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3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 30

Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Acquisition and assessment of non-intended outputs in the lignite industry

T. Bielig and H.Z. Kuyumcu

Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany

ABSTRACT is introduced and its application on the lignite

industry. From the technological point of view
Land, equipment, material and energy are used
the overall production process in the lignite in-
for the activities of the lignite industry. During
dustry can be divided into mining, power gen-
operation various material and energy flows are
eration in lignite-fired power plants and - future-
released. These material and energy flows are
oriented - in the capture and storage of carbon
nearly always without value for the raw material
dioxide (CO2). The refinement of lignite is not
supply chain and the electric power supply.
considered in the investigations.
They are not production targets. Instead, they
The lignite industry plays an important role
have negative effects on the environment and
in both countries, Greece and Germany. Table 1
the ecology as well as on the economy. There-
gives an overview about the resources, the re-
fore they are referred to as “non-intended”. A
serves and the use of lignite in Greece and Ger-
high degree of transparency of the material and
many. Domestic lignite is the most important
energy flows and especially the knowledge of
indigenous fuel of Greece. Germany and Greece
the quantities and qualities of the non-intended
are the largest lignite producers in the EU. Ex-
outputs are the starting point for technical and
traction of lignite has a very long tradition in
economical measures. The methodology for ac-
both countries (Diercks et al., 2008; Kavouridis,
quisition and assessment of non-intended out-
puts in the lignite industry bases on a system
Today in Greece and Germany, lignite is ex-
analysis. All relevant material and energy flows
clusively mined in opencast mines and mainly
are assigned to individual processes. Causal re-
used for power generation. Since transport of
lationships, possible interactions, quantities and
lignite is expensive relative to its extraction cost
qualities of the non-intended outputs are exam-
ined as functions of the processes and their pa- Table 1: Lignite and Energy Data, 2007.
rameters. Finally an environmental, technical Information Greece Germany
and economical evaluation follows. Resources [Mt] 6,800 77,200
Reserves [Mt] 3,300 40,800
1. INTRODUCTION Domestic Output [Mt] 65.8 180.4
3,770- 7,800-
At the Chair for Mechanical Process Engineer- Calorific Value [kJ/kg]
9,630 11,500
ing and Solids Processing of the Berlin Institute Ash Content [%] 15.1-19.0 1.5-20.0
of Technology a methodology for the acquisi- Water Content [%] 41.0-57.9 40.0-60.0
tion and assessment of the material and energy Sulphur Content [%] 0.5-1.0 0.15-2.8
flows especially in the mining industry, includ- Primary Energy Con-
11.9 55.0
ing mining and raw material processing, was sumption [Mtce]
developed and already tested in several mines Power Supply [TWh] 31.1 156.0
(Bielig et al., 2005). Power Plant Capacity
5,288 20,385
In the following the developed methodology [MW]
Mtce: million tons of coal equivalent
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 31
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

and heating value, lignite can be used economi- Analysis of system structure
cally only within relatively short distances from and Modelling
the opencast mines. Therefore all the lignite-
fired power plants are located in close proximity
to the mines. The lignite opencast mines and Classification of
nearby power plants are technical production the material and energy flows
systems with geographical, geological and tech-

nological boundary conditions. As almost all

geological and most of the geographical restric- Data acquisition and
tions are not variable, the feasibility and the management
economic success of the mine operation under
given market conditions can only be optimised
by technological parameters. All the technical, Material and energy balancing
economic and organisational measures which Calculation of the non-intended outputs
influence the production of a certain quantity
and a defined product quality from a very well
explored deposit and for electricity production Assessment and deduction
as well as for CO2 capture and storage are to be of appropriate measures
understood as technology. Figure 1: Flowchart of the procedure of acquisition and
Even though especially mines appear diffi- assessment of the non-intended outputs.
cult to access to “benchmarking”, the acquisi- including CO2 capture, transport and storage in
tion and assessment of all the material and en- an adequate deposit is analysed. Therefore, a hi-
ergy flows create the potential for comparisons erarchical system definition specific to the re-
of mining operation as well as for power gen- quirements in the lignite industry is necessary
eration from lignite and for comparisons of that allows to systematically break-down the
similar sites with the option to extend the ex- overall system into its relevant processes and
amination globally to different areas. Improve- associated material and energy flows. For mod-
ment, modification and optimisation can be de- elling the overall system as well as the individ-
rived from this knowledge. By means of the ual processes Umberto is used. Umberto is a
methodology the lignite mining, the power gen- software tool to model, calculate and visualise
eration as well as the CO2 capture and storage material and energy flow systems as material
can be optimised to contribute to a sustainable and energy flow networks.
development in the lignite industry. The material and energy flows or compo-
nents of them are classified as non-intended
outputs according to the definition not to be the
production target. Then operational data (input
For the acquisition and assessment of the mate- and output material and energy flows, cost data,
rial and energy flows not only in the mining in- etc.) has to be gathered for the identified ele-
dustry, but also in the lignite industry, an inte- ments using a set of appropriate questionnaires.
grated approach is necessary. Therefore the ob- For further analysis, the acquired data is then
jective of the work presented in this paper has stored in the database of Umberto.
been the development of a methodology suited Further processing of the data primarily
to the comprehensive technical and economic comprises the data reconciliation of the meas-
analysis of all material and energy flows in the ured and estimated values to fit the set of mate-
lignite industry and its application to selected rial and energy balances. For this purpose proc-
operations. ess models are used. Based on the corrected bal-
Figure 1 shows the overall flowchart for the ances for all material and energy components
procedure of acquisition and assessment of the within the overall system the flows containing
non-intended outputs. The procedure is dis- the non-intended outputs are identified and used
cussed in detail within the next paragraphs. to calculate several performance indicators as a
In the first step the structure of the mine op- decision support in taking appropriate optimisa-
eration and the nearby power generation plant tion measures.
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 32
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

2.1 System definition and system model extraction”, 01.04 “Haulage/transport”, 01.05
“Supporting”, 01.06 “Material supply”, 01.07
In accordance with the system-analytic scope,
“Repair/maintenance”, 01.08 “Personnel trans-
material and energy flows were only considered
port”, 01.09 “Dumping/loading”, 01.10 “Mine
in connection with the active working phase of a
water management”, 01.11 “Mine ventilation”,
lignite mine and a lignite-fired power plant.
01.12 “Storage/disposal”, 01.13 “Immission
Processes and outputs up to the start of regular
control”, 01.14 “Recultivation during mining”,
production and after the close down were not
01.15 “Recultivation after mining” and 01.16
considered. Providing electricity or in the long
“Overall operation of the mine”. The subsys-
term vision the capture and storage of CO2 in an
tems of first order in the partial system 03 “Po-
adequate deposit are other limits of the system
wer generation” are: 03.01 “Processing of fuel”,
for the investigation.
03.02 “Combustion”, 03.03 “Gasification”, 03.
Due to the differences in the balancing pro-
04 “Steam generation”, 03.05 “Energy conver-
cedure, in the system-analytic approach the
sion in turbines”, 03.06 “Condensation”, 03.07
overall system “lignite industry” is divided into
“Flue gas cleaning”, 03.08 “CO2 capture”, 03.09
the partial systems 01 “Mining”, (02 “Process-
“Process water management”, 03.10 “Providing
ing”), 03 “Power generation” and 04 “CO2 se-
electricity”, 03.11 “Loading/unloading”, 03.12
questration”. For all the partial systems not only
“Disposal”, 03.13 “Repair/maintenance” and 03.
subsystems of first and second order, but also
14 “Overall operation of the power plant”. The
the associated elements are defined. By doing so
subsystems of first order in the partial system 04
a process-oriented proceeding is pursued. The
“CO2 sequestration” are: 04.01 “CO2 compres-
main idea is to finally ascertain the material and
sion”, 04.02 “CO2 transport”, 04.03 “CO2 stor-
energy flows in such a way that the reasons,
age”, 04.04 “Repair/maintenance” and 04.05
origins, quantities and qualities of the non-
“Overall operation of the CO2 sequestration”.
intended outputs can be assigned to the individ-
For further subdivision, all the subsystems of
ual processes. The hierarchical structure of the
first order are divided into subsystems of second
system is represented in Figure 2.
order. To the subsystems of second order the
For the better handling of the hierarchical
elements are assigned.
system structure a four-digit coding scheme is
The content of the system is determined by
introduced. The partial systems, the subsystems
the individual elements and their interrelations.
of first and second order as well as the elements
Elements describe processes, which can not fur-
are unambiguously assigned by two-digit num-
ther usefully be subdivided. One or more pieces
bers. So it is possible to match the recorded in-
of equipment can belong to an individual ele-
puts and outputs to the appropriate elements.
ment, for which the material and energy flows
First of all the main, ancillary and auxiliary
are balanced. The flows represent the relations
processes have to be identified and defined as
that link the elements and/or subsystems. An
subsystems of first order. In the partial system
example is shown in Figure 3.
01 “Mining” the following processes are defi-
In accordance with the principle of Petri nets,
ned as subsystems of first order: 01.01 “Deve-
there are three basic types of components to cre-
lopment”, 01.02 “Preparatory”, 01.03 “Mining/
ate material and energy flow networks in Um-
berto. Material and energy transformation proc-
01 Partial system 1
esses are represented in transitions (T). For each
01.01 Subsystem of 1st order
Inputs Element Outputs
01.01.01 Subsystem of 2nd order
Muck Ore
Energy Motor Device Exhaust gas 01.01.01.n 01.01.00.n 01.00.00.n Lubricant Oil loss
Element Element Element Element and material Abrasion „Loading Waste heat
Fresh air with mobile equipment“ Noise

Figure 2: Numbering convention for the hierarchical sys- Figure 3: Inputs and outputs of the element
tem definition. “Loading with mobile equipment“.
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 33
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

transition the relation between the input and Material

Material flow

output flows of material and energy has to be Solid

Solid phase
specified by coefficients, functions or a subnet Overburden/waste
Overburden/waste rock
rock Component 11
as process model. Places (P) are the components Run-of-mine
Run-of-mine Component
Component m
in the network that can be stores of materials Back-filling material
and energy, input or output places connecting Tailings

the material flow network with the environment, Dust


or places where the output stream of one proc- Solid

Solid material

ess becomes the input of another. Arrows link Abrasion

places and transitions, and thus create the actual
network structure (ifu and ifeu, 2005). liquid
liquid phase

Mine water
water Groundwater
2.2 Material and energy flows
Meteoric water
Besides the process-oriented description of the Process
Process water

system and its elements, also the relevant mate- Percolating

Percolating water
Liquid materials Component 11
rial characteristics are registered in a structured
Component m
way for the evaluation of the material and en- Gas
Gas phase
ergy flows. For that purpose, a flow vector defi- Mine air
air Component 11
nition is introduced. In addition to the mass or Pressure
Pressure air
air Component
Component m
volume flow of the material or energy compo- Mine gas
nents and the linkage of the elements among Exhaust
Exhaust gases
themselves or with the environment they can Figure 4: Structure of the material flow vector.
contain the further material composition (chemi-
cal or mineral), particle-size distribution, state search programmes can be set up. The important
variables (in particular pressure and tempera- objective is to ensure a most comprehensive
ture). data acquisition. Besides general information
The vector is subdivided into the three phases about the mine and the power plant, like mode
solid, liquid and gaseous. To characterise the of operation, location, infrastructure of the re-
solids, liquids and gases, material systems of gion, climate, mining and generation company,
complex composition were defined. Such mate- employees and regulations for safety and envi-
rial systems can be made up of other material ronmental protection, all important data about
systems or of several components. Concentra- processes and machinery, as well as material
tions, contents etc. can be calculated if neces- and energy flows with their specifications, can
sary. Figure 4 shows the structure of the mate- be recorded systematically. Additionally cost
rial flow vector with the most important mate- data are inevitable for the economic evaluation
rial systems in mine operation. of the material and energy flows. For that reason
As energy flows thermal energy has to be a process related acquisition of cost data is pro-
considered primarily. The heat transport is vided.
mainly coupled to air and water (and steam) 2.4 Determination of the non-intended outputs
flows. The most important heat sources in a
mine, which affect the temperature of the mine The non-intended outputs are determined based
water and in particular the temperature of the on the material and energy flows of the system.
mine air underground, are the geothermal heat In the operation often not all the necessary in-
underground, the self compression of the air on formation about the flows is available or the
its way through the mine and the waste heat of measurements are incorrect. For this reason, in-
drives and equipment. In an opencast mine the consistent data have to be corrected or com-
climatic conditions have to be considered. pleted. Umberto offers the possibility to make
up a correct balance and to compensate or calcu-
2.3 Data acquisition late the missing or incorrect values by means of
For the data acquisition, questionnaires, data a gradual algorithm for calculation. If there are
sheets and forms are prepared. With the help of not enough sampling points for a reliable solu-
the questionnaires, data sheets and forms, re- tion of the material balances, process models are
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 34
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

used to complete the system model. rated costs (C) and revenues (R).
There are three different cases to be distin-
2.5 Assessment
The constraints in mine operation and the han-
- Case 1: Δ2 > 0 The non-intended output
dling of material and energy flows in the lignite
yields a profit.
industry result from technical necessities of the
- Case 2: Δ2 = 0 A profitable use is not directly
production, safety-relevant requirements and
possible. However, it can be quantified, e.g.
regulations for the protection of health and envi-
for preventing follow-up costs.
ronment. For the observance of all regulations
- Case 3: Δ2 < 0 There is no economic use of
and rules, certain outputs have to be declared in
the non-intended output.
detail. Their effects on health and environment
have to be explained. Nevertheless this does not The determination of the costs for avoidance,
necessarily lead to the monitoring and quantifi- treatment and/or disposal of outputs and as-
cation of all non-intended outputs during opera- signment of the costs to the individual processes
tion. Therefore, each procedure for evaluation of (as far as possible to the elements) as well as the
non-intended outputs in the lignite industry has balancing of the costs in accordance with the
to take into account the legal and safety rules as system structure results in the calculation of per-
well as the social-cultural aspects relevant for formance indicators and possibly in the deduc-
the location of the respective mine. tion of appropriate measures according to prior-
Pre-determined parameters of the system can ity.
be assigned to the geology of the site including
the material content of the deposit. Based on the
mine design, the technical and organisational
parameters within mainly economic limits have For the application of the introduced methodol-
to be taken into account for the assessment of ogy to the lignite industry an opencast mine and
non-intended outputs. Processes can only be lignite power plant in Germany is initially cho-
quantitatively described, optimised and com- sen. The raw lignite is extracted by continuous
pared within certain limits. operation of bucket wheel and bucket chain ex-
Figure 5 shows the flowchart of a possible cavators. It is transported and dumped by con-
procedure for an economic evaluation of non- veyor bridges as well as belt conveyors and
intended outputs in the lignite industry, incorpo- spreaders. The raw lignite from the opencast
mines is transported to the nearby power plants
Source of non-intended by conveyor belt and/or train.
outputs: process The system analysis of a lignite opencast
mine with a nearby power plant results in a
Non-intnded output: complex model which can be arranged into mul-
material or energy tiple subsystems and elements. Based on the
available data, the balancing of material and en-
ergy flows for the defined subsystems is per-
Measure: Measure: Measure:
Avoidance Acquisition/disposal Collection/utilisation
formed. Figure 6 shows the material and energy
flow network of the investigated opencast mine.
T1 is specified by a subnet. T2 to T5 are speci-
Costs C2 Costs C1 Revenues R fied by functions, e.g. based on the stoichiome-
try of chemical reactions or physical laws.
There are still no lignite-fired power plants with
Δ 1 = R – C1 CO2 carbon and capture in work. Nevertheless
R > C1 , Δ1 > 0
the subsystems are included in the material and
energy network for rough calculations of the en-
Δ2 = Δ1 – C2
Δ2 > 0, ΣR >ΣC
ergy demand and the effects on the overall sys-
Δ2 < 0, ΣR < ΣC tem.
Figure 5: Algorithm for the evaluation of non-intended The following non-intended outputs are iden-
outputs based on costs and benefits tified as significant: mine water (especially cer-
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 35
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

P6: emissions from P7: mine water P8: emissions from P10: waste heat
opencast mining haulage by train P9: lubricants: air, water,
calcium carbonate
P5: 03.10
P2: lubricants: P3: 01.09.03 "Dumping" T2: "Providing electricity"
fuel and air
"Discontinuous haulage
P14 by train" P4
P13: building
T1: 01 "Mining" T3:03 "Power generation" P15: 01.12.03 "Disposal
in the openc ast mine"
P1: overburden, raw lignite (ash and gypsum)
P11: Electric energy
from the deposit,
groundwater P16
P12: electric energy P20

T5:04.01 "CO2 compression" P19: emissions from

and 04.02 "CO2 transport" P17 power generation

P18: 04.03 "CO2 storage" T4: 03.08 "CO2 capture"

P22: emissions P21: lubricant:
from CO2 c ompression monoethanolamine
Figure 6: Material and energy flow network of a lignite opencast mine in Germany

tain components), scrap metal, rubble, waste

heat, dust, methane, ash, gypsum, CO2 and ex-
haust emissions. REFERENCES
Bielig, T., H.Z. Kuyumcu and W. Hennig, 2005. Devel-
opment of a method for the acquisition and assessment
4. CONCLUSION of non-intended outputs in the mining industry. World
of Mining - Surface and Underground 57 (5): 327 -
The results for the examined mines show that 335.
the methodology for the process based acquisi- Diercks, T., G. Hulik, E.C. Günther, H.-W. Schiffer and
tion and assessment of non-intended outputs in C. Dude (eds.), 2008. Coal Industry across Europe
the mining industry is suitable to the compre- 2008. Brussels: EURACOAL.
hensive ascertainment of non-intended outputs Institut für Umweltinformatik Hamburg GmbH (ifu); In-
stitut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg
and their evaluation. The methodology is gener- GmbH (ifeu) (eds.), 2005. Umberto Software für das
ally applicable to different branches of the min- betriebliche Stoffstrommanagement. Hamburg, Hei-
ing and power generation industry. If the neces- delberg.
sary data is available for several systems, indi- Kavouridis, K., 2008. Lignite mining and use in Greece -
vidual processes of the lignite industry or the Energy supply and environment. World of Mining -
Surface and Underground 60 (1): 6 - 15.
complete system from mining to power genera-
tion to CO2 capture and storage can be com-
pared to each other or used as a benchmark.
Appropriate actions can be derived for the
choice of techniques and for operational prac-
tice, e.g. to reduce the costs, control emissions
or save resources (water, land etc.). Further-
more, it is possible to find criteria related to a
specific site in order to optimise the operating
and follow-up costs of mining or to increase the
acceptance of a mine operation or of the lignite
industry in general.

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