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3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 137

Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

Copper cementation from the waste effluents of primary copper industry

I. Giannopoulou and D. Panias

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

ABSTRACT Ag, Se, Te, etc.) from the anodic slime pro-
duced in the stage of copper electrorefining.
In this paper, the cementation of copper from
The most important waste effluents in the
the waste effluents generated in the primary
whole pyrometallurgical production process of
copper pyrometallurgical production industry is
copper sulphide concentrates originated from
studied. These wastewaters are strongly acidic
the refining of copper, the regeneration of elec-
aqueous solutions with high concentration of
trolyte in copper electrorefining and the produc-
copper, significant concentration of nickel and
tion of precious metals. All these waste efflu-
minor contents of other metals, such as Pb, Zn,
ents are aqueous acidic solutions, due to the
Fe, As, Sb, Bi, etc. As cementing agent, zero-
high sulphuric acid concentration, with high
valent iron in three different types (particles,
content of copper. They also contain significant
sponge and fillings) was used. The effect of the
quantities of Ni and minor quantities of other
specific surface area and excess of iron used, as
metals, such as Pb, Zn, Fe, As, Sb, Bi, Sn, Cr,
well as the solution pH and agitation rate, on the
etc. According to the European legislation
cementation of copper was investigated, in order
(European Commission, 2000), the treatment of
to determine the optimum operating conditions
these waste effluents is necessary before their
of the process. According to the experimental
discharge into the environment. Additionally,
results, cementation is an easily applied, cost-
the high copper concentration in these effluents
effective and efficient method for the recovery
raises an economic interest for its recovery, in
of copper from the waste effluents generated in
order to be recycled or re-used.
the pyrometallurgical production of copper. A
The most used methods for metal recovery
compromise of its main operating parameters is
from industrial waste effluents with high metal-
necessary for the nearly total copper recovery.
lic content are the chemical precipitation, elec-
The recovered copper can be recycled into the
trolysis and cementation. Although chemical
smelting stage of the copper pyrometallurgical
precipitation is considered as the most efficient
and economic among these methods for the
treatment of waste effluents (Christiansen and
1. INTRODUCTION Delwiche, 1982; Ying et al., 1988; Tunay and
Kabdasli, 1994; Baltpurvins et al., 1996; Cha-
The pyrometallurgical processing of copper sul- rerntanyarak, 1999; Giannopoulou and Panias,
phide concentrates for the copper production in- 2008), it has important drawbacks. It requires
cludes mainly the stages of roasting, smelting, extremely long setting times and results in a
converting, refining and electrorefining. Gener- bulky sludge that contains usually all the metals
ally, an integrated industry of primary copper of the treated waste effluents in the form of hy-
production includes also a plant for the produc- droxides or sulfides. In addition, this sludge
tion of sulphuric acid from the off-gases of the may contain hazardous and/or toxic metals and
roasting stage that contain SO2, as well as a thus, it is not easily handled. The waste cake
plant for the production of precious metals (Au, produced after the sludge dewatering and filter
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 138
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

pressing is not acceptable for the metallurgical cious metals production, a strongly acidic waste
furnaces, due to the high water content (ap- effluent with a copper concentration of about 6
proximate 70-80%). Generally, its utilization is g/L was generated. Considering that the average
limited, mainly in the manufacture of building volumetric outflow of this effluent was equal to
ceramics as colorizing admixture. Therefore, 16 m3/day almost 35 tons of copper are annually
this sludge has to be dumped on appropriate lost, due to its improper treatment.
waste landfills, increasing this way the final The present work aims at determining the op-
treatment cost of the waste effluents (Ying timum operating parameters of cementation
et al., 1988). process, so as to be effective, reliable and viable
Electrolysis gains increasing attention during for the recovery of copper from the studied
the last years, as an efficient method for the waste effluent. Particularly, the effect of the ex-
treatment of waste effluents containing metals. cess and type of iron used as cementing agent,
However, it is effective when applied on the as well as of the solution pH and agitation rate,
treatment of waste effluents containing a limited on the efficiency of cementation process was
number of metals with high concentration (For- studied.
nari and Abbruzzese, 1999; Juttner et al., 2000;
Janssen and Koene, 2002). Electrolysis requires
specific operating adjustments and controls, 2. EXPERIMENTAL
which increase its maintenance and operating 2.1 Materials
cost. In addition, it necessitates specific reactors
and equipment that render often its application In order to simulate the waste effluent studied in
uneconomical. Generally, the operating cost of this work, a synthetic solution with the chemical
electrolysis is enormous, in comparison to the composition given in Table 1 was used in all the
other treatment methods, as it operates by con- cementation experiments. This solution was
suming electric energy. prepared using chemical reagents of analytical
Cementation is considered as a reasonable grade and distilled water and had pH= 0.4.
and simple method for the recovery of copper As cementing agent, zero-valent iron (ZVI)
from industrial wastewaters (Stefanowicz et al., in three different types (Table 2), namely
1997; Donmez et al., 1999; Dib and Makhloufi, sponge (Alfa Aesar), granules (Alfa Aesar) and
2004; Mubarak et al., 2004; El-Batouti, 2005). It fillings from the cast iron grit (Gotthert Maier
is based on a heterogeneous electrochemical re- GmbH) was used.
action involving the spontaneous reduction of a 2.2 Experimental procedure
metal from ionic solutions and its precipitation
on another, more electropositive metal, which is All the experiments were carried out in batch
oxidized (“sacrificial metal”). Cementation has mode and at room temperature. For each ex-
several advantages, including recovery of met- periment, 100 mL of the synthetic solution was
als in an essentially pure metallic form, simple added to a 250 mL conical flask containing the
control requirements, low energy consumption, appropriate amount of iron, so as to achieve the
high efficiency and low cost. Moreover, the re- pre-defined iron excess. Flasks were put on a
covered metallic sediments are suitable for met- laboratory-scale shaking plate, which operated
allurgical processing (Stefanowicz et al., 1997). Table 1: Chemical composition of the synthetic solution
The main disadvantage of the process is related simulating the studied waste effluents.
to the consumption of the sacrificial metal, es- Element Concentration (g/L)
pecially at low pH values (Dib and Makhloufi, Cu 6,520
2004). Ni 0,688
This paper deals with the application of the Pb 0,003
cementation process for the treatment of the Fe 0,150
waste effluents generated in the primary copper Zn 0,026
pyrometallurgical plant at Bor, Serbia, in order Sb 0,013
to recover the contained copper. In this plant, by Bi 0,040
combining the wastewaters streams originated As 0,458
from the processes of copper refining and pre- SO42- 81,571
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 139
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

at a pre-defined stirring rate (from 0 to 250 rpm) granules fillings sponge

for an appropriate time (from 0.5 to 6 hours). 100
Thereinafter, the solution was filtered and 80

Cu cemented, %
analyzed in order to determine the concentration
of the contained metals according to the Atomic 60
Absorption Spectrophotometry method (Perkin
Elmer 2100). The resulted solid phase was dried
and weighed. All the solid phases taken after the 20
cementation experiments were analyzed by X-
Ray Diffractometry (Siemens, D 5000, CuKα 0
radiation, λ=1.5418 Å, 40 kV and 30 mA), in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
order to define the mineralogical phases that Time, h
were cemented. Figure 1: Cemented copper versus time and type of ZVI
used. Experimental conditions: pH=0.43, stirring
rate=100 rpm, Fe/Cu mass ratio=0.879.
ing agent, the highest the rate of metal cementa-
3.1 Effect of iron type and excess tion on it.
Copper is less electropositive in respect to iron, According to Table 2, the specific surface
and thus, the following chemical reactions were area of the granules type of ZVI was extremely
expected to occur during cementation treatment lower than that of fillings and sponge types,
of the studied acidic waste effluent (Dib and which had quite similar specific surface areas.
Makhloufi, 2004): Thus, the high specific surface area of fillings
and sponge ZVI types enhanced the copper ce-
Cu2+ + Fe(s) → Fe2+ + Cu(s) (1) mentation rate and the process was completed
very fast, almost in the first hour. At this time,
2H+ + Fe(s) → Fe2+ + H2(g) (2) about 72% and 80% of copper was cemented
Since iron was also contained in the studied using the fillings and sponge types of ZVI, re-
effluent, the following side reactions were also spectively, while only 30% of copper was ce-
expected to occur. mented using the granules ZVI type.
Except for copper, bismuth, antimony, lead
2Fe3+ + Fe(s) → 3Fe2+ (3) and arsenic were also recovered during the
treatment of the waste effluent (Fig. 2). In oppo-
2Fe3+ + Cu(s) → 2Fe2+ + Cu2+ (4) site, neither nickel nor zinc cementation took
In addition, the reduction of other metals, place.
which were contained in the studied effluent and The excess of iron improved the efficiency of
are less electropositive in respect to iron (such copper cementation process (Fig. 3), for all the
as Bi, Sb, As, Pb), was expected to take place. ZVI types used.
According to Equation (1), the stoichiometric The solid phases taken at the end of each ce-
iron demand for the reduction of copper is equal mentation experiment were red-brown, due to
to 0.879 g/g. The fraction of cemented copper as the copper cemented. According to the X-Ray
a function of time for all the types of ZVI used Diffraction analysis performed in these solid
in this work is presented in Figure 1. As shown phases, copper was cemented as Cu and CuO,
in Figure 1, for the sponge and fillings types of when the granules type of ZVI was used, while
ZVI used, the copper reduction reaction (Eq. 1) it was also cemented as Cu2O, when fillings and
reached the equilibrium in the first hour of the Table 2: Characteristics of the used zero-valent iron
process. In opposite, when the granules type of Particle Specific sur-
ZVI was used, the reduction of copper was per- Fe form 0
% Fe size face area
formed with substantially lower rate (Fig. 1). (mm) (m2/g)
Given that the reaction of metal cementation oc- Granules 99.8 1.0-2.0 0.0014
curs on the surface of the cementing agent, the Fillings 92.03 0.2-1.2 0.0482
highest the specific surface area of the cement- Sponge 99.8 0.14-0.29 0.0502
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 140
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

80 Pb Sb As Bi
1. Cu 4. Cu2O
4 2. CuO 5. AsCu3
Metals recovery, %

60 35 3. Fe
4 1
4 4

Intension, cps
20 30 40 50 60 70
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2θ, degrees
Time, h
Figure 4: XRD diagrams of the solid phases taken after
Figure 2: Metals recovery versus time for the fillings ZVI the experiments, where 20% excess of iron was used, for
type. Experimental conditions: pH=0.43, stirring rate=100 all the ZVI types.
rpm, Fe/Cu mass ratio=0.879.

granules fillings sponge increase of the stirring rate from 0 to 250 rpm
resulted in increasing the cemented copper frac-
tion, almost linearly. At the higher applied stir-
Cu cemented, %

ring rate of 250 rpm, about 99% and 86% of the

80 copper contained in the solution was cemented
using ZVI sponge and fillings types, respec-
60 tively. By comparing these copper cemented
fractions with the respective achieved after 6
40 hours cementation under the stirring rate of 100
rpm (Fig. 1), it is obvious that the intense stir-
0 10 20
ring rate improved the efficiency of copper ce-
Iron excess, % mentation.
Figure 3: Cemented copper versus iron excess for all the Generally, stirring of the cementing agent or
ZVI types used. Experimental conditions: pH=0.43, circulation of the solution shortens the metals
time=2 h, stirring rate=100 rpm. cementation time and favors the efficiency of
the process (Stefanowicz et al., 1997). The in-
sponge types of ZVI were used (Fig. 4).
tense and continuous motion of ZVI provided
In addition, the mineralogical phase AsCu3
the maximum contact of copper ions with the
was detected, in the case of using the sponge
iron surface. Thus, high efficiency of copper
ZVI type (Fig. 4). Excluding copper, arsenic
cementation was achieved in a shorter time.
was contained in the waste effluent with the
Moreover, the iron surface was continuously re-
highest concentration among the other cemented
newed through the mechanical friction created
metals and its recovery exceeded 95%, when the
(Stefanowicz et al., 1997), improving the effi-
sponge type of ZVI was used.
3.2 Effect of stirring rate
Cu cemented, %

The effect of the solution stirring rate on the re-
covery of copper was studied by applying dif- 60
ferent stirring rates on the laboratory shaking sponge
plate used for the cementation experiments. The 40
duration of these experiments was 30 min, while fillings
20% iron excess of sponge and fillings ZVI 20
types was used. The stirring rates of 0, 100 and 0 50 100 150 200 250
250 rpm were applied. Stirring rate, rpm
The fraction of cemented copper versus stir-
Figure 5: Cemented copper versus stirring rate for the
ring rate, for both sponge and fillings ZVI types, sponge and fillings ZVI types used. Experimental condi-
is presented in Figure 5. According to Figure 5, tions: pH=0.43, time=30min, iron excess=20%.
3rd AMIREG International Conference (2009): Assessing the Footprint of 141
Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, Athens, Greece

70 cover the contained copper, by using iron as

cementing agent. The process is easily applied
Metals recovery, %

60 Cu
and may be cost-effective, taking into account
50 that iron scrap or by-products can be used as
Bi cementing agents. A compromise of the main
40 Sb process operating parameters can achieve nearly
30 Pb total copper recovery from the waste effluents.
The specific surface area and the excess of
20 iron were proved as crucial parameters affecting
0,4 0,8 1,2 1,6 the rate of copper cementation. By using iron
pH with high specific surface area, copper cementa-
Figure 6: Recovery of metals versus pH for the fillings tion was completed after 60 min, under inter-
ZVI type. Experimental conditions: time=30min, iron ex- mediate conditions of solution stirring rate and
cess=20%, stirring rate=100rpm. pH.
Increase of the solution stirring rate shortens
ciency of the process.
the time of copper cementation and increases its
3.3 Effect of pH rate. Besides, the process is favored at solution
pH values between 0.8 and 1.2.
The effect of the solution pH on the efficiency
Except for copper, lead, arsenic, bismuth,
of copper cementation was investigated for the
and antimony contained in the waste effluent are
pH vales of 0.43, 0.79, 1.18 and 1.57. In this
also cemented on iron. Copper was cemented as
experimental series, cementation time, excess of
pure metal, as well as cupric and cuprous ox-
iron and stirring rate were maintained at 30 min,
ides, while it also co-deposits with arsenic. The
20% and 100 rpm, respectively. The fillings
cemented copper, along with the other cemented
type of ZVI was only used in this experimental
metals, can be recycled into the smelting stage
series, taking into account that it is a by-product
of the primary copper pyrometallurgical plant.
generated in the process of cast iron gritting and
thus, is cheaper than iron sponge.
According to Figure 6, cementation process REFERENCES
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