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3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 53

Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Analysis of perchlorethylene in groundwater before and after its

degradation by helical-sorbent extraction and gas chromatography

I. Ciucanu and V. Agotici

West University of Timisoara, Department of Chemistry, Romania

M. Draga and R. Barna

School of Mines, Albi, France

An integrated method of dynamic extraction of Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) containing
perchlorethylene (PCE) with polydimethylsilox- chlorine substituents such as tetrachloroethene
ane (PDMS) helical-sorbent followed by injec- (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) have been
tion into a gas chromatograph for analysis was widely used as industrial solvents for metal
developed for the determination of the real con- cleaning and degreasing processes, in dry clean-
centration of PCE in groundwater before and af- ing factories, heat-exchange fluids, typewriter
ter its degradation by oxidation with KMnO4. correctors, plastic and fumigant manufacturing
The main parameters (agitation, temperature, industries (Siegrist et al., 2001). Chlorinated
salts, pH) that affect the extraction efficiency solvents, known as Dense Non-Aqueous Phase
have been evaluated and optimized. The in- liquids (DNAPLs) are typically denser and less
crease of the extracted amount of PCE due to viscous than water. They have different limits of
the presence of the salts could be partially com- solubility in water. PCE is approximately 40
pensated by the opposite effect of the insoluble times less soluble then trichloromethane (Kue-
MnO2, and of the presence of HCl and the per et al., 2003). Unfortunately, the limit of
global effect of the matrix would be less impor- solubility for PCE was found in the range from
tant for the reproducibility of the PCE extrac- 120 mg/L to 485 mg/L at 25 °C (Horvath et al.,
tion. The quantitative analysis of PCE was car- 1999). All these organochlorinated compounds
ried out with the external standard method using are considered hazardous waste in many indus-
the calibration-curve technique. The limit of de- trialized countries. Intentional or accidental
tection for flame ionization detector was found leaks and spills cause contamination of ground-
in the range 0.05-1.0 mg PCE/L of water. The water and soils. The discharge of even a small
solubility of PCE in water was studied by quantity of organoclorinated compounds can
PDMS helical-sorbent extraction of PCE from lead to long-term contamination of both the un-
standard solution with different amounts of PCE saturated and saturated zones at the site. The
added into the same volume of water and was DNAPLs have the ability to migrate to signifi-
found to decrease with settling time, because the cant depths, in the subsurface, where they
fine droplets created during the agitation of the slowly dissolve into the groundwater causing
mixture were slowly merged in drops on the the aqueous phase plume (Scott and Bruce,
bottle walls and were not transferred into the ex- 2006).
traction vial for GC analysis. The limit of solu- The contamination of the water resource by
bility was evaluated using a graphical method organochlorinated solvents is a matter of great
and was estimated at 224.2 ± 15.7 mg PCE/L of common interest worldwide because they are
water at 25ºC. classified “probably” carcinogenic to humans.
Their persistence in both biotic and abiotic envi-
ronments, their toxicity and potential carcino-
genesis have led to the considerable necessity to
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 54
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

remove these pollutants from contaminated pared by adding to well known amounts of pure
sites. The classical technologies (pump & treat) PCE deionized water up to fill 255 mL glass
capable to treat the aqueous plume are expected bottle. The mixture was magnetically stirred at
to take several decades and are expensive 25 °C for a rapid dissolution. The agitation was
(Reitsma and Dai, 2000). Most popular tech- stopped after 5h and was followed by 24 h of
nologies are: volatilization technologies (vapor static equilibration. An aliquot of solution was
extraction, air sparging or stripping), thermal transferred with a syringe into the extraction
technologies (steam injection, electrical heating, vial.
vitrification), electrokinetics, bioremediation,
2.2 Preparation of Helical Solid Sorbent.
barriers-containment, flushing technologies (al-
cohol or co-solvent, surfactant and oxidant Details of the preparation of the helical solid
flushing (In Situ Chemical Oxidation - ISCO) sorbent have already been described (Ciucanu,
(Fountain, 1998). Practically, during the reme- 2002). The solid sorbent used in these experi-
diation process it is necessary to measure accu- ments was actually a soft solid consisting of
rately the aqueous concentrations of DNAPL PDMS rubber. This soft solid sorbent was
(PCE), for a range from zero to solubility limit. coated on a helical support made by wrapping a
Consequently, the determination of the aqueous wire around a straight wire with the same di-
concentration of DNAPL with a high accuracy ameter at a constant pitch. The helical support
is a very important task in order to confirm the was coated with several layers of PDMS by
degradation of the pollutants and the moments immersion of the helical support in a concen-
when the organic compounds are below suitable trated solution of PDMS in dichloromethane.
level. PDMS cross-linking was accomplished by add-
This paper describes experiments undertaken ing 0.8 % dicumyl peroxide to the coating solu-
to determine the suitability of the extraction tion. After each coating, the solvent was evapo-
with PDMS helical solid sorbent for the moni- rated by heating the helical sorbent at 150 °C for
toring of the PCE level in the groundwater 30 min. The thickness of the final coating poly-
sources during its degradation by in situ chemi- mer depended on the concentration of PDMS
cal oxidation process. The limit of solubility of solutions and the number of coatings. The heli-
the PCE in water has also been evaluated with cal sorbent was weighed after each coating. The
this technique. final length of the helical sorbent was adjusted
to give the same amount of PDMS as on a 100-
μm Supelco PDMS fiber in order to compare the
2. EXPERIMENTAL amounts extracted with these solid sorbents.
2.1 Chemicals and Materials 2.3 Solid-Phase Extraction with PDMS Helical
High-purity PCE and n-hexane were purchased Sorbent
from Fisher Scientific-Labosi (Elancourt, The PDMS helical sorbent sheathed in a needle
France). PCE is toxic and must be handled care- was housed in the manual holder device. All the
fully in fume hood. Kalium permanganate extractions with PDMS fibers were performed
(KMnO4), kalium chloride (KCl), sodium sul- in 2 mL extraction vials filled with 2 mL of
fate (Na2SO4) and manganese dioxide (MnO2) PCE standard solution and involved a few sim-
were from Sigma-Aldrich Chimie (ST Quentin ple steps (Ciucanu et al., 2004). A small mag-
Fallavier, France). Deionized water was ob- netic stirring bar was added to the vial and was
tained with a Milli-Q water purification system tightly capped with Teflon coated silicon septa.
(Millipore, ST Quentin En Yvelines, France) The extraction temperature was adjusted by the
and was held for 10 h in ultrasonic cell at 25 °C immersion of the vial into a regulated tempera-
for degassing. ture controlled water bath and let to stay for
The 100-µm thick non-bonded polydimethyl- 5 min before carrying out the extraction.
siloxane (PDMS) fibers and the manual fiber
holder were from Supelco (Bellefonte, PA, 2.4 Gas Chromatography
USA). The gas chromatographic analysis of the ex-
Standard PCE aqueous solution were pre- tracted analytes was carried out on an Agilent
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 55
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

6890 N gas chromatograph with a flame ioniza- present in sample have a faster access to the
tion detector (FID). By exposing the coating fi- helical sorbent decreasing the extraction time.
ber in the GC injector at 220 °C for 5 min, the When the stirrer speed was higher than 500 rpm,
analytes was desorbed. The injector was operat- no change of the extraction time has noticed.
ing in splitless mode. GC separation of the ana- Increasing the sample temperature generated
lytes was performed on a RTX-624 capillary a decrease of the amount of PCE extracted at the
column (60 m x 0.53 i.d. and 3 µm film thick- same extraction time. For this reason, the high
ness) from Restek (Lisses, France). Helium was temperature for extraction could be a major
used as carrier gas at a constant flow of concern if the sensitivity is not sufficient to
1 mL/min. The GC oven temperature was quantify PCE at ppb levels. In such cases, the
started at 60 °C and after 2 min was increased to extraction at room temperature (25 °C) is indi-
150 °C with 10 °C/min and then to 220°C with cated, even if a higher temperature could im-
30 °C/min. The detector temperature was main- prove the extraction rate.
tained. Before sampling, the new solid sorbent
3.2 Influence of the Sample Matrix
were conditioned for about 2 h in the GC injec-
tor port at 280 °C. Quantitative evaluation was The degradation of PCE from groundwater by
performed by the external standard calibration oxidation with KMnO4 can be described (Hood
method. The calibration curve was done plotting et al., 2000) by the global reaction:
of the GC detector signal versus five different
standard concentrations.
+4KCl+8HCl [1]
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The aqueous matrix will contain various re-
action products such as KCl, MnO2 and HCl.
3.1 Influence of the Temperature and Agitation During the oxidation process, it has not been
The extraction of PCE with PDMS solid sorbent observed other organic products. For the kinetic
is an equilibrium process and the time necessary study of the oxidation process (Yan and
to reach equilibrium can be estimated studying Schwartz, 1999), an aqueous solution of
the parameters that affect the mass transfer of Na2S2O3 is injected into the oxidation mixture in
the analytes from bulk solution into the PDMS order to stop the PCE degradation by the reduc-
solid sorbent. The extraction time depends for ing of the oxidant in a fast concurrent reaction:
one specific analyte and sorbent on agitation, 3Na2S2O3+8KMnO4+H2O→3K2SO4+
temperature and sample matrix.
The extraction time was measured from the 3Na2SO4+8MnO2+2KOH [2]
insertion of the PDMS sorbent into the sample Two new salts will be generated in the sys-
solution until it was retracted into the protection tem. In the case of a solution of 180 mgPCE/mL
needle. The time required to reach the extraction of water that is under the limit of solubility, the
equilibrium can be determined from the extrac- total amount of inorganic compounds
tion curve when the steady state is reached. In (0.00041 g MnO2/mL; 0.00012 g KCl/mL;
2 mL extraction vial with 200 mg PCE/L pure 0.00011 g HCl/mL; 0.00020 g K2SO4/mL;
water, at 5 h settling time, 500 rpm, and 25 °C, 0.00016 g Na2SO4/mL; 0.00004 g KOH/mL) is
the extraction equilibrium was reached in small. Figure 1A shows the influence of the pH
25 min for Supelco PDMS fiber sorbent and on the PDMS fiber extraction of PCE from wa-
12 min with PDMS helical sorbent. A longer ter. The pH vas modified adding different
extraction time did not increase the amount of amounts of hydrochloric acid or potassium hy-
extracted PCE. droxide. The amount of hydrochloric acid gen-
The agitation of the liquid sample improves erated in the oxidation process might increase
only the mass transport of analytes from the the pH up to 3 and consequently will increase
bulk of the liquid phase into the sorbent layer. the extracted amount of PCE. The influence of
In the above conditions, increasing the speed of the salts generated in the oxidation process on
the magnetic stirrer up to 500 rpm, the aqueous the PDMS helical sorbent extraction is shown
phase is better homogenized so that the analytes Fig. 1B. An increase in the concentration of
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Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

presence of the salts could be partially compen-

sated by the opposite effect of the insoluble
MnO2 and of the presence of HCl. Conse-
quently, the global effect of the matrix would be
less important for the reproducibility of the PCE
3.3 Quantitative Determination of PCE in Water
The first step in quantification was the estab-
lishment of the limit of linearity of the detector
response without overloading the GC column.
The linearity of the FID was checked out by di-
rect injection of different concentrations of PCE
in n-hexane. Plot the peak area (Y) versus mg
PCE/L hexane (X) was linear (Y=375.9 X) with
a regression coefficient of R2=0.9992 up to
1000 mg PCE/L of n-hexane. The quantitative
analysis of PCE was performed with the exter-
nal-standard method using the calibration-curve
technique. The dissolution protocol consisted in
the complete filling of the bottles with water
followed by magnetic stirring at 500 rpm for
10 h at 25 °C. After this step, each series of vi-
als were maintained at 25 °C without stirring for
Figure 1: Sample matrices effects on PCE extraction effi- 5 h, 30 h, 165 h, and 600 h.
ciency: A) Influence of pH. B) Influence of salts. Condi-
tions: 2 mL extraction vial with 50 mg PCE/L pure water, 3.4 Determination of the PCE Limit of Solubility
5 h settling time, 10 min extraction time, 500 rpm, and in Water
The peak area of PCE has a linear variation
Na2SO4 and KCl generated an increase in the function of mg PCE added in 1 L of water up to
amount of PCE extracted by sorbent. K2SO4 had 200 mg PCE/L of water. The increase of the
a similar effect than Na2SO4. An explanation of amount of PCE further gave an asymptotic
these effects from Fig. 1B could be found in the variation for the corresponding peak area. The
increase of the ionic strength of matrix in the plateau of this curve is the result of the satura-
presence of the ionic species from salts, which tion and is an equilibrium process. When the
reduces the solubility of the neutral organic ana- settling time was increased, the peak area values
lyte in polar aqueous matrix and increase its were smaller for the same value of mg PCE/L of
solubility in non-polar PDMS. The presence of water, because the fine droplets created during
MnO2 in the matrix decreased the efficiency of the agitation of the mixture were slowly merged
extraction. This suggests that the insoluble in drops on the bottle walls and were not trans-
MnO2 in this aqueous matrix can cover the sur- ferred into the extraction vial for GC analysis.
face of the PDMS sorbent and reduces the ac- For the settling time higher than 600 h, the peak
cess of the analytes to sorbent. These influences area values are very closed, showing that equi-
of the ionic species presented in the oxidation librium was reached. Consequently, the limit of
aqueous matrix can be minimized by dilution of solubility can be estimated at 600h of the set-
sample. However, one should never forget that tling time. Plotting the amount of PCE extracted
the dilution of sample will automatically reduce as a function of the amount of PCE added in the
the sensitivity of analysis. The sample after oxi- standard solutions for 600 h of settling time, we
dation is a relatively diluted in inorganic com- obtained the graph from Figure 2. The limit of
pounds and they do not have a significant influ- solubility is determined using a graphical
ence on the extracted amount of PCE. Moreover method as the intersection between the tangent
the increase of the extracted amount due to the to plateau of the curve from Figure 2 with the
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 57
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Ciucanu, I., 2002. Helical sorbent for fast sorption and
desorption in solid-phase microextrtaction-gas chro-
matographic analysis. Anal. Chem. 74, 5501-5506.
Ciucanu, I., K.C. Swallow and R. Caprita, 2004. Micro-
solid phase extraction with helical-solid-sorbent in the
presence of organic solvent for GC-MS analysis of
per-O-methilated mono- and disaccharides. Anal.
Chim. Acta 519, 93-101.
Figure 2: Graphical method for the determination of the Fountain, J.C., 1998. Technologies for Dense Nonaque-
solubility limit of PCE in deionized water. Conditions: ous Phase Liquid Source Zone Remediation, Technol-
2 mL extraction vial, 600 h of settling time, 12 min ex- ogy Evaluation Report, France.
traction time, 500 rpm and 25°C. Hood, E.D., N.R. Thomson, D. Grossi and G.J. Farquhar,
2000. Experimental determination of the kinetic rate
calibration line. We propose the limit of solubil- low for the oxidation of perchloroethylene by potas-
ity of PCE in water at 25 °C the value of sium permanganate. Chemosphere, 40, 1383-1399.
224.2±15.67 mg PCE/L of water. Horvath, A.L., F.W. Getzen and Z. Maczynska, 1999.
IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series 67: Halogenated
Ethanes and Ethenes with Water. J. Phys. Chem. Ref.
Data 28, 395-627.
4. CONCLUSIONS Kueper, B.H., G.P. Wealthall, J.W.N. Smith, S.A. Le-
This study shows that the PDMS helical sorbent harne and D.N. Lerner 2003. An illustrated handbook
extraction followed by GC analysis is a suitable of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface, Envi-
ronment Agency: Bistol, England.
and reliable method for quantitative analysis of Reitsma, S. and Q.L. Dai, 2000. Reaction-enhances mass
PCE from groundwater before and after in situ transfer and transport from non-aqueous phase liquid
chemical oxidation of PCE with KMnO4. The source zones. J. Contam. Hydrol. 49, 49-66.
optimum extraction time was 12 min for mag- Scott, G.H. and E.P. Bruce, 2006. In-Situ Chemical Oxi-
netic stirring at 500 rpm at 25 °C. The presence dation. United States Environmental Protection
Agency,Washington DC, USA.
of KCl, Na2SO4 and K2SO4 increased the ex- Siegrist, R.L., M.L. Urynowicz, O.R. West, M.L. Crimi
tracted amount of PCE. HCl and the insoluble and K.S. Lowe 2001. Principles and practices of in
MnO2 have an effect in the reverse direction and situ chemical oxidation using permanganate, Battlle
the global matrix effect on the extraction effi- Press, Columbus, USA.
ciency can be ignored at much diluted solutions. Yan, Y.E. and F.W. Schwartz, 1999. Oxidative degrada-
The flame ionization detector has a very good tion and kinetics of chlorinated ethylenes by potas-
sium permanganate. J. Contam. Hydrol. 37, 343-365.
linearity up to 1000 mg PCE/L of hexane. The
solubility of PCE in water depends on the set-
tling time due to the formation of very fine
droplets of PCE during the agitation of the PCE
and water mixture. The optimum settling time
was 600 h. Consequently, the limit of solubility
was estimated at 224.2±15.7 mg PCE/L of water
at 25 ºC using standard solutions with different
amounts of PCE per liter of water at a settling
time of 600 h on the base of a graphical method.

Financial supports for Project 2521/2009 with
CNCSIS- UEFISCSU from Romanian Ministry
of Education and Research were gratefully ac-

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