Constitution Study Guide: Name: Vocabulary

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Constitution Study Guide: NAME:

 Federalist: supported the Constitution and strong national government

 Anti-Federalist: opposed a strong national government, opposed ratification of the constitution

 Ratify: to formally agree on a document making it official; to approve

 Boycott: an organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products

 Repeal: revoke or take back a law

 Ratify: to approve

 Lobbyist:

 Veto: to reject

 Land Ordinance of 1 78 5: public policy for western lands,provided for setting aside one section of land in
each township for public education

 Economic Depression: The economic depression of the 1780’s occurred because of the AoC’s inability to
tax, enforce laws, and the debt from the Revolutionary War.
1. Who was not allowed to vote under the AoC?

2. Weaknesses of the AoC:

3. Why were the AoC created to be weak on purpose?

4. What powers did the AoC have?

5. Successes of the AoC: won the Rev War, divided up Northwest Territory, obtained the NW Territory, negotiated the
Treaty of Paris
6. Economic problems under the AoC: War debts, economic depression, could not collect taxes, could not use the New

1. Where was the Constitutional Convention held? Philadelphia

2. How many delegates were at the Constitutional Convention? 55

3. Who was president over the Constitutional Convention? George Washington

4. How many states had to ratify the Constitution for it to become the national law? nine

5. What are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution called? Bill of Rights

6. What is the Bill of Rights? – guarantees individual liberties

7. Which political philosopher created the idea of three branches of government and separation of powers?
James Madison


1. Wanted representation based on: Wanted representation based on: Senate based on:

House of Reps based on:

2. Was written by: Favored: SMALL STATES
3. How many houses in Congress?

4. Favored: BIG STATES Judicial branch has: SUPREME COURT

5. Called for how many branches of
government? Executive=

1. What are the two houses of Congress called?

2. What was the 3/5’s Compromise?

3. Well known Federalist: George Washington, James Madison, John Adams

4. What were the Federalist Papers?

5. Who wrote the Federalist papers?

6. Name three well-known Anti-Federalist:

7. Who is the Father of the Constitution?

8. These men played an important role in the Constitutional Convention: Roger Sherman, George Washington, James Madison,
Gouverneur Morris

9. When did the Constitution become the Supreme Law of the Land? June 2 1, 1 78 8

10. What did the Anti-Federalists want added to the Constitution?

11. Which plan did James Madison present at the Constitutional Convention?

Led by: Senate based on: Has the:
House of Reps based on:
Job: Job:

How a Bill becomes a Law:

1. When a bill becomes a law, the first group it is introduced to is the:

2. If the House of Representatives passes the bill, it is then sent to the:

3. If the bill is passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, it then goes to the:

4. When the President receives a bill what are his/her options?

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