MS-12


Refrigeration and Electric ■ Baptist Missionary Associa-
■ Brickyard Properties Ltd; tion of MS; 219 Maple Street; 308 Hwy. 12 E

140 Brickerton Street; electri- plumbing; R & D Plumbing

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