Recovery of Waste Lubricant Oil Contained in Used Automotive Filters

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3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 107

Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Recovery of waste lubricant oil contained in used automotive filters

G. Gaidajis and K. Angelakoglou

Department of Production Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, Democritus Uni-
versity of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

ABSTRACT According to data from the National Statis-

tics Office in Greece (2009), the number of pas-
About 7.2 million automotive filters utilized in
senger cars that were used regularly in 2007 was
passenger cars are annually consumed in
approximately 4.800.000. Considering that a
Greece, with only a small percentage of them
passenger car travels annually an average
being recycled and the rest being disposed in the
15.000 kilometers (km), and the majority of the
environment. In other words, based on our ex-
automobile industries recommend a change in
periments it is estimated that a maximum of
the used oil filters every 10.000 kilometers, it is
1260 tons of used oil and 1713 tons of steel are
estimated that 7.200.000 lubricant filters are
disposed every year in Greece, as a result of the
used in Greece every year, taking into account
non-effective management of used automotive
only the filters used by passenger cars.
filters. In this paper, the factors affecting the re-
It is obvious that due to the great develop-
covery of the lubricant oil contained in used
ment of the transportation sector, the overuse of
automotive filters are evaluated and quantified
passenger cars and the characteristics of the
through experimental measurements. Further-
automobile industries, trying to find better tech-
more, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a used
niques for reusing or recycling even the smaller
automotive oil filter containing lubricant oil is
parts of a vehicle, could have a significant im-
performed, in order to evaluate and quantify the
pact on the environment.
environmental benefits arising from the applica-
tion of a used filter recycling scheme.
1. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Filter Description and Choice
Transportation is considered to be one of the A typical automotive oil filter has a cylindrical
most developing sectors in Europe. It is esti- shape with a closed dome on the upper side. In-
mated that between 1990 and 2004, vehicles in ternally, there is a paper-made cylindrical filter
Europe increased by nearly 40%, whereas since enhanced with cellulose, through which the oil
then the annual increase continually grows. In- flows, and the undesirable components are fil-
dicatively, there were 216 million passenger tered. At the bottom of the filter there is a valve
cars in total in the EU25 in 2004, according to that averts the non-filtered oil from flowing in
the European Statistics Office (Eurostat, 2006). the engine when it is turned off. The particular
The impacts of such an increase are mainly at- valve is also the inhibitory factor that prevents
mospheric pollution, a rise in the consumption the oil from leaking during the removal of the
of raw materials and fuels, noise pollution, traf- filter from the vehicle. The shell, the base and
fic accidents and the need for treatment of waste the central chamber of the filter are made of
products such as tires, oils, etc. All those aggra- steel. There are generally two kinds of automo-
vate the quality of urban environment and entail tive oil filters, the light duty filters used in pas-
significant financial cost. senger cars and motorcycles and the heavy duty
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Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

filters used in trucks, buses etc. The light duty

(LD) filters comprise 75% of the oil market
while the heavy duty (HD) filters comprise the
remaining 25% (Peaslee and Roberts, 1997a).
The majority of LD oil filters are relatively
small, with a diameter between 6 and 12 cm and
a height between 7 and 15 cm.
The disposal of the used filters without fur-
ther treatment to remove the lubricant which
remains confined, not only wastes precious re-
sources of steel, petroleum and landfill volume,
but is also hazardous for the environment, as the
lubricant contained in the filter will eventually
pollute both the soil and the water streams
nearby. The most developed techniques used for
the removal of the used oil are simple infiltra-
tion, punctuation of the upper dome and infiltra-
tion, dismantling (using this technique the steel Figure 1: The experimental arrangement used in this
is also reclaimed) and shredding (using this study.
technique the steel is also reclaimed).
Due to the large variety of filters, this study flow gives remarkable quantity of lubricant.
focused on specific filters. For their selection,
their market share in Greece was used. Accord- 2.3 Sampling
ing to data from the Association of Motor Vehi- Several blank filters of each filter type were
cle Importers-Representatives (AMVIR, 2009) weighted prior their use in order to estimate
in Greece, the top three best-selling car indus- their net weight, without the presence of used
tries for 2007 were TOYOTA (Filter Type 1) oils, metal scrap and other substances within the
with a share of 9,9%, OPEL (8,3%, Filter Type filter body. Then, every used filter was weighted
2) and VOLKSWAGEN (7,9%, Filter Type 3), again solely, so as to figure out the weight of
resulting to a combined 26,1% of total sales in embodied lubricant (Table 1).
Greece. The measurements were conducted in a con-
2.2 Sampling arrangement trolled environment room where the temperature
was maintained constant at 25°C. For low tem-
The aim of the present experimental study was perature measurements the filters were placed
to examine the maximum capability of infiltra- outdoors on periods of cold temperatures (0°C).
tion of the embodied lubricant oil contained in Used filters were stored in shelves; during their
used filters. The most important factors affect- transportation filters were kept at an upside
ing the infiltration of the filter is the angle, the down position.
punctuation of the dome, as well the tempera- The concept that was followed during sam-
ture and the viscosity of the embodied oil (Rob- pling aimed to investigate only one factor per
erts and Peaslee 1998). The filters were placed time. Then, by using the best factor according to
in different orientation in order to examine the the results, we proceeded to the examination of
above mentioned factors (Fig. 1). the next factor and so on. As a result, a best case
Furthermore, the results were examined ac- scenario was identified. The flow chart of the
cording to the duration in which the observed experiments is shown in Figure 2 along with the

Table 1: Net and gross weight of the filters.

Net weight of fil- Gross weight of Net weight of Standard deviation of
Filter Type
ter (kg) filter (kg) oil (kg) net weight of oil
Type 1 (n=51) 0.218 0.351 0.133 0.016
Type 2 (n=51) 0.260 0.420 0.160 0.018
Type 3 (n=51) 0.364 0.598 0.234 0.019
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Filter Filter
A description of the percentage of infiltration
for every stage examined is given on Figure 3.
Best percentage
of infiltration Results have shown that the maximum infil-
Filter tration (Table 2) is achieved under higher tem-
peratures (25οC), on filters that have been punc-
tuated and their infiltration was performed at 0ο
0° angle 30° angle 60° angle 180° angle angle (dome being on the top, Fig. 1a). More-
over, at a time period greater than 600 seconds
(10 minutes) the infiltration rate was practically
close to zero (Zokas, 2008).
Best percentage According to these results, an easy, simple
0° angle of infiltration
and quick protocol can be followed at the work-
shops where the filters of the cars are changed,
which will include:
– filter dome puncturing,
Temperature Temperature – infiltration for 10 minutes,
0°C 25 °C
– at 00 angle,
– at the highest temperature available
Temperature (room).
25 °C Best percentage By following these simple steps, 50-55% of
of infiltration used oil that is trapped in the filter, can be re-
Figure 2: Flow chart of the experiments performed. covered. Taking into account that the amount of
experimental conditions that produced the most this oil was found to be an average 175 g then
favorable infiltration results (grey boxes). 630-693 tons of lubricant oil from filters can be
During the experiments, 153 filters were used incorporated to the quantity of lubricants for re-
and 3813 measurements were performed. The cycling. Furthermore, if a recycling method
average duration of the experiment for every fil- such as dismantling or shredding is used, then a
ter was 30 minutes. considerable amount of steel can be reclaimed.
In our experiments the average weight of our
filters before their use was 280 g in accordance

Figure 3: Percentage of infiltration for all stages examined.

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Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Table 2: Description of the experiments performed.

Percentage of Infiltra-
Number of filters Angle (degrees) Temperature (°C) Punctuation
Stage 1 3 0 25 Yes 50-51%
3 0 25 No 9-12%
Stage 2 60 0 25 Yes 50-55%
45 30 25 Yes 45-50%
30 60 25 Yes 28-34%
15 180 25 Yes 15-17%
Stage 3 3 0 0 Yes 30-35%
with the average light duty oil filter proposed by ess of the filter, and only its material content is
Oil filter Manufacture Council (283 g) (Smailer important, since for the recycled and non recy-
et al., 2002). Considering that a new oil filter is cled filters the impacts due to processes and en-
made of 85%wt steel (Peaslee and Roberts, ergy use will not differ; furthermore, no reuse is
1997b), the saving for 100% recycling of used possible. In other words only extraction and
automotive oil filters would be 1713 tons of processing of raw materials and waste scenarios
steel. However this is a very optimistic state- will be taken into account, setting the bounda-
ment as 100% recycling of steel from used oil ries of the LCA. During the use phase it was
filters is most of the times practically impossible considered that the filter is not consuming any
due to scrap quality and steel disposed with the energy or material thus it does not affect the as-
filter media. sessment.
In addition, because no comprehensive data
from the filter’s manufacturers were available
4. USING LCA TO ANALYZE THE IM- (such as exact type of steel, processes and ma-
PACTS OF FILTER RECYCLING chines used for the assembly, energy consumed,
During the experimental part it was concluded etc.), some assumptions and simplifications had
that there is a potential of saving a maximum of to be made. Only data provided by SimaPro da-
1260 tons of used lubricant oil and 1713 tons of tabases were used.
steel coming from the disposal of untreated used In order to examine the goal of this study,
automotive oil filters. Yet, in order to fully un- two different scenarios were created. For the
derstand the positive environmental impacts of pessimistic scenario, the filters are disposed to a
saving these amounts, further analysis is landfill untreated, including all the quantity of
needed. Environmental impacts caused by addi- oil remaining within their body. No further
tional activities in order to recycle, separate, de- processes are entered in the life cycle for this
liver the filters to recycling facilities, etc. need scenario. For the second (optimistic) scenario, it
to be taken into account. Therefore the Life Cy- was considered that a lorry (7.5-16 tons capac-
cle Assessment (LCA) method was chosen for ity) collects the filters and transports them to re-
our analysis. cycling facilities where 100% of the steel and
In general, LCA is a methodology developed oil are recycled, whereas the cellulose (filter)
to examine the environmental impacts of a prod- and the rubber (gasket) are disposed in a land-
uct or a system considering all steps, from fill. The functional unit was one (1) average
manufacture to end of life. Although LCA is not used light duty oil filter.
fully developed, some standard steps have been The impact assessment method used in this
created for those who wish to implement it (ISO study was Eco-indicator 99 (EI99). A non-
14040 series). The current LCA was performed metric unit, called Points (Pt), is used in Eco-
using the SimaPro 7.1 software. indicator to evaluate the impact of a product or
The goal of the current LCA is to evaluate process. More points mean worst efficiency for
and quantify the environmental benefits arising the environment.
from the application of a used filter recycling Results have shown that recycling is prefer-
scheme. For the specific LCA analysis there is able when it comes to the issues of resources
no need to define the complete production proc- depletion and human health deterioration. How-
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Figure 4: Single scores for the two scenarios examined (note that less Pt is better for the environment).

ever, there is no significant difference on eco- affecting the infiltration of used filters were ex-
system quality. More specifically, use and de- amined, proposing a simple framework that can
pletion of fossil fuels and minerals have the save up to 693 tons of lubricant oil every year.
most negative impact and are those factors Furthermore a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of
greatly affected by a filter’s life cycle. Of less a used automotive oil filter containing lubricant
importance, but generally high, is the produc- oil was performed, in order to evaluate and
tion of respirable inorganics and the effect to quantify the environmental benefits arising from
climate change. In all categories except ecotox- the application of a used filter recycling scheme.
icity recycling is better than untreated disposal. Results have shown that recycling seems prefer-
A single score for every scenario is given in able from an environmental point of view.
Figure 4. As a final statement we can claim that However the LCA performed was more like a
recycling oil filters makes sense from an envi- screening life cycle rather than a complete one.
ronmental point of view. However the differ- From that aspect more data are needed in order
ence between recycling and disposal was not to fully evaluate our goals.
found to be very significant. This is probably
because, first of all, many simplifications have
been made and also the results from recycling REFERENCES
the lubricant oil are unspecified due to lack of Association of Motor Vehicle Importers-Representatives
data from the software. AMVIR, 2009. Greece,
statistics.asp?language=english and (access 19-
5. CONCLUSIONS 01-2009).
Eurostat News Release, 125/2006-19 September 2006,
The competition of car industries, the develop- issued by Eurostat Press Office.
ment of technology, the opening of new mar- Greek National Statistics Office,
kets, and the advantages of using cars, result in gr_tables/S602_SME_3_TB_AN_07_2_Y_BI.pdf
(access 19-01-2009)
a constant increase of the number of cars world- Peaslee, K.D. and D.E. Roberts, 1997a. The Future of
wide. Consequently, their impact on the envi- Used Oil Filter Recycling in Missouri: An Evaluation
ronment is growing. In Greece, the underling of Potential Processes, Product Quality, Recycling
practices for the treatment of waste products Locations, and Economics. Technical Bulletin.
such as the used automotive filters need further Peaslee, K.D. and D.E. Roberts, 1997b. Characterization
of used automotive oil filters for recycling. Resources,
improvement. In this paper, some basic factors Conservation and Recycling, 19, pp. 81-91.
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 112
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Smailer, R.M., G.L. Dressel and J.H. Hill, 2002. A Feasi-

bility Study for Recycling Used Automotive Oil Fil-
ters in a Blast Furnace, AISI Contract TRP-9, Project
No.0041, American Iron and Steel Institute, January
Roberts, D.E. and K.D. Peaslee, 1998. Analysis of the
factors influencing the removal of oil from used auto-
motive oil filters during recycling operations. Re-
sources, Conservation and Recycling, 22, pp. 97-113.
Zokas, Z., 2008. Method Development for the recovery of
waste lubricative oil contained in used automotive fil-
ters. Graduation Thesis, Department of Production and
Management Engineering, School of Engineering,
Democritus University of Thrace.

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