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Lew Matthew L.

Sumagaysay, Grade 12 HUMSS – Smith

Media and Information Literacy (Module 2)


Enumerate the benefits of MOOC as a current trend in media to

students, the education system, and society by filling in the matrix
below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Benefits for the Contribution to Contribution to the

students Education System Society

It provides instructional It provides opportunities

The students can study at design to improve the for everyone to have a free
their own pace. efficacy and quality of the education that will change
learning experience of the their lives.

The use of resources such

as papers and pencils will
be lessened because the The crime rate of a certain
Deadlines are flexible. students and the teachers country will drop because
will be using programs the free course of MOOC
such as Microsoft Word will give everyone a job.
and PowerPoint for writing
and presentation.

The economy of a certain

country will increase since
the industry leaders of
The students can save It utilizes information
other nations can reach
their money because the technologies making the
the students in MOOC,
courses are free. education system more
bringing ideas that will
benefit both the students
and the economy.

Students can learn The activities of the

different languages since students can be shared, The employment rate will
the education in MOOC is viewed and critic by the increase.
on a global scale. entire participant.

The attendance of the

students is no longer a
determining factor in one’s The learning occurs in an
education, which means informal manner at the It will bring innovation.
that they can absent if participants own pace.
they’re sick without
worrying about their

Activity: Let us summarize our lesson by answering the following

questions. Do it in your activity notebook.

1. What is MOOC?

The s (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to any

person who wants to take a course. It is a revolutionary approach in
education since it utilizes technologies and the internet.

2. How was MOOC made possible today?

The MOOC made possible today because of the advent of technologies

and the existence of computers and internet.

3. How is it different from taking a course from a college or


The courses on MOOC are flexible; it allows us to learn at our own


4. How is it changing or influencing education at present?

The MOOC is influencing the present education by showcasing ideas

about the use of technologies and its positive impact on the students,
particularly to those students who cannot attend regular school


Based on your observation of the current trend of media, predict one

innovation in the field of education in the near future. Describe it 3-
5 sentences.

Based on my observation of the current media, one innovation in the

field of education soon is the delivery of learning because of the
advent of new technologies and the internet. The delivery of the
learning will utilize the TV, radio, and social media platforms. In fact,
it is already happening today, but it is only an alternative because we
are in a pandemic. However, I believe that in the future, it will not be
an alternative anymore, and it will be added as a part of the education
system forever.

Activity 1: Read and answer each question. Answer it in your activity


1. What makes MOOC a new trend in education?

The thing that makes MOOC a new trend in education is its features.
The Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) provides a free course
where the students can learn at their own pace and experience high-
quality courses online with prestigious universities with no formal
qualifications, making it available to everyone.

2. What differentiates MOOC from actual or physical schooling?

The learning environment of Massive Open Online Content (MOOC)

occurs informally at the participant’s pace and it utilizes computers
and internet connection. Also, the works of the students can be
shared, view, and critique by other students.
On the other hand, in physical schooling, learning occurs in a formal
environment, and you have to go at the same pace that everyone is
going. Also, the students are not allowed to view the works of others.

3. How beneficial MOOC to an individual?

The Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) is propitious to an

individual since it offers a chance to learn more about the digital form
for learning and provides free high-quality courses online with
prestigious universities to anyone with no formal qualifications.

4. Does MOOC create impact to the personal and educational growth

of an individual? Why/why not?

The Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) creates an impact on the

personal and educational growth of an individual because it offers a
free course that will serve as a key for employment. And being
employed will increase someone's self-respect because he or she will
no longer suffer financial problems. Also, it offers high-quality
courses online on a global scale, allowing an individual to gather the
essential knowledge he or she needed for educational growth.

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