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Page 13
EN1990 - Eurocode : Basis of Structural Design - Draft prAnnex A2

NOTES NOTE 2 When the National Annex refere to the infrequení combination of actions for some servi ceability
1) Tbese combinatkms of actions may be defmed in íhe National Annex or for th e particular project. limit states of concrete bridges, the recommended values of V/.ÍIJ/ÍT are :
2) Special reqmrements for aceidental design situations involving ship colhsions against bridge piers 0,80 for grla (LM1), grlb (LM2), gr3 (pedestrian loads), gr4 (LM4, crowd loading) and T (thermal
should be defined for the particular project. See EN 1991-1-7. actions);
- 0,60 for FW in persistent design situations
A2.2.6 Values of i^faeíors — 1,00 in other cases (i.e. the characteristic value is substituted for the infrequent value)

NOTE 3 The characteristic values of wind actions and snow loads duiing execution are defined in EN 199]-
(1) Values of y factors should be specifíed. 1-6. Where relevant, representative values of water actions (Qna) may be defined for the particular project.

Noíe l : The \p values may be set by the National Annex. Recommended values of y factors for the Table A2.2 ~ Recommended values of y factors for footbridges
groups of traffic loads and the more common other actions are given in :
- Table A2. l for road bridges,
- Table A2.2 for footbhdges, and
Action Symbol ¥0 n n
grl 0,40 0,40 0
- Table A2.3 for raílway bridges, both for groups of loads and individual components of traffic actions. Traffic loads 0 0 0
gi-2 0 0 0
Tablè A2.1 - Recommended values of ^factors for road bridges
\Yind forces % 0,3 0,2 0
Action Symbol Thermal actions T 0,6(" 0,6 0,5
Vb VI Vi
Snow loads Sn (during execution) 0,8 - 0
grla(LMl) 1 ) TS ®,75 0,75 0
UDL» 0,40 . 0,40 0 Construction loads a
- Working personal, staff and visitors - 0,2
0 0,75 0 1,0
with small equipment (Oca)
Traffic loads gr2 (Horizontal Forces) 0 0 0
- Storage of construction material, 1,0 - 1,0
(see EN 1991-2, gr3 (Pedesírian loads) 0 0 0
precast elements, etc. (6>cb)
Table 4.4) -
- Heavy equipment etc. (Qm) 1,0 1,0
gr4 (LM4 ~ Crowd loading)) 0 0,75 0 - Granes, lifts, vehicles etc. (Q^} 1,0 - -
gr5 (LM3 - Special vehicles)) 0 0 0
Wind forces 1) The recommended y/í; value for thermal actions may in most cases be reduced to 0 for ulíimate
Persistent design situations 0,6 0,2 0
limit states EQU, STR and GEO. See however íhe design Eurocodes
Execution 0,8 0

4 1,0 - - NOTE 4 For footbridges, the infrequent value of variable actions is not relevant
ThermaE actions T 0,63) 0,6 0,5
Snow loads Sn (during execution) 0,8 0
Construction loads a
- Working persona , staff and visitors 1,0 0,2
with small equipment (OCa)
- Storage of construction material, 1,0 1,0
precast elements, etc. (Od,)
- Heavy equipment etc. (Occ) 1,0 - 1,0
- Granes, lifts, vehicles etc. (Ocd) 1,0 1,0

1) The recommended values of \J/Q , \jf-\_ > Y? f°r Br*a are given for roads with traffic corresponding
to adjusting factors CÍQJ , ct^ , a,-.r and j3n equal to 1. Those relating to UDL correspond to the
most comrnon traffic scenanos, in which an accumulation of lorries can occur, but not írequently.
Other values may be envisaged for other classes of routes, or of expected traffic, related to the
choice of the corresponding « factors. For example, a value of y/2 oíher than zero may be envisaged
for íhe UDL system of LM1 only, for bridges supporting a severe continuous traffic. See also EN

2)'The factors for UDL apply not only to the distributed -part of LM1, but also to the combination
value of the pedestlian load mentioned in Table 4.4 of EN 1991-2.

3) The recommended \j/o value for thermal actions may in most cases be reduced to 0 for ultimate
limit states EQU, STR and GEO. See however íhe design Eurocodes

PT Draft - Síage 34 - 31 August 2001 PT Draft - Stage 34 - 31 August 2001

Page 14 Page 15
EN1990 - Eurocode : Basis of Structural Design - Draft prAnnex A2 EN1990 - Eurocode : Basis of Struclural Design - Draft prAnnex A2

Table A2.3 ™ Recommended values of y factors for raihvay bridges Table contimted from previoits page

The r ma!
actions 3)
7 0,60 0,60 0,50
Vá Wi V2J>
Individual LM 71 0,80 1) 0 Snow loads Sn (during execution) 0,8 - 0
of rraffíc
0 1,00
a - Working personal, staff and visitors with small 1,0 - 0,2
actions" Unloaded train 1,00 equipment (O011)
li -
HSLM 0.80 0 - Storage of construction material, precast elements, 1,0 1,0
Traction and braking Individual Components of etc. (Qcb)
Centrifugal forces traffic action including de- - Heavy equipment etc. (Occ) 1,0 - 1,0
Interaction forces due to deformation under vertical sign situations where the - Granes, lifis, vehicles etc. (Oa]) 1,0 - 1,0
traffic loads traffic loads are considered 0,8 if l írack only is loaded
as a single (multi direc- 0,7 if 2 tracks are srmultaneously loaded
tional) leading action and 0,6 if 3 or more tracks are simultaneously loaded.
not as groups of loads 2) When wind forces act simultaneously with traffic actions, the wind force l//õ FWk should be taken
should use the same values as no greater than /$* (see EN 1991-1-4) See A2.2.4(4)
as the y factors adopted for 3) (see EN 1991-1-5).
the associated vertical loads
4) If deformation is being considered, y/a should be taken equal to 1,00.
Nosing forces 1,00 0,80 0
5) Minimum coexistem favourable vertical load with centrífuga], traction or braking individual com-
Non public footpatlis loads 0,80 0,50 0 ponents of rail traffic actions is 0,5LM71 etc.
Real írains 0,80 0,80 0
i) 6) For specific design situations (e.g. calculation of bridge camber for aesthetics and drainage consid-
Traffic load surcharge horizontal earth pressure 0,80 0
eration, clearance, etc.) the requirements for the combinations of actions to be used should be
Aerodynamic effects 0,80 0,50 0
specífied for the particular project.
grl 1 (LM71 - SW/01 Max. vertical 1 with max.
NOTE 5 For railway bridges, the infiequent value of variable actions is not relevant.
gr!2(LM71 -SW/0) Max. vertical 2 with max.
gr 13 (Braking/Troction) Max. longitudinal (2) For traffic actions, a unique \jf value should be applied, as relevant, to one group of
grl 4 (Centrifugal/Nosing) Max. lateral O.SO 0,80 0 loads defined EN 1991-2, taken equal to the yf value applicable to the leading compo-
gr!5 (Unloaded train) Lateral stabihry with nentof the group.
"unloaded írain"
gr!6(SW/2) SW/2 with max. longitu-
dinal (3) Where groups of loads are used for the design of railway bridges the groups of loads
Main fnífflc ac- grl7(SW/2) SW/2 witli max. trans- defmed in EN 1991-2 § 6.8.2, Table 6.8 should be used.
tions verse
(Groups of loads) gr21 (LM71 + SW/0) Max. vertical 1 with max. (4) Where relevant, for railway bridges, combinations of individual traffic actions (includ-
longitudinal ing individual components) should be taken into account.
gr22 (L.M71 -i- SW/0) Max. vertical 2 with max
NOTE Individual trafQc actions may also have to be taken into account for example for the design of beai-
gr23 (Braking/Traction) Max. longitudinal 0,80 0,70 0 ings, for íhe assessment of maxhnum lateral and minimum vertical traffic loading, bearing restraints, maxi-
gr24 (Centrifugal/Nosing) Max. lateral mum overruming effects on abutments (especiaíly for continuous bridges); etc., see Table A2.3.
gi-26 (SW/2) SW/2 with max. longitu-
gi-27 (SW2) SW/2 with max. trans- A2.3 Ultimate limit states (veriflcations for fatigue excluded)
gr31(LM71 +SW/0) Additional load cases 0,80 0,60 0 A2.3.1 Design values of actions in persistent and transient design situations
Other operating Aerodynamic effects 0,80 0,50 0
(1) The design values of actions for ultimate limit states in the persistent and transient
General maintenance loading for non public footpaíhs 0,80 0,50 0
Wind forces 2> Ftm 0,60 0,50 0
design situations (expressions 6.9a to 6.10b) should be in accordance with Tables
1,00 0 0
A2.4(A) to (C).
Tab/c coriíinued on nexl page NOTE The values in Tables A2.4 ((A) to (C)) rnay be altered e.g, for different reliability leveis ín the
National Armex (see Section 2 and Annex B).

PT Draft - Stage 34 - 31 August 2001 PT Draft - Stage 34-31 August 2001

EN 1991-2:2003 (E)

Table 4.4a - Assessment of groups of traffic loads (characteristic values of the multi-component action)

Load type Vertical forces Horizontal forces Vertical
forces onlv
Reference 4.3.2 4,3.3 4.3.4 4,3.5 4.4.1 4,4.2 5.3.2^(1)
Load system LM1 LM2 LM3 LM4 Braking and Centrifugal Uoiformly
(TS and (Single axle) (Special (Crowd acceleration and Distributed
UDL vehicles) loading) forces transverso load
systems) forces
grla Characteristic ' Combination
values value*
grlb Characteristic
gr2 Frequent Characteristic Characteristic
valuesb value value
Groups of gr3 d Characteristic
Loads value °
Gr4 Characteristic Characteristic
value value b
Gr5 See annex A Characteristic
Dominant compouent action (designated as component associated with the group)
a May be defíned in the National Annex,
b May be defíned in lhe National Aiinex. The feconuoêuded vaiue is 3 kN/m3.
c See 5.3.2.i-(2). One footway only should be consídered to be loaded if the effect is more unfavourable than íhe effeet of íwo loaded foouvays.
d This group is irrcíevaní if gr4 is considered.


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